Sagittarius - April 30, 2009
There is a rather restrictive, sober tone to the day that may tend to wear you down, dear Sagittarius. The trick to working this energy to your advantage is to adjust your game plan to fit the mood of the day. Take care of mundane chores and small tasks you've been neglecting. Make realistic plans, and follow through with your goals. Water your plants. Do things that require discipline and grounding.
MSN Astrology
...totally agree; totally need to get grounded right now because i was flying around somewhere up near cloud nine aimlessly and without doing anything else in the meantime.
got my grade back for my final scene: B+. the one boy that had the most lines got an A-, the other boy got a B-, so i'm happy.
looking foward to this weekend of girlies :)
not planning to getting too hammered, but it will be good for me and o.d. to spend some time apart. i can say we've both come to the conclusions that things are moving too quickly, and a fresh heartache of his does not help the situation.
kam, pa-pa-pa-pleeease hurry up and move in!
my plan is that when school gets out (next week) i need to start back exercising. my only real commitment is work, so why not?
work, beach, actually make it to a taiko drumming practice or two, perhaps?
cook more, finish cups pictures, pay off credit card and see more friends are also on my "for summer" list. oh yah, need to get out on my board with ann and kam, too, otherwise, i may as well sell it.
and get a video camera.
i think if i just try to take care of myself (eating better, working out, etc.), things will fall into place.
song of the moment:
click: confidant. (click "play song" in the black box)
and some more:
click: train leaving gray.
are we similar? what do we have in common? do opposites attract? do i know you? do you know me? who i am? who are you?
i feel like david after the dentist: why is this happening?
i sure would like to know.
here's a blurp about opposites attracting (or not). <--- click
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
april 29, 1992
click: april 29, 1992.
and since i'm on a sublime banwagon, this one is for j.bell!
click: my ruca.
planned on riding theboat again today. i almost put it off until monday, but i did end up going and i'm glad i decided to not wait until last minute considering my paper (and all other homework) is due tuesday!
Sagittarius - April 29, 2009
Try not to be too competitive in certain situations today, dear Sagittarius. The more you try to drive your point across, the more it will be met with harsh opposition. This is a better day to sit back, observe, and collect data. Emotions are running on a high level, and people's minds are not necessarily acting in a rational manner. It will do no good to try to reason with someone who is determined to fight. Save your ammunition for something else.
MSN Astrology
as far as eating at home...i haven't been home at all to eat, and work was so slow last night all i did was eat!
and here i am at o.d.'s place, thinking about how i should be doing some homework, but instead am watching too much mtv (since i never get to watch mtv and i looove true life). first one was about drug additcs, the second one was about college freshman and their hardships, and now, people with anger problems. pretty interesting.
did i mention i can't wait until summer?! and tomorrow will be good, too :)
and since i'm on a sublime banwagon, this one is for j.bell!
click: my ruca.
planned on riding theboat again today. i almost put it off until monday, but i did end up going and i'm glad i decided to not wait until last minute considering my paper (and all other homework) is due tuesday!
Sagittarius - April 29, 2009
Try not to be too competitive in certain situations today, dear Sagittarius. The more you try to drive your point across, the more it will be met with harsh opposition. This is a better day to sit back, observe, and collect data. Emotions are running on a high level, and people's minds are not necessarily acting in a rational manner. It will do no good to try to reason with someone who is determined to fight. Save your ammunition for something else.
MSN Astrology
as far as eating at home...i haven't been home at all to eat, and work was so slow last night all i did was eat!
and here i am at o.d.'s place, thinking about how i should be doing some homework, but instead am watching too much mtv (since i never get to watch mtv and i looove true life). first one was about drug additcs, the second one was about college freshman and their hardships, and now, people with anger problems. pretty interesting.
did i mention i can't wait until summer?! and tomorrow will be good, too :)
Monday, April 27, 2009
(little) t.d.'s tuesday.
Sagittarius - April 28, 2009
Under today's planetary influences, you will start thinking about the nature of your romantic relationships and friendships. If they aren't as fulfilling as you'd like, it's time for you to make some changes in your approach, dear Sagittarius. Your intentions are good, and you've got clear vision, but that's not enough to turn these situations around. Learning to be intimate is a challenge for you, but it's what you most need right now.
MSN Astrology
...oh, ri ri?...
i can't wait for school to get out.
must finish all school work.
i can't seem to get anything done unless it's last minute and under pressure.
final scene finally done. can't say it went the best, but, alas it is over. we will be discussing it next class. the 50's get up looked pretty good; i knew my cat eye sunglasses would come in handy one day or another. pretty much my entire group wasn't fully prepared, including me. oh well!
journalism was cancelled so went to the grocery store instead. no more eating out now that i have grocies. ...we'll see how long this lasts...
picked up a closing shift tonight. it always seems like a good idea at the time, but when it comes down to the actually going to work part, i always wonder why i agreed to do it.
des, from work, has been telling me to listen to this song for about a year, but i always forget. and now i finally remembered:
click: dirty diana.
click: benny and the jets.
the amount of cash i just counted out to deposit is exactly the same as my address..weird?
Under today's planetary influences, you will start thinking about the nature of your romantic relationships and friendships. If they aren't as fulfilling as you'd like, it's time for you to make some changes in your approach, dear Sagittarius. Your intentions are good, and you've got clear vision, but that's not enough to turn these situations around. Learning to be intimate is a challenge for you, but it's what you most need right now.
MSN Astrology
...oh, ri ri?...
i can't wait for school to get out.
must finish all school work.
i can't seem to get anything done unless it's last minute and under pressure.
final scene finally done. can't say it went the best, but, alas it is over. we will be discussing it next class. the 50's get up looked pretty good; i knew my cat eye sunglasses would come in handy one day or another. pretty much my entire group wasn't fully prepared, including me. oh well!
journalism was cancelled so went to the grocery store instead. no more eating out now that i have grocies. ...we'll see how long this lasts...
picked up a closing shift tonight. it always seems like a good idea at the time, but when it comes down to the actually going to work part, i always wonder why i agreed to do it.
des, from work, has been telling me to listen to this song for about a year, but i always forget. and now i finally remembered:
click: dirty diana.
click: benny and the jets.
the amount of cash i just counted out to deposit is exactly the same as my address..weird?
Sagittarius - April 27, 2009
Your philosophy of life is highly admired, dear Sagittarius. You don't want to go down in history as a sort of new messiah, but you enjoy communicating your unusual point of view with others. Your take on life is intriguing, and people around you will learn a great deal today. Make a special effort to share your ideas with young people. Children are often the most eager recipients of enlightenment!
MSN Astrology
rode theboat today. it was quite nice. on the way to aloha tower i sat uptop and sightsaw and slept some; on the way home i slept the entire time. took a few notes here and there, but plan on riding it again and talking to some people again soon, maybe wednesday. also forgot my camera at home, so next time!
Photo By: Sweet D
Your philosophy of life is highly admired, dear Sagittarius. You don't want to go down in history as a sort of new messiah, but you enjoy communicating your unusual point of view with others. Your take on life is intriguing, and people around you will learn a great deal today. Make a special effort to share your ideas with young people. Children are often the most eager recipients of enlightenment!
MSN Astrology
rode theboat today. it was quite nice. on the way to aloha tower i sat uptop and sightsaw and slept some; on the way home i slept the entire time. took a few notes here and there, but plan on riding it again and talking to some people again soon, maybe wednesday. also forgot my camera at home, so next time!
Photo By: Sweet D

