Sagittarius - Oct. 9, 2009
It's a good day for you, dear Sagittarius, to put some of those creative ideas to work. Pull out your favorite craft supplies and have some fun exploring color and design. If you have children, consider including them in on the activities. It may amaze you to listen to the incredible ideas and innovative thoughts your own kids have that you never thought of. If you don't have an "idea box" where old bottles, egg cartons, odd buttons, ribbons, and scraps of colored paper can collect for times like this, start one today!
MSN Astrology
...crafts for friday night, perhaps?! ...i have been wanting to make a fall wreath.
so i went to my day job and saw that i was whited-off the schedule and not, right?
i mean, seriously, you could have told me before i came in.
so i sent my manager a nasty text and told him to stop putting me on the schedule since he pretty much did anyway.
he's a duche and i was pretty over it, so it works out, i guess.
after having a cigarette and walking back home i caught up on a million emails and putting all of my pictures i have saved to cd's on an external harddrive and made a wreath. (all while listening to "dd's faves" playlist. it's pretty old, but definitely has some classics.)
i used all kine extra fabric i had. it's pretty fally, so i like the colors.
i think my mom and sis and i made these when i was a kid.
here's the directions i used: no sew fabric wreath.
Photo by: Sweet D

i also listened to about an hour-long podcast about stochasticity- which basically is randomness.
"coinsidences" you cannot explain is just an example of stochasticity.
[which pretty much goes against the way i've always looked at things. i also look at coinsidences as "signs" or just a way of showing that fate, if there is such a thing, is going in it's right direction, or something...]
but basically, this thoery (or whatever it is), says everything is random.
although the craziest, rarest of things might happen, there's always that very, very, very slim chance it will happen, and it has to be someone.
according to the podcast:
1985-1986, the same lady wins lottery two years in a row. -crazy, right?! (i so thought at first.) 1 in 17.3 trillion chance of it happening. but it does happen, and more often that you would think. there were many cases in the past were the same person has won the lottery two years in a row, one guy even won two lotteries in the same day!
ok, pretend you are a blade of grass amongst all the blades of grass on the golf course. when the golf ball gets hit, it eventually lands somewhere on the grass and of course those blades whom the ball does land is probably like "oh my god! why me out of all these blades of grass?!" ...but, again, it has to be someone.
ex3) (this is one pretty crazy)
laura buxton was a 10 year old in europe with a red balloon. on the balloon she wrote her name, address and “please return” on it. it could have went up and popped or got stuck in a tree, but no, it traveled south…passed millions of people…140 miles away…and lands in a different girls yard on opposite ends of the country.
a man found it almost throwing it away until he saw the message on the balloon. he did indeed return it to a "laura buxton", but a different laura buxton. this laura buxton lived in this town across the country and was also 10 years old. the second laura contacted the first laura and the two became friends. what they found most odd was that when they met they looked similar and both were wearing pink jumpers and jeans. both had a three year old black lab, grey bunnies and both brought their guinea to pigs with them… and had similar birthmarks.
this is just too crazy too believe, right?
fate? a miracle? or all just chance?
...according to those on the pocast, this is just another case of stochasticity.
i don't know.
we met up at the bar,
darren and i.
i made it a point,
we both would drive.
it wasn't bad,
small kine fun,
but in the back of my head,
another image still hung.
sometimes i'd draw a blank
when that familiar song came on:
what am i doing in this place?
what's the conversation?
there weren't any butterflies
when we touched our lips,
more like a numb, mediocre
kind of kiss.
just as everthing else,
it is what it is.
...we will just have to see where life takes me from here.
iddnk. (i definitely do not know.)
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