spent my friday night making friendship bracelets and drinking way too many beers at home; it was a good time.
Sagittarius - May 30, 2009
Today is one of those days when you have a terrific opportunity to break free from the normal rhetoric of everyday life, dear Sagittarius. Don't feel badly if you don't know exactly which way to go. Follow your gut feeling, and whichever way you decide to go is probably the right one. Your forceful, erratic approach may actually be the perfect method for getting exactly where you need to go.
MSN Astrology
...yes, yes...
click: lua.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
once again...
...got pulled over on the way home (for the second time this week) for having an expired safety check... i was strait up with the dude and he let me go. i think it's time to get it taken care of. tomorrow morning.
i was having some issues deciding on a permanent nickname for j.park:
j.park? p.p.? jurassic?
the final decision came today when i was driving to work: p.p. it is. the word of the day on island 98.5 was "panty"...and since p.p. stands for "panty park"...i felt like it was a sign.
Sagittarius - May 29, 2009
Yes, it is your turn, dear Sagittarius, so step up to the plate and take the initiative. Don't waste your time anymore waiting for someone else to take the lead. If you don't like the way things are going in a current situation, stand up and demand change. You have a refreshing new outlook on things that is healing, and in some ways very revolutionary. Validate this point of view and promote it to the people around you.
MSN Astrology
...exactly, exactly, exactly.
bottom line: it's about whatever makes you (and i) happy...so i guess i'll just take it from here and see how it goes.
it's already 4am...have to be up in a few hours anyways so maybe i'll just stay awake...
mason jennings...you are my number one...
click: which way your heart will go.
i just realized i actually haven't listened to white daisy passing all day...until now.
not a bad day on the water. didn't see any jumping fish today :(
did turn in the bug for a safety check this morning...but don't think i'll be getting it back anytime today so it looks like i'll be spending the evening at home. i should head to the gym...
swine flue: according to knon2, hawaii has the highest per-capita cases. (82 total, but all recovered or recovering, so far)
i was having some issues deciding on a permanent nickname for j.park:
j.park? p.p.? jurassic?
the final decision came today when i was driving to work: p.p. it is. the word of the day on island 98.5 was "panty"...and since p.p. stands for "panty park"...i felt like it was a sign.
Sagittarius - May 29, 2009
Yes, it is your turn, dear Sagittarius, so step up to the plate and take the initiative. Don't waste your time anymore waiting for someone else to take the lead. If you don't like the way things are going in a current situation, stand up and demand change. You have a refreshing new outlook on things that is healing, and in some ways very revolutionary. Validate this point of view and promote it to the people around you.
MSN Astrology
...exactly, exactly, exactly.
bottom line: it's about whatever makes you (and i) happy...so i guess i'll just take it from here and see how it goes.
it's already 4am...have to be up in a few hours anyways so maybe i'll just stay awake...
mason jennings...you are my number one...
click: which way your heart will go.
i just realized i actually haven't listened to white daisy passing all day...until now.
not a bad day on the water. didn't see any jumping fish today :(
did turn in the bug for a safety check this morning...but don't think i'll be getting it back anytime today so it looks like i'll be spending the evening at home. i should head to the gym...
swine flue: according to knon2, hawaii has the highest per-capita cases. (82 total, but all recovered or recovering, so far)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
the wonder years.
best show ever.
found the episode with miss diane white. (had blogged about this a while ago: here.)
click: part one.
click: part two.
click: part three.
found the episode with miss diane white. (had blogged about this a while ago: here.)
click: part one.
click: part two.
click: part three.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
found it.
here's the wonder years clip where winnie cooper is wearing the same dress my mom wore to prom.
(we still have it btw)
click: the dance.

we also still have this dress. i actually wore this one (minus the shaw) to my ninth grade homecoming dance.
and yes, i know, my dad's tux looks like harry's from dumb and dumber.
(we still have it btw)
click: the dance.
we also still have this dress. i actually wore this one (minus the shaw) to my ninth grade homecoming dance.
and yes, i know, my dad's tux looks like harry's from dumb and dumber.

marriage/family vs. career
so...i was just watching some tyra banks (yes, i know, i can't stand her myself, but the subject was interesting even though every comment tyra made was ridiculous.)
anyways, there was like six women: three that were all gun-ho about being housewives and popping babies and the other half were happy being single women who focues on theirselves and their careers rather than having a family.
one woman who calls herself "the epoitome of a 50's house wife" thinks that the role of women is to stay home and take care of the household and family.
a single mother on the opposite side was completely disgusted by her mentality.
a marriage-obbsessed 36-year-old single decided that if she was not married by the time she was fourty she was going to get in-vitro.
i guess i'm rather neutral on the subject although i would say i most likely see myself getting married and having a family one day...as long as i meet the right person.
if not, i'd probably still want to have children whether it be through adoption, in-vitro, an accident, or just a friend doing me a favor.
i wouldn't mind staying home to take care of kids because it's better for them...but i wouldn't mind working either. working casually from home would be fairly ideal.
(i could always bring the babies with me in the ice cream truck...jk)
i definitely feel that because i had such a fun childhood and amazing parents that i would like to be like them someday...
i have friends who have f'd up parents and a f'd homelife so they have negative feelings towards marriage and such.
it makes sense i suppose.
anyways, there was like six women: three that were all gun-ho about being housewives and popping babies and the other half were happy being single women who focues on theirselves and their careers rather than having a family.
one woman who calls herself "the epoitome of a 50's house wife" thinks that the role of women is to stay home and take care of the household and family.
a single mother on the opposite side was completely disgusted by her mentality.
a marriage-obbsessed 36-year-old single decided that if she was not married by the time she was fourty she was going to get in-vitro.
i guess i'm rather neutral on the subject although i would say i most likely see myself getting married and having a family one day...as long as i meet the right person.
if not, i'd probably still want to have children whether it be through adoption, in-vitro, an accident, or just a friend doing me a favor.
i wouldn't mind staying home to take care of kids because it's better for them...but i wouldn't mind working either. working casually from home would be fairly ideal.
(i could always bring the babies with me in the ice cream truck...jk)
i definitely feel that because i had such a fun childhood and amazing parents that i would like to be like them someday...
i have friends who have f'd up parents and a f'd homelife so they have negative feelings towards marriage and such.
it makes sense i suppose.
fashion at a price.
thankfully i didn't retire my old pair of work shoes yet. i had this twenty-dollar pair of vans for two years. they stink, have a slick, worn sole with a bubble at the bottom, worn out heals and the toes are stuck upright like elf shoes...but they are comfortable and i now realize how much i love them.
i decided to finally get a new pair of work shoes because i "hated" my old pair...
anyways, i went to shoesforscrews.com to get a decent pair of work shoes. (safe, supportive, non-slick, etc.) i found a chuck taylor-looking pair...high top kine.
i bought them even though the comfort level given by customers had been a three out of five...because i really wanted the high tops!
the first day i wore them i luckly hair a pair of socks that were thick on the ankel (they were aiea bowl socks to be specific).
my ankels weren't getting rubbeb by the shoe, but i could tell just the stiffness of the shoe was sort of painful.
then next day at work i only had a short pair of socks. :(
my ankels were already bruised feeling from the day before and then got murdered as the shoe rubbed.
the next day i wore my old shoes.
i decided to finally get a new pair of work shoes because i "hated" my old pair...
anyways, i went to shoesforscrews.com to get a decent pair of work shoes. (safe, supportive, non-slick, etc.) i found a chuck taylor-looking pair...high top kine.
i bought them even though the comfort level given by customers had been a three out of five...because i really wanted the high tops!
the first day i wore them i luckly hair a pair of socks that were thick on the ankel (they were aiea bowl socks to be specific).
my ankels weren't getting rubbeb by the shoe, but i could tell just the stiffness of the shoe was sort of painful.
then next day at work i only had a short pair of socks. :(
my ankels were already bruised feeling from the day before and then got murdered as the shoe rubbed.
the next day i wore my old shoes.
mmm mmm おいしい。
used the teabags os got me from okinawa and made my most favorite drink in the entire world: sanpincha.
been pounding water and sanpin all day, cleansing the bod.
while cleaning and going through a bunch of thiiiings, i came across the video "endless summer '06".
it's a video my friends made of us in okinawa before i moved here.
it was the best summer i ever had.
care to one-up it?
used the teabags os got me from okinawa and made my most favorite drink in the entire world: sanpincha.
been pounding water and sanpin all day, cleansing the bod.
while cleaning and going through a bunch of thiiiings, i came across the video "endless summer '06".
it's a video my friends made of us in okinawa before i moved here.
it was the best summer i ever had.
care to one-up it?
it's not actually a wa-wa-wa day...it's good day, i'm off work.
after sleeping in until about 9 i picked up some things around the house, filled out an application for a parking garage attendant job and drank a lot of water.
Sagittarius - May 27, 2009
The day ahead may be a pleasant surprise for you, dear Sagittarius. There's no proof yet that you'll succeed, either at work or in the romance department, but it seems as though you are on the right track. You've been aching to rid yourself of the cloud of gloom that has reigned over the past few weeks. The slightest ray of optimism takes a huge weight off your low morale. Enjoy your bright, sunny disposition!
MSN Astrology
...i was feeling this way.
click: i love the rain the most ....when it stops.
i could use some vitamin d. (both the sun and o.d-d-d-d.
after sleeping in until about 9 i picked up some things around the house, filled out an application for a parking garage attendant job and drank a lot of water.
Sagittarius - May 27, 2009
The day ahead may be a pleasant surprise for you, dear Sagittarius. There's no proof yet that you'll succeed, either at work or in the romance department, but it seems as though you are on the right track. You've been aching to rid yourself of the cloud of gloom that has reigned over the past few weeks. The slightest ray of optimism takes a huge weight off your low morale. Enjoy your bright, sunny disposition!
MSN Astrology
...i was feeling this way.
click: i love the rain the most ....when it stops.
i could use some vitamin d. (both the sun and o.d-d-d-d.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
"ho bod"
according to dr.oz on oprah:
if your poop floats, that means you have more fat in it. (which is a good thing...to get rid of fat)
the more calicum you have in your diet, the more fat you burn.
fiber, fiber, fiber.
high blood pressure (as opposed to normal blood pressure) will strip ten years off one's life.
calicum and magensium suppliments are good for most people.
i should get some vitamins. i can pretty much only take flinstone's kine though because adult vitamins make me feel sick and i can taste it, ewww.
tomatoes: besides reducing your risk of cancer, it is also good for your skin, too, helping to reduce wrinkles.
stress and diets: oily fish helps to reduce your level of stress.
whatever even happen to me working on the "ho bod"?? i need some inspiration.
picked up a class schedule at the gym today...i'm making soooome effort.
if your poop floats, that means you have more fat in it. (which is a good thing...to get rid of fat)
the more calicum you have in your diet, the more fat you burn.
fiber, fiber, fiber.
high blood pressure (as opposed to normal blood pressure) will strip ten years off one's life.
calicum and magensium suppliments are good for most people.
i should get some vitamins. i can pretty much only take flinstone's kine though because adult vitamins make me feel sick and i can taste it, ewww.
tomatoes: besides reducing your risk of cancer, it is also good for your skin, too, helping to reduce wrinkles.
stress and diets: oily fish helps to reduce your level of stress.
whatever even happen to me working on the "ho bod"?? i need some inspiration.
picked up a class schedule at the gym today...i'm making soooome effort.
Sagittarius - May 26, 2009
Think things through today, dear Sagittarius, before saying or doing anything. With the energy that's occurring, it can be far easier for mistakes to be made and reactions to be in haste. You may find your patience level way down and frustration level to the roof on a day like today and it's important to take steps to ensure you don't say or do something that you'll be sorry for later. Take a deep breath or go for a short walk to help clear your head if need be.