Sunday, April 26, 2009
sluggish sunday.
Sagittarius - April 26, 2009
Find a quiet place where you can relax and be alone today, dear Sagittarius. Your energy isn't lacking, but it may be a bit more reserved and subtle on a day like today. More than likely, you will be caught up in a wild intensity of emotional drama if you aren't careful. Try to stay calm and collected. Be the stable oasis in the raging sea. Make peace with the people around you.
MSN Astrology
i decided to see what wikipedia had to say about lust vs. love.
Find a quiet place where you can relax and be alone today, dear Sagittarius. Your energy isn't lacking, but it may be a bit more reserved and subtle on a day like today. More than likely, you will be caught up in a wild intensity of emotional drama if you aren't careful. Try to stay calm and collected. Be the stable oasis in the raging sea. Make peace with the people around you.
MSN Astrology
i decided to see what wikipedia had to say about lust vs. love.
Friday, April 24, 2009
un-usual fri-dizzl / i'm on vacation.
didn't work today, had other things to take care of instead...
made it to savers to look for a dress for my final scene in acting class (which is on f'in tuesday btw, and i didn't even go to class on thursday, ahhhh!)...i ended up getting a polka dot dress. can you believe it? the scene is set in the 50's though, so it kind of makes sense...and it's not half bad, i guess.
of course other than the dress i got much much more. (more cups, more cups, a couple plates, some vintage statues i've started collecting since i got three today and alrady had one, a puzzle from 1986 still in the package, a 2pac book for 2hok...if i ever see him, some kind of jar made in italy, and an elly gift for kam.) (all of which will most likely be posted)
geez, i haven't been doing this in forever.
i mean, the: blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... i've still been attached at the hip with o.d. and working. (not blogging) sadly, it's also been a while since i've listened to mason jennings. wow.
work hasn't been bad; just blah. can i please get a job at a craft store and just cruise?
actually did one thing for school: wrote a paper about sign language for babies.
you pretty much can't go wrong with teaching a baby sign language. i mean, there are so many benefits and no real cons. obviously it makes communication with your baby much easier and less stressful, which in turns leads to a closer and deeper connection with your baby. babies' hand muscles also develop ealier than thoes of the mouth, which is why they cannot speak earlier. many babies start talking at an earlier age and some show higher a high i.q. level when learning sign language as an infant.
did i mention how i was this ---> {} close to buying a baby name book at savers? i really just like reading about names, but i thought if people saw me with it they might be a little weirded out. so i'll just blog about it, and let people be weirded out that way.
i'm listening to mason jennings now, of course, (california part II)...really makes me wanna run away to california, for no reason real though, just to drive and and live life for a little bit.
i used to be really good at saving money, and now i just don't really care anymore.
i should though.
eh, i'm young; better just live it up for a while longer.
can't really save money and go to school, anyway.
i have a million cup pictures to take. i'm just going to go ahead and officially put it off until school is out.
as i was just snapping pictures of all my new knick-knaks in different areas of the house, i heard some dudes at the pool; laughing, talking. (perhaps with an accent)... maybe i should go to the pool? naw, the pools sound like nothing but trouble.
i've been wearing a lot more make-up lately, and actually shaving my legs; props to me.
is it weird to mention another ex of mine texted me and said he's going to send me some photos he found of me and us? i'll be looking forward to that, should be interesting.
head *scab update: *yes, it is now pretty much just a big scab. still very gentle with it and wondering when the scab will fall off. i hopefully won't even notice.
Photos by: Sweet D
this is the jar thing made in france. $3

this one is dedicated to my bro. it reminds me of one of my favorite home movies of when he got a big truck to ride around in, (the flinstones kine), on his birthday when he was like 2. he was soooo happy and he said, "i wuuuuv it!". :) of course my sister and i showed this video to his girlfriend we met her this christmas. muhahaha.
and i wuuuuuv him!

i'm totally sending this to my pops for his birthday that was like 2 weeks ago.


