Tuesday, September 29, 2009


please pay first.

(this is a gas pump)

Monday, September 28, 2009

nobody said it was easy.

...no one ever said it would be this hard.
click: the scientist.
an oldy, but goody. i lovey.
(an avril lavinge version. )

interviewing lots of okinawan people and attending the okinawan dance class at uh (which i want to take!) really made me "home" sick. ...if that is what i am referring to as "my home" since i really ain't got one.
i want to go back. i miss "the good 'ol days" :\

and the more days that pass, the more memories which are lost. i think it's time to start writing down my okinawa memoires.(something my ma has been telling me to do for years now)

and looking back of course there's so many more things i wish i would have done, places i should have gone, etc. while i was there. i must go back.

minor in japanese...??

when i lived in okinawa sometimes local people would think/say i look like avril lavinge. ha. its really only because white girls are few and far between.

i have a sudden bad cold. it sucks:
no more making out with randoms. (just kidding, i'm pretty sure it's not what my cold is from)

[technically tuesday]

Sagittarius - September 29, 2009

If you are still using the old shovel and rake out in the fields, now is the time to upgrade, dear Sagittarius. Get that big piece of machinery that will plow all the acres in no time. In a nutshell, think about ways in which you can be more efficient. Feel free to invest in those things that will help make your life easier and more comfortable. Most likely, the natural flow of the day will take you to exactly where you need to go.

MNS Astrology

...does this mean go with the new car?!


one of my favorite things about fall is that at starbucks they get pumpkin spiced lattes and frappacinos. today a got a p.s.'d latte, was all stoked, took a sip and then realized i can't taste anything since i'm sick.

i was riding to school on the bus today (which is actually not that bad these days and actually pretty interesting) and then a lovey-dovey couple sat right in front of me whispering and snuggling and shit.
i remember when i was cold.
now i just have a cold.

saw the elvis-dress-up guy again on the bus today. it was strange because although it was the same bus (3), it was at a different time than the last. also i was pretty much standing right in front of him today. saw that his black hair is like spray-powdered in or something.

and the asian kid next to elvis is passed out.

i've brought my headphones with me on the bus for two days and finally pulled them out towards the end of the day. i untangled them and then realized sweet little olive had chewed off the end with the plug.

failed my math exam with flying colors. and have a whole paper to write by tomorrow (i think i can put off until the early afternoon).

on a better note: the bug should be running fine and dandy. we will find out tomororw.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

suddendly sunday.

Sagittarius - September 27, 2009

Today may start out being a very frustrating day, dear Sagittarius. Be prepared! Some equipment with which you work might suddenly go out of order, and it could take a while to get it fixed. A temporary separation from a romantic partner could also be disappointing. You may have a lot of physical energy for which you have little immediate outlet. Take a long walk. This could not only provide an energy outlet, but clear your head as well.

MSN Astrology


i think it's best just to keep to myself for a while, as much as possible anyway.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

stuck on the side of the road on saturday.


so i decided to change purses but my wallet would not fit in this smaller spanish-style one made in equador. instead of the big wallet i took a little coin purse only bringing along necessities: i.d., insurance card, check card and j.rak's AAA card.
somehow, just somehow, i knew to bring the AAA card.

woke up early to interview a lady for journalism but the bug stopped working just as i was going to exit the freeway. luckly i was able to use j.rak's free tow.

got home.
got two-twetny-five in quarters and took the bus back to town but besides being like twenty minutes late, the ride took foreverrr because there was a parade which meant lots of traffic and people. so i was late for work, but when i got there they said i no need work, and i didn't feel like working anyway, so i left. since i didn't work and didn't have any cash, i borrowed $2.25 from tone and took the bus back home. got about half a books reading in today, enjoyed the day as much as possible upon the circumstances.

thought long and hard about getting something more dependable.

at least i cancelled all kine meetings, plans, etc. i had for the rest of the day.

well, besides the meeting with mary.

went to sleep early.

Friday, September 25, 2009

article two.

on the college section of myad.
click: something to talk about.

free on friday.

three bottles of wine and then some during girl's night is most definitely the reason i woke up an hour late for work today and no longer need to go in.
eh, i need a break anyway.

i'm pretty sure last night was the first time i was ever making out outside of a bar with a random i met inside.
oh wait, second time.

peter, paul and mary. mary just passed away sept 16. click: ny times.
click: blowin' in the wind.

