Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sagittarius - May. 25, 2010

You could be wondering why everyone has to be so serious and emotional all of a sudden. You're likely to be feeling this way, too. Take this as a reminder that there are many different walks of life and not all of them necessarily intersect your path. Those forces are apt to make themselves known in quite a traumatic fashion today. Prepare to defend yourself and your motives, Sagittarius.

MSN Astrology

three sheets to the wind.

...a good show, definitely an ideal job to travel around the world drinking with people.
click: three sheets.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

woods and water (1)

...my pop's column he used to write for when i was a youngin'.

[click to enlarge and read]

Sunday, May 16, 2010

sunday the sixteenth.

Sagittarius - May. 16, 2010

Today you're unstoppable! You're a very hard worker by nature, and with the current planetary alignment you'll be able to accomplish even more than usual. You have an abundance of energy, more than enough to handle everything that comes your way. Just be sure to use your usual good judgment. Rash decisions, especially those concerning your personal life, could lead to regret later.

MSN Astrology
...good to know.

so, other than work, most the day was spent solo, as usual, lately.
cross stuff off the to do list, lay at the pool, work, purps.

i was trying to think of something to say about the day...like something significant that happened, or something funny, or unusual, but no, nothing.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Sagittarius - May. 14, 2010

Sometimes dreams seem like just that - dreams. Travel, a project, or a new home could be a few of the things you've been trying to accomplish for some time now. Making any one of these dreams come true possibly means jeopardizing relationships. Your dreams could seem particularly unattainable today. Perhaps you must first do some work on your relationships before you can realize your dreams.

MSN Astrology


click: lei.

click: mooola.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

i love p.c. (18)

...these are all suuuper old one's people sent me when i first moved here:

from a named never once mentioned on the blog: scotty too hotty, an old okinawa friend. these days scott is living in texass, and, he, too, used to live in the house that i'm living in now. ahaha.

this is from my dear (crazy)uchina tomododachi, yasumasa sawashi.

a coaster postcard from craigery, cali.

"original postcard", handmade by craig.

okinawa, craig. (there was a random sticky spot on the corner...so i covered it with a paper.)

shuri castle in okinawa, craig-chan.

i love p.c. (17)

after all these years, my sister FINALLY sent me a postcard. :)
a coaster from a bar where she works (i think)
thanks sheeeeeeshter.

p.p., lucky always traveling!

p.p...i thinky?

this is where we usually are.
p.p.'s work let's her travel!

p.p., why, thank you.

i'm ready, cheeee.
i like it.
click: trippy.

Monday, May 10, 2010

you say it best.

...when you say nothing at all.


so, at our little "shift meeting" we have before we start the shift at work, my manager jokingly (kind of) told us to check each other's noses for hana kuso (booooogers).
why you ask?
well, just a couple of days ago we got a written complaint talking about easter lunch when their server (a female) supposedly a booger in their nose or something...
hahahaha, but wtf.
i was indeed working, so was carol, so was yuko, idk. hahahah.
why would you was like almost a month to complain anyway?


throw back h.s. time: brick.


Sagittarius - May. 10, 2010

For you, Sagittarius, love is like an adventure, crazy sport, or some sort of video arcade game. Lately, you may have been too caught up in the fantasy aspect of it without taking into account the practical nature and nitty-gritty of what it takes to keep a relationship afloat. You might need to take a more realistic view of it now. Be more sensitive to your emotions and honor them accordingly.

MSN Astrology

... ...

my stomach doesn't feel so well, and it's not something i ate.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

mi mami.

she used to make us green eggs and ham on st.patrick's day.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

and pau.

spring semester is out the window.

click: small time blues.
i just like the way it sounds.

Friday, May 7, 2010


one paper down....one to go....

Thursday, May 6, 2010

tantalus and tantrums.

Sagittarius - May. 6, 2010

Today is excellent for just letting your intuition guide you, Sagittarius. If you have time, you might want to let your mind go and follow the train of thought wherever it takes you. You could find something out about yourself of which you unaware, something just waiting to be noticed. Remember, your desires are fantasies before they become realties, so dream a little.

MSN Astrology

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


we got donuts, chatted, and finished early. the last day of class is always bittersweet (unless of course it's a class you reallly hate). it's sad to say bye to classmates and teachers i've become close to.
on the bright side, just two more papers,
and pau.

i can feel the sun on my face already...and "mr.sun, sun, mr.gold sun" song just popped into my head. hum...

Sagittarius - May. 5, 2010

In some ways, you may feel like a lost soul who isn't quite in touch with your dreams, Sagittarius. Although you feel energetic and boisterous, you might also get the sense that your energy is misdirected and you're being led in the wrong direction. The key for you now is to lead yourself. Cut through everyone else's agenda and follow your internal rainbow. The more you take charge, the happier you'll be.

MSN Astrology

Sunday, May 2, 2010


just finishing up the last stretch of my quadruple...basically, working four shifts in a row: night, double (day and night), night, day.
it's really not that bad, just turning on "work mode".

my summer starts in about four days. my summer plan for the summer so far just includes having a baby shower for j.bell my cousin coming to visit. i definitely need to get things taken care of with the bug...either get it fixed up or something i don't want to mention. other than that, i want to get outdoors more and i should work a little more since i'll have the time. paying bills is good.

will i ever start exercising?
doubtful, but maybe.

click: soliders singing and dancing in lady gaga video.