Sagittarius - July 31, 2009
As much as you enjoy being out and about with people, tonight will be a good evening for rest and relaxation, dear Sagittarius. If you can, try taking the afternoon off: curl up in your favorite chair with a good book, take a slow walk through a garden or putter about in the kitchen cooking up something fabulous. You need some time to refuel your soul, dear Sagittarius. You will be able to tackle your projects tomorrow, relaxed and rejuvenated.
MSN Astrology kidding. haven't slept much the past couple days.
so i drove the thirty-second drive to work today, twice, and in that time i heard this song on the radio three different times all on the same station.
and then i heard it once in the office.
and i like it.
click: best i ever had.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
wished you were there.
had my head in the clouds this morning, literally.
a few friends and i climbed the stairway to heaven at around 5 a.m and got to see the sun come up. it was pretty nuts, but amazing of course, hence the name. the hike itself wasn't actually so hard since having a railing helps out x's 1000000. plus, most of the scary parts are all mind over matter, anyway.
click: (none other than) stairway to heaven.
Photos by: Neesh
so high, so nice.

crazy ridges.

in the clouds.


the first of the three platform stops.
a few friends and i climbed the stairway to heaven at around 5 a.m and got to see the sun come up. it was pretty nuts, but amazing of course, hence the name. the hike itself wasn't actually so hard since having a railing helps out x's 1000000. plus, most of the scary parts are all mind over matter, anyway.
click: (none other than) stairway to heaven.
Photos by: Neesh
so high, so nice.

crazy ridges.

in the clouds.


