Friday, May 15, 2009

t.g.i.f., as allllways.

just pau hana. it's 2am...friday mornin'.

found anotherrrr penny outside the bug today while heading to work. didn't really want to go (as usual)...but it ended up actually being a good night. (for me at least, which i will get to the really shitty part later)

first of all, for some reason, i knew a lot of people who i was serving tonight.
1. b-sauces' ex (which is sort or hilarious to me because he was also working...and they two do not get along, which makes for awkwardness ;) )
2. a girl from my acting class
3. boys from okinawa. it all began when i got sat two japanese guys who were waiting for a few other friends... i pretty much use japanese to most japanese customers, and they always want to know why a little haole girl speaks nihongo, so i have to tell them my whole life story, etc. then their friends came, two of whom were from okinawa. i didn't know them right away, but one asked my last name and automatically knew who i was because he was friends with my ex boyfriend. weird. small world. good times.

so, the money was good and the night went fast because i was busy the entire night.

a few co-workers of mine went to one of our "home bars" after they had got off. and then one of them found out his mom had just passed away in the mainland. (this was about an hour ago)
i feel so sad for him. what can i do? there's nothing i can do. i would say that my parents passing away would probably be one of my worst nightmares. i mean, i know everyone has their time, but wtf. my co-worker is one of the nicest guys i know; i mean, he's says "gosh dang it!" and "shooot!" when he's mad! he and his family will definitely be on my mind and in my prayers.

click: the scientist.

Sagittarius - May 15, 2009

Consider the way in which you lend a hand to people. Are you really helping them, or are you hurting them, dear Sagittarius? Realize that helping others does not mean doing things for them that they can do themselves. Helping also does not mean imposing your will on others. Remember that other people have their own personality and their own plans in regard to how they want to live their lives. You may think you know what is best for everyone, but ultimately, the choices are theirs to make, not yours.

MSN Astrology
...i'm totally keeping my thoughts, opinions, and help to myself the next couple of days. whaaaatevaaaa.

just saw that amos lee will be here on the 30th (small venue)...with a guest, ANUHEA! (j-rak!)
perhaps i'll go since i decided i'd rather not go see matt costa...i mean, i've seen him like five times already up close and personal, so why would i wanna go to a huge, lame show?
...then again maybe i won't go, it's a saturday night, i'll be at work. whack attack.
click: colors.


saw six fish jump out of the water today at work. crazy.

1 comment:

  1. S texted me this morning with that news! Poor guy!!! you're right, this is the worse thing that could happen to THE nicest guy. I hope he'll pull thru. Praying for him and his family as well.
