Sunday, May 2, 2010


just finishing up the last stretch of my quadruple...basically, working four shifts in a row: night, double (day and night), night, day.
it's really not that bad, just turning on "work mode".

my summer starts in about four days. my summer plan for the summer so far just includes having a baby shower for j.bell my cousin coming to visit. i definitely need to get things taken care of with the bug...either get it fixed up or something i don't want to mention. other than that, i want to get outdoors more and i should work a little more since i'll have the time. paying bills is good.

will i ever start exercising?
doubtful, but maybe.

click: soliders singing and dancing in lady gaga video.

1 comment:

  1. hello my dear. I'm back (maybe). I saw that video too...made me smile :)