Sagittarius - September 25, 2009

You may feel as if your powerful emotions are getting in the way of your dreams, dear Sagittarius. Or perhaps you are finding that you are so wrapped up in a particular vision of the future that you are getting lost in your own mind. You are losing touch with the present simply because you are so focused on a nebulous idea that does not even exist yet. Take a giant step back from your current mindset, and reevaluate the situation at hand.

MSN Astrology


Thursday, September 24, 2009

420th blog post.

went to yardhouse, darren and i.
i drank a yard of cider,
he had two pints...(of beer)

the bug is back in action. and actually running better than before. :]

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


took the bus all over today, except home. domo n.cabizzle. i think he thinks i'm weird.

saw a man on the bus who had an elvis looking head (hair, face, glasses, etc.) he was even wearing black 50ish looking clothes. i don't know if he was an elvis impersonator or just someone who likes dressing like elvis.

i'm hanging out with darren,
i don't know what i'm wearin'.
(...not that i'm carin'.)

Sagittarius - September 22, 2009

You have a kind of creativity that knows no bounds today, dear Sagittarius, and a kind of originality that knows no limits. How are you going to go about expressing this rich creativity that is so abundant inside of you? If your environment doesn't allow you to express this creativity, change environments and try to make a new reality for yourself. This is the only way you will be able to use this incredible energy productively.

MSN Astrology

...mos def.

cooking with court: casserole.

since we are trying to eat more healthy and not waste so much money on eating out, dab and i are starting to cook. (she mostly, i learn)

according to wikipedia, cooking casseroles was especially popular during the 1950's although around since the early 18th century (18th century is 1701-1800).

all the veggies we used except the broccoli came from the farmer's market.

-chicken (we used already baked kine. either already baked or not already baked is fine, but less cook time if food is already cooked.)
-cream of mushroom soup

-chop veggies. boil veggies beforehand (fo mo easy way)
-sautee mushrooms (and onion, if like)
-follow instructions on stuffing to make
-boil cream of mushroom soup and 3/4 can water
-in the casserole dish, layer the all ingredients: meat, stuffing, veggies. "broc on top"
-pour cream of mushroom over casserole
-sprinkly with cheese
- cook until cheese melts or desire temp (since it's basically already cooked)

we used two 9x5 pans. froze one for later. we're smart ladies ladat.

Monday, September 21, 2009

i <3 postcards...(IX)

arizona, from a golden friend: tiffany

from j.rak, "mmm...california..beautiful..." (ya know, like lloyd says at the beginning of dumb and dumber)

SoCal, j.rizzle.

vegas from p.p. and j.rak

same as above :)

i muse on monday.

Sagittarius - September 21, 2009

Your curiosity and creative energies may be stimulated today by information that you receive from books, TV documentaries, or conversations with people who are familiar with the field you're exploring. As a result, dear Sagittarius, you could come up with an innovative new project that could keep you and some colleagues busy for a long time. But don't worry; this enterprise should be full of surprises and therefore anything but tedious. Roll up your sleeves, and get to work!

MSN Astrology

...imma jump right in.


the day:

bug is not working.

accomplished small tasks around the house and felt good about it.

decided to start a new post section called: cooking with courtney.
learning how to cook kind of makes me feel like i'm growing up.

went to work.

cruised at the seawall for a minute.

first article publication.

it's in the school newspaper.
i know it's not the most exciting thing to read about...but i'm kind of excited :)

click: Japanese students prepare for proficiency exam.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Sagittarius - September 20, 2009

The motives of a colleague might seem rather sinister today, dear Sagittarius. This person has a definite agenda of their own that might not give any consideration to the needs or feelings of anyone who could conceivably stand in their way. This person is not to be trusted. Don't make excuses for them. The best course of action at this time is just to stay out of the way. That's the only way to protect yourself on all levels

MSN Astrology

...i will keep my eyes peeled.


quick update:

ics class is pau.

bbq at sandy's before work.


got a "happy fall" box in the mail from my mama. she sent me some fallish placemats, napkin holders and fallish-colored candle. see where i get it from?

i haven't been napping so much lately, and i'm okay with that.

i can't believe it's almost october. i love decorating for halloween. i usually do it too early because i'm too excited. we'll see what the roomie agrees with.
am i really going to be tinkerbell for halloween? omg.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

sweetness, sunset and saturday.

took off work tonight.

went to a wedding reception at a "phat" house on the beach. it had a dope reggae band and an amazing view with a beautiful sunset. oh yah, boose and food, too.

although i didn't know the couple very well, the speeches made me get a little teary-eyed. they just seemed really happy.
sept 19- "jen and eddie day"

came home around 10 p.m. to be lame and pass out. woke up around 2 a.m. and felt quite awake so i decided to stay up and play pretty much the only song i play on the guitar these days (i need to work on that) while singing along with my raspy voice (quietly...but still hoping you would somehow hear it over the boom boom pow).

almos pau with my online class. two more exams which i will fi-ne tomorrow.