MSN Astrology
...considering it's already 2am i'm working both jobs (and closing) today, i will definitely be keeping this in mind.
click: the freshman.
had a good day. ended up getting off early for BOTH jobs. woo woo. of course, staying and making money is always good, but....f it.
speant my time off in between jobs to nap and take pup to the park.
thank god i'm off tomorrow.
all day, all long.
Think things through today, dear Sagittarius, before saying or doing anything. With the energy that's occurring, it can be far easier for mistakes to be made and reactions to be in haste. You may find your patience level way down and frustration level to the roof on a day like today and it's important to take steps to ensure you don't say or do something that you'll be sorry for later. Take a deep breath or go for a short walk to help clear your head if need be.
MSN Astrology
...considering it's already 2am i'm working both jobs (and closing) today, i will definitely be keeping this in mind.
click: the freshman.
had a good day. ended up getting off early for BOTH jobs. woo woo. of course, staying and making money is always good, but....f it.
speant my time off in between jobs to nap and take pup to the park.
thank god i'm off tomorrow.
all day, all long.
Monday, May 25, 2009
d's songs.
click: diane.
click: jack and diane.
click: little diane. (click play in the black box on the right hand side)
click: dear diane.
click: diane.
click: jack and diane.
click: little diane. (click play in the black box on the right hand side)
click: dear diane.
click: diane.
Sagittarius - May 25, 2009
Today promises to be one of the most fortunate days you've had in a long time, dear Sagittarius. You could find yourself in just the right place at the right time to meet the right person - which could propel you in a specific direction you've been wanting to take! This is not really pure luck, however. Changes that have been going on within you have caused you to attract the breaks you deserve. Make the most of them!
MSN Astrology
...oh la la. who will i meet? someone at work, ka naaa?
i was watching cmt early this morning...click: just a dream.
click: i told you so.
i want one: vw thing.
final grades for term:
journalism: a
sign language: a
acting: b (...won't be quitting my day job...)
work, blah.
afta afta,
hung out with some oki kids before they head back to the dreary northwest.
got pulled over on the drive home because my safety check is expired.(has been since february). after giving him my licens and insurance, i told the cop i knew the safety was expired and that i just had some stuff i needed to get taken care of before the bug would pass... i was strait up, he let me go.
this all happen in about under a minute.
have a stomach ache.
i know exactly why.
today i had: peanute m&m's, ice cream, b.k., ice cream. (in that order) and drank some coke.
Today promises to be one of the most fortunate days you've had in a long time, dear Sagittarius. You could find yourself in just the right place at the right time to meet the right person - which could propel you in a specific direction you've been wanting to take! This is not really pure luck, however. Changes that have been going on within you have caused you to attract the breaks you deserve. Make the most of them!
MSN Astrology
...oh la la. who will i meet? someone at work, ka naaa?
i was watching cmt early this morning...click: just a dream.
click: i told you so.
i want one: vw thing.
final grades for term:
journalism: a
sign language: a
acting: b (...won't be quitting my day job...)
work, blah.
afta afta,
hung out with some oki kids before they head back to the dreary northwest.
got pulled over on the drive home because my safety check is expired.(has been since february). after giving him my licens and insurance, i told the cop i knew the safety was expired and that i just had some stuff i needed to get taken care of before the bug would pass... i was strait up, he let me go.
this all happen in about under a minute.
have a stomach ache.
i know exactly why.
today i had: peanute m&m's, ice cream, b.k., ice cream. (in that order) and drank some coke.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
slightly hanging sunday.
Sagittarius - May 24, 2009
The past several months were electrifying, to say the least. You had more energy than even you could handle, and it was a major challenge simply learning how to channel the flow. Today's planetary alignment should help orient you in an entirely new direction. Finally, you'll be able to stop flitting from one project to the next and instead focus your attention on long-term projects.
MSN Astrology
...i sure hope so. i need to get some things accomplished.
off to work.
The past several months were electrifying, to say the least. You had more energy than even you could handle, and it was a major challenge simply learning how to channel the flow. Today's planetary alignment should help orient you in an entirely new direction. Finally, you'll be able to stop flitting from one project to the next and instead focus your attention on long-term projects.
MSN Astrology
...i sure hope so. i need to get some things accomplished.
off to work.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
the way things are.
Sagittarius - May 23, 2009
You can expect to be pulled in all sorts of different directions today, dear Sagittarius. The best way to deal with this would be to step back a bit from the situation; otherwise you'll find it too stressful. This will put you in a better position to address a major decision that is coming up, one that makes better use of your individual potential. New, unexpected, prospects are coming into the picture right now.
MSN Astrology
...confusion, confusion, confusion. and prospects??
d.d.ing last night wasn't bad at all. had a lot of fun seeing a lot of old friends from okinawa who were in town even if the night was rather calm.
puked.inside a cup.at level 4. very classy.
i had a lot of vodka redbulls and a random beer and then a shot of vodka just didn't wanna stay down.
left the cup under the table. very sorry.
been spending the day/night with puppy. i rike puppy a rot.
saw a guy i met at the deaf community event out last night, so i got to use some sign.
also saw a guy whom i used to casually hang out with last night. we're both doing well, both dating elsepersons. and that was the end of that.
how in the hell am i still listneing to the white daisy passing song over and over and over??
i would say i have probably given about 200 hits on the youtube video. ok, maybe not that many, but still.
You can expect to be pulled in all sorts of different directions today, dear Sagittarius. The best way to deal with this would be to step back a bit from the situation; otherwise you'll find it too stressful. This will put you in a better position to address a major decision that is coming up, one that makes better use of your individual potential. New, unexpected, prospects are coming into the picture right now.
MSN Astrology
...confusion, confusion, confusion. and prospects??
d.d.ing last night wasn't bad at all. had a lot of fun seeing a lot of old friends from okinawa who were in town even if the night was rather calm.
puked.inside a cup.at level 4. very classy.
i had a lot of vodka redbulls and a random beer and then a shot of vodka just didn't wanna stay down.
left the cup under the table. very sorry.
been spending the day/night with puppy. i rike puppy a rot.
saw a guy i met at the deaf community event out last night, so i got to use some sign.
also saw a guy whom i used to casually hang out with last night. we're both doing well, both dating elsepersons. and that was the end of that.
how in the hell am i still listneing to the white daisy passing song over and over and over??
i would say i have probably given about 200 hits on the youtube video. ok, maybe not that many, but still.
Friday, May 22, 2009
you can't have your cake and eat it too.
click: hey ya.
loooove this version. (and this guy definitely has a beard.)
Sagittarius - May 22, 2009
You are likely to be heralded for your independent, unique nature, dear Sagittarius. Do not let this spirit die or become watered down by someone else's idea of who you should be or how you should act. There is a wonderfully lighthearted, upbeat spirit to the day that is encouraging you to go with the flow and just have a good time, regardless of whom you are with. These doctor's orders should not be hard to follow, so do not fight them; run with them.
MSN Astrology
...definitely going to be going with the flow tomorrow...gonna d.d. in the p.m. for os' birthday. i'm pretty much down for anything.
click: giving up.
keep your legs crossed.
saw no jumping fish at work. not my most lucky day. is seeing jumping fish lucky?
it's all down hill from here
...does that means it's good because going down hill is easy? or bad because you're going dowwwwwwwn??
so i guess one way or another it's going.
loooove this version. (and this guy definitely has a beard.)
Sagittarius - May 22, 2009
You are likely to be heralded for your independent, unique nature, dear Sagittarius. Do not let this spirit die or become watered down by someone else's idea of who you should be or how you should act. There is a wonderfully lighthearted, upbeat spirit to the day that is encouraging you to go with the flow and just have a good time, regardless of whom you are with. These doctor's orders should not be hard to follow, so do not fight them; run with them.
MSN Astrology
...definitely going to be going with the flow tomorrow...gonna d.d. in the p.m. for os' birthday. i'm pretty much down for anything.
click: giving up.
keep your legs crossed.
saw no jumping fish at work. not my most lucky day. is seeing jumping fish lucky?
it's all down hill from here
...does that means it's good because going down hill is easy? or bad because you're going dowwwwwwwn??
so i guess one way or another it's going.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sagittarius - May 21, 2009
Consider expanding your knowledge of spiritual subjects, dear Sagittarius. Without knowing things about the various avenues open for exploration, how can you make an educated choice? Some need the traditionalism of one type of church while others like the more open feel of other spiritual groups. See how you like different churches and spiritual communities and consider trying a new visit each week for a while. You might really love this experience.
MSN Astrology
speant all day at o.d.'s 'til i had to go to work. work wasn't bad, wasn't particularly amazing, either. made some money, which is always a good thing.
i pretty much think about getting a new job just about everyday, but i rarely actually act on it. i should try something new...sometime...
o.d. is going out of town for the weekend...so that means the puppy is mine! :)
Consider expanding your knowledge of spiritual subjects, dear Sagittarius. Without knowing things about the various avenues open for exploration, how can you make an educated choice? Some need the traditionalism of one type of church while others like the more open feel of other spiritual groups. See how you like different churches and spiritual communities and consider trying a new visit each week for a while. You might really love this experience.
MSN Astrology
speant all day at o.d.'s 'til i had to go to work. work wasn't bad, wasn't particularly amazing, either. made some money, which is always a good thing.
i pretty much think about getting a new job just about everyday, but i rarely actually act on it. i should try something new...sometime...
o.d. is going out of town for the weekend...so that means the puppy is mine! :)
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
got another candy bar i've never tried before called a big hunk.
"terrific cherwy nougat with peanuts".
according to the package you can try it two ways:
1. -place firmly in one hand
-then...smack your big hunk on a hard surface
-happily eat your bite-sized pieces
2. -place your big hunk in the microwave
-heat for approx. 5-10 seonds
-carefully wat your super soft chewy snack
i just tried number one...am not a fan, not enough to even try number two.
and why am i sampling candy bars on the "diet"? i'm asking myself the sammmmme question.
"terrific cherwy nougat with peanuts".
according to the package you can try it two ways:
1. -place firmly in one hand
-then...smack your big hunk on a hard surface
-happily eat your bite-sized pieces
2. -place your big hunk in the microwave
-heat for approx. 5-10 seonds
-carefully wat your super soft chewy snack
i just tried number one...am not a fan, not enough to even try number two.
and why am i sampling candy bars on the "diet"? i'm asking myself the sammmmme question.
water-ful wednesday.
...supposed to drink a lot of water and make it to the beach today, so thats why the subject is as such.
Sagittarius - May 20, 2009
Your mental powers are functioning at an extremely high level, dear Sagittarius, and you will find that your mental agility is setting the stage for a very productive day. You're quick with your words, and you are able to pull facts and information out of thin air in order to prove your point and get your pertinent message across in the most efficient manner possible. Speak with confidence, and be articulate. You will command the respect of everyone around you.
MSN Astrology
...i'll tell you how it is.
packed up a box of cups and headed to waimanalo about 1030 a.m.. it ended up being cloudy, sprinkling and i didn't get any shots that i liked today.
so i just drove to kaneohe, turned around and drove home.
just felt like driving.
so far my crash diet until the weekend has been cold, fried chicken and peanut m&m's...which is not a diet at all.
and water.
found a website with the chords to white daisy passing here: <3
i hate, hate, hate the f chord...and the 1/2 strums in this song mess me up a bit, too...but i'll work on it, maybe.
i hope the neighbors can't hear me listening to this song over and over and over and over...or they might think i'm a little crazy.
head *scar update: *it is now a scar. i kind of like it and am just glad me and kam are alive.
i've been able to remember more of my dreams lately. i think it's because i'm not so stressed out, etc.
last night's dream was definitely just a wish my heart made when i was fast asleep. no details.
o.d. and i seem to be taking it more day-by-every-other-day these days, which is fine. there's no way we could have gone on the way we were anyways; sooner or later one of us would have most likely suffocated. besides, i need a reality check from time to time, too.