the first of the three platform stops.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
my friend makes cards, they are super nice. you should check them out.
click: stampin kitty.
click: stampin kitty.
whateva wednesday.
Sagittarius - July 29, 2009
My, you have been a social butterfly lately, dear Sagittarius! The sociable phase you are currently in demands a great deal of your energy. You are attracted to some of your new acquaintances, but irritated by others. One, in particular, causes you real anxiety today. You have two choices: either abandon your new group of friends entirely, or expel the person who's causing trouble for you.
MSN Astrology
...honestly i wouldn't say that i've been that much of a social butterfly.
click: i found a reason.
p.s. haven't been to the gym in over a month. geez :/ i need to get on that...tomorrow.
i saw a clip of this video on some kind of morning show the other day but didn't really pay any attention until mo had it posted up as well.
i started watching it and thought: only white people, for real...and of course they had to be from minnesota, haha.
but i watched the entire thing and by the end i guess you could say i actually kind of like it. i mean, it's just two people doing what they want on their wedding day, so who am i to judge them? (even if it is pretty corny)
anyways, click: jk wedding entrance.
My, you have been a social butterfly lately, dear Sagittarius! The sociable phase you are currently in demands a great deal of your energy. You are attracted to some of your new acquaintances, but irritated by others. One, in particular, causes you real anxiety today. You have two choices: either abandon your new group of friends entirely, or expel the person who's causing trouble for you.
MSN Astrology
...honestly i wouldn't say that i've been that much of a social butterfly.
click: i found a reason.
p.s. haven't been to the gym in over a month. geez :/ i need to get on that...tomorrow.
i saw a clip of this video on some kind of morning show the other day but didn't really pay any attention until mo had it posted up as well.
i started watching it and thought: only white people, for real...and of course they had to be from minnesota, haha.
but i watched the entire thing and by the end i guess you could say i actually kind of like it. i mean, it's just two people doing what they want on their wedding day, so who am i to judge them? (even if it is pretty corny)
anyways, click: jk wedding entrance.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sagittarius - July 28, 2009
Your opinions might be the focus of the conversation all day, dear Sagittarius. You have a very strong will and you aren't afraid to express it. Today you will be given that chance. Feel free to enlighten others with your tremendous wealth of knowledge. Take control of the conversation and accept the mental challenge of trying to win other people over to your side. Whether you are successful or not, you will have a fun time trying.
MSN Astrology
click: with a little help from my friends.
spent the afternoon laying on the bow of a boat out on the ocean. it felt nice going up and down with the waves and cloud watching while listening to paula fuga.
got off work fairly early and enjoyed the rest of the later evening with some friends.
click: i don't blame you.
Your opinions might be the focus of the conversation all day, dear Sagittarius. You have a very strong will and you aren't afraid to express it. Today you will be given that chance. Feel free to enlighten others with your tremendous wealth of knowledge. Take control of the conversation and accept the mental challenge of trying to win other people over to your side. Whether you are successful or not, you will have a fun time trying.
MSN Astrology
click: with a little help from my friends.
spent the afternoon laying on the bow of a boat out on the ocean. it felt nice going up and down with the waves and cloud watching while listening to paula fuga.
got off work fairly early and enjoyed the rest of the later evening with some friends.
click: i don't blame you.
tut, tut, it smells like rain.
...on an early, early tuesday morning. and now it's more of a nice pour. and a decent breeze. i like it.
and it stopped.
and it stopped.
Monday, July 27, 2009
meandering through monday.
Sagittarius - Weekly Horoscope
Sagittarius, you know you're retaining negative emotions regarding certain events that took place in your life. This week you're going to discover that you're able to release your toxic feelings and be finished with them once and for all. On Monday Venus trines Jupiter, the planet of blessings and your ruler, and you'll dispose with any negativity you're holding onto. On Friday your commitment to transformation solidifies as Venus enters intuitive Cancer and your sector of personal power and inner change. You'll spend your time concentrating on discovering who you really are and what makes you tick.
MSN Astrology.
...looks like i'll be feeling better this week. i noticed i haven't been so negative about work the past couple days and it wasn't so bad.
click: maps.
slept in quite a bit today...til 10.
walked to the bank. walked to the grocery store. i decided it's finally time i start eating at home, especially with school starting in a month. i bought a little more than i maybe should have considering i was walking, but i made it.
again, work wasn't bad. i didn't try to get off early or anything...working is not so bad when you don't really have any else to do and are broke. and, i got off early.
i'm glad about all i had accomplished today.
new pet peve: (this is actually from j.rak, but it's definitely happened to me before as well, and i don't like it either.) when people flag you down to order, and then they don't even know what they want.
Sagittarius, you know you're retaining negative emotions regarding certain events that took place in your life. This week you're going to discover that you're able to release your toxic feelings and be finished with them once and for all. On Monday Venus trines Jupiter, the planet of blessings and your ruler, and you'll dispose with any negativity you're holding onto. On Friday your commitment to transformation solidifies as Venus enters intuitive Cancer and your sector of personal power and inner change. You'll spend your time concentrating on discovering who you really are and what makes you tick.
MSN Astrology.
...looks like i'll be feeling better this week. i noticed i haven't been so negative about work the past couple days and it wasn't so bad.
click: maps.
slept in quite a bit today...til 10.
walked to the bank. walked to the grocery store. i decided it's finally time i start eating at home, especially with school starting in a month. i bought a little more than i maybe should have considering i was walking, but i made it.