Friday, September 18, 2009

it's friday night and i feel alright.

...-montell jordan


wasn't feeling too hot on the boat. or acutally, i was feeling too hot on the boat and bloated. eww.

it was nice to come home to a homecooked meal and relax on an evening where i don't have to go to work.
driving to work in the evening sucks...i always just want to keep driving and never go back (to work, that is).

some h.w., and now a bbq?
i really wanted to do more school work online, but i obviously need a password since it's not letting me in...and so i'm waiting for a reply email from my teacher.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

time will tell.

...about pretty much everything.

Sagittarius - September 17, 2009

A project initiated by a group with which you're affiliated could keep you very busy today, dear Sagittarius. You might have to spend a lot of time on the phone, or running around in the car to Sagittariusries, bookstores, etc., obtaining information. A close friend or love partner might choose to accompany you. You're likely to be feeling very strong about whatever you're doing so expect a gratifying day. Spend the evening with someone close to you.

MSN Astrology

...la la la.

i don't know why but my ex i don't even talk to just sent this in a message to me.
maybe it was mass, maybe not, but i'm diggin' it either way i'm just gonna pass it on it to you.

you eXspecially.

click: static waves.

digital recorder lessons learned.

-it's always better to have one than to not have one.

-no need to erase anything at the moment because you may accidentally end up easing everything (as did i).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

perks to having a digital recorder.

-the obvious, for interviews it helps so much.

-cutting down the notetaking in general.

-can take notes while walking, driving...even working if you wanted to.

-i can record myself and see how i sound saying something before i say it. then maybe i won't say as many stupid things?

-time/date automatic.

-can hear how i really mean to say something.

-recording people, duh.

-can hit on guys with interview questions (just kidding...) but if i did i couldn't forget their name because i'll have it recorded and probably need their email address just in case, as well. ;)

-if i hear a song i really like, record.

-you never know when you will need one.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


late last night (early ass in the morning actually) when i went to sleep, it was perhaps the best my bed had felt in a while. i had been taking sleep for granted.

i've been playing with my recorder all night. watch what you say around me...

click: by yourself. (find the song title and click it.)

got 49/50 on my math exam. chee hee. we've moved on from logic to something else i can't even remember the name of and now i'm confused again.

i've been having some crazy dreams i can't really remember much of. small (scary) blurps of them just pop in my head sometimes throughout the day.

Monday, September 14, 2009

i'mma do me; i'mma do d.

Sagittarius - September 14, 2009

Dear Sagittarius, visitors in your home might include partners in business activities, or members of a group with which you're affiliated, or creative people with great ideas. Therefore, you're likely to enjoy some intense discussions today and a lot of intriguing exchanges of information. Love and romance should also go well, particularly since you're feeling particularly enthusiastic about life. Take the time to share your dreams with your guests. They might have some good ideas for making them a reality.

MSN Astrology



what was today? monday? it was a long one.

had (and still have) small sliver(s) of glass on the bottom of my foot. don't really know where it came from, just started feeling it on my about-one-mile walk from where i park to campus.
tried getting it out but cannot.

did four interviews today. i wasn't stoked on the outcomes since i didn't have a recorder, i wasn't able to get as good of notes.
live and learn; i'm buying one tomorrow.
met with editor. feeling like jishin ga nai yo and i have a lot of work to do. you know how in movies editors rip up your papers and stuff? of course he didn't do that, but he did write all over it and it feels like that.
live and learn; that's why i'm going to school and well, quite frankly, that's just something i'm going to have to get used to.

i'd say i'm about medium-high on the amount of stress level at the moment. mostly about school, but i once i pound out a couple of things, hopefully sometime next week i should be feeling better.

was happy to see some more old oki kids at my work today. second day in a row.

b-saucy was giving me the "play-by-play" on my "game" with some customer at work tonight. i think he was making fun of me.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


...(it's september 13,and cecenator likes s13's...)
cecenator, happy bassssday, ne?!

homework and tending to house chores today before work and things on the mind. what's new?

click: this is real.


work recap:
some customer made me a flower out of chopstick wrappers and his friends made me feel obligated to wear it. it was a nice flower.
the same customer and his friends were later trying to talk me into joining the national guard. it honestly doesn't seem that bad.

i have to meet with five different people tomorrow at school and then close at work. pheeeew, better brace myself.

now i just need to stop my imagination from running so wild so i can get some sleep.

oyasuminasai, world.

and another one bites the dust.