i'm cold.
as i leaned on the counter next to the stove waiting for my ramen (which i've been eating for three days in a row), i thought about how much alone time i've been having and how much my life is rapidly changing; it's chotto scary. a friday night alone to clear my head sounds good, thank you for bringing it up.
ramen (any flavor seems to work) with cholula hot sauce (original) is delicious. it was one of amongst about 9 things in ther refrigerator. tastes like tacos, really. yesterday we pretended we had tacos (the ramen with cholula sauce) and nachos (scrambeled eggs with ketchup).
Sagittarius - April 24, 2009
You feel strongly about living life on your own terms, dear Sagittarius. But you can't always have everything your own way, or you couldn't exist in a society with others. A little self-analysis may be overdue. Are you bucking the system simply for the sake of being different, or is your integrity being compromised by rules that are being forced upon you? Only you know your limits of tolerance.
MSN Astrology
made it to savers to look for a dress for my final scene in acting class (which is on f'in tuesday btw, and i didn't even go to class on thursday, ahhhh!)...i ended up getting a polka dot dress. can you believe it? the scene is set in the 50's though, so it kind of makes sense...and it's not half bad, i guess.
of course other than the dress i got much much more. (more cups, more cups, a couple plates, some vintage statues i've started collecting since i got three today and alrady had one, a puzzle from 1986 still in the package, a 2pac book for 2hok...if i ever see him, some kind of jar made in italy, and an elly gift for kam.) (all of which will most likely be posted)
geez, i haven't been doing this in forever.
i mean, the: blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... i've still been attached at the hip with o.d. and working. (not blogging) sadly, it's also been a while since i've listened to mason jennings. wow.
work hasn't been bad; just blah. can i please get a job at a craft store and just cruise?
actually did one thing for school: wrote a paper about sign language for babies.
you pretty much can't go wrong with teaching a baby sign language. i mean, there are so many benefits and no real cons. obviously it makes communication with your baby much easier and less stressful, which in turns leads to a closer and deeper connection with your baby. babies' hand muscles also develop ealier than thoes of the mouth, which is why they cannot speak earlier. many babies start talking at an earlier age and some show higher a high i.q. level when learning sign language as an infant.
did i mention how i was this ---> {} close to buying a baby name book at savers? i really just like reading about names, but i thought if people saw me with it they might be a little weirded out. so i'll just blog about it, and let people be weirded out that way.
i'm listening to mason jennings now, of course, (california part II)...really makes me wanna run away to california, for no reason real though, just to drive and and live life for a little bit.
i used to be really good at saving money, and now i just don't really care anymore.
i should though.
eh, i'm young; better just live it up for a while longer.
can't really save money and go to school, anyway.
i have a million cup pictures to take. i'm just going to go ahead and officially put it off until school is out.
as i was just snapping pictures of all my new knick-knaks in different areas of the house, i heard some dudes at the pool; laughing, talking. (perhaps with an accent)... maybe i should go to the pool? naw, the pools sound like nothing but trouble.
i've been wearing a lot more make-up lately, and actually shaving my legs; props to me.
is it weird to mention another ex of mine texted me and said he's going to send me some photos he found of me and us? i'll be looking forward to that, should be interesting.
head *scab update: *yes, it is now pretty much just a big scab. still very gentle with it and wondering when the scab will fall off. i hopefully won't even notice.
Photos by: Sweet D
this is the jar thing made in france. $3

this one is dedicated to my bro. it reminds me of one of my favorite home movies of when he got a big truck to ride around in, (the flinstones kine), on his birthday when he was like 2. he was soooo happy and he said, "i wuuuuv it!". :) of course my sister and i showed this video to his girlfriend we met her this christmas. muhahaha.
and i wuuuuuv him!

i'm totally sending this to my pops for his birthday that was like 2 weeks ago.


