Tuesday, November 17, 2009

my tuesday evening consisted of more christmas decor, a few beers, my roomie, paper crane making and some christmas carols.

since olive cannot handle the temptation of dangling christmas ornaments, we've decided to have our "main" christmas tree with just lights and paper cranes.
i also have a mini-tree that is decorated with shell ornaments my mom made from shells she found in okinawa.
and another tree in progress-the hand tree.

speaking of naughty olive, she's also been stealing caramels from a thanksgiving turkey dish.

went to savers yesterday because i needed, well, nothing...and left with a lot of somethings. best catches of the day: a rasta-colored, knitted baby blanket for future bebe(s), some baby chuck taylor shoe's for jamie's bebe, and a family circus (the comic) little boy's t-shirt (for me) that says: "yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future and today is a gift, that's why it's called present."

r.i.p. the sherlock.

1 comment:

  1. I used to love Family Circus when I was little...I thought they were so cute. That shirt sounds A-mazing!
