Tuesday, July 14, 2009

el camino driving on tuesday morning.

...was the shiiiiit. big pimpin'...i want one.

things never work out the way you think they will. never. i mean, you can come up with like five hundred different scenarios about the way something will go, and then it will turn out differently.
i guess i should just stop imagining the future and actual good events, otherwise they won't come true.

i'm really going to miss j.rak when she heads back down to the o.c.
she's a good friend. she stabs me in the front, for sure.

click: everybody knows.

click: you and i. (kawaii yo.)

Sagittarius - July 14, 2009

Most of the time it is good to have strong opinions and be independent and willful in your approach, dear Sagittarius. But there are other instances when this attitude may turn people away, when really you are hoping to draw them closer in. There is a stubborn, yet sensitive attitude prevailing in your world of love and romance that may be difficult for you to deal with. Perhaps you are taking a more mental approach to things, while your loved one is taking a more emotional one.

MSN Astrology


work was work. made okay money. just had a hard time keeping a smile on my face.
got off decently early only to go home and be alone.

click: walk away. (long intro, but worth it! or just skip to 1:45)

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