again, work wasn't bad. i didn't try to get off early or anything...working is not so bad when you don't really have any else to do and are broke. and, i got off early.
i'm glad about all i had accomplished today.
new pet peve: (this is actually from j.rak, but it's definitely happened to me before as well, and i don't like it either.) when people flag you down to order, and then they don't even know what they want.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
sometime on sunday.
click: turn turn turn.
had an early morning beach rendevous.
got some lunch, ran into a boy who used to live around here and always used to come by the house. he's like thirteen of fourteen now or something, but i hadn't seen in him in forever since he and his family moved to waikiki. anyways, he and his friends are the ones who used to call me "sand". even today he was like "hey, sand!". he's a little skater kid who's hair is about as long as i mine, haha, i miss that kid.
Sagittarius - July 26, 2009
You may be barking up the wrong tree today, dear Sagittarius. Before you go wasting all your energy standing up there on your podium and proclaiming your thoughts to the world, it would behoove you to stop, look around, and notice your audience. How are they reacting to your tirade? Are people walking away or are they standing up and cheering? Perhaps you need to let someone else have a turn at the microphone.
MSN Astrology
...hmm. uh huh... i guess this is true. i've said what i've had to say so i'll just be quiet now.
work hasn't been horrible. i'm there, i work, i have nothing better to be doing at the moment anyway and i need the money, so...that is that.
had an early morning beach rendevous.
got some lunch, ran into a boy who used to live around here and always used to come by the house. he's like thirteen of fourteen now or something, but i hadn't seen in him in forever since he and his family moved to waikiki. anyways, he and his friends are the ones who used to call me "sand". even today he was like "hey, sand!". he's a little skater kid who's hair is about as long as i mine, haha, i miss that kid.
Sagittarius - July 26, 2009
You may be barking up the wrong tree today, dear Sagittarius. Before you go wasting all your energy standing up there on your podium and proclaiming your thoughts to the world, it would behoove you to stop, look around, and notice your audience. How are they reacting to your tirade? Are people walking away or are they standing up and cheering? Perhaps you need to let someone else have a turn at the microphone.
MSN Astrology
...hmm. uh huh... i guess this is true. i've said what i've had to say so i'll just be quiet now.
work hasn't been horrible. i'm there, i work, i have nothing better to be doing at the moment anyway and i need the money, so...that is that.
on this day in 1983, my sister, linda, was born. today is her golden birthday since she's now 26.
when i was a kid i wanted to be just like my sister. she played basketball, i played basketball. she got a charolette hornets jersey, i wanted a charolette hornets jersey...the list goes on and on. i would always annoyingly tag along with linda and her friends. one time linda and her friend made up a fake language (which i believed was real) and they would teach me words and i would be trying to remember them all...
linda and i would always make "chop sewy" with whatever stuff we found outside. there was this one really stinky grass that made your hands smell that we used as one of our indgredients in the cop sewy...and of course linda always made me pick it.
and i remember her holding me down once and making me eat a leaf at my grandma's house.
linda and her husband don't have any babies yet, but they did have a lot of dogs for a while. three pitbulls and a minature pincher. the pincher's name is "baby", but what i really thought was hilarious is that my sister named one of the other dogs after my ex-boyfriend, taichi.
facts about linda:
-lives in illinois with husband
-does acrylic nails and bartends for a living
-has a degree in social work
-likes dressing up and bling bling
-she's thoughtful and goofy
-her and her husband both refer to each other as "pig" or sometimes "babe"
-likes winnie the pooh a lot
-has been married for almost two years
-loves horses
-she's punched me, twice
of course many of my favorite childhood memories are with linda since we often did things together. a hefty portion of our home movies are of us dancing around the living room. and we used to make up dances, a lot.
i particularly remember doing a three person dance with to this one which included linda, a friend named amy and i.
click: wild wild west.
morning drives to school:
-linda was late for everything (and maybe sometimes right on time). but i like to be early, and i had to ride with linda. she would always take forever to get ready and i would nag her. we would fight.
-on one particular occasion as we were finally getting in the car to get to school linda tried to make me sit in the back seat for no reason (none other than to be a bitch). i refused so when i got in shotty we just started fighting, arms flailing. my mom was standing in front of the house watching the whole thing go down and was screaming, "girls! stop it!"
we stopped. we drove to school without saying a word. and as soon as linda threw the car into park we both just busted out laughing about what had just happened at home. and we both went to class.
-i now know a lot of old school rap
-for a while linda had a stupid, ugly car in which we called "zamboni". and everytime it rained, it would usually die. so one way we're driving to school and it dies at a fairly busy four-way stop a few minutes from the house. me, linda and my friend tiffany all ducked down in our seats and were like, "shiiiit!". we peeked up and saw a friend of ours nearing the four-way; we grabbed our bags and jumped in leaving the car behind. my mom was on her way to work a little bit later and was wondering what all the traffic was around the four-way stop...and then she saw the car, and we were gone. she was able to get it started and drove it to a parking lot, but of course, she was pissed. i still can't really believe we just left it, but we did. ahahah. and thankfully linda got a different car.
seriously, in church, me and linda couldn't even look at each other without trying not to laugh. often we weren't allowed to sit next to each other because we would be giggling too much and this seriously continued throughout high school and i'm pretty sure even today. especially when a certain priest used to sing somtimes, it was too funny.
will we ever mature? i doubt it.
click: late nite tip.
my mom and sister probably around 1983/84.