Sagittarius - May 20, 2009
Your mental powers are functioning at an extremely high level, dear Sagittarius, and you will find that your mental agility is setting the stage for a very productive day. You're quick with your words, and you are able to pull facts and information out of thin air in order to prove your point and get your pertinent message across in the most efficient manner possible. Speak with confidence, and be articulate. You will command the respect of everyone around you.
MSN Astrology
...i'll tell you how it is.
packed up a box of cups and headed to waimanalo about 1030 a.m.. it ended up being cloudy, sprinkling and i didn't get any shots that i liked today.
so i just drove to kaneohe, turned around and drove home.
just felt like driving.
so far my crash diet until the weekend has been cold, fried chicken and peanut m&m's...which is not a diet at all.
and water.
found a website with the chords to white daisy passing here: <3
i hate, hate, hate the f chord...and the 1/2 strums in this song mess me up a bit, too...but i'll work on it, maybe.
i hope the neighbors can't hear me listening to this song over and over and over and over...or they might think i'm a little crazy.
head *scar update: *it is now a scar. i kind of like it and am just glad me and kam are alive.
i've been able to remember more of my dreams lately. i think it's because i'm not so stressed out, etc.
last night's dream was definitely just a wish my heart made when i was fast asleep. no details.
o.d. and i seem to be taking it more day-by-every-other-day these days, which is fine. there's no way we could have gone on the way we were anyways; sooner or later one of us would have most likely suffocated. besides, i need a reality check from time to time, too.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
click: beautiful mess.
Sagittarius - May 19, 2009
A renewed determination to get what you want out of life may descend upon you today, dear Sagittarius. Seize the opportunity to examine your goals and the steps you've made towards them. It may be the perfect time to gather up your confidence and make some bolder moves. Reaffirm what you want and then go for it. Anything is truly possible - it's only up to you and your willingness to do whatever it takes. Make the most of this day.
MSN Astrology
...have been picking up the house for tonight's get-together...see you there?!
had quite a few people over tonight for dinner. loads of food.
it was good to see friends together since it had been quite a while. a couple of them were a little peeved at me since i "hadn't seen them in over two weeks!"...my bad, i'll take the blame.
p.p. (sorry, i have no other name for you at the moment) is trying to get me and kam in a contest this weekend. not quite sure if it's gonna happen, but it's time to start body cleansing just in case.
damnit, i've still barely taken any pictures latey.
cup pictures: tomorrow if i'm not lazy in the a.m.
i've been completely obsessed with the rocky votolato song from a couple days ago: white daisy passing.
Sagittarius - May 19, 2009
A renewed determination to get what you want out of life may descend upon you today, dear Sagittarius. Seize the opportunity to examine your goals and the steps you've made towards them. It may be the perfect time to gather up your confidence and make some bolder moves. Reaffirm what you want and then go for it. Anything is truly possible - it's only up to you and your willingness to do whatever it takes. Make the most of this day.
MSN Astrology
...have been picking up the house for tonight's get-together...see you there?!
had quite a few people over tonight for dinner. loads of food.
it was good to see friends together since it had been quite a while. a couple of them were a little peeved at me since i "hadn't seen them in over two weeks!"...my bad, i'll take the blame.
p.p. (sorry, i have no other name for you at the moment) is trying to get me and kam in a contest this weekend. not quite sure if it's gonna happen, but it's time to start body cleansing just in case.
damnit, i've still barely taken any pictures latey.
cup pictures: tomorrow if i'm not lazy in the a.m.
i've been completely obsessed with the rocky votolato song from a couple days ago: white daisy passing.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sagittarius - May 18, 2009
Long-awaited good news concerning money could finally come your way today. Heightened imagination and inspiration, as well as a powerful need to connect with those you love most, could keep your heart and mind fully occupied throughout the day, dear Sagittarius. Don't keep it all bottled up inside; that will only produce frustration. Write down your thoughts, try your hand at painting, ring up your friends and schedule a get-together for the evening. Take the time to enjoy yourself!
MSN Astrology
...i sure hope so. maybe i'll sell my truck soon. and...a pot luck dinner partay is scheduled my house, tomorrow. woo woo.
went to work. got off later that usual for opening since we were missing an employee.
had a guy check out my truck after work...and of couuuurse it had to start smoking...but it's all good. i think the radiator is leaking. could just be a hose, may need a whole new radiator, idk.
anyway, they guy is going to let me know.
got this from dougie:
click: wagon wheel.
i used to really hate seinfeld. then i learned that it's pretty much a show about nothing and i started to watch it and now i love it.
ate os's peanut m&m's for dinner.
here's what i'm watching on nightline:
kid preachers. it's freaky.
they get all into it...yelling in the microphone.
sometimes it makes young kids crazy when they grow up because they become rich at such a young age.
they actually believe they heal the sick and everything. maybe they do? then again, maybe not. seems to be all about the money. the kids go on tour and have merchandise and everything.
both parent's of one kid both have criminal records for drugs and fraud,etc.
pupperware parties.(mary k-9 ladies) from toys to exotic health and beauty supplies, puppy sunscreen, doddgy dounuts, etc.
i miss puppy.
oprah twittered for the first time today and 9:08am. "my first tweet!"
whoopty-f'in do...
Long-awaited good news concerning money could finally come your way today. Heightened imagination and inspiration, as well as a powerful need to connect with those you love most, could keep your heart and mind fully occupied throughout the day, dear Sagittarius. Don't keep it all bottled up inside; that will only produce frustration. Write down your thoughts, try your hand at painting, ring up your friends and schedule a get-together for the evening. Take the time to enjoy yourself!
MSN Astrology
...i sure hope so. maybe i'll sell my truck soon. and...a pot luck dinner partay is scheduled my house, tomorrow. woo woo.
went to work. got off later that usual for opening since we were missing an employee.
had a guy check out my truck after work...and of couuuurse it had to start smoking...but it's all good. i think the radiator is leaking. could just be a hose, may need a whole new radiator, idk.
anyway, they guy is going to let me know.
got this from dougie:
click: wagon wheel.
i used to really hate seinfeld. then i learned that it's pretty much a show about nothing and i started to watch it and now i love it.
ate os's peanut m&m's for dinner.
here's what i'm watching on nightline:
kid preachers. it's freaky.
they get all into it...yelling in the microphone.
sometimes it makes young kids crazy when they grow up because they become rich at such a young age.
they actually believe they heal the sick and everything. maybe they do? then again, maybe not. seems to be all about the money. the kids go on tour and have merchandise and everything.
both parent's of one kid both have criminal records for drugs and fraud,etc.
pupperware parties.(mary k-9 ladies) from toys to exotic health and beauty supplies, puppy sunscreen, doddgy dounuts, etc.
i miss puppy.
oprah twittered for the first time today and 9:08am. "my first tweet!"
whoopty-f'in do...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
日曜日。 sunday.
Sagittarius - May 17, 2009
Goals inspired by group activities could be your primary drive today, dear Sagittarius. Writing, speaking, or discussion groups could be of great benefit. You should be extremely focused at this time, and your inner power and determination are very strong, so whatever you start or complete today is likely to turn out the way you intend. Friends could be of assistance, as could use of computers and other forms of modern technology.
MSN Astrology
click: current news.
didn't get much sleep at all this weekend...didn't even think i was going to be able to make it through work tonight, but it actually turned out to be not a bad night and went by unusually quickly.
<3 click: white daisy passing.
i really just want to drive around and roadtrip and drive around and keep road tripping. i was seriously thinking about being a trucker for a while last year. it's still an option, i suppose. the couple trucking thing would be fun to do. and you can bring pets.
maybe for like a year or something...unless i really loved it.
<3 <3 <3 <3 click: portland is leaving.
rocky votolato has a beard.(sometimes)
i used to listen to this song a lot when i first moved to hawaii. reminds me of the small room across the hall because thats where i used to stay...until i took over and got the master bedroom, muhahaha.
click: suicide medecine.
Goals inspired by group activities could be your primary drive today, dear Sagittarius. Writing, speaking, or discussion groups could be of great benefit. You should be extremely focused at this time, and your inner power and determination are very strong, so whatever you start or complete today is likely to turn out the way you intend. Friends could be of assistance, as could use of computers and other forms of modern technology.
MSN Astrology
click: current news.
didn't get much sleep at all this weekend...didn't even think i was going to be able to make it through work tonight, but it actually turned out to be not a bad night and went by unusually quickly.
<3 click: white daisy passing.
i really just want to drive around and roadtrip and drive around and keep road tripping. i was seriously thinking about being a trucker for a while last year. it's still an option, i suppose. the couple trucking thing would be fun to do. and you can bring pets.
maybe for like a year or something...unless i really loved it.
<3 <3 <3 <3 click: portland is leaving.
rocky votolato has a beard.(sometimes)
i used to listen to this song a lot when i first moved to hawaii. reminds me of the small room across the hall because thats where i used to stay...until i took over and got the master bedroom, muhahaha.
click: suicide medecine.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
solo saturday / oh well, you got me under your spell
well, solo until i have to go to work and see a billion people.
didn't quite listen to my horoscope yesterday. perhaps expressed my feelings/opinions a little too much. but oh well, i am who i am, i suppose. like it, or don't.
speant some time playing the guiiiitar last night alone at home, it was nice.
also, pretty much all this morning, same thing.
Sagittarius - May 16, 2009
You may feel like you have a more receptive audience, dear Sagittarius. Your unusual ideas and unique approach to life are suddenly more widely accepted. You should be feeling good about yourself, and validated for who you are and what you believe in. Let your true colors shine. Today you have brilliant ideas - like how you can create a flying boat that also drives below water like a submarine. Hold fast to these kinds of ideas. This is where dreams are born.
MSN Astrology
...i am validated for who i am and what i belive in. again, like it, or don't.
click: all we ever needed.
day recap:
ended up not being that solo of a day after all. o.d. came over for lunch, and os rolled in sometime in the morning.
worked an early shift at work. surprisingly quite slow for a saturday.
after that, rolled to a friends' to chekc out his new place for a bit and cruised with him and his girlfriend.
enjoyed cruising the bug, as always.
listened to some emo dashboard confessional. (it was on random)
click: this bitter pill.
for some reason i've been listening to a lot of stuff from high school the past few days.
twas a good day.
for some reason i haven't been eating much. no appetite.
had half a grilled chickin fajita wrap, some chocolate chip cookie and some fries from b.k. tired to eat a cheese burger, but no can.
nande ka wakarannnnnnnn.
learned some korean words from my friend's girlfriend:
kindara chuseo - please wait a minute
kinchara - it's ok.
i sometimes wish i was a man just so i could grow a big beard.
click: all about beards.
this website actually features men with beards and you can message them.
click: mango tree. <--- love love love it.
didn't quite listen to my horoscope yesterday. perhaps expressed my feelings/opinions a little too much. but oh well, i am who i am, i suppose. like it, or don't.
speant some time playing the guiiiitar last night alone at home, it was nice.
also, pretty much all this morning, same thing.
Sagittarius - May 16, 2009
You may feel like you have a more receptive audience, dear Sagittarius. Your unusual ideas and unique approach to life are suddenly more widely accepted. You should be feeling good about yourself, and validated for who you are and what you believe in. Let your true colors shine. Today you have brilliant ideas - like how you can create a flying boat that also drives below water like a submarine. Hold fast to these kinds of ideas. This is where dreams are born.
MSN Astrology
...i am validated for who i am and what i belive in. again, like it, or don't.
click: all we ever needed.
day recap:
ended up not being that solo of a day after all. o.d. came over for lunch, and os rolled in sometime in the morning.
worked an early shift at work. surprisingly quite slow for a saturday.
after that, rolled to a friends' to chekc out his new place for a bit and cruised with him and his girlfriend.
enjoyed cruising the bug, as always.
listened to some emo dashboard confessional. (it was on random)
click: this bitter pill.
for some reason i've been listening to a lot of stuff from high school the past few days.
twas a good day.
for some reason i haven't been eating much. no appetite.
had half a grilled chickin fajita wrap, some chocolate chip cookie and some fries from b.k. tired to eat a cheese burger, but no can.
nande ka wakarannnnnnnn.
learned some korean words from my friend's girlfriend:
kindara chuseo - please wait a minute
kinchara - it's ok.
i sometimes wish i was a man just so i could grow a big beard.
click: all about beards.
this website actually features men with beards and you can message them.
click: mango tree. <--- love love love it.