...desho, j.rak?

drinking = blah.
my pants are fitting snugger, and according to angie i'm "getting my butt back." hum.

click: it ain't me babe.


once again: you will love this song.


thought about it a lot at work and decided i'm going to quit drinking for a while (starting now). it just feels gross at the moment and i have a food baby that's not going away.

didn't like anything about work tonight.

the moon the on the drive home tonight was nice. it looked perfect to sit upon (if such were possible) like a slightly tilted smiled of big white chompers.

c.bebe was just talking about slap-bracelets the other night. and i found one today while cleaning up at work. it's sweet, except for the fact that it's animal print.

Friday, September 11, 2009

let's put another shrimp on the barbie.

did end up hanging out with c.bebe on wednesday. not sure what to make of it yet. i think he likes the idea of me, but i don't know if he actually likes the real me.

bbq'in (shrimp) at bsaucy's, chee hee.
pretty sure i did decent on the math exam. i studied a lot, and even helped other kids before class. :)

typical bar scene with lots of lame-o's.

paybacks a mofo.

j and big chris plotted and scared me since i'm always scaring them.
watch the whole things, it's f'in hilarioius.
click: girl get scare pranked sweetd

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


catching up on life:
i never did make it to the okinawa festival :( but i did get a little piece of it in the form an an oishi andagi (okinawan dounut) that b-saucy gave to me :)

i did indeedy end make it to the savers sale on labor day. i arrived a little after 6:30 a.m. assuming i was going to be the only loser sitting in the parking lot, but no, i was about thirtieth in line! got a l ot of little boys t's and a really gnarly canteen. exactly what i had been needing for hinking. (now i need to ge hiking again) anyway, after a very long monday it finally ended when tuesday came around (duh).

finally got a haircut this morning. the beautician thought i was seventeen years old. wow.
she also said my hair was, "not hair anymore. it's string." mostly just the bottom since i had been at least half a year since i last had it trimmed, and it's all good now.

called up my pops today. we don't really chat very often since i mostly just talk with my mom and she fills him in...but anway, i called my dad today and found out he used to write for a newspaper for about a year when i was a few years old. he was in the military and wanted to write articles for magazines and just send them in and make money. he took a writing class (my dad isn't much of a books kind of guy; he types with two fingers...), and the teacher submitted all of the students writings to the paper. the only one they published was my dad's article and they decided they wanted to give him his own column! "woods and water" is what it was called and it covered areas such as hunting and fishing. i'm impressed.
he said his teacher told them to write many articles and send them out lots and lots of magazines because often they are denied. he said he sent one article to one place and got a "thanks but no thanks" kine letter back and he gave up. well, maybe not gave up, but moved on. he often starts new hobbies and gets into different things; i kind of think it was just one of those things.

p90x...haven't even thought about it, let alone done it (yet...)

i feel like all i've been doing is school; it's pretty much a constant.

was supposed to work tonight but gave up my shift because i needed a break, and to do some more school work.

i'm contemplating going to a bar to meet some dude i met a while back. he always invites me to crusie, but i always decline. i looked up our compatability: out-look no so good. ...not that i'm basing decision on that, just saying...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

i <3 postcards...(IX)

this one is actually addressed to olive, from the whitesided dolphin, klamath, ca. (and paul bunyan, chee hee)

l.a., from an old h.s. friend, ryan. (lives where the pen mark is pointing on the left)

fargo, north dakota, from my mama. :)

california, from the queen of kings. miss you!


Sagittarius - September 6, 2009

Scarves are out, cleavage is in! Sensible shoes and practical clothes get the boot in favor of stiletto heels and sensuous fabrics. Your passion and sense of romance is at an all-time high, dear Sagittarius, so you might as well take advantage of it for all it's worth. You can expect to reap a tremendous payoff as a result of the extra efforts you have been making with your appearance.