mom: very pretty. me: very fat. linda: very cute.
august 27, 1986

sistahs...december 20, 1992.

totally forgot about this picture, love it. ma & lin.
(we still have the rocking chair, i think my sister has it...i want it)
when i was a kid i wanted to be just like my sister. she played basketball, i played basketball. she got a charolette hornets jersey, i wanted a charolette hornets jersey...the list goes on and on. i would always annoyingly tag along with linda and her friends. one time linda and her friend made up a fake language (which i believed was real) and they would teach me words and i would be trying to remember them all...
linda and i would always make "chop sewy" with whatever stuff we found outside. there was this one really stinky grass that made your hands smell that we used as one of our indgredients in the cop sewy...and of course linda always made me pick it.
and i remember her holding me down once and making me eat a leaf at my grandma's house.
linda and her husband don't have any babies yet, but they did have a lot of dogs for a while. three pitbulls and a minature pincher. the pincher's name is "baby", but what i really thought was hilarious is that my sister named one of the other dogs after my ex-boyfriend, taichi.
facts about linda:
-lives in illinois with husband
-does acrylic nails and bartends for a living
-has a degree in social work
-likes dressing up and bling bling
-she's thoughtful and goofy
-her and her husband both refer to each other as "pig" or sometimes "babe"
-likes winnie the pooh a lot
-has been married for almost two years
-loves horses
-she's punched me, twice
of course many of my favorite childhood memories are with linda since we often did things together. a hefty portion of our home movies are of us dancing around the living room. and we used to make up dances, a lot.
i particularly remember doing a three person dance with to this one which included linda, a friend named amy and i.
click: wild wild west.
morning drives to school:
-linda was late for everything (and maybe sometimes right on time). but i like to be early, and i had to ride with linda. she would always take forever to get ready and i would nag her. we would fight.
-on one particular occasion as we were finally getting in the car to get to school linda tried to make me sit in the back seat for no reason (none other than to be a bitch). i refused so when i got in shotty we just started fighting, arms flailing. my mom was standing in front of the house watching the whole thing go down and was screaming, "girls! stop it!"
we stopped. we drove to school without saying a word. and as soon as linda threw the car into park we both just busted out laughing about what had just happened at home. and we both went to class.
-i now know a lot of old school rap
-for a while linda had a stupid, ugly car in which we called "zamboni". and everytime it rained, it would usually die. so one way we're driving to school and it dies at a fairly busy four-way stop a few minutes from the house. me, linda and my friend tiffany all ducked down in our seats and were like, "shiiiit!". we peeked up and saw a friend of ours nearing the four-way; we grabbed our bags and jumped in leaving the car behind. my mom was on her way to work a little bit later and was wondering what all the traffic was around the four-way stop...and then she saw the car, and we were gone. she was able to get it started and drove it to a parking lot, but of course, she was pissed. i still can't really believe we just left it, but we did. ahahah. and thankfully linda got a different car.
seriously, in church, me and linda couldn't even look at each other without trying not to laugh. often we weren't allowed to sit next to each other because we would be giggling too much and this seriously continued throughout high school and i'm pretty sure even today. especially when a certain priest used to sing somtimes, it was too funny.
will we ever mature? i doubt it.
click: late nite tip.
my mom and sister probably around 1983/84.

