Thursday, July 29, 2010

i fold.

...friends come and go.
family is far away.
at least my cat is locked in the house, and if she does happend to escape, i have her chipped.

Sagittarius - July. 30, 2010

Get things out in the open today, Sagittarius. If someone seems to insult you, call them on it. Letting things fester inside only destroys your self-esteem. You'd also be in danger of losing the respect of others. This could very well be a situation in which everyone but you sees the truth. Try not to let this happen. Be bold and assertive, and don't let others pull the wool over your eyes.

MSN Astrology


so...if i haven't stayed up to the wee hours of the morning, i usually wake up and least once and put on the t.v. and whateva until i fall asleep again.  so during this time the only decent thing on amongst my changy 10ish channels is married with children and they've recently started playing saved by the bell.
love them both.

me and my sister used to watch saved by the bell all the time when we were little...
we seriously even had saved by the bell trading cards.  i really wish i still them.
and the burger king lion king ones, too.
and the garbagepale kids.

but anyway, i was watching an episode of saved by the bell, and it just so happen that zach came across bayside h.s.'s old radio station... so everyone of the "gang" all took part on being some kind of radio personality.  (a.c. slater really sucked btw.)
the point: zach said something that struck me.  he was like some..."all the kids skipping school in palacades and ewa beach."
seriously, i heard that come out of his mouth, i think. 
i even had the captions on...especially for times like these...but you know what really suckes about closed captioning?  for some reason, they often skip over names and such.  like... they just don't bother typing it out!  why?! it's really irriating.  and unfair to deaf people in my opinion.

so...saved by the bell...some kind of connection with hawaii? idk.
so, i saw on wikipedia that saved by the bell is based out of "fictional palisades, california".  so, the writer or whoever must have used names from hawaii? maybe from here or something.
i'm gonna try and listen more for hawaii-related things in episodes.

the movie ghost is on tbs now.


so, the morning was good.  angie and i hit a few thrift stores...i can honestly say i am thrift-stored out for the moment.  did get some good finds.  three of those old school statues i looove...but wasn't so stoked that one of them was freakin' seven bucks!!  (of course, i bought it anyway.)

i was standing in line at savers behind a couple older ladies (aunties or gramas) who were with a little boy.  he was walking around playing a toy electric guitar. he came over by me and said "i'm almost as tall as you. how old are you?"
i was like, "'i'm almost twenty-five," showing him with my fingers.  (...i'm practically twenty-five). and asked him how old he was.
he said he was five...looked at me all confused and asked, "are you a kid?" ahaha...
i told him, no, i'm an adult, but i still think he was confused.
then he showed me how his feet were just about the same size as mine. 
then he and the ladies left and he waved good-bye.

...guess i finally get what today's horoscope was getting at.  definitely said what i had to say, sorry, if it ruined your day.  but i felt insulted and couldn't let it fest anymore.
it won't anymore.

click:  so sad to say.
i'm okay though.

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