MSN Astrology

...complete b.s. (in my opinion)


i think it's about time i change shampoo and conditioner...everytime i get a good whiff of my hair, it reminds me of o.d. since he uses the same one. besides, it's healthy for your hair to change up your shampoo and conditoner every few months or so (or so i hear).

seriously spent most of the day on math homework.
and i didn't even finish it.
and it's only math 100.
and i'm an idiot.

and off to work.


although i wasn't anymore primped up than usual(like my horoscope stated), for some reason today all of my tables absolutely loved me. even got invited to salsa dancing...!?
was a busy labor day weekend evening.

it's almost 4 a.m. and i plan to be to savers by 7 a.m. for the fifty-percent-off-everything sale.

there was a crazy huge ring around the moon tonight...not like one i've ever seen before. usually the rings are small and supposedly means it's going to rain (from what my mom has always told me).
here's what it was: lunar halo.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

sat ur day

got at least the front paws of olive cut. she gets nuts. i have to put a sock over he head and wrap her in a towel and somehow i still have a couple of new scratches. to declaw or not to declaw? that is the question.

okinawa fest this weekend. i think i'm gonna try and go ashita yo. tanoshimi ni shiteimasu. shyashin toruyo.


work: another day, another dollar.

d.a.b. moved in today :)

we are going out with a bang between now and through sunday...then monday we are going to get on our shit. ya know...the usual, eating at home, working out, etc. for real this time....

ah...a nice cold one after work.

Friday, September 4, 2009

friday the fourth.

it's feeling a little chilly in the mornings these days, like fall; i like fall.


was a nice day out on the water.

been picking up all the change i've been finding lately...found maybe about a dollars worth today.

i just started the first load of dishes. i wore one of those blue medical masks over my face. somehow i let it get this bad...and i have a dishwasher.

Photo by: Sweet D
olive. the chair. the window.

the high school across the street's band is playing; olive likes listening.

this is no shit:
i just took a shower and pondered about what shirt to put on. i decided on this old shirt i got from a flea market in okinawa for a couple hundred yen. the front it red with a semi-truck and says "trucking INC.", the sleeves have big pink hearts on a white background and there is blue trim. i should just take a picture.
anyway, as i was finishing up getting dressed some reggae song on the radio came on repeating over and over, "keep trucking along...".

Thursday, September 3, 2009


i still didn't do my dishes yet...definitely tonight. i've just been completely avoiding the downstairs area. i was going to get rubber gloves from work last night but i forgot. aye.

randomly painted my nails this morning...black. i can't even remember the last time i painted my nails. and it's funny because back around eigth grade or so i always used to paint my nail back, like, i felt weird if they weren't painted black. and then i eventually grew out of it. so now they're short, black and cute, but only staying max two days.


of the four people i know that i ran into today at kcc, two of them were on crutches for the same thing, an acl related injury. weird.
also realized i know a woman in my math class i met at a bbq as well.

besides finally picking up some resistance bands for p90x (which i didn't even start yet...but j.rak has! jraksweetd.blogspot.com )
i didn't do anything the rest of the night; still not the dishes.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

wasting wednesday.

click: come around.
tribal seeds. ;)

it's noon. i'm listening to the reggage cafe on the radio and spent half the morning in bed.
i deserve a little rest. besides, i don't even have my usual wednesday off this week; i'm working tonight and maybe most wednesdays from now on. not too sure, but not too concerned about it either way either.

d.a.b. is moving in friday. cheee heee. beach, buzzes and biscuits.


went to an entrepenuers club meeting today at school before work. not really sure if i'm going to join. i honestly don't think i want to make the commitment and/or have time to to make the commitment. but i'm stil deciding.

work was aight.

watched the clouds roll across the full moon with b-saucy and big chris afta pau hana.
click: all i know.

the two were giving me shit because i eat creamy peanut butter and not crunchy. it's just that that's what i always ate as a kid...so thats what i buy. i only had my first crunchy peanut butter experience on kuliouou ridge hike with neesh last month. not bad.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

tiresome tuesday.

went to school early to work on an assignment.

i hate math. it's like the third day of class and i'm already feeling confused. faaak.

didn't start p90x...didn't even get the equiptment for it. at least j.rak did. i'll get to it...

i feel like a nerdy school girl, it's seriously all i do nowdays it seems. i guess i don't mind, i see some biscuits at school every now and then.
thought i saw o.d. at school for a second and felt my heart skip a beat...but of course he wouldn't be there, and it was only someone who looked like him. same hair and everything, but the o.d.-look-alike is more thicky thicky thick.