mom: very pretty. me: very fat. linda: very cute.
august 27, 1986

sistahs...december 20, 1992.

totally forgot about this picture, love it. ma & lin.
(we still have the rocking chair, i think my sister has it...i want it)

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Sagittarius - July 25, 2009
This is the end of the voyage you have taken over the past few weeks, dear Sagittarius. You undoubtedly saw some interesting sights. Whether you were on an inner voyage or an outer one, the cosmic energy will bring you into a safe harbor. Unpack your bags carefully, as they are filled with treasures and souvenirs you will want to put around the house as happy reminders of how you've grown.
MSN Astrology
work wasn't half bad. although pretty slow i made fairly good money and got off early as well.
click: lover i don't have to love.
This is the end of the voyage you have taken over the past few weeks, dear Sagittarius. You undoubtedly saw some interesting sights. Whether you were on an inner voyage or an outer one, the cosmic energy will bring you into a safe harbor. Unpack your bags carefully, as they are filled with treasures and souvenirs you will want to put around the house as happy reminders of how you've grown.
MSN Astrology
work wasn't half bad. although pretty slow i made fairly good money and got off early as well.
click: lover i don't have to love.
Friday, July 24, 2009
aloha friday.
had a dream i got a really bad sunburn this morning. the past few days have been like the only days thats been cloudy most of the summer.
i also dreamt that the bug's stearing went out and quickly steared me into the forest, but i knew i was dreaming and didn't want to be scared so i made myself wake up.
while c.spain was here i realized that the once a year she's actually in town is the only time i ever really hang out with any other haole girls haha. it's always nice when she rolls through because we've known each other since we were in middle school and we just sort of "get" each other. we always have a lot to talk about...and yah, maybe some shit talking, too. we went to savers so she could finally see what the big deal was, and she did.
i've been doing a lot of planning. mostly for school. but i feel like i have to if i actually want to try and finish in the next couple of years since i tend to stray if i'm feeling not ready, stressed, ect.
once school starts i'm gonna be back to grandma d. seriously, work - school, school - work. and i know i have time to fit the gym in there, i just have to do it.
i also dreamt that the bug's stearing went out and quickly steared me into the forest, but i knew i was dreaming and didn't want to be scared so i made myself wake up.
while c.spain was here i realized that the once a year she's actually in town is the only time i ever really hang out with any other haole girls haha. it's always nice when she rolls through because we've known each other since we were in middle school and we just sort of "get" each other. we always have a lot to talk about...and yah, maybe some shit talking, too. we went to savers so she could finally see what the big deal was, and she did.
i've been doing a lot of planning. mostly for school. but i feel like i have to if i actually want to try and finish in the next couple of years since i tend to stray if i'm feeling not ready, stressed, ect.
once school starts i'm gonna be back to grandma d. seriously, work - school, school - work. and i know i have time to fit the gym in there, i just have to do it.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
woah wednesday.
drove up to tantis this morning at about 2 a.m. it was nice.
and threw up this morning, eww.
decided it's going to work out with the parking attendant job at this time. perhaps in the future.
Sagittarius - July 22, 2009
Some days it's better to be on vacation! That's what you're liable to think today. All your projects are mired in quicksand, and you feel like you're spinning your wheels. But even if things are momentarily stuck, don't lose faith. Your inner self is gaining stability; when the time is ripe it will be strong and reliable...
MSN Astrology
...chee hee, yes, on vacation since i'm off for the next three days and cruising with an old friend who is in town.
and yes, stability would be nice, i'm working up to it, i think, i hope.
and threw up this morning, eww.
decided it's going to work out with the parking attendant job at this time. perhaps in the future.
Sagittarius - July 22, 2009
Some days it's better to be on vacation! That's what you're liable to think today. All your projects are mired in quicksand, and you feel like you're spinning your wheels. But even if things are momentarily stuck, don't lose faith. Your inner self is gaining stability; when the time is ripe it will be strong and reliable...
MSN Astrology
...chee hee, yes, on vacation since i'm off for the next three days and cruising with an old friend who is in town.
and yes, stability would be nice, i'm working up to it, i think, i hope.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
just another monday.
ran errands all morning. cleaned the house. didn't go to a friend's b-day ruuude.
Sagittarius - July 20, 2009
Matters of love and romance should be going well, but try not to overdo it, dear Sagittarius. Be careful of getting so caught up in the fantasy aspect of romance that you fail to take care of the details. Today is a good time to work on the groundwork and getting the foundation in a solid position before you start building. If you have already started building, then maybe you need to stand back and consider areas in which an extra couple of large support beams may be necessary.
MSN Astrology
...ha, hum..
not much to say about the rest of the day. worked.
Sagittarius - July 20, 2009
Matters of love and romance should be going well, but try not to overdo it, dear Sagittarius. Be careful of getting so caught up in the fantasy aspect of romance that you fail to take care of the details. Today is a good time to work on the groundwork and getting the foundation in a solid position before you start building. If you have already started building, then maybe you need to stand back and consider areas in which an extra couple of large support beams may be necessary.
MSN Astrology
...ha, hum..
not much to say about the rest of the day. worked.
my little bro is turning...fourteen (i think) today. i miss that little guy who's wayyy taller than i! he's probably one of the coolest fourteen-year-olds around (but only because he has two amazing older sisters ;) ).
when my parents first sat my sister and i down to tell us the about my suprise brother on the way we actually thought: "we're going to disney world! we're going to disney world!" ...but it was actually that my mom was having a baby.
we were happy though. excited, of course. i think i was eight and my sister was around ten.
anyways, we got another "talk" so this time we're like: "what twins?!" and my parents so "no, we're going to disney world!" :)
i remember it being very surreal the morning i woke up and both my parents were gone. my aunt kat told me my mom went into labor but i couldn't really believe it. and then i got to go to hospital and see my mom all drugged up (she had a c-section) and meet my new little brobther, robert.
he was litterally starving for almost the whole first month of his life and almost died when the doctors finally realized he needed surgery. he threw up everytime he ate and my mom took him to the doctor over and over and they always said "change formula". she was fed up one day and took him to a different doctor and they said he needed surgery immediately or he might die. my dad had been out hunting, not knowing what was going on. my mom sent my sister and i to the neighbor's house. and rob had surgery, and then was actually able to eat food and got healthy.
it's weird now his name eventually just got shorted to rob. at first we called him "robert". and then sometimes "roberto". and his japanese teachers called him "robato". and only my dad sometimes called him "robbie". eventually i realized everyone was just started calling him rob.
me and my sister picked on rob quite a bit when he was little and when i think about it now it makes me feel bad. this also made him turn into a braaaat. i seriously think my brother did not like me for a while when we were younger since i was mean to him. as we grew up of course we began missing each other since i was always one place or another.
rob, linda (my sister, whom i will be discussing next monday) and i are all pretty close.
facts about rob:
-has been dating the same girl for a while (and he's only fourteen)
-plays hokey
-always has long bangs that hang in his face and everyone and their mom tells him to cut them, but he won't.
-scarily good at guitar hero (has won competitions) and plays some guitar
-likes paintball a lot
-somehow gets away with getting bad grades (which #1: i would never have been allowed to get away with and #2: my mom is a teacher! geeez!)
he is definitely the "baby" of the family.
one of funnest times together me and my brother had was once when i talked my parents into letting me take rob on a three-and-a-half-hour road trip to minneapolis around 8 p.m. at night, when my brother had school the next day.
i had been visiting my family so we all went to watch one of rob's track meets at school. of course, he ended up realizing he forgot something after we got home: his cell phone.
i drove him back to look for it. we were unsucessful. the drive was fun though (of course, i love driving) and we were having fun cruising so i just thought it would be a good idea to take him to an amusement park called "valley fair" because he said he had never been on a roller coaster! i was shocked! thirteen years old and never been on a rollercoaster?! i looooove rollercoasters! i felt sad that he never expeienced one, so of course, i wanted to take him. what if he went there with his g.f. one day and got all freaked out or something!? something had to be done.
anyways, i told rob, "when we get home, let me do all the talking."
strait away my parents said, "NO!," but after a little smooth talking thirty minutes later we were on our way to minneapolis. we had no where to really go when we got there, i just decided i'd get us a hotel for the night so we could get to the park first thing in the morning.
and we did. and it was so much fun!! and we went on a lot of rollercoasters and we even did the old-fashioned pictures.
and we drove home the next afternoon pooped.
rob and i would listen to yellowcard together: only one.
and definitely some of this: click: a walk through hell.
my mom with a "pixie" hair-cut my grandma always made her have as a kid.hahah.