Friday, May 15, 2009
pet peeves.
1. when people say "i'll call you" and don't.
2. when people at work want me to box their honey toast CRUST to-go. wtf.
3. non-honest people
4. when people call "gyoza" "goiza".
5. when people flag you down to order, and then they don't even know what they want.
2. when people at work want me to box their honey toast CRUST to-go. wtf.
3. non-honest people
4. when people call "gyoza" "goiza".
5. when people flag you down to order, and then they don't even know what they want.
t.g.i.f., as allllways.
just pau hana. it's 2am...friday mornin'.
found anotherrrr penny outside the bug today while heading to work. didn't really want to go (as usual)...but it ended up actually being a good night. (for me at least, which i will get to the really shitty part later)
first of all, for some reason, i knew a lot of people who i was serving tonight.
1. b-sauces' ex (which is sort or hilarious to me because he was also working...and they two do not get along, which makes for awkwardness ;) )
2. a girl from my acting class
3. boys from okinawa. it all began when i got sat two japanese guys who were waiting for a few other friends... i pretty much use japanese to most japanese customers, and they always want to know why a little haole girl speaks nihongo, so i have to tell them my whole life story, etc. then their friends came, two of whom were from okinawa. i didn't know them right away, but one asked my last name and automatically knew who i was because he was friends with my ex boyfriend. weird. small world. good times.
so, the money was good and the night went fast because i was busy the entire night.
a few co-workers of mine went to one of our "home bars" after they had got off. and then one of them found out his mom had just passed away in the mainland. (this was about an hour ago)
i feel so sad for him. what can i do? there's nothing i can do. i would say that my parents passing away would probably be one of my worst nightmares. i mean, i know everyone has their time, but wtf. my co-worker is one of the nicest guys i know; i mean, he's says "gosh dang it!" and "shooot!" when he's mad! he and his family will definitely be on my mind and in my prayers.
click: the scientist.
Sagittarius - May 15, 2009
Consider the way in which you lend a hand to people. Are you really helping them, or are you hurting them, dear Sagittarius? Realize that helping others does not mean doing things for them that they can do themselves. Helping also does not mean imposing your will on others. Remember that other people have their own personality and their own plans in regard to how they want to live their lives. You may think you know what is best for everyone, but ultimately, the choices are theirs to make, not yours.
MSN Astrology
...i'm totally keeping my thoughts, opinions, and help to myself the next couple of days. whaaaatevaaaa.
just saw that amos lee will be here on the 30th (small venue)...with a guest, ANUHEA! (j-rak!)
perhaps i'll go since i decided i'd rather not go see matt costa...i mean, i've seen him like five times already up close and personal, so why would i wanna go to a huge, lame show?
...then again maybe i won't go, it's a saturday night, i'll be at work. whack attack.
click: colors.
saw six fish jump out of the water today at work. crazy.
found anotherrrr penny outside the bug today while heading to work. didn't really want to go (as usual)...but it ended up actually being a good night. (for me at least, which i will get to the really shitty part later)
first of all, for some reason, i knew a lot of people who i was serving tonight.
1. b-sauces' ex (which is sort or hilarious to me because he was also working...and they two do not get along, which makes for awkwardness ;) )
2. a girl from my acting class
3. boys from okinawa. it all began when i got sat two japanese guys who were waiting for a few other friends... i pretty much use japanese to most japanese customers, and they always want to know why a little haole girl speaks nihongo, so i have to tell them my whole life story, etc. then their friends came, two of whom were from okinawa. i didn't know them right away, but one asked my last name and automatically knew who i was because he was friends with my ex boyfriend. weird. small world. good times.
so, the money was good and the night went fast because i was busy the entire night.
a few co-workers of mine went to one of our "home bars" after they had got off. and then one of them found out his mom had just passed away in the mainland. (this was about an hour ago)
i feel so sad for him. what can i do? there's nothing i can do. i would say that my parents passing away would probably be one of my worst nightmares. i mean, i know everyone has their time, but wtf. my co-worker is one of the nicest guys i know; i mean, he's says "gosh dang it!" and "shooot!" when he's mad! he and his family will definitely be on my mind and in my prayers.
click: the scientist.
Sagittarius - May 15, 2009
Consider the way in which you lend a hand to people. Are you really helping them, or are you hurting them, dear Sagittarius? Realize that helping others does not mean doing things for them that they can do themselves. Helping also does not mean imposing your will on others. Remember that other people have their own personality and their own plans in regard to how they want to live their lives. You may think you know what is best for everyone, but ultimately, the choices are theirs to make, not yours.
MSN Astrology
...i'm totally keeping my thoughts, opinions, and help to myself the next couple of days. whaaaatevaaaa.
just saw that amos lee will be here on the 30th (small venue)...with a guest, ANUHEA! (j-rak!)
perhaps i'll go since i decided i'd rather not go see matt costa...i mean, i've seen him like five times already up close and personal, so why would i wanna go to a huge, lame show?
...then again maybe i won't go, it's a saturday night, i'll be at work. whack attack.
click: colors.
saw six fish jump out of the water today at work. crazy.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
saw red.
Sagittarius - May 14, 2009
Lately, dear Sagittarius, you may have been criticized for being somewhat disorganized and performing tasks in a less than logical manner. Today you will feel that your behavior is perfectly justified. You may be presented with an opportunity to carve out a new niche for your specialty, and leave your detractors speechless with astonishment.
MSN Astrology
...well, my plan today is to try and get my shit together considering i'm barely even home these days. bills need paid, a paper needs to be written, laundry needs done, and that stack of dishes from last week...still not totally finished.
click: saw red.
click: saw red. (spanish version if you like...)
cruising the bug yesterday was nice. i'm definitely a slow lane kind of person. i don't like being in a rush to get places and i'm usually that annoying person who drives the actual speed limit. gomen....
and did i go to the gym at all yet?
hell no
amazing mon showed me this, click: texts from last night.
Lately, dear Sagittarius, you may have been criticized for being somewhat disorganized and performing tasks in a less than logical manner. Today you will feel that your behavior is perfectly justified. You may be presented with an opportunity to carve out a new niche for your specialty, and leave your detractors speechless with astonishment.
MSN Astrology
...well, my plan today is to try and get my shit together considering i'm barely even home these days. bills need paid, a paper needs to be written, laundry needs done, and that stack of dishes from last week...still not totally finished.
click: saw red.
click: saw red. (spanish version if you like...)
cruising the bug yesterday was nice. i'm definitely a slow lane kind of person. i don't like being in a rush to get places and i'm usually that annoying person who drives the actual speed limit. gomen....
and did i go to the gym at all yet?
hell no
amazing mon showed me this, click: texts from last night.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
fo shizzle.
click: love me two times.
fm 105.9, newly discovered radio statoin, classic rock. very nice. "the big kahuna"
found TWO pennies today. the first was on o.d.'s driveway. a very tarnished black penny from 2000. the other i found in the parking lot in moanalua valley (where i finally attended taiko class). this one, not so old looking, from 1986.
my mom always said, "find a penny, pick it up, all the day will bring you luck."
today was pretty good i would say!
before taiko, (which was enjoyable btw) i met ann-chan at the beach. we were thinking of surfing but decided to just lay out. (lazy, but fun)
definitely click this: ryukyu underground. i miss okinawa... :(
click: mary jane's last dance.
since yesterday my horoscope said to eat some garlic and onion to cleanse my body of this sickness...so i ate some seared garlic tuna at work (which i went in on my day off, wtf), and mochi cheese, and char sui pork and yukari french fries. fatty bom batty.
click: don't come around here no more.
click: street panic.
click: no laughing.
click: marshmallow gameshow.
i somehow lost/broke all of my bracelets and anklets between last night and this morning...first, when we were grabbing some food before bowling at the alley my beaded bracelet broke...and then o.d.'s hemp bracelet broke...then i realized mine was breaking and saved a bead...got wasted...realized the other two beads were gone this morning...and THEN at the beach...saw a tan line around my ankel...with no ankelts. also, gone.
time to make some more.
purge and start over.
fm 105.9, newly discovered radio statoin, classic rock. very nice. "the big kahuna"
found TWO pennies today. the first was on o.d.'s driveway. a very tarnished black penny from 2000. the other i found in the parking lot in moanalua valley (where i finally attended taiko class). this one, not so old looking, from 1986.
my mom always said, "find a penny, pick it up, all the day will bring you luck."
today was pretty good i would say!
before taiko, (which was enjoyable btw) i met ann-chan at the beach. we were thinking of surfing but decided to just lay out. (lazy, but fun)
definitely click this: ryukyu underground. i miss okinawa... :(
click: mary jane's last dance.
since yesterday my horoscope said to eat some garlic and onion to cleanse my body of this sickness...so i ate some seared garlic tuna at work (which i went in on my day off, wtf), and mochi cheese, and char sui pork and yukari french fries. fatty bom batty.
click: don't come around here no more.
click: street panic.
click: no laughing.
click: marshmallow gameshow.
i somehow lost/broke all of my bracelets and anklets between last night and this morning...first, when we were grabbing some food before bowling at the alley my beaded bracelet broke...and then o.d.'s hemp bracelet broke...then i realized mine was breaking and saved a bead...got wasted...realized the other two beads were gone this morning...and THEN at the beach...saw a tan line around my ankel...with no ankelts. also, gone.
time to make some more.
purge and start over.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sagittarius - May 12, 2009
Don't rely too much on your head for all the answers today, dear Sagittarius. The key lies in your heart. More than likely, if you take an approach that is analytical and grounded, you will quickly become frustrated by your lack of progress. The way to get things done today is to trust your intuition and tap into your psychic nature. There is a powerhouse of force waiting for you as soon as you do.
MSN Astrology
...yes yes...
finally caught up with some good old friends today and cruised n.shore. good times, good times.
click: perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
Don't rely too much on your head for all the answers today, dear Sagittarius. The key lies in your heart. More than likely, if you take an approach that is analytical and grounded, you will quickly become frustrated by your lack of progress. The way to get things done today is to trust your intuition and tap into your psychic nature. There is a powerhouse of force waiting for you as soon as you do.
MSN Astrology
...yes yes...
finally caught up with some good old friends today and cruised n.shore. good times, good times.
click: perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
Monday, May 11, 2009
(late sunday night)
my throat hurts, i keep sneezing, had the hiccups, had cramps...and threw up once today. wtf.
all in all though, i would say i'm quite happy at the moment.
Sagittarius - May 11, 2009
Education might be on your mind today, dear Sagittarius, and you might decide to attend a class, lecture, workshop, or festival of some kind. You'll thrive on being among others and sharing ideas with them. If you can't get out, watch a documentary on TV with family members. Your mind is in sync with your feelings today, and thus you're apt to absorb more information than you would normally. Enjoy your evening.
MSN Astrology
random. click: this years love.
saw c.c. last night at work...didn't give two shits...didn't even say hi...
so my ex, the one who pretty much ripped out my heart and stomped on it a week before he was suposed to move here, he's trying to be my friend again on facebook. wtf. he doesn't really deserrrrve to be my friend! we aren't friends! the request will stay pending for now.
still pending, will remain pending...maybe infinately.
still feeling coldish...realized i was only further hindering myself by laying around all morning so i finally showered at nearly noon.
i'd say i'm feeling a better now that i'm out of bed and not watching constant tbs.
thought about doing some cup pictures today...but maybe tomorrow.
i'm off all day tomorrow and wednesday, woowoo..
trouble in paradise?
i'm beginning to feel that maybe how quick someone can come into your life...they may vanish at the same rate.
just bracing myself for the worst since, well, that is what i'm used to. i have a feeling that feelings are starting to get in the way of feelings...
so, i did have off all morning and early afternoon...but i was feeling sick. (my excuse not to go to the gym) it's true though! maybe after work...or tomorrow. for sure tomorrow.
my throat hurts, i keep sneezing, had the hiccups, had cramps...and threw up once today. wtf.
all in all though, i would say i'm quite happy at the moment.