i'm cold.
as i leaned on the counter next to the stove waiting for my ramen (which i've been eating for three days in a row), i thought about how much alone time i've been having and how much my life is rapidly changing; it's chotto scary. a friday night alone to clear my head sounds good, thank you for bringing it up.
ramen (any flavor seems to work) with cholula hot sauce (original) is delicious. it was one of amongst about 9 things in ther refrigerator. tastes like tacos, really. yesterday we pretended we had tacos (the ramen with cholula sauce) and nachos (scrambeled eggs with ketchup).
Sagittarius - April 24, 2009
You feel strongly about living life on your own terms, dear Sagittarius. But you can't always have everything your own way, or you couldn't exist in a society with others. A little self-analysis may be overdue. Are you bucking the system simply for the sake of being different, or is your integrity being compromised by rules that are being forced upon you? Only you know your limits of tolerance.
MSN Astrology
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sagittarius - April 21, 2009
People may be rather selfish and self-centered today, but this doesn't mean that you need to be, too, dear Sagittarius. Remind others of the importance of the collective and that we all need to pitch in and do our part to be happy. You have the ability to offer a great deal of balance to the situation, and you should definitely put this to the test today. Do what you can to make the scales tip back to the center.
MSN Astrology
...uh huh...
got a random text from the ex on sunday and another one on monday...
then last night at work (monday), saw the old man (the one at the bar who told me his love story, etc.) weird.
only a couple weeks of school left and so much shit to get done!
i'll be glad when it's over, although i will miss all my classes.
just grabbed some taco bell (fatty), got the wrong drink. it's blue; blue drinks all just taste weird to me (except blue powerade). eeew.
People may be rather selfish and self-centered today, but this doesn't mean that you need to be, too, dear Sagittarius. Remind others of the importance of the collective and that we all need to pitch in and do our part to be happy. You have the ability to offer a great deal of balance to the situation, and you should definitely put this to the test today. Do what you can to make the scales tip back to the center.
MSN Astrology
...uh huh...
got a random text from the ex on sunday and another one on monday...
then last night at work (monday), saw the old man (the one at the bar who told me his love story, etc.) weird.
only a couple weeks of school left and so much shit to get done!
i'll be glad when it's over, although i will miss all my classes.
just grabbed some taco bell (fatty), got the wrong drink. it's blue; blue drinks all just taste weird to me (except blue powerade). eeew.
Monday, April 20, 2009
so far this seems to be the main story for the history of 420:
"the term stems from a story about a group of teenagers at san rafael high school in san rafael, california, united states in 1971. the teens would meet after school at 4:20 p.m. to smoke marijuana at the louis pasteur statue. the exact time was chosen because that was the time that afternoon detention was dismissed.
from: here.
head wound update: found out exactly what happened. kam thought i was out of the truck and closed it on my head; i then fell to the ground. my head is doing much better though, i've just been watching out for it.
Sagittarius - April 20, 2009
Today, dear Sagittarius, consider trying to channel your philosophical inspirations into some creative writing. As an air sign, this is probably something you would enjoy. So, even if you haven't expressed yourself in this way before, there's no better day than this one to give it a whirl. Try your hand at poetry or fiction. If this feels too daunting, start a journal, as this will give you a place to collect your thoughts and insights.
MSN Astrology
"the term stems from a story about a group of teenagers at san rafael high school in san rafael, california, united states in 1971. the teens would meet after school at 4:20 p.m. to smoke marijuana at the louis pasteur statue. the exact time was chosen because that was the time that afternoon detention was dismissed.
from: here.
head wound update: found out exactly what happened. kam thought i was out of the truck and closed it on my head; i then fell to the ground. my head is doing much better though, i've just been watching out for it.
Sagittarius - April 20, 2009
Today, dear Sagittarius, consider trying to channel your philosophical inspirations into some creative writing. As an air sign, this is probably something you would enjoy. So, even if you haven't expressed yourself in this way before, there's no better day than this one to give it a whirl. Try your hand at poetry or fiction. If this feels too daunting, start a journal, as this will give you a place to collect your thoughts and insights.
MSN Astrology
Sunday, April 19, 2009
sunny sunday.
after a couple months of preperation, today was finally the aids walk. collectively within our team we raised about 800 bones. :)
went out with a bang.
well, i didn't wake up in a car or anthing, but i did wake up with a huge gash on my head and no phone. also a few other scrabes and bruises here and there.
oh yah, lost my slippers too. damn, two pairs in one week!
my head: it hurts really bad. i couldn't even bare to look at it after seeing other's uneasy recations to my wound. dried blood was on my forehead and kam said there was blood all over a towel i was using.
so what happend? from what me and kam could piece together, we think i was looking for my cell phone in the trunk and then some happened. maybe the trunk fell on my head?
luckly i woke up this morning; i probably should've checked it out before i went to sleep but i was just too wasted.
it was a lot of fun, but wow, pretty nuts. it was like only one of those once in a while things. learned a lesson or two.
kam's boss found my phone. again, lucky.
me, other d and pup went to the west siiiide. it was my first time ever going over there. i made a mix cd which we listened to, twice. it was really random but i'd say mostly classic things: kat stevens, jimi hendrix, bob marley, etc.
i've also been listening to all that lovey dovey local music on the radio too, and i like it. :)
unfortunately i had to work, but it was an early shift, so it wasn't bad.
question: how many teeth do people have?
the aids walk is finally tomorrow, well, technically in 8.5 hrs. finally.
holy shit. just checked my horoscope for tomorrow and here's what it said:
Sagittarius - April 19, 2009
If you're lacking a regular exercise routine in your life, dear Sagittarius, today's a great day to turn that around. Exercise doesn't have to wear you out or hurt. Even relaxing activities such as walking or yoga are excellent ways to keep your health at a high level. Joining a sports league that appeals to you, like volleyball or bowling, combine fun with exercise. Even dancing is a fantastic means of exercise! Find something that will work for you
MSN Astrology
answer: 32 permanent teeth.
oh yah, lost my slippers too. damn, two pairs in one week!
my head: it hurts really bad. i couldn't even bare to look at it after seeing other's uneasy recations to my wound. dried blood was on my forehead and kam said there was blood all over a towel i was using.
so what happend? from what me and kam could piece together, we think i was looking for my cell phone in the trunk and then some happened. maybe the trunk fell on my head?
luckly i woke up this morning; i probably should've checked it out before i went to sleep but i was just too wasted.
it was a lot of fun, but wow, pretty nuts. it was like only one of those once in a while things. learned a lesson or two.
kam's boss found my phone. again, lucky.
me, other d and pup went to the west siiiide. it was my first time ever going over there. i made a mix cd which we listened to, twice. it was really random but i'd say mostly classic things: kat stevens, jimi hendrix, bob marley, etc.
i've also been listening to all that lovey dovey local music on the radio too, and i like it. :)
unfortunately i had to work, but it was an early shift, so it wasn't bad.
question: how many teeth do people have?
the aids walk is finally tomorrow, well, technically in 8.5 hrs. finally.
holy shit. just checked my horoscope for tomorrow and here's what it said:
Sagittarius - April 19, 2009
If you're lacking a regular exercise routine in your life, dear Sagittarius, today's a great day to turn that around. Exercise doesn't have to wear you out or hurt. Even relaxing activities such as walking or yoga are excellent ways to keep your health at a high level. Joining a sports league that appeals to you, like volleyball or bowling, combine fun with exercise. Even dancing is a fantastic means of exercise! Find something that will work for you
MSN Astrology
answer: 32 permanent teeth.
Friday, April 17, 2009
t.g.i.f., as usual.
Sagittarius - April 17, 2009
You may be bursting with energy, and yearning to travel and be free, dear Sagittarius. At the same time, however, your emotions may find a way to barricade this thought. You may feel that there is some sort of weight holding you to the ground and making it difficult for you to act freely. This may cause you to act in a stop-and-go manner that may leave you feeling frustrated and self-defeated. Calm down and take things one step at a time.
MSN Astrology
so...the blinkers stopped working in the bug. changed some bulbs, no luck. gotta change that flasher thing and see if that's the problem, but napa was out...maybe tomorrow. ...i'm feeling very "frustrated and self-defeated". jk...
'twas a very vain afternoon:
-tried on a million dresses (for multiple reasons: to get rid of, for tonight, for dinner, for a play at school)
-finally pulled out the make-up my sister sent to me :) i riiiiike it.
-sang a lot of tori amos and danced around in the mirror

current tunes.
click: smells like teen spirit.
click: winter. this one gave me goosebumps about 4 mins in.
didn't touch a piece of homework all day.
i just can't.
going out with honey g tonight, yipee! it's been toooo long. and i do not plan on waking up in a random parking lot in my car again.
You may be bursting with energy, and yearning to travel and be free, dear Sagittarius. At the same time, however, your emotions may find a way to barricade this thought. You may feel that there is some sort of weight holding you to the ground and making it difficult for you to act freely. This may cause you to act in a stop-and-go manner that may leave you feeling frustrated and self-defeated. Calm down and take things one step at a time.
MSN Astrology
so...the blinkers stopped working in the bug. changed some bulbs, no luck. gotta change that flasher thing and see if that's the problem, but napa was out...maybe tomorrow. ...i'm feeling very "frustrated and self-defeated". jk...
'twas a very vain afternoon:
-tried on a million dresses (for multiple reasons: to get rid of, for tonight, for dinner, for a play at school)
-finally pulled out the make-up my sister sent to me :) i riiiiike it.
-sang a lot of tori amos and danced around in the mirror