my bro, i'm guessing like three years old.
when my parents first sat my sister and i down to tell us the about my suprise brother on the way we actually thought: "we're going to disney world! we're going to disney world!" ...but it was actually that my mom was having a baby.
we were happy though. excited, of course. i think i was eight and my sister was around ten.
anyways, we got another "talk" so this time we're like: "what twins?!" and my parents so "no, we're going to disney world!" :)
i remember it being very surreal the morning i woke up and both my parents were gone. my aunt kat told me my mom went into labor but i couldn't really believe it. and then i got to go to hospital and see my mom all drugged up (she had a c-section) and meet my new little brobther, robert.
he was litterally starving for almost the whole first month of his life and almost died when the doctors finally realized he needed surgery. he threw up everytime he ate and my mom took him to the doctor over and over and they always said "change formula". she was fed up one day and took him to a different doctor and they said he needed surgery immediately or he might die. my dad had been out hunting, not knowing what was going on. my mom sent my sister and i to the neighbor's house. and rob had surgery, and then was actually able to eat food and got healthy.
it's weird now his name eventually just got shorted to rob. at first we called him "robert". and then sometimes "roberto". and his japanese teachers called him "robato". and only my dad sometimes called him "robbie". eventually i realized everyone was just started calling him rob.
me and my sister picked on rob quite a bit when he was little and when i think about it now it makes me feel bad. this also made him turn into a braaaat. i seriously think my brother did not like me for a while when we were younger since i was mean to him. as we grew up of course we began missing each other since i was always one place or another.
rob, linda (my sister, whom i will be discussing next monday) and i are all pretty close.
facts about rob:
-has been dating the same girl for a while (and he's only fourteen)
-plays hokey
-always has long bangs that hang in his face and everyone and their mom tells him to cut them, but he won't.
-scarily good at guitar hero (has won competitions) and plays some guitar
-likes paintball a lot
-somehow gets away with getting bad grades (which #1: i would never have been allowed to get away with and #2: my mom is a teacher! geeez!)
he is definitely the "baby" of the family.
one of funnest times together me and my brother had was once when i talked my parents into letting me take rob on a three-and-a-half-hour road trip to minneapolis around 8 p.m. at night, when my brother had school the next day.
i had been visiting my family so we all went to watch one of rob's track meets at school. of course, he ended up realizing he forgot something after we got home: his cell phone.
i drove him back to look for it. we were unsucessful. the drive was fun though (of course, i love driving) and we were having fun cruising so i just thought it would be a good idea to take him to an amusement park called "valley fair" because he said he had never been on a roller coaster! i was shocked! thirteen years old and never been on a rollercoaster?! i looooove rollercoasters! i felt sad that he never expeienced one, so of course, i wanted to take him. what if he went there with his g.f. one day and got all freaked out or something!? something had to be done.
anyways, i told rob, "when we get home, let me do all the talking."
strait away my parents said, "NO!," but after a little smooth talking thirty minutes later we were on our way to minneapolis. we had no where to really go when we got there, i just decided i'd get us a hotel for the night so we could get to the park first thing in the morning.
and we did. and it was so much fun!! and we went on a lot of rollercoasters and we even did the old-fashioned pictures.
and we drove home the next afternoon pooped.
rob and i would listen to yellowcard together: only one.
and definitely some of this: click: a walk through hell.
my mom with a "pixie" hair-cut my grandma always made her have as a kid.hahah.

