Saturday, December 19, 2009

time flies.

where did most of december go??
it started with my birthday...
and somehow it's now already the 19th.

writing hasn't been so much on my mind. what's to say anymore?
i guess theres some things i could say, but decide it's better just not to.
and i've put off doing anything school until school starts back up in january.

i leave in about 14 hours, fly strait into minneapolis and then take a rickidy little plane to a small northern town. hopefully i can just curl up in a ball and k.o. against the window like i always do. it supposed to be "snow showers" that day...but hopefully i'll make it on time, and i don't mind the turbulance.

(this could quite possibly be like the one perk of being short: riding in cramped airplanes. seriously though, i feel cramped, i can't imagine how everyone else feels. ick. ok, flying in airplanes and also being able to pretend i'm really young. like when i was 18 and my and my pops went riding on a sunday morning and out to brunch and told the lady, "one adult and one child,"(a child- 12 and under) and the lady believed it. seriousLy?)


made some "puppy chow" (some holiday treats my mom would always make). ...just didn't taste the same. maybe it's all in my head? then again, maybe not.
i'm pretty sure my mom will have some in minnesota when i get there.

getting away for a week will be good.
just family and relaxing.

and then i'll be ready to get back to life, say goodbye to 2009 and be openminded about 2010 has to offer (as much as possible).

"love me if you dare"- that's what the video said, click: let go.

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