current tunes.
click: smells like teen spirit.
click: winter. this one gave me goosebumps about 4 mins in.
didn't touch a piece of homework all day.
i just can't.
going out with honey g tonight, yipee! it's been toooo long. and i do not plan on waking up in a random parking lot in my car again.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
shift happens.
my mom showed me this a couple of years ago.
click: shift happens.
watched this in journalism:
click: epic 2014.
HERE'S some more information about this.
click: shift happens.
watched this in journalism:
click: epic 2014.
HERE'S some more information about this.
never been kissed.
match made in heaven: paul potts and susan boyle.
click: never been kissed.
if you've forgotten who paul potts is, click: here.
click: never been kissed.
if you've forgotten who paul potts is, click: here.
...back to life, back to reality. (and it sucks)
i think i was still a little wasted when i went to asl this morning...
can't wait to go home and shower...
just one more class for the day...
no more drinking on school nights...
eww, have to go to work tonight, closing.
haven't really seen much of anyone except the other d, not me, lately. ...not that i mind. according to my cousin: "things are moving at lightening speed." and i would agree. and, it's kind of crazy; good crazy. i guess i would say "it's normal", to like someone a lot, i mean. but he is definitely not normal...he's way better than normal.
i don't want to be one of those people who is alllllways with their friend, that is a boy... of course, i still need my alone time and friend time... it's just hard when you always have fun together,
ya dig?
oh, and here's puppy:
Photo by: Sweet D

what do you got if you ain't got love?
click: if you ain't got love. (loooove this version; need to learn to play.)
click: fighter girl.
click: cannonball.
Sagittarius - April 16, 2009
Projects that may involve a group, or perhaps your entire community, could take up a lot of your time, dear Sagittarius. Interesting news and stimulating conversations could come your way. Expect a lot of activity around you. You could find yourself running around in the car, seeing a lot of people, getting a lot of errands taken care of. You could find yourself changed somewhat - for the better, of course.
MSN Astrology
i think i was still a little wasted when i went to asl this morning...
can't wait to go home and shower...
just one more class for the day...
no more drinking on school nights...
eww, have to go to work tonight, closing.
haven't really seen much of anyone except the other d, not me, lately. ...not that i mind. according to my cousin: "things are moving at lightening speed." and i would agree. and, it's kind of crazy; good crazy. i guess i would say "it's normal", to like someone a lot, i mean. but he is definitely not normal...he's way better than normal.
i don't want to be one of those people who is alllllways with their friend, that is a boy... of course, i still need my alone time and friend time... it's just hard when you always have fun together,
ya dig?
oh, and here's puppy:
Photo by: Sweet D

what do you got if you ain't got love?
click: if you ain't got love. (loooove this version; need to learn to play.)
click: fighter girl.
click: cannonball.
Sagittarius - April 16, 2009
Projects that may involve a group, or perhaps your entire community, could take up a lot of your time, dear Sagittarius. Interesting news and stimulating conversations could come your way. Expect a lot of activity around you. You could find yourself running around in the car, seeing a lot of people, getting a lot of errands taken care of. You could find yourself changed somewhat - for the better, of course.
MSN Astrology
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
we intertwined.
stayed home all day before going to work to clean up the house and organize my life. i, of course, have four seperate lists of things: to do, store, bug and homework.
the homework list is on the back of an 11"x13" clothing gift box. i guess i felt that if i wrote it bigger it would be more of a reminder or something. we'll see how it works. the bigger you write your goals to see them all the time, the more you will accomplish? we will find out.
i also have a "want to do" list going; so i guess that's five.
the first thing is the ride "the boat" (a public transportation boat that goes from aloha tower to kapolei; it's about an hour; it's going to be closing down soon; costs $2 each way. it's like "the bus". i'm thinking about doing a story on it for journalism. then i would have to ride the boat, and ask people what they thought about it closing down (workers, riders, etc.), and get some good footage.
other than that theres like a million other things i want to do. zip lining, kayaking, hiking, etc.
i got off work fairly early after making only $13. it was really slow and i just wanted to get out of there, and did.
i had two tables. the first was two ladies, really nice, the end.
the next had a lady breast feeding on it. yes, her nipple was hanging out and everything...the kid fell asleep half sucking on it and she just let him sleep there, not covered up or anything, just her shirt pulled up to right past her nipple. sure, it's "natural", but weird in the middle of a restaurant!
gave up tomorrow's opening shift. not worth the time to go and i still have all that homework to do! and i'm off wednesday. jeez, and sunday (because of the aids walk though). i'm excited to play catch in the park.
click: we intertwined. (play the second song.)
when i got off work i procrastinated doing homework by cleaning. besides, i feel better doing homework in a clean environment anyway.
i was waiting for the other d, not me to bring over pizza. after about two hours of cleaning he finally showed. good thing i like cold pizza.
the homework list is on the back of an 11"x13" clothing gift box. i guess i felt that if i wrote it bigger it would be more of a reminder or something. we'll see how it works. the bigger you write your goals to see them all the time, the more you will accomplish? we will find out.
i also have a "want to do" list going; so i guess that's five.
the first thing is the ride "the boat" (a public transportation boat that goes from aloha tower to kapolei; it's about an hour; it's going to be closing down soon; costs $2 each way. it's like "the bus". i'm thinking about doing a story on it for journalism. then i would have to ride the boat, and ask people what they thought about it closing down (workers, riders, etc.), and get some good footage.
other than that theres like a million other things i want to do. zip lining, kayaking, hiking, etc.
i got off work fairly early after making only $13. it was really slow and i just wanted to get out of there, and did.
i had two tables. the first was two ladies, really nice, the end.
the next had a lady breast feeding on it. yes, her nipple was hanging out and everything...the kid fell asleep half sucking on it and she just let him sleep there, not covered up or anything, just her shirt pulled up to right past her nipple. sure, it's "natural", but weird in the middle of a restaurant!
gave up tomorrow's opening shift. not worth the time to go and i still have all that homework to do! and i'm off wednesday. jeez, and sunday (because of the aids walk though). i'm excited to play catch in the park.
click: we intertwined. (play the second song.)
when i got off work i procrastinated doing homework by cleaning. besides, i feel better doing homework in a clean environment anyway.
i was waiting for the other d, not me to bring over pizza. after about two hours of cleaning he finally showed. good thing i like cold pizza.
just remembered to sign up for classes today, so i did: asl 102, com 201, jour 285.
music of choice while trying to get motivated in being productive at home: naive.
more of the kooks: she moves in her own way.
click: seaside.
music of choice while trying to get motivated in being productive at home: naive.
more of the kooks: she moves in her own way.
click: seaside.
it was, we were the cliche.
...but we carried on anyway.
Sagittarius - April 13, 2009
Today you may feel the need to do a lot of work around your home, dear Sagittarius. Perhaps visitors are expected, or perhaps you simply want to get the place all spruced up for your own enjoyment. You may need to pace yourself and not try to do everything, however. You could also run into difficulties that require help from others who may be out. Pace yourself and control the urge to whisk through your chores like a steamroller.
MSN Astrology
...oh yes, oh yes...i haven't even touched the dishes in like two weeks! disgusting...
and i'm not even going to get into it about the homework that i have barely even thought about, let alone started...
as far as running into difficulites, i hope that it doens't have anything to do with the bug. for some reason there was a stronger the normal smell of gas in the bug while driving home tonight...
i spent the most of last week's free time with the other d, not me. just two weeks ago i had just met him and gave him my blog at a friend's bbq...and now i haven't even had time to blog. it's been a lot of fun, but my life has definitely altered from the same day to day habbits which were once redundant, occasionally boring, and perhaps even lonely. ...and now i'm just regurgitating to all.
Photos By: Sweet D