my bro, i'm guessing like three years old.

Sunday, July 19, 2009
sunday morning driving is nice: not many cars on the road, it's beautiful. needed to check on olive and then decided to get back in the car and drive somewhere.
well, i left home and drove the long way to n.shore, took h3 back to kailua, met a friend and then headed home.
needed to see some beauty, and i did.
now, only, if only, i never had to go back to work. but no, i have to go later this afternoon. nap and work.
as far as work goes, coulda been worse, coulda been better. still just hating it at the moment because i'm sick of serving people, seeing stupid couples and just having to deal with people in general. i would much rathe sit in a parking booth.
click: i hate everyone.
well, i left home and drove the long way to n.shore, took h3 back to kailua, met a friend and then headed home.
needed to see some beauty, and i did.
now, only, if only, i never had to go back to work. but no, i have to go later this afternoon. nap and work.
as far as work goes, coulda been worse, coulda been better. still just hating it at the moment because i'm sick of serving people, seeing stupid couples and just having to deal with people in general. i would much rathe sit in a parking booth.
click: i hate everyone.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
on and on.
woke up early, ran earrands at uh...turned in another application, and all before noon. chee hee. and off the rest of the day.
Sagittarius - July 16, 2009
Whatever goals you've been trying to reach may finally become a reality today, dear Sagittarius. Finalizing everything could involve a lot of running around in the car and meeting with other people, but you're likely to feel exhilarated all the same. Powerful people could prove to be of valuable assistance to you. As a result, matters should be going very well right now. Make the most of it!
MSN Astrology, the bug, people, errands: exactly.
click: what's up.
click: times like these.
the question: to minor in japanese or not to minor in japanese?
this is scary because i haven't taken japanese in forever and it's really hard and i forgot a lot. but i'd only need to take more semesters of japanese and a couple other courses having to do with japanese culture.
or i could:
fill in the other credits needed with more journalism/communications kine classes.
either way, trying to figure out my schedule only leads to the conclusion that there are not enough days in the week. i'm gonna have to work my ass off, and i'm going to have to like it. and staying busy will be good, hopefully.
Sagittarius - July 16, 2009
Whatever goals you've been trying to reach may finally become a reality today, dear Sagittarius. Finalizing everything could involve a lot of running around in the car and meeting with other people, but you're likely to feel exhilarated all the same. Powerful people could prove to be of valuable assistance to you. As a result, matters should be going very well right now. Make the most of it!
MSN Astrology, the bug, people, errands: exactly.
click: what's up.
click: times like these.
the question: to minor in japanese or not to minor in japanese?
this is scary because i haven't taken japanese in forever and it's really hard and i forgot a lot. but i'd only need to take more semesters of japanese and a couple other courses having to do with japanese culture.
or i could:
fill in the other credits needed with more journalism/communications kine classes.
either way, trying to figure out my schedule only leads to the conclusion that there are not enough days in the week. i'm gonna have to work my ass off, and i'm going to have to like it. and staying busy will be good, hopefully.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
wandering, wondering wednesday.
once again, high-light of my day besides being off work and cruisin with j.rak at the beach: crusin' the el camino. seriously, i want it. definitely can't afford it...and the bug?? do i dare think about getting rid of the bug?? hasn't done me any good in the woodblock-tallymark department, haha, although i havn't been trying... the el camino is pimp. (that's not the reason though!) trying out different cars is fun, and i alwayyyyys wanted one.
my boss is selling the el camino, anyway. i most likely won't get it, but it can stay on my mind for now.
and, please, bug, if you read this, don't be bitter at me. :/
and the bug really does have a name ("blue thunder II"), but i always just say "the bug".
turned in an application to one parking attendant place and picked up an application for another. i have also been thinking checking out a campus job perhaps. i mean, if i'm already on campus it could be convinient.
i'm waiting to get my acceptance letter in the mail, btw. hoping it says "accepted" at least.
just trying to get my damned life in order.
click: another lonely day.
my boss is selling the el camino, anyway. i most likely won't get it, but it can stay on my mind for now.
and, please, bug, if you read this, don't be bitter at me. :/
and the bug really does have a name ("blue thunder II"), but i always just say "the bug".
turned in an application to one parking attendant place and picked up an application for another. i have also been thinking checking out a campus job perhaps. i mean, if i'm already on campus it could be convinient.
i'm waiting to get my acceptance letter in the mail, btw. hoping it says "accepted" at least.
just trying to get my damned life in order.
click: another lonely day.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
el camino driving on tuesday morning.
...was the shiiiiit. big pimpin'...i want one.
things never work out the way you think they will. never. i mean, you can come up with like five hundred different scenarios about the way something will go, and then it will turn out differently.
i guess i should just stop imagining the future and actual good events, otherwise they won't come true.
i'm really going to miss j.rak when she heads back down to the o.c.
she's a good friend. she stabs me in the front, for sure.
click: everybody knows.
click: you and i. (kawaii yo.)
Sagittarius - July 14, 2009
Most of the time it is good to have strong opinions and be independent and willful in your approach, dear Sagittarius. But there are other instances when this attitude may turn people away, when really you are hoping to draw them closer in. There is a stubborn, yet sensitive attitude prevailing in your world of love and romance that may be difficult for you to deal with. Perhaps you are taking a more mental approach to things, while your loved one is taking a more emotional one.
MSN Astrology
work was work. made okay money. just had a hard time keeping a smile on my face.
got off decently early only to go home and be alone.
click: walk away. (long intro, but worth it! or just skip to 1:45)
things never work out the way you think they will. never. i mean, you can come up with like five hundred different scenarios about the way something will go, and then it will turn out differently.
i guess i should just stop imagining the future and actual good events, otherwise they won't come true.
i'm really going to miss j.rak when she heads back down to the o.c.
she's a good friend. she stabs me in the front, for sure.
click: everybody knows.
click: you and i. (kawaii yo.)
Sagittarius - July 14, 2009
Most of the time it is good to have strong opinions and be independent and willful in your approach, dear Sagittarius. But there are other instances when this attitude may turn people away, when really you are hoping to draw them closer in. There is a stubborn, yet sensitive attitude prevailing in your world of love and romance that may be difficult for you to deal with. Perhaps you are taking a more mental approach to things, while your loved one is taking a more emotional one.
MSN Astrology
work was work. made okay money. just had a hard time keeping a smile on my face.
got off decently early only to go home and be alone.
click: walk away. (long intro, but worth it! or just skip to 1:45)
Monday, July 13, 2009
back to life, back to reality...
the beach house was amazing...and now it's back to life. ahhh phoooey.
Sagittarius - July 13, 2009
Here is a day that might be a little rough for you, dear Sagittarius. It's as if reality were waiting to trip you up. Nothing about you is realistic. So if you're still a bit of a child, or irresponsible, today may be rather hard on you. It's nothing serious, so don't worry. However, if you feel as though your back is to the wall, don't react. Try to calmly accept what is happening to you...
