Wednesday, March 30, 2011

< 3 / peace \ love

[photos by: sweet d]

i don't miss him.

...i just miss who i thought he was.

looking forward to the future.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Your physical energy is strong. Your desire for passion and love is intense, Sagittarius. Combine these two forces for a passionate night of love and romance. No one will be able to resist your power. The key now is to make sure that you aren't giving yourself away to someone who's unworthy of your love. Match yourself with a person who appreciates you for the amazing person you are.

MSN Astrology

...uh huh.

AND in a matter of an hour and a internship will be O V E R!
i will finally get to have a couple days off during the week now...yay!

i should get back into my blogging days. i think it really helped me to "vent". so, maybe i'll start blogging more, granted i can't drag myself out of bed. i've been spending way too much time in bed. i blame in on the dread of the usual day (school, interning and work)...but it will get better soon, i'm sure of it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


March 13, 2011

You may be obsessed with finding your true purpose in life, Sagittarius. Although you may not like to admit it, this could occupy your thoughts a lot. Try not to be so stressed about it. Realize that knowing your true purpose can take many years, even a lifetime, of careful thought and observation. Try to focus on enjoying more of the daily moments. You may just stumble onto the answer you seek.

MSN Astrology