Sagittarius - April 13, 2009
Today you may feel the need to do a lot of work around your home, dear Sagittarius. Perhaps visitors are expected, or perhaps you simply want to get the place all spruced up for your own enjoyment. You may need to pace yourself and not try to do everything, however. You could also run into difficulties that require help from others who may be out. Pace yourself and control the urge to whisk through your chores like a steamroller.
MSN Astrology
...oh yes, oh yes...i haven't even touched the dishes in like two weeks! disgusting...
and i'm not even going to get into it about the homework that i have barely even thought about, let alone started...
as far as running into difficulites, i hope that it doens't have anything to do with the bug. for some reason there was a stronger the normal smell of gas in the bug while driving home tonight...
i spent the most of last week's free time with the other d, not me. just two weeks ago i had just met him and gave him my blog at a friend's bbq...and now i haven't even had time to blog. it's been a lot of fun, but my life has definitely altered from the same day to day habbits which were once redundant, occasionally boring, and perhaps even lonely. ...and now i'm just regurgitating to all.
Photos By: Sweet D

Saturday, April 11, 2009
of all time (that i can remember at the moment):
sweet d
the devil
trail blazer
l.t.d. (little tiny dancer)
sweet desus
down d
sweet d
the devil
trail blazer
l.t.d. (little tiny dancer)
sweet desus
down d
Friday, April 10, 2009
make me babies
go there.
try it.
click: here.
it's quite a good thing johnny depp and i will most likely not be making babies together...
really though, pretty much all the babies on here are uncute and a little freakish, so don't freak out, xiumaiyuki!
Dean Whiteside-Depp
go there.
try it.
click: here.
it's quite a good thing johnny depp and i will most likely not be making babies together...
really though, pretty much all the babies on here are uncute and a little freakish, so don't freak out, xiumaiyuki!
Dean Whiteside-Depp

