Wednesday, July 29, 2009

whateva wednesday.

Sagittarius - July 29, 2009

My, you have been a social butterfly lately, dear Sagittarius! The sociable phase you are currently in demands a great deal of your energy. You are attracted to some of your new acquaintances, but irritated by others. One, in particular, causes you real anxiety today. You have two choices: either abandon your new group of friends entirely, or expel the person who's causing trouble for you.

MSN Astrology

...honestly i wouldn't say that i've been that much of a social butterfly.

click: i found a reason.

p.s. haven't been to the gym in over a month. geez :/ i need to get on that...tomorrow.

i saw a clip of this video on some kind of morning show the other day but didn't really pay any attention until mo had it posted up as well.
i started watching it and thought: only white people, for real...and of course they had to be from minnesota, haha.
but i watched the entire thing and by the end i guess you could say i actually kind of like it. i mean, it's just two people doing what they want on their wedding day, so who am i to judge them? (even if it is pretty corny)

anyways, click: jk wedding entrance.

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