Friday, February 18, 2011

current plans for after graduation.

-catch up on sleep from the entire semester
-get a tan
-cup pictures, cup pictures, cup pictures (goes along with the above)
-maybe learn how to play my harmonica if i'm patient enough
-go to some garage sales
-responsiblities: work and radio
-see jamie and baby marley
-maybe eds will want to do some archery

something new.

(no subject)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Be open and honest about your feelings toward others today, Sagittarius. Your receptive nature should be ready. Take a break and let others come to you. Unexpected events may pop out of nowhere. Opportunities for new growth in love and romance are definitely at your fingertips as long as you're ready to receive them. Don't try to force the issue if the time and place aren't right. Let it flow.

MSN Astrology

...let it be, let it be.

it's been f o r e v e r and a day.

recently i'm:
-obsessed with the avett brothers
-oober busy
-slacking in school
-so white