Thursday, April 9, 2009
it's been a while...
holy shit.
longest time EVER for not blogging.
woo woo:
Sagittarius - April 9, 2009
Things seem to be going quite well for you in many respects, dear Sagittarius. Your thinking is clear, your emotions are under control, and the puzzle pieces are fitting into place. This is your time to take advantage of these pockets of good fortune and turn them into huge treasure chests. One little spark is all it takes to light a forest fire. You have the power within you to make anything happen. Especially now!
MSN Astrology
been hanging out with another d, not me. so far, i dig. :)
skipped all classes on tuesday (but luckyly, again, journalism happened to be cancelled, too, so it worked out) ...skipped asl again today just to get some more
shut eye. putting together my group's final scene for acting class is going fairly well. i don't have a very big role, which is more than fine with me! as for journalism, my teacher is super chill and just says to try and get our stuff in before the end of the semester.
basically,i have a lot of shit to do.
i need to figure out BY MONDAY what classes i will be taking in the fall...
so far, here's what i came up with:
ASL 102 (sign lang II)
COM 201 (intro to comm)
JOUR 285 (news & mag prod- editing & writing...with my same teacher)
...the only thing is, i'm going to have to go to school on fridays...ahh!
here's some musika: thought of you. #3
j.r.a.k. i miss you!
longest time EVER for not blogging.
woo woo:
Sagittarius - April 9, 2009
Things seem to be going quite well for you in many respects, dear Sagittarius. Your thinking is clear, your emotions are under control, and the puzzle pieces are fitting into place. This is your time to take advantage of these pockets of good fortune and turn them into huge treasure chests. One little spark is all it takes to light a forest fire. You have the power within you to make anything happen. Especially now!
MSN Astrology
been hanging out with another d, not me. so far, i dig. :)
skipped all classes on tuesday (but luckyly, again, journalism happened to be cancelled, too, so it worked out) ...skipped asl again today just to get some more
shut eye. putting together my group's final scene for acting class is going fairly well. i don't have a very big role, which is more than fine with me! as for journalism, my teacher is super chill and just says to try and get our stuff in before the end of the semester.
basically,i have a lot of shit to do.
i need to figure out BY MONDAY what classes i will be taking in the fall...
so far, here's what i came up with:
ASL 102 (sign lang II)
COM 201 (intro to comm)
JOUR 285 (news & mag prod- editing & writing...with my same teacher)
...the only thing is, i'm going to have to go to school on fridays...ahh!
here's some musika: thought of you. #3
j.r.a.k. i miss you!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
the meadow.
Sagittarius - April 5, 2009
Pieces of your life that you have actively tried to avoid for some time may come up to the surface, causing you a bit of trouble today, dear Sagittarius. That which is not organized or structured is getting more and more chaotic, just to teach you a lesson. Take care of things now. Put things in order and become more aware of the ticking of the clock. There is a need for you to take care of business!
MSN Astrology
...i completely agree...i need to put things in order, quickly. (especially that homework i still haven't touched)
and now with some house buisness. it's time to get on the b a l l , man!
and for honolulu aids walk stuff!
and cleaning.
but mostly homework.
and calling people.
worked the fun job this morning and i got the no-so-fun job tonight, closing.
so far, so good...just have to keep a positive attitude and think about how i'll be able to sleep in tomorrow.
i finally found a song today i know that chris doesn't: the meadow.
added a new picture to the "japanese t-shirts" blog. click: 日本のt-シャツ
for some odd reason although i have pretty much only had an hour break inbetween both jobs i was in a really good mood tonight. oh well, good.
truck: i don't know what to do with you
has no registration/insurance (which costs $, and how much does insurance on two vehicles cost??), so i would need that if i plan on driving it around often. it's leaks water/antifreeze here and there...i just fill it up regularly. if the bug breaks down from time to time, it would be nice to have. OR i could sell it for at least some money to pay off some of my c.c. but it's such a beachcruiser...for boards, bikes, kayaks, nandemo!
what to do, what to do.
i guess first i need to see how much insurance on the bug and the truck would be.
Pieces of your life that you have actively tried to avoid for some time may come up to the surface, causing you a bit of trouble today, dear Sagittarius. That which is not organized or structured is getting more and more chaotic, just to teach you a lesson. Take care of things now. Put things in order and become more aware of the ticking of the clock. There is a need for you to take care of business!
MSN Astrology
...i completely agree...i need to put things in order, quickly. (especially that homework i still haven't touched)
and now with some house buisness. it's time to get on the b a l l , man!
and for honolulu aids walk stuff!
and cleaning.
but mostly homework.
and calling people.
worked the fun job this morning and i got the no-so-fun job tonight, closing.
so far, so good...just have to keep a positive attitude and think about how i'll be able to sleep in tomorrow.
i finally found a song today i know that chris doesn't: the meadow.
added a new picture to the "japanese t-shirts" blog. click: 日本のt-シャツ
for some odd reason although i have pretty much only had an hour break inbetween both jobs i was in a really good mood tonight. oh well, good.
truck: i don't know what to do with you
has no registration/insurance (which costs $, and how much does insurance on two vehicles cost??), so i would need that if i plan on driving it around often. it's leaks water/antifreeze here and there...i just fill it up regularly. if the bug breaks down from time to time, it would be nice to have. OR i could sell it for at least some money to pay off some of my c.c. but it's such a beachcruiser...for boards, bikes, kayaks, nandemo!
what to do, what to do.
i guess first i need to see how much insurance on the bug and the truck would be.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
after friday night.
it's 5 am. i'm home.
did i mention i'm estatic...? no work tomorrow!
honey g's birthday went beautifuly. :) it was allll gooood.
click: no expectations / you can't always get what you want. be sure to wait for the second song, it's totally worth ti! 1968, eh? the bug was around then!
wow. eek. :
Sagittarius - April 4, 2009
An inner voice is warning you to slow down, dear Sagittarius. It is probably best if you take a break and let someone else take the lead. Concentrate on matters of the home and take care of issues that are cropping up among loved ones. It is quite possible that an argument is brewing. Whether you consciously realize it or not, there are serious issues that need to be addressed
MSN Astrology
did i mention i'm estatic...? no work tomorrow!
honey g's birthday went beautifuly. :) it was allll gooood.
click: no expectations / you can't always get what you want. be sure to wait for the second song, it's totally worth ti! 1968, eh? the bug was around then!
wow. eek. :
Sagittarius - April 4, 2009
An inner voice is warning you to slow down, dear Sagittarius. It is probably best if you take a break and let someone else take the lead. Concentrate on matters of the home and take care of issues that are cropping up among loved ones. It is quite possible that an argument is brewing. Whether you consciously realize it or not, there are serious issues that need to be addressed
MSN Astrology
Friday, April 3, 2009
pre-going out friday night.
i'm killing this song before i go out on this here friday night. . .
it's that one i was supposed to be learning sometime back in janauary.
i've only regressed since then.
oh, but i love it:
miss me.
it's my honey g's birthday so we're gonna be partying a bit... and i made cupcakes.
three cheers for quasimoto! no work tomorrow! (not because i look like quasimoto again, just have the day off :) )
have i done any howework in like a month? nope.
here's a funny bumper sticker i saw on a truck in park rapids, mn.
that is a n.dakota license plate.
Photo By: Sweet D
it's that one i was supposed to be learning sometime back in janauary.
i've only regressed since then.
oh, but i love it:
miss me.
it's my honey g's birthday so we're gonna be partying a bit... and i made cupcakes.
three cheers for quasimoto! no work tomorrow! (not because i look like quasimoto again, just have the day off :) )
have i done any howework in like a month? nope.
here's a funny bumper sticker i saw on a truck in park rapids, mn.
that is a n.dakota license plate.
Photo By: Sweet D
light brite.
i miss those things. my family would make different ones and have them on display on the kitchen table sometimes. hahaha. fun.
definitely need to get the original one.
definitely need to get the original one.
here's what i was listening to on the way home: the general. (i loooove the lyrics) dispatch is a lot of fun to sing along with.
d: i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need yo numba if we're gonna hang out. sanks.
work went quite well: made money and wasn't bitchy . . . and i don't have to go back for two days!
this was actully me and my ex-ex-ex boyfriend's song: out loud. and isn't it ironic, don't ya think? (video is chotto hen, demo daijobu.) actually, it was during this song he was like "hey diane, let's be together. me and you, let's be together." oh high school days...i could go on and on about high school days...
like today, i saw this chick driving an ae86 and i was soooo j! like, sure the bug is dope, but i want, no, i need an 86, too! mines(two) were way nicer than her's anyway...
d: i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need yo numba if we're gonna hang out. sanks.
work went quite well: made money and wasn't bitchy . . . and i don't have to go back for two days!
this was actully me and my ex-ex-ex boyfriend's song: out loud. and isn't it ironic, don't ya think? (video is chotto hen, demo daijobu.) actually, it was during this song he was like "hey diane, let's be together. me and you, let's be together." oh high school days...i could go on and on about high school days...
like today, i saw this chick driving an ae86 and i was soooo j! like, sure the bug is dope, but i want, no, i need an 86, too! mines(two) were way nicer than her's anyway...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
i needed an upbeat, happy song. here's what i got: sunshine. looove this song. and matt costy haha
in acting class i had to act pregnant. it was funny. these two in my class were doing a patient in a hospital scene, and this crazy pregant lady was telling him he was the father, but he didn't remember anything, blah blah...but she was making it up trying to get $.
then my teacher told me to go in as pregnant, too, and be his real girlfriend, who he did know and remember.
then his mom came in pregnant.
then a man doctor came in pregnant.
it was like a comedy. me and the first pregnant bitch were arguing over my baby's daddy. and his mom was like wtf? you girlfriend is prego? and the docotor was a pregnant man...need say more?
oh yah, then a filipino room cleaner came in moving the bed around all jerky and nuts.
hahahaha. it was fun.
had a quiz in news writing and asl and didn't study for either.
click: cold december.
just napped for a it's off to work. closing...
can't complain though because i won't have to go back there until sunday night! yay!
in acting class i had to act pregnant. it was funny. these two in my class were doing a patient in a hospital scene, and this crazy pregant lady was telling him he was the father, but he didn't remember anything, blah blah...but she was making it up trying to get $.
then my teacher told me to go in as pregnant, too, and be his real girlfriend, who he did know and remember.
then his mom came in pregnant.
then a man doctor came in pregnant.
it was like a comedy. me and the first pregnant bitch were arguing over my baby's daddy. and his mom was like wtf? you girlfriend is prego? and the docotor was a pregnant man...need say more?
oh yah, then a filipino room cleaner came in moving the bed around all jerky and nuts.
hahahaha. it was fun.
had a quiz in news writing and asl and didn't study for either.
click: cold december.
just napped for a it's off to work. closing...
can't complain though because i won't have to go back there until sunday night! yay!
the bug.
i was going to give it a bath today but i decided to wait b/c i still have a plastic bag and tape over the tail light.
since i coudln't find one in hawaii a called a vw place in cali to order a new one. i also got a new passanger side window handle roller-downer...
took off the driver's side side step since my damn tread ripped it off the bolt and bent it a little. arg. gotta keep my eyes peeled for a used one.
Photos By: Sweet D
can you see me? i'm camoflauge