Sagittarius - May 11, 2009
Education might be on your mind today, dear Sagittarius, and you might decide to attend a class, lecture, workshop, or festival of some kind. You'll thrive on being among others and sharing ideas with them. If you can't get out, watch a documentary on TV with family members. Your mind is in sync with your feelings today, and thus you're apt to absorb more information than you would normally. Enjoy your evening.
MSN Astrology
random. click: this years love.
saw c.c. last night at work...didn't give two shits...didn't even say hi...
so my ex, the one who pretty much ripped out my heart and stomped on it a week before he was suposed to move here, he's trying to be my friend again on facebook. wtf. he doesn't really deserrrrve to be my friend! we aren't friends! the request will stay pending for now.
still pending, will remain pending...maybe infinately.
still feeling coldish...realized i was only further hindering myself by laying around all morning so i finally showered at nearly noon.
i'd say i'm feeling a better now that i'm out of bed and not watching constant tbs.
thought about doing some cup pictures today...but maybe tomorrow.
i'm off all day tomorrow and wednesday, woowoo..
trouble in paradise?
i'm beginning to feel that maybe how quick someone can come into your life...they may vanish at the same rate.
just bracing myself for the worst since, well, that is what i'm used to. i have a feeling that feelings are starting to get in the way of feelings...
so, i did have off all morning and early afternoon...but i was feeling sick. (my excuse not to go to the gym) it's true though! maybe after work...or tomorrow. for sure tomorrow.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
お母さん (mom)
for my mom because she really likes its, click: desperado.
in 1961, my mom, mary, was born in illinois. she was the oldest of four children, always a good student and help around the house. she met my rebellious dad sometime in high school and helped him to graduate and settle down some.
my pops joined the air force out of high school and the two were married. my parents had two daughters and then a few years down the road, a son. my mom eventually graduated college and became an elementary school teacher while keeping the family toghether where ever they were around the globe.
she has more patient than most. i would say i get a lot of my qualities from my mother. i always wanted to be a teacher (like her) and have always loved working around the classroom with her.
even things such as decorating for holidays and making crafts definitely comes from my mom. we always used to make crafts when i was a kid.
my mom would always love helping me with homework...even in college she would gladly proofread my papers if i emailed them to her.
my mom has always supported me through everything i've ever wanted to do. as long as i am happy, she says.
i am sooo grateful to have such a wonderful mother. (as cheesy as it sounds, it's so true.) the older i get, the more i appriciate everything my parents did for my brother, sister and i.
one memory i have is from pre-school or kindergarten when my class and i were going on a field trip. my parents both chaperoned but instead of riding with us on the bus, they rode along side on my dad's motorcycle. i was soooo coooool.
here's one of my favorite picture of my parents. can't remember what years this is, but it's but probably before i was born:

my family (minus rob) in arkansas in the late 80's/early 90's:

my parents may 4, 1979, prom i'm guessing. i still have this dress of my mom's and winnie cooper wore the same one on one of my favorite episodes of the wonder years:
in 1961, my mom, mary, was born in illinois. she was the oldest of four children, always a good student and help around the house. she met my rebellious dad sometime in high school and helped him to graduate and settle down some.
my pops joined the air force out of high school and the two were married. my parents had two daughters and then a few years down the road, a son. my mom eventually graduated college and became an elementary school teacher while keeping the family toghether where ever they were around the globe.
she has more patient than most. i would say i get a lot of my qualities from my mother. i always wanted to be a teacher (like her) and have always loved working around the classroom with her.
even things such as decorating for holidays and making crafts definitely comes from my mom. we always used to make crafts when i was a kid.
my mom would always love helping me with homework...even in college she would gladly proofread my papers if i emailed them to her.
my mom has always supported me through everything i've ever wanted to do. as long as i am happy, she says.
i am sooo grateful to have such a wonderful mother. (as cheesy as it sounds, it's so true.) the older i get, the more i appriciate everything my parents did for my brother, sister and i.
one memory i have is from pre-school or kindergarten when my class and i were going on a field trip. my parents both chaperoned but instead of riding with us on the bus, they rode along side on my dad's motorcycle. i was soooo coooool.
here's one of my favorite picture of my parents. can't remember what years this is, but it's but probably before i was born:

my family (minus rob) in arkansas in the late 80's/early 90's:

my parents may 4, 1979, prom i'm guessing. i still have this dress of my mom's and winnie cooper wore the same one on one of my favorite episodes of the wonder years:

too good to be true??
been feeling a little weird the past day or so... hormones being whacky perhaps?
Sagittarius - May 10, 2009
Do you have the blues, dear Sagittarius? Well, this happens to everyone. Call some friends or go to the cinema. In other words, get out and do things that you know can help you overcome this depression! This is definitely not the moment to retreat. You have some inner work to do even if it appears to lead nowhere. You may have the impression of being abandoned, but you know perfectly well that this isn't true.
MSN Astrology
...chotto, i do!
i've also been feeling pimply, plump and paranoid.
like i said, workout plan starts monday...maybe even tomorrow since i DO have the time.
no, i didn't make it to church. i most definitely should have and wish i would have went, but didn't. and on mother's day...
Sagittarius - May 10, 2009
Do you have the blues, dear Sagittarius? Well, this happens to everyone. Call some friends or go to the cinema. In other words, get out and do things that you know can help you overcome this depression! This is definitely not the moment to retreat. You have some inner work to do even if it appears to lead nowhere. You may have the impression of being abandoned, but you know perfectly well that this isn't true.
MSN Astrology
...chotto, i do!
i've also been feeling pimply, plump and paranoid.
like i said, workout plan starts monday...maybe even tomorrow since i DO have the time.
no, i didn't make it to church. i most definitely should have and wish i would have went, but didn't. and on mother's day...
Friday, May 8, 2009
every man has a molly.
passed thursday. strait onto friday...
You may come across someone fairly strange today, dear Sagittarius, but it's important to give him or her all your undivided attention. Don't be afraid to begin the conversation, and observe his or her reactions, because this person is your alter ego. And if you find that that person is curious, inventive, and unafraid of change, look closer and you could see that you're looking in a mirror.
MSN Astrology
...oh ri ri?
as usual i was dreading work...but after i went home with a little more than a couple bills i felt that i shouldn't complain.
but seriously, i'm so sick of taking people's drink and food ordres!!!!!!!!!!
parking garage, pa pa pa pleeease hire me. (well, i do have to put in an application first...)
i believe this is the first time i have ever posted say anything and i am completely shocked. definitely one of my most favorite bands...i just started writing the blog right after i had been on a say anything binge for a while...and then killed it.
but this song is always good.(and emo)
i used to drive from my aparment in minneapolis to my parents house (three and a half hour drive) and sing say anything at the top of my lungs. it reminds me of the fall, and...
click: i want to know your plans.
click: every man has a molly.
ohhh...and guess who's coming to town in aug...matt costa! yipee! kam, we ARE going. click: astair.
so i pretty much just went for a walk. i woke up, got ready for work, even put on sunscreen (which i rarely do, like an idiot) and walked to work. just as i was outside i got a call saying i could work, or not, my choice. i chose walk home.
and sadly, i'm really tired.
gym, four times a week starts monday. for real this time!
i seriously used to listen to this in middle school/maybe early hs. my 'ol grungy days...
click: kittie.
it's not thaaat bad....hahaha
You may come across someone fairly strange today, dear Sagittarius, but it's important to give him or her all your undivided attention. Don't be afraid to begin the conversation, and observe his or her reactions, because this person is your alter ego. And if you find that that person is curious, inventive, and unafraid of change, look closer and you could see that you're looking in a mirror.
MSN Astrology
...oh ri ri?
as usual i was dreading work...but after i went home with a little more than a couple bills i felt that i shouldn't complain.
but seriously, i'm so sick of taking people's drink and food ordres!!!!!!!!!!
parking garage, pa pa pa pleeease hire me. (well, i do have to put in an application first...)
i believe this is the first time i have ever posted say anything and i am completely shocked. definitely one of my most favorite bands...i just started writing the blog right after i had been on a say anything binge for a while...and then killed it.
but this song is always good.(and emo)
i used to drive from my aparment in minneapolis to my parents house (three and a half hour drive) and sing say anything at the top of my lungs. it reminds me of the fall, and...
click: i want to know your plans.
click: every man has a molly.
ohhh...and guess who's coming to town in aug...matt costa! yipee! kam, we ARE going. click: astair.
so i pretty much just went for a walk. i woke up, got ready for work, even put on sunscreen (which i rarely do, like an idiot) and walked to work. just as i was outside i got a call saying i could work, or not, my choice. i chose walk home.
and sadly, i'm really tired.
gym, four times a week starts monday. for real this time!
i seriously used to listen to this in middle school/maybe early hs. my 'ol grungy days...
click: kittie.
it's not thaaat bad....hahaha
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
i've been waiting for this...
click: schools out.
and because there is too many dishes for me to be able to get water out of the sink i'm just going to drink a beer out of my hawaii coolie.
and because there is too many dishes for me to be able to get water out of the sink i'm just going to drink a beer out of my hawaii coolie.
relieved and refreshed.
i pretty much ignored most people who tried to get a hold of me yesterday...i slept nearly the whole day and the whole night.
Sagittarius - May 6, 2009
Group activities, perhaps concerned with the arts or with social or political issues, could take up a lot of your time today. You could become involved in a new project with a casual acquaintance, and the project could bring you into a closer, more intimate friendship. You could set some rather ambitious goals for yourself today, dear Sagittarius, either for yourself or for a group, but you're willing to work hard to reach them. Go to it!
MSN Astrology
...so i was going to finally make it to the taiko drumming practice tonight, but my friend cancelled on me...so next week.
as for goals, i have about a million at the moment.
i've realized having a lot of dishes can be sort of a burden at times. as when most people run out of a specific untencil or dish, they wash them. i, on the other hand, have so many that i pretty much can go on just letting them pile up.
i cannot believe i let the dishes get this bad. and now they stink, too. gross.
Sagittarius - May 6, 2009
Group activities, perhaps concerned with the arts or with social or political issues, could take up a lot of your time today. You could become involved in a new project with a casual acquaintance, and the project could bring you into a closer, more intimate friendship. You could set some rather ambitious goals for yourself today, dear Sagittarius, either for yourself or for a group, but you're willing to work hard to reach them. Go to it!
MSN Astrology
...so i was going to finally make it to the taiko drumming practice tonight, but my friend cancelled on me...so next week.
as for goals, i have about a million at the moment.
i've realized having a lot of dishes can be sort of a burden at times. as when most people run out of a specific untencil or dish, they wash them. i, on the other hand, have so many that i pretty much can go on just letting them pile up.
i cannot believe i let the dishes get this bad. and now they stink, too. gross.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
it's cinco de mayo...i don't really care. i've never celebrated cinco de mayo in my entire life and i seriously don't even wanna think about partying, especially drinking.
Sagittarius - May 5, 2009
It is your life, so make sure you are doing what is best for you, dear Sagittarius. Keep in mind that this may mean that you have to say no to other people, as well as to certain commitments that you have already made. It is better to stay true to yourself then continue on a path that doesn't resonate with you but that may be pleasing to others. Your first obligation is to yourself.
MSN Astrology
....i am obliged to only myself, and i need to rest.
so, my teacher is giving us longer than i thought for the last paper and the last re-written paper...now that class is official done and i'm pau with my written portion of the asl exam i'm going to spend the rest of the day resting my body. i have like really bad indigestion or something, too. disgusting.
i ended up making some cupcakes and something i don't know the name of but call:
"white people wannabe sushi rolls"
-lunchmeat (generally the thinly sliced dried beef or ham)
-cream cheese
let the cream cheese soften up a bit before gently spreading it onto the lunch mean. wrap pickle inside. cut into slices.
simple enough? i think so. it sounds kind of weird but they're actually pretty good.
