when my parents first sat my sister and i down to tell us the about my suprise brother on the way we actually thought: "we're going to disney world! we're going to disney world!" ...but it was actually that my mom was having a baby.
we were happy though. excited, of course. i think i was eight and my sister was around ten.
anyways, we got another "talk" so this time we're like: "what twins?!" and my parents so "no, we're going to disney world!" :)
i remember it being very surreal the morning i woke up and both my parents were gone. my aunt kat told me my mom went into labor but i couldn't really believe it. and then i got to go to hospital and see my mom all drugged up (she had a c-section) and meet my new little brobther, robert.
he was litterally starving for almost the whole first month of his life and almost died when the doctors finally realized he needed surgery. he threw up everytime he ate and my mom took him to the doctor over and over and they always said "change formula". she was fed up one day and took him to a different doctor and they said he needed surgery immediately or he might die. my dad had been out hunting, not knowing what was going on. my mom sent my sister and i to the neighbor's house. and rob had surgery, and then was actually able to eat food and got healthy.
it's weird now his name eventually just got shorted to rob. at first we called him "robert". and then sometimes "roberto". and his japanese teachers called him "robato". and only my dad sometimes called him "robbie". eventually i realized everyone was just started calling him rob.
me and my sister picked on rob quite a bit when he was little and when i think about it now it makes me feel bad. this also made him turn into a braaaat. i seriously think my brother did not like me for a while when we were younger since i was mean to him. as we grew up of course we began missing each other since i was always one place or another.
rob, linda (my sister, whom i will be discussing next monday) and i are all pretty close.
facts about rob:
-has been dating the same girl for a while (and he's only fourteen)
-plays hokey
-always has long bangs that hang in his face and everyone and their mom tells him to cut them, but he won't.
-scarily good at guitar hero (has won competitions) and plays some guitar
-likes paintball a lot
-somehow gets away with getting bad grades (which #1: i would never have been allowed to get away with and #2: my mom is a teacher! geeez!)
he is definitely the "baby" of the family.
one of funnest times together me and my brother had was once when i talked my parents into letting me take rob on a three-and-a-half-hour road trip to minneapolis around 8 p.m. at night, when my brother had school the next day.
i had been visiting my family so we all went to watch one of rob's track meets at school. of course, he ended up realizing he forgot something after we got home: his cell phone.
i drove him back to look for it. we were unsucessful. the drive was fun though (of course, i love driving) and we were having fun cruising so i just thought it would be a good idea to take him to an amusement park called "valley fair" because he said he had never been on a roller coaster! i was shocked! thirteen years old and never been on a rollercoaster?! i looooove rollercoasters! i felt sad that he never expeienced one, so of course, i wanted to take him. what if he went there with his g.f. one day and got all freaked out or something!? something had to be done.
anyways, i told rob, "when we get home, let me do all the talking."
strait away my parents said, "NO!," but after a little smooth talking thirty minutes later we were on our way to minneapolis. we had no where to really go when we got there, i just decided i'd get us a hotel for the night so we could get to the park first thing in the morning.
and we did. and it was so much fun!! and we went on a lot of rollercoasters and we even did the old-fashioned pictures.
and we drove home the next afternoon pooped.
rob and i would listen to yellowcard together: only one.
and definitely some of this: click: a walk through hell.
my mom with a "pixie" hair-cut my grandma always made her have as a kid.hahah.

my bro, i'm guessing like three years old.

Oh, he sounds like a a sweet guy! Happy B-day! I've enjoyed reading about him. :)