since i coudln't find one in hawaii a called a vw place in cali to order a new one. i also got a new passanger side window handle roller-downer...
took off the driver's side side step since my damn tread ripped it off the bolt and bent it a little. arg. gotta keep my eyes peeled for a used one.
Photos By: Sweet D
can you see me? i'm camoflauge

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
april fool's day.
proud to report that i had pretty accomplishing morning. woke up at 830 am (without an alarm)...went to turn the bug in for new tires, got a ride to breakfast at loco moco on the koko marina sercurity guard's golf kart from 76 (super nice old man). and then went to the library the get the correct play book: all my sons.
after that..came home, filled the truck with oil and water, put air in the tires and cautiously drove to town to grab kam's birthday day present. definitely coudln't afford to get pulled over since i have no registraion or insurance; and yes, the tail light is still out.
and it's only a few past noon. :)
to the the other d, not me: i have 3 / video #1: i suck at the indo board, i will stick to wheel chair tricks / video #2: ewwwwww.
here's to everything: three little birds.
sadly, i haven't planned any pranks. :(
i bet you scuba boy and has been looking over his shoulder all day worried i'm going to attack.
i did have a dream last night that i was pregnant. weird.
to continue my day:
laid in bed and watched: riding in cars with boys. made me glad my dream last night wasn't true.
had a very solitary day. after the movie i picked up the bug and then went to savers. i got a lot of cool beer cups, an apron (for kam) that looks like it's from mexico, and a dopppppe skirt. like, i haven't been this excited about an article of clothing a while. and i think i'm gonna send the coors light ones to my pops. he collects some beer mugs and he loves coor light...and i always make fun of him for like that mountain water. oh yah, also got some of those small decorative spoons for my mom (who'e birthday is also coming up)...she collects those, too, or used to at least.
after that, went to hawaii theatre to watch a show for acting. it was a comedy about the sexes (meaning, you should go with a significant other)...i'm 99% sure i was the only single person there, the only young person there and the only one not dressed up. how about that for sticking out like a sore thumb? i don't recalling laughing out loud more than once...i left during intermission. it wasn't great...i just wasn't into it.
drove home in silence brainstorming the story line/point/goal of the profile i am going to be writing; got a few ideas.
came home. here i am.
after that..came home, filled the truck with oil and water, put air in the tires and cautiously drove to town to grab kam's birthday day present. definitely coudln't afford to get pulled over since i have no registraion or insurance; and yes, the tail light is still out.
and it's only a few past noon. :)
to the the other d, not me: i have 3 / video #1: i suck at the indo board, i will stick to wheel chair tricks / video #2: ewwwwww.
here's to everything: three little birds.
sadly, i haven't planned any pranks. :(
i bet you scuba boy and has been looking over his shoulder all day worried i'm going to attack.
i did have a dream last night that i was pregnant. weird.
to continue my day:
laid in bed and watched: riding in cars with boys. made me glad my dream last night wasn't true.
had a very solitary day. after the movie i picked up the bug and then went to savers. i got a lot of cool beer cups, an apron (for kam) that looks like it's from mexico, and a dopppppe skirt. like, i haven't been this excited about an article of clothing a while. and i think i'm gonna send the coors light ones to my pops. he collects some beer mugs and he loves coor light...and i always make fun of him for like that mountain water. oh yah, also got some of those small decorative spoons for my mom (who'e birthday is also coming up)...she collects those, too, or used to at least.
after that, went to hawaii theatre to watch a show for acting. it was a comedy about the sexes (meaning, you should go with a significant other)...i'm 99% sure i was the only single person there, the only young person there and the only one not dressed up. how about that for sticking out like a sore thumb? i don't recalling laughing out loud more than once...i left during intermission. it wasn't great...i just wasn't into it.
drove home in silence brainstorming the story line/point/goal of the profile i am going to be writing; got a few ideas.
came home. here i am.
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