Sagittarius - May 5, 2009
It is your life, so make sure you are doing what is best for you, dear Sagittarius. Keep in mind that this may mean that you have to say no to other people, as well as to certain commitments that you have already made. It is better to stay true to yourself then continue on a path that doesn't resonate with you but that may be pleasing to others. Your first obligation is to yourself.
MSN Astrology
....i am obliged to only myself, and i need to rest.
so, my teacher is giving us longer than i thought for the last paper and the last re-written paper...now that class is official done and i'm pau with my written portion of the asl exam i'm going to spend the rest of the day resting my body. i have like really bad indigestion or something, too. disgusting.
i ended up making some cupcakes and something i don't know the name of but call:
"white people wannabe sushi rolls"
-lunchmeat (generally the thinly sliced dried beef or ham)
-cream cheese
let the cream cheese soften up a bit before gently spreading it onto the lunch mean. wrap pickle inside. cut into slices.
simple enough? i think so. it sounds kind of weird but they're actually pretty good.
Monday, May 4, 2009
malicious monday.
since i just pounded out two papers, i'm giving myself a mini-break. they weren't even bad to write, so i don't know why i put them off so long...oh well. of course today had the be the day the carpenters are working on our roof. banging galore.
yesterday's horoscope said something about me being interested in becoming more spritual. i didn't think it held true until last night at about midnight. for some reason i just felt really scared and freaked out about being home alone and just laid in bed frightened after thinking i heard some weird noises (which i'm pretty sure was all a figment of my imagination). anyway, so i laid in bed and prayed and felt someone better. i really should try and start going to church. . .
Sagittarius - May 4, 2009
The unexpected has suddenly become the norm in your life right now, dear Sagittarius. You probably haven't had a dull or boring day in weeks, and today is no exception. A friend could fly in from a distant place, while letters or phone calls bringing extraordinary news might have your mind reeling. Eccentric people could cross your path more than once today, and you could also become interested in modern poetry. Take it all in! It'll all prove useful someday!
MSN Astrology
yesterday's horoscope said something about me being interested in becoming more spritual. i didn't think it held true until last night at about midnight. for some reason i just felt really scared and freaked out about being home alone and just laid in bed frightened after thinking i heard some weird noises (which i'm pretty sure was all a figment of my imagination). anyway, so i laid in bed and prayed and felt someone better. i really should try and start going to church. . .
Sagittarius - May 4, 2009
The unexpected has suddenly become the norm in your life right now, dear Sagittarius. You probably haven't had a dull or boring day in weeks, and today is no exception. A friend could fly in from a distant place, while letters or phone calls bringing extraordinary news might have your mind reeling. Eccentric people could cross your path more than once today, and you could also become interested in modern poetry. Take it all in! It'll all prove useful someday!
MSN Astrology
profile: rita ariyoshi.
two papers down, tree to go. this was a profile story i wrote. first one i ever wrote; twas actually a lot of fun doing it after putting it off for a month.
so i turned it in, got a B, just corrected it and can re-submit. woo woo.
below is the *update version of the story:
A Satisfied Traveler: Rita Ariyoshi
In her humble abode which sits along a marina on the East side of Oahu, travel writer and photographer Ariyoshi resides with her husband and curly-haired, lively puppy. Their home is filled with souvenirs and keepsakes from her travels throughout the years could keep one’s eyes amused for hours. Ariyoshi’s favorite amongst them all was a statue of Mary from the Philippines called a santos.
Before sitting down to chat that early Monday afternoon, Ariyoshi generously offered a soda or anything else that I might need. She casually told me about her weekend trip to Maui she had just taken a couple days prior. “A trip for pleasure,” she said, “was a great weekend of writing and reading.” For the past 15 years, Rita and this group of friends, all writers, have been meeting together at various locations amongst the islands from time to relax.
Ariyoshi, also known as Ricky by some, a name given to her because her father was hoping for a son, is world renowned travel writer and photographer. Born in New York City, she has been a Honolulu resident since 1969…
Ariyoshi’s family is Irish which, according to her, is an artistic and creative kind of people. Her mother, to whom she credits her “creative side” from, was a painter; her father a blue-collar worker. Just as Ariyoshi had adventured her way to Hawaii, so have her siblings. She has a sister who now lives in Hilo and another brother who lives in Nanakuli. Her other brother died in the Vietnam War.
Ariyoshi said she always knew, even as a child, she wanted to be a writer. “I always made up stories with complicated plots and they all ended with, ‘and then she woke up…’” Rita said, chucking. Authors such as Zane Grey had long been her heroes.
Ariyoshi attended Convent High School, a Catholic school in New York, and still remains very much a devout Catholic today. Never really attending college besides one photography class at a community college, Ariyoshi went straight into working after high school.
Although she never did much traveling at a young age, once a job out of high school led her to a business trip in Europe she was hooked. Different places of the world engulfed her interest. Getting into the travel writing business early on in her life, Ariyoshi said she never counted all the countries she’s been to, but it seems like she’s been almost everywhere.
After serving at editor-in-chief of the Hawaiian Airlines inflight magazine and then Aloha, The Magazine of Hawaii and the Pacific working, she became a freelance writer. “I did travel writing in they hay day of traveling writing,” Ariyoshi said. She was able to chose where she wanted to go, what she wanted to write about and was then able to sell her stories to multiple places. Today, it seems more and more that people want to tell you where to go, what to write, and with the Internet these days, generally a story can be sold to one only one company as many articles are posted online and so easily accessed.
Though she’s never counted the countries that she’s been to-, such as Jerusalem, Antarctica and Japan stand out. She has been fortunate enough to even experience some historical events first-hand. She was there in Yugoslavia before and during the war, which she considers. She was once even dropped off on an atoll in the Pacific Ocean alone to write about the experience. (An experience she said which turned out to be not one of her favorites).
Ariyoshi led me up to her office on the second floor of her home in Hawaii Kai where it was obvious that the area she calls her space is a reflection of her vibrant personality. The room had bright pink walls, a pink furry rug and a huge window with a beautiful view of Koko Crater. Multiple file cabinets filled with binders of her countless articles aligned the walls. Other file cabinets were filled with slides from all her photography.
Ariyoshi pulled out a binder a couple of binders and flipped through showing me article after article of breathtaking photos she took to compliment her stories. Besides that one photography class, she never had any training in photography. She feels that because her mother was an artist it helped to “train her eye visually at an early age.”
Besides freelance travel writing, writing articles in magazines and guidebooks for companies such as National Geographic Society and United Airlines, Ariyoshi has also written some fiction and published books about Hawaii such as “Maui on My Mind” and “Hula for Life.” Being in Hawaii for more than 40 years, Ariyoshi is highly knowledgeable and truly enjoys the Hawaiian culture. She even dances hula.
Ariyoshi says that of her accomplishments and awards she is most proud of winning the National Steinbeck Award in writing. Aside from writing, however, she said she is most proud of her handful of grandchildren who enjoy listening to their grandmother’s travels; “They are especially intrigued by Antarctica,” she said.
Today Ariyoshi has put the travel writing to a halt for good. She still continues to write but now it is more for her and for the simple pleasure of writing. She enjoys writing things she wasn’t able to write about as a freelance travel writer. She is now able to express more deeply and emotionally with the things she had seen during her travels. “I can’t imagine doing anything but writing,” she told me.
Ariyoshi has seen most of the world and on a much deeper level than most. She compared traveling as a writer versus just traveling in the example simply buying a souvenir. Sure, a traditional Japanese fan is a nice keepsake to have, but it means much more if you find out where each piece of the fan is made. (An intricate process she found out when she wrote an article on Japanese fans).
Ariyoshi talked about everything from embarrassing moments during her travels, to her grandchildren, to advice she gives on becoming a writer. Ariyoshi was very friendly, genuinely took her time to sit and chat for nearly a couple of hours, and even had me laughing. She proved to be warm-hearted, pleasant and a lot of fun.
Ariyoshi’s experiences have been amazing, but as she’s been everywhere she’s ever wanted to go, she has no real travel destinations planned out except for the occasional trip to her family in Ireland and the small interisland get-togethers with friends. Describing herself in one word Ariyoshi would tell you she’s “happy.” Today she likes to take pleasure in simple things such as spending time with her family and hula dancing and seems to be enjoying staying in once place for a while.
so i turned it in, got a B, just corrected it and can re-submit. woo woo.
below is the *update version of the story:
A Satisfied Traveler: Rita Ariyoshi
In her humble abode which sits along a marina on the East side of Oahu, travel writer and photographer Ariyoshi resides with her husband and curly-haired, lively puppy. Their home is filled with souvenirs and keepsakes from her travels throughout the years could keep one’s eyes amused for hours. Ariyoshi’s favorite amongst them all was a statue of Mary from the Philippines called a santos.
Before sitting down to chat that early Monday afternoon, Ariyoshi generously offered a soda or anything else that I might need. She casually told me about her weekend trip to Maui she had just taken a couple days prior. “A trip for pleasure,” she said, “was a great weekend of writing and reading.” For the past 15 years, Rita and this group of friends, all writers, have been meeting together at various locations amongst the islands from time to relax.
Ariyoshi, also known as Ricky by some, a name given to her because her father was hoping for a son, is world renowned travel writer and photographer. Born in New York City, she has been a Honolulu resident since 1969…
Ariyoshi’s family is Irish which, according to her, is an artistic and creative kind of people. Her mother, to whom she credits her “creative side” from, was a painter; her father a blue-collar worker. Just as Ariyoshi had adventured her way to Hawaii, so have her siblings. She has a sister who now lives in Hilo and another brother who lives in Nanakuli. Her other brother died in the Vietnam War.
Ariyoshi said she always knew, even as a child, she wanted to be a writer. “I always made up stories with complicated plots and they all ended with, ‘and then she woke up…’” Rita said, chucking. Authors such as Zane Grey had long been her heroes.
Ariyoshi attended Convent High School, a Catholic school in New York, and still remains very much a devout Catholic today. Never really attending college besides one photography class at a community college, Ariyoshi went straight into working after high school.
Although she never did much traveling at a young age, once a job out of high school led her to a business trip in Europe she was hooked. Different places of the world engulfed her interest. Getting into the travel writing business early on in her life, Ariyoshi said she never counted all the countries she’s been to, but it seems like she’s been almost everywhere.
After serving at editor-in-chief of the Hawaiian Airlines inflight magazine and then Aloha, The Magazine of Hawaii and the Pacific working, she became a freelance writer. “I did travel writing in they hay day of traveling writing,” Ariyoshi said. She was able to chose where she wanted to go, what she wanted to write about and was then able to sell her stories to multiple places. Today, it seems more and more that people want to tell you where to go, what to write, and with the Internet these days, generally a story can be sold to one only one company as many articles are posted online and so easily accessed.
Though she’s never counted the countries that she’s been to-, such as Jerusalem, Antarctica and Japan stand out. She has been fortunate enough to even experience some historical events first-hand. She was there in Yugoslavia before and during the war, which she considers. She was once even dropped off on an atoll in the Pacific Ocean alone to write about the experience. (An experience she said which turned out to be not one of her favorites).
Ariyoshi led me up to her office on the second floor of her home in Hawaii Kai where it was obvious that the area she calls her space is a reflection of her vibrant personality. The room had bright pink walls, a pink furry rug and a huge window with a beautiful view of Koko Crater. Multiple file cabinets filled with binders of her countless articles aligned the walls. Other file cabinets were filled with slides from all her photography.
Ariyoshi pulled out a binder a couple of binders and flipped through showing me article after article of breathtaking photos she took to compliment her stories. Besides that one photography class, she never had any training in photography. She feels that because her mother was an artist it helped to “train her eye visually at an early age.”