MSN Astrology
spent most of the day outdoors with friends, besides having to go to work. (which was dead, btw, and i didn't make any money) maybe it had to do with the fact i was a little grouchy, too, since i didn't have time for a nap.
seriously, it's time to turn in an application for the parking attendant job. i'm going tomorrow, i swear it.
Sagittarius - July 13, 2009
Here is a day that might be a little rough for you, dear Sagittarius. It's as if reality were waiting to trip you up. Nothing about you is realistic. So if you're still a bit of a child, or irresponsible, today may be rather hard on you. It's nothing serious, so don't worry. However, if you feel as though your back is to the wall, don't react. Try to calmly accept what is happening to you...
MSN Astrology
spent most of the day outdoors with friends, besides having to go to work. (which was dead, btw, and i didn't make any money) maybe it had to do with the fact i was a little grouchy, too, since i didn't have time for a nap.
seriously, it's time to turn in an application for the parking attendant job. i'm going tomorrow, i swear it.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
my youtube debut.
just found out a couple days ago that j.rak and i have our own video posted up on youtube...
eh, we were bored at work and being a little we-todd-did.
click: bum fights.
eh, we were bored at work and being a little we-todd-did.
click: bum fights.
picking up chicks..
my girl, colleen, whom i'm knew from okinawa, now living in l.a. has some advice if you're looking to pick up chicks.
check out her videos on youtube!
even if you're not looking to pick up chicks she's hot and has an accent anyway.
click: picking up chicks.
click: hitting up her friends.
chee hee. she's your pivot.
check out her videos on youtube!
even if you're not looking to pick up chicks she's hot and has an accent anyway.
click: picking up chicks.
click: hitting up her friends.
chee hee. she's your pivot.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
j-rak's b-day :) / turrrsday.
happy busssssday. cause you gonna get alll bussssssss.
j-rak and i both like this one.
click: gravity.
j-rak and i both like this one.
click: gravity.
still weak on wednesday.
hum de dum.
honestly, still somewhat sick. well enough to work...but i don't have much of a voice and i hawk luggies like it's cool. gotta do what chu gotta do.
it's been nice having j.rak back :) only a couple more days and then it's relaxtion at the beach house. woo woo.
got a new nickname to add to the list: keahune (my hawaiian name) means "white little person". hahahah
funny quote from p.p.'s boss...well, he changed the lyrics to a song and it's now: "it's must have been love...but i'm sober now..." eh, it was funny at the time. hahaha
click: my rollercoaster. i like this song. (obviously)
honestly, still somewhat sick. well enough to work...but i don't have much of a voice and i hawk luggies like it's cool. gotta do what chu gotta do.
it's been nice having j.rak back :) only a couple more days and then it's relaxtion at the beach house. woo woo.
got a new nickname to add to the list: keahune (my hawaiian name) means "white little person". hahahah
funny quote from p.p.'s boss...well, he changed the lyrics to a song and it's now: "it's must have been love...but i'm sober now..." eh, it was funny at the time. hahaha
click: my rollercoaster. i like this song. (obviously)
Monday, July 6, 2009
mending on monday.
i was planning on hitting up the doctor today, but i've actually started feeling instead i'll just actually be going to work.
still haven't eaten anything...nothing sounds good, not even a grilled chicken fajita wrap from salad creations. hum...
click: shiksa.
still haven't eaten anything...nothing sounds good, not even a grilled chicken fajita wrap from salad creations. hum...
click: shiksa.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
sick as a dog / shit happens sunday.
cold sweats, goosebumps, pounding head, coughing, runny nose = no fun.
called in sick for work tonight since i'm definitely not feeling any better.
1. no money
2. could loose medical for not making hours
well, i guess if i do lose the medical, more of a reason to find another job since i'm always complaining about the one i have.
we'll see what happens.
so i was feeling a little better in the afternoon when j.rak hit me up...i hadn't seen her since she got back since i was sick and thought maybe getting out of the house would help...WRONGO!
i ended up picking her up and then we cruised to n.shore where i: #1. felt like shit #2. was puking on the beach at pipeline. #3. did actually get a bathing's always nice trying them on after being sick and not eating for a few days.
and then on the drive home, in the same spot as my tires tread came off before (in the tunnel after the airport), my back right tire went flat. wtf.
i didn't have a tire iron or i had to call a tow guy. so while i waited 45 mins for him to get there, i was pulled over at the end of the tunnel, puking.
twas shittty.
it was the longest drive home, ever. my back was even aching...all i wanted was some water. of course i hadn't refilled any of the ice cube trays at home, and the bag of ice i had somehow got melted together (well, i probably left the freezer door open slightly or something) so the first thing i did when i got home was drop all my shit in the front entrance, grabbed a wrench because i couldn't find a hammer, and started taking out all my frustrations on the bag of ice...and in turn, getting some ice for water.
twas good.
in a nutshell: i think i had bad juju for calling in sick (which i really was!) but then going to the beach.
called in sick for work tonight since i'm definitely not feeling any better.
1. no money
2. could loose medical for not making hours
well, i guess if i do lose the medical, more of a reason to find another job since i'm always complaining about the one i have.
we'll see what happens.
so i was feeling a little better in the afternoon when j.rak hit me up...i hadn't seen her since she got back since i was sick and thought maybe getting out of the house would help...WRONGO!
i ended up picking her up and then we cruised to n.shore where i: #1. felt like shit #2. was puking on the beach at pipeline. #3. did actually get a bathing's always nice trying them on after being sick and not eating for a few days.
and then on the drive home, in the same spot as my tires tread came off before (in the tunnel after the airport), my back right tire went flat. wtf.
i didn't have a tire iron or i had to call a tow guy. so while i waited 45 mins for him to get there, i was pulled over at the end of the tunnel, puking.
twas shittty.
it was the longest drive home, ever. my back was even aching...all i wanted was some water. of course i hadn't refilled any of the ice cube trays at home, and the bag of ice i had somehow got melted together (well, i probably left the freezer door open slightly or something) so the first thing i did when i got home was drop all my shit in the front entrance, grabbed a wrench because i couldn't find a hammer, and started taking out all my frustrations on the bag of ice...and in turn, getting some ice for water.
twas good.
in a nutshell: i think i had bad juju for calling in sick (which i really was!) but then going to the beach.
Friday, July 3, 2009
sickly saturday.
i haven't been doing anything much the past few days...and now i am sick.
it sucks.
have to work tonight (happy fourth of july, btw), but i don't have to close, cheee heee.
and j.rak is back, again!
just the medecine i need.
went to work and got sent home after about 30 seconds of being there. guess i looked like hell because i sure felt (feel) like it.
didn't watch fireworks again this year...
finally, an original version of the song.
click: miss me.
well, do you?
it sucks.
have to work tonight (happy fourth of july, btw), but i don't have to close, cheee heee.
and j.rak is back, again!
just the medecine i need.
went to work and got sent home after about 30 seconds of being there. guess i looked like hell because i sure felt (feel) like it.
didn't watch fireworks again this year...
finally, an original version of the song.
click: miss me.
well, do you?
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