Friday, October 2, 2009


。。。cheer up! (in okinawan dialect)

speant about four hours hard-core cleaning the house. the stove and the elephant bathroom got scrubbed the most.
it was a needed cleaning. literally and metaphorically speaking.


Sagittarius - October 2, 2009

A large assembly of forces is gathering at this time to make a bold statement and an important pledge, dear Sagittarius. This is the kind of movement that brings together entire generations and unites people to form a revolution of some sort. Put away the petty issues, and think on a global scale. Educate yourself about what is going on in the world, and take a more aggressive stand in fighting for what you believe. A small group of intelligent individuals can make a tremendous impact.

MSN Astrology


now that it's october, i'd say it's fair game for halloween decor.


made a lot of good purchases today:
new vaccum cleaner
new (small) camera
a year past due t.v. remote
socks for work
pinking shears
lots of other small shit i needed

sad but true.
in only vaccuming the downstairs, my room and the extra room, i had to empty the vaccum cleaner THREE TIMES! disgusting. i guess that just goes to show how much the old vaccum did not pick up in the last three years (and however many years it was here before that...)

but the house looks (and feels) great.

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