i'm 24 now. 8,760 days i've been alive. i checked that math three times because for some reason i assumed there were more days than that, but i guess not.
as most people say, you don't miraculously automatically feel older, it's more just getting used to replying with "24" when people ask how old you are.
twenty four years ago my pops was digging out the car (since i was born in a blizzard on ellsworth afb, south dakota (in/near rapid city,s.d.)). my mom said i was born between 1 and 1:30 p.m. and that i was out in less than an hour upon her arrival of the hospital.
only some months of living in s.d. i move to arkansas were i lived throughout some of kindergarten.
partway through kindergarten, we moved to north dakota. i think my teacher's name was ms.divorack.
i always liked school and can remember most of my teachers.
second grade, ms.carver (her husband was a trucker)
third grade, ms.danielson (she was young and friends with my mom since my mom's a teacher, too)
fourth grade, ms.brookes (she got married partway through the year, but can remember her "new" name.
[moved to okinawa]
fifth grade, mr.shipley (he's my friend on facebook, we used to steal candy out of his desk)
sixth grade, mrs.germaine (she passed away of cancer a couple of years ago, her daughters went to my h.s.)
seventh grade, mr.kanikkaberg (lori's dad), mr.stevens (from *new hampshire, had accent, always let me run errands for him during class), ms.puzy (engrish, she was nice, her daughter was murdered not so long ago working in a third world country), math (can't remember her name right now, but she was obsessed with math damon and serioiusly would give you extra credit if you brought her in a picture of him from like a magazine or something, and she would post it on the bulliten board)
eighth grade, mr.benjamin (crazy science teacher who told me and my friend, "hey, no shooting up in class!" and he got stranded on an island kayaking and barely survived off of water dripping from inside a cave.), ms.pope (craigery's mom!), mr.pruitt(stuck in the 70's kine clothes with his curly chest hair sticking out and a jerry-curl perm(?), always yelled "sign my folder!" if you were in trouble, my sister had him, too.)
tenth grade, ms.rivers (crazy lady, my sister had her, too.), ms.trusedale (for my dumb-kid science class becasue i didn't want to take anything challenging since science/math is hard for me. she was a hobbit-troll like lady who had sooo much crap packed in her van it was disgusting and everyone made fun of it. we SERIOUSLY did an "expeirment" to see if a ball would be better on: grass, cement, or wood; wtf, right?)
a lot of teachers in the dods system are kind of crazy. they moved overseas, for some reason many of them don't get married, and they do a lot of traveling because they: 1. make good money 2. get good benefits 3. have the schedule to do so 4. live in the places to do so
maybe i shouldn't haven't dropped out of the college of education and went with my plan before to be a teacher and move overseas again.
who knows.
but i wouldn't be who i was today if life were any different...so, no regrets.
so after graduating high school on okinawa, i decided to stay there and attend the university of maryland [extension-asian division] on the base. which...really isn't like a college campus at all, it's just like night classes with military people and their families. i don't mind it like that; just way different than attending somewhere like uh. and i was also working as a teacher aid at a primary school for fairly high functioning special ed children.
[maybe i would be happier now if i worked somewhere like a school again and out of the stuuuupid service industry--but it's just getting through school now so i don't have to work at a restaurant forever. then again, it's not like the restaurant is a bad job, it's actually a really good job [eXspeically considering the economy]. hmm...life.]
life in okinawa was great, amazing and an experience i'm so grateful for.
we were only supposed to be stationed there for four years, but my dad ended up retiring there, scoring a shweeet civilian contractor job, my mom had a shweeet teaching job, and life was good.
i'm sad i'm gone and miss it soooo much, but it's a small island and there is much more to the world, and i can always go back again someday [hopefully soon--maybe it will inspire me to want to get at least a minor in japanese...or i was thinking of doing a summer study aboard there [but i'd probably be like a really bad student and just cruise all the time, haha]]
nothing will ever be like it was; i just have to accept that.
one big downfall of living far away: being far away. living in japan we saw our family like once a year.
we went from diving down to see my cousins every othe weekend to seeing them once a year!
i guess you could say that was a sacrafice.
when my grandma was diagnosed with pancreotic cancer we decided to move "home". home--we didn't really have one, but my parents got a house in minnesota where we went every other weekend practically while living in n.d. and we had family there.
very, very small town.
mom my actually suggested i move to hawaii, but i decided i would just go to minnesota...and although i could have gone anywhere, i felt like i didn't really have anywhere to go, and i do like being near my family.
from the fifth grade i was in okinawa, and had to start a new at nineteen in minneapolis.
i hated it. i hated everything.
i hated it so much i probably didn't give it enough of a chance...because there are really great things about minnesota; i just really like being warm, the ocean, the sun and being around people i feel like i can relate with more--(if that makes sense).
i suppose i could be happy anywhere, and i'm sure if i gave minnesota a chance again, i could live there, but at that time, i was just not happy.
i remember when my mom drove me up to my school orientation at the university of mn-twin cities in minneapolis. we went to where i would be living, the school, etc.
as we drove off, i just turned my face towards the windo and silently cried-scared and just not feeling excited about this new journey at all.
basically i went to class during the week. the campus(es) are huge and i think with grad students there were something like 100,000 students.
too big for me.
i didn't meet many people i would consider friends or even many people i'd want to spend my time with, but i did really like one of my roommates though, inge. we cooked spaghetti and sewed a lot of pajama pants and watched way too much of a paris hilton show where she roadtripped around with her best friend.
on the weekends i worked a japanese restuarant.
i saved my money and my mom said if i'm not happy i should go wherever i'll be happy and that if it doesn't work out i can always come "home", so even though for some reason i felt guilty, i decided i was going to move.
i decided between california (around san fran-even though i had never been there) or hawaii.
hawaii it was.
here i am.
i don't know where i'll be later on.
it could be here, it could be there.
my grandpa and i. i look like a fat boy.

my mom's favorite picture of me. like 1.5/2 yrs old.

always crazy. first grade.

me and a cat that i think was named princess.

jobs i've had:
-craft store
-lifeguard/swim instructor
-engrish teacher
-teacher aid
-japanese restaurant(s)
-professional photographer
-writing for kaleo
i wouldn't mind working at a craft store again, but i think i'd be really poor.
i haven't done this in forever is now seems like the perfect time.
where is your mother?
probably at home in mn.
where is your father?
probably deer hunting in mn.
do you like to swim?
i love swimming.
do you need to return anyones phone call?
Where were you born?
where do you keep your birth certificate?
i think my mom has it.
how many days until your birthday?
what is the closest orange object to you?
an orange owl pot i found at savers.
have you sneezed in the past hour?
how many books are in your room?
what did you last eat?
chocolate cake!
name one of your goals for this year?
i'll just set goals next year.
what is the biggest trouble you have ever been in?
ha, not much. tickets -- police wise, detention for skipping once -- high school, drinking in eigth grade -- parents.
did you cry because michael jackson died?
look to your left. what's there?
what are you looking forward to?
big island, mn.
what comes to your mind when i say red?
what other language do you want to be fluent in?
do you crack your neck often?
do you usually hold your pee for a long time?
sometimes, it's bad.
name something you think is pointless?
many of the tasks i do throughout the day.
have you ever been in a fist fight?
with a boy; i got decked.
do you wish at 11:11?
mr. stevens was from NEW HAMPSHIRE! haha. not boston!
ReplyDeletesomething like that! hahahaha. :)