Besides freelance travel writing, writing articles in magazines and guidebooks for companies such as National Geographic Society and United Airlines, Ariyoshi has also written some fiction and published books about Hawaii such as “Maui on My Mind” and “Hula for Life.” Being in Hawaii for more than 40 years, Ariyoshi is highly knowledgeable and truly enjoys the Hawaiian culture. She even dances hula.
Ariyoshi says that of her accomplishments and awards she is most proud of winning the National Steinbeck Award in writing. Aside from writing, however, she said she is most proud of her handful of grandchildren who enjoy listening to their grandmother’s travels; “They are especially intrigued by Antarctica,” she said.
Today Ariyoshi has put the travel writing to a halt for good. She still continues to write but now it is more for her and for the simple pleasure of writing. She enjoys writing things she wasn’t able to write about as a freelance travel writer. She is now able to express more deeply and emotionally with the things she had seen during her travels. “I can’t imagine doing anything but writing,” she told me.
Ariyoshi has seen most of the world and on a much deeper level than most. She compared traveling as a writer versus just traveling in the example simply buying a souvenir. Sure, a traditional Japanese fan is a nice keepsake to have, but it means much more if you find out where each piece of the fan is made. (An intricate process she found out when she wrote an article on Japanese fans).
Ariyoshi talked about everything from embarrassing moments during her travels, to her grandchildren, to advice she gives on becoming a writer. Ariyoshi was very friendly, genuinely took her time to sit and chat for nearly a couple of hours, and even had me laughing. She proved to be warm-hearted, pleasant and a lot of fun.
Ariyoshi’s experiences have been amazing, but as she’s been everywhere she’s ever wanted to go, she has no real travel destinations planned out except for the occasional trip to her family in Ireland and the small interisland get-togethers with friends. Describing herself in one word Ariyoshi would tell you she’s “happy.” Today she likes to take pleasure in simple things such as spending time with her family and hula dancing and seems to be enjoying staying in once place for a while.
one paper down, four to go. story is by ME!
*the mo betta updated version:
What is to become of TheBoat?
The decision to cut funds for Oahu’s public transportation ferry, TheBoat, is still being reviewed by the Honolulu City Council Budget Committee. Proponents say that the $5 million cost for this commuter ferry is too high, especially in comparison with the actual rider usage.
Not only is the cost of TheBoat high, but if there are roughly 150,000 people commuting by vehicle to each day and only 300 riders on TheBoat, it doesn’t significantly reduced the traffic flow, according to proponents.
A variety of variables contribute to the flex in the number of riders. School vacations holiday vacations times generally have fewer riders. There is even a correlation with gas the fluxation of riders. According to Mar, personal interviews done with passengers on the ferry showed that the economy has also contributed to the dropped numbers in riders as some of the riders who have lost their jobs no longer have a use for riding.
As far as where exactly TheBoat stands on the decision to close down, Mar says, “anything is possible at this point in time.” Nothing is guaranteed until the final decision is made and the funding has been put in by the mayor to continue until the contract expires at the end of June.
The Department of Transportation Services project manager Darrin Mar said the average riders monthly can range anywhere from between 5,000 to 7,800. If 6,000 commuters are riding the fairy monthly, it pans out to be about 300 people riding daily. If the 300 daily riders ride both to and from their destination and pays $2 each way, the bus is taking in only $1,200 a day.
TheBoat, which started in September of 2007, is still fairly new, but the trips between Aloha Tower and Kalaeloa may stop July 1. As most people commute into town during the day, the idea behind the boat was to cut down the amount of vehicles on the road.
Upon arriving at Kalaeloa Pier, finding TheBoat’s dock may be a bit tricky, but there are many options in arriving at TheBoat. Twenty-three free parking stalls are available for two or more person carpoolers, a “kiss-n-ride” (drop-off/pick-up by private vehicles), and TheBus stops literally less than 100 feet from TheBoat’s docking point. The trip from Kalaeloa Pier to Aloha Tower takes about an hour.
On a Monday morning, on the last ride to Aloha tower for the morning tour departed at 8 a.m., about 10 passengers waited for TheBoat’s doors to open; amongst them, a variety of people. One man brought along his bike, another man a brief case. “This is wonderful here,” a tourist says excited with laughter.
The cost for a one-way ride is $2. But commuters can purchase a $40 monthly pass or a $440 yearly pass. The inside cabin has large, comfortable chairs, booths with tables, and an upper open deck that holds many bench seats. Smalls snacks, drinks and free Wi-Fi are also available for the trip. After a few horn blows and a safety TheBoat departed the Harbor. The top deck seemed to have the best seats, as most rushed straight up the stairs to get a seat with the best view. Luckily, this was a beautiful, sunny morning with very calm waters. A group of about six dolphins were even spotted just after the departure.
One man working who works for TheBus says he occasionally rides the bus “for fun,” especially with the possibility of its near closure. When asked about any information on the closure of TheBoat he said, “…if they [Oahu residents] make a big stink about it, maybe they’re [the Council] will leave in on; we don’t know yet.”
On this day many of the riders were discussing the future of TheBoat. Jenny Harper, a 22 year old Makakilo resident said she rides the boat almost every week day.
“Especially right now with finals coming up,” she said. “I easily commute to the UH Campus fairly quickly and cheaply.”
Another man added: “…TheBoat is very reliable, no anxiety like if the bus doesn’t come.” Two children also enjoyed the ride with their father and grandma.
“Float the boat!” said Aaron, a deckhand. “You can sleep on TheBoat but, you can’t sleep on the bus.”
Four crew members are along for the ride: a captain, a co-captain and two deck hands. They, too, are as just as in the dark about what is happening with the ferry as everyone else. It seems that many Oahu residents haven't even heard of TheBoat.
Don Kyles, a Kapolei resident and rider since April 2008 was on the ferry both Monday morning and Wednesday morning. He said he generally rides the boat Monday through Friday and would actually like to see it expand, not be shut down.
“The bus picks me up practically in front of my house and I work right next to Aloha Tower, so it works out perfectly for me.”
Kyles added that the actual commute time for catching the bus and the fairy takes about an extra 30 minutes than that by car, but he said spends the hour ride on the boat napping.
According to Mar, some people may ride to their destination, while others seem to carpool to town and only ride TheBoat home in the afternoon. The trip with the most passengers is in the afternoon, which departs at 3:55 p.m. from Aloha Tower back to Kalaeloa Pier.
“One-third of passengers ride in the morning while two-thirds ride in the afternoon,” Mar said.
“Save the Boat” fliers which were originally created by a customer of TheBoat are laid out on seats for the public to take. On the fliers contact information for the nine council members of the City Council is posted, encouraging the public to give input and to fight closure of TheBoat.
Of course TheBoat is not for everyone. Some simply don’t have the use for it, while others may not be able to handle the turbulence on a rough day. But if more Oahu residents had an open mind about their mode of transportation and gave the ferry a chance it seems as though they may actually find it very useful. Who doesn’t want an extra hour of sleep in the morning and to not have to deal with the fuss of traffic?
*the mo betta updated version:
What is to become of TheBoat?
The decision to cut funds for Oahu’s public transportation ferry, TheBoat, is still being reviewed by the Honolulu City Council Budget Committee. Proponents say that the $5 million cost for this commuter ferry is too high, especially in comparison with the actual rider usage.
Not only is the cost of TheBoat high, but if there are roughly 150,000 people commuting by vehicle to each day and only 300 riders on TheBoat, it doesn’t significantly reduced the traffic flow, according to proponents.
A variety of variables contribute to the flex in the number of riders. School vacations holiday vacations times generally have fewer riders. There is even a correlation with gas the fluxation of riders. According to Mar, personal interviews done with passengers on the ferry showed that the economy has also contributed to the dropped numbers in riders as some of the riders who have lost their jobs no longer have a use for riding.
As far as where exactly TheBoat stands on the decision to close down, Mar says, “anything is possible at this point in time.” Nothing is guaranteed until the final decision is made and the funding has been put in by the mayor to continue until the contract expires at the end of June.
The Department of Transportation Services project manager Darrin Mar said the average riders monthly can range anywhere from between 5,000 to 7,800. If 6,000 commuters are riding the fairy monthly, it pans out to be about 300 people riding daily. If the 300 daily riders ride both to and from their destination and pays $2 each way, the bus is taking in only $1,200 a day.
TheBoat, which started in September of 2007, is still fairly new, but the trips between Aloha Tower and Kalaeloa may stop July 1. As most people commute into town during the day, the idea behind the boat was to cut down the amount of vehicles on the road.
Upon arriving at Kalaeloa Pier, finding TheBoat’s dock may be a bit tricky, but there are many options in arriving at TheBoat. Twenty-three free parking stalls are available for two or more person carpoolers, a “kiss-n-ride” (drop-off/pick-up by private vehicles), and TheBus stops literally less than 100 feet from TheBoat’s docking point. The trip from Kalaeloa Pier to Aloha Tower takes about an hour.
On a Monday morning, on the last ride to Aloha tower for the morning tour departed at 8 a.m., about 10 passengers waited for TheBoat’s doors to open; amongst them, a variety of people. One man brought along his bike, another man a brief case. “This is wonderful here,” a tourist says excited with laughter.
The cost for a one-way ride is $2. But commuters can purchase a $40 monthly pass or a $440 yearly pass. The inside cabin has large, comfortable chairs, booths with tables, and an upper open deck that holds many bench seats. Smalls snacks, drinks and free Wi-Fi are also available for the trip. After a few horn blows and a safety TheBoat departed the Harbor. The top deck seemed to have the best seats, as most rushed straight up the stairs to get a seat with the best view. Luckily, this was a beautiful, sunny morning with very calm waters. A group of about six dolphins were even spotted just after the departure.
One man working who works for TheBus says he occasionally rides the bus “for fun,” especially with the possibility of its near closure. When asked about any information on the closure of TheBoat he said, “…if they [Oahu residents] make a big stink about it, maybe they’re [the Council] will leave in on; we don’t know yet.”
On this day many of the riders were discussing the future of TheBoat. Jenny Harper, a 22 year old Makakilo resident said she rides the boat almost every week day.
“Especially right now with finals coming up,” she said. “I easily commute to the UH Campus fairly quickly and cheaply.”
Another man added: “…TheBoat is very reliable, no anxiety like if the bus doesn’t come.” Two children also enjoyed the ride with their father and grandma.
“Float the boat!” said Aaron, a deckhand. “You can sleep on TheBoat but, you can’t sleep on the bus.”
Four crew members are along for the ride: a captain, a co-captain and two deck hands. They, too, are as just as in the dark about what is happening with the ferry as everyone else. It seems that many Oahu residents haven't even heard of TheBoat.
Don Kyles, a Kapolei resident and rider since April 2008 was on the ferry both Monday morning and Wednesday morning. He said he generally rides the boat Monday through Friday and would actually like to see it expand, not be shut down.
“The bus picks me up practically in front of my house and I work right next to Aloha Tower, so it works out perfectly for me.”
Kyles added that the actual commute time for catching the bus and the fairy takes about an extra 30 minutes than that by car, but he said spends the hour ride on the boat napping.
According to Mar, some people may ride to their destination, while others seem to carpool to town and only ride TheBoat home in the afternoon. The trip with the most passengers is in the afternoon, which departs at 3:55 p.m. from Aloha Tower back to Kalaeloa Pier.
“One-third of passengers ride in the morning while two-thirds ride in the afternoon,” Mar said.
“Save the Boat” fliers which were originally created by a customer of TheBoat are laid out on seats for the public to take. On the fliers contact information for the nine council members of the City Council is posted, encouraging the public to give input and to fight closure of TheBoat.
Of course TheBoat is not for everyone. Some simply don’t have the use for it, while others may not be able to handle the turbulence on a rough day. But if more Oahu residents had an open mind about their mode of transportation and gave the ferry a chance it seems as though they may actually find it very useful. Who doesn’t want an extra hour of sleep in the morning and to not have to deal with the fuss of traffic?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
number one most played song in my itunes...*update.
on february 6 my number one most played song in my itunes was "surf" by ka'au crater boys. click: here.
my new number one most played song in my itunes is "california (part II)" by none other than: mason jennings.
mason jennings
ka'au crater boys
my new number one most played song in my itunes is "california (part II)" by none other than: mason jennings.
mason jennings
ka'au crater boys
j-rak is whack...
...but only because she is leaving! :(
Sagittarius - May 3, 2009
You may be feeling particularly spiritual today, though a bit confused about how to express your feelings. If you do not yet belong to an organized religious community, it may be time for you to consider joining one. Alternatively, you could start simpler, such as meditating for twenty minutes per day or signing up for a class or workshop. Dear Sagittarius, there is no right or wrong way to pursue spiritual goals.
MSN Astrology
...i will definitely consider this. i've been thinking about it for a while.
tree nights in a row of boosing it up while j-rak was here...too much fun.
too much fun and i feel like shit.
wtf. literally, i just wrote that sentence, ran to the bathroom and puked like four times.
my body is so not happy with me right now after the way i treated it this weekend!
...definitely worth it though...
after puking i do at least feel better.
so it's sunday night. i was supposed to work until closing tonight but thankfully got off early. i seriously don't know what i would have done if i had to stay. luckly, a girl said she'd stay late for me so i could go home.
p.s. i barely have a voice left, either. but i DO think chicks with raspy voices is kind of hot.
back to the fact it's sunday night and i have five papers to write before tuesday.
and a sign language exam on tuesday.
wow.why, why, why would i do this to myself?
and to top it all off even though i barely slept much since thursday, when i tried to nap today, couldn't. my mind was just too busy to rest.
queen of kings, i'm sorry i remembered only today that you're birthday was yesterday:
happy basssday!
Photos By: Sweet D
puppy crusin' in the bed of the truck, on the eassst side.

puppy looking guilty...or just really kawaii.

i want a new job right now. i was thinking of perhaps checking out a parking attendant job and just read books and write. minimum wage probably, but oh well. i could still work at the restaurant a couple days a week. or maybe some other bar job. saw one ad on craigslist...
also saw one for a craft store.
the fact that is was pup's birthday got me to thinking about pet astrology.
i looked it up on: astrologyweekly.
puppy is a taurus, and i think nothing like what the website had to say about her. it also said that taurus dogs don't get along with saggitarius humans, but that is the complete opposite, too. weird.
Sagittarius - May 3, 2009
You may be feeling particularly spiritual today, though a bit confused about how to express your feelings. If you do not yet belong to an organized religious community, it may be time for you to consider joining one. Alternatively, you could start simpler, such as meditating for twenty minutes per day or signing up for a class or workshop. Dear Sagittarius, there is no right or wrong way to pursue spiritual goals.
MSN Astrology
...i will definitely consider this. i've been thinking about it for a while.
tree nights in a row of boosing it up while j-rak was here...too much fun.
too much fun and i feel like shit.
wtf. literally, i just wrote that sentence, ran to the bathroom and puked like four times.
my body is so not happy with me right now after the way i treated it this weekend!
...definitely worth it though...
after puking i do at least feel better.
so it's sunday night. i was supposed to work until closing tonight but thankfully got off early. i seriously don't know what i would have done if i had to stay. luckly, a girl said she'd stay late for me so i could go home.
p.s. i barely have a voice left, either. but i DO think chicks with raspy voices is kind of hot.
back to the fact it's sunday night and i have five papers to write before tuesday.
and a sign language exam on tuesday.
wow.why, why, why would i do this to myself?
and to top it all off even though i barely slept much since thursday, when i tried to nap today, couldn't. my mind was just too busy to rest.
queen of kings, i'm sorry i remembered only today that you're birthday was yesterday:
happy basssday!
Photos By: Sweet D
puppy crusin' in the bed of the truck, on the eassst side.

puppy looking guilty...or just really kawaii.

i want a new job right now. i was thinking of perhaps checking out a parking attendant job and just read books and write. minimum wage probably, but oh well. i could still work at the restaurant a couple days a week. or maybe some other bar job. saw one ad on craigslist...
also saw one for a craft store.
the fact that is was pup's birthday got me to thinking about pet astrology.
i looked it up on: astrologyweekly.
puppy is a taurus, and i think nothing like what the website had to say about her. it also said that taurus dogs don't get along with saggitarius humans, but that is the complete opposite, too. weird.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
we had a good time, butt...
we had a good time, butt... that just deserves to be said again. :) ha, haha, hahaha.
so my f'in car got towed last night. i was so pissed and upset. i was a bioioioioioch to the tow guys and pretty much just threw the money in their face and said fuck you bc i sweeeear me and ann paid when i went there! although...we couldn't find the ticket i'm pretty sure i left inside the dash. my biggest problem was them taking the bug! money, secondly. i was crying and everything; hahah.
prior to the club experiences last night, o.d. and i went to see the glass menagerie (sp? --> and too lazy to look it up). it was really fun. i never really appriciated or respected actors as much as i do now that i've taken acting class!
the story is basically about a girl a little different, with a limp, her brother who supports the family and their crazy mom worried about marrying off the daughter.
the daughter, laura, collects small, colorful, tiny glass animals. kind of weird.
i collected glasses, but cups.
her favorite one was a unicorn; all the other glass horses she had didn't have a horn. yesertday during my lunch break i went to price busters and bought a unicorn birthday card for my sister. although her birthday isn't until july, i just felt like it and she really loved unicorns when we were kids. ( i loved cats)
also, laura tried dancing for the first time in the play and she was very shy, etc.
jacie and i had just been talking about me needing to learn how to dance, but i'm skerred.
anyways, three weird coinsidences between i and laura with a limp from the glass menagerie.
prior to the glass menagerie, i made some spaghetti...i seriously just had to look up how to spell spaghetti. it's been one of my favorite foods since i was a little kid and i don't even know how to spell it. from now on, spag-hetti is how i will remember.
my old roommate from minnesoooota taught me a tip or two about making spag-hetti:
-you will know if the noodles are ready or not by throwing one against the cabinent, wall, fridge (anything really will work). if it sticks, it's ready.
-if you do not want the noodles to stick together after boiling them, add some vegetable oils to grease 'em up.
i literally have five papers to write before tuesday. and i'm almost going to guarentee that i don't do any until monday. shheeesh.
Sagittarius - May 2, 2009
Your mind is so receptive and retentive today that you might surprise even yourself, dear Sagittarius. Intellect and intuition work perfectly hand in hand. Information that you've acquired could seem more significant than ever, as you're more able than usual to read between the lines. This can be a real asset for you, as today is the perfect day for getting it all together and making sense of it. Tip: do it now. This could all pass by tomorrow.
MSN Astrology
...tip: do it now! jesus...i just don't want to!
o.d. put on my old "dd's faves" playlist and i'm glad to come across some old faves that i haven't heard "for a minute"; mostly stuff from what i listened to high school and also living in minnesoooota.
click: fast car.
click: my name is jonas. (favorite guitar hero song)
ahhh! just came across my old favorite commerical the entire time i was living in minnesooota! inge, i miss you!!
click: i'm too excited to sleep. (we used to say this over and over and over and over.)
nametags at work:
i think i should be able to change mine to sweet d. that would be hilarious. we could be known as the restaurant where the servers use strictly nicknames!
i wish i had some pictures to post, but all the ones from the weekend: #1) cannot be put up; i do not want to embaress myself. #2) are on other people's cameras.shiiet.
why is minnesooooota on my mind? missin' my mama. (of course pops and everyone else too, i just like alliteration)
so my f'in car got towed last night. i was so pissed and upset. i was a bioioioioioch to the tow guys and pretty much just threw the money in their face and said fuck you bc i sweeeear me and ann paid when i went there! although...we couldn't find the ticket i'm pretty sure i left inside the dash. my biggest problem was them taking the bug! money, secondly. i was crying and everything; hahah.
prior to the club experiences last night, o.d. and i went to see the glass menagerie (sp? --> and too lazy to look it up). it was really fun. i never really appriciated or respected actors as much as i do now that i've taken acting class!
the story is basically about a girl a little different, with a limp, her brother who supports the family and their crazy mom worried about marrying off the daughter.
the daughter, laura, collects small, colorful, tiny glass animals. kind of weird.
i collected glasses, but cups.
her favorite one was a unicorn; all the other glass horses she had didn't have a horn. yesertday during my lunch break i went to price busters and bought a unicorn birthday card for my sister. although her birthday isn't until july, i just felt like it and she really loved unicorns when we were kids. ( i loved cats)
also, laura tried dancing for the first time in the play and she was very shy, etc.
jacie and i had just been talking about me needing to learn how to dance, but i'm skerred.
anyways, three weird coinsidences between i and laura with a limp from the glass menagerie.
prior to the glass menagerie, i made some spaghetti...i seriously just had to look up how to spell spaghetti. it's been one of my favorite foods since i was a little kid and i don't even know how to spell it. from now on, spag-hetti is how i will remember.
my old roommate from minnesoooota taught me a tip or two about making spag-hetti:
-you will know if the noodles are ready or not by throwing one against the cabinent, wall, fridge (anything really will work). if it sticks, it's ready.
-if you do not want the noodles to stick together after boiling them, add some vegetable oils to grease 'em up.
i literally have five papers to write before tuesday. and i'm almost going to guarentee that i don't do any until monday. shheeesh.
Sagittarius - May 2, 2009
Your mind is so receptive and retentive today that you might surprise even yourself, dear Sagittarius. Intellect and intuition work perfectly hand in hand. Information that you've acquired could seem more significant than ever, as you're more able than usual to read between the lines. This can be a real asset for you, as today is the perfect day for getting it all together and making sense of it. Tip: do it now. This could all pass by tomorrow.
MSN Astrology
...tip: do it now! jesus...i just don't want to!
o.d. put on my old "dd's faves" playlist and i'm glad to come across some old faves that i haven't heard "for a minute"; mostly stuff from what i listened to high school and also living in minnesoooota.
click: fast car.
click: my name is jonas. (favorite guitar hero song)
ahhh! just came across my old favorite commerical the entire time i was living in minnesooota! inge, i miss you!!
click: i'm too excited to sleep. (we used to say this over and over and over and over.)
nametags at work:
i think i should be able to change mine to sweet d. that would be hilarious. we could be known as the restaurant where the servers use strictly nicknames!
i wish i had some pictures to post, but all the ones from the weekend: #1) cannot be put up; i do not want to embaress myself. #2) are on other people's cameras.shiiet.
why is minnesooooota on my mind? missin' my mama. (of course pops and everyone else too, i just like alliteration)
Friday, May 1, 2009
j-rak is back! / may day.
...i can finally say it! had a great night with my honey girls and lots of friends celebrating jrak's return. (even if she is a white girl now...hahahha.)
Sagittarius - May 1, 2009
This is one of those days when you will be walking down the street, and all of a sudden you will notice a twenty-dollar bill in the gutter. This doesn't mean that you should go walking around town with your head down today, dear Sagittarius. In fact, just the opposite is true. Keep your head held high at all times. Good luck will come to you when you least expect it. This positive energy will come in many different forms, so be open to everything that comes your way.
MSN Astrology
...yay! tonight is going to be just as fun as last night... :)
happy 1st birthday, pup!
Sagittarius - May 1, 2009
This is one of those days when you will be walking down the street, and all of a sudden you will notice a twenty-dollar bill in the gutter. This doesn't mean that you should go walking around town with your head down today, dear Sagittarius. In fact, just the opposite is true. Keep your head held high at all times. Good luck will come to you when you least expect it. This positive energy will come in many different forms, so be open to everything that comes your way.
MSN Astrology
...yay! tonight is going to be just as fun as last night... :)
happy 1st birthday, pup!
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