Monday, April 13, 2009

we intertwined.

stayed home all day before going to work to clean up the house and organize my life. i, of course, have four seperate lists of things: to do, store, bug and homework.
the homework list is on the back of an 11"x13" clothing gift box. i guess i felt that if i wrote it bigger it would be more of a reminder or something. we'll see how it works. the bigger you write your goals to see them all the time, the more you will accomplish? we will find out.

i also have a "want to do" list going; so i guess that's five.
the first thing is the ride "the boat" (a public transportation boat that goes from aloha tower to kapolei; it's about an hour; it's going to be closing down soon; costs $2 each way. it's like "the bus". i'm thinking about doing a story on it for journalism. then i would have to ride the boat, and ask people what they thought about it closing down (workers, riders, etc.), and get some good footage.

other than that theres like a million other things i want to do. zip lining, kayaking, hiking, etc.

i got off work fairly early after making only $13. it was really slow and i just wanted to get out of there, and did.
i had two tables. the first was two ladies, really nice, the end.
the next had a lady breast feeding on it. yes, her nipple was hanging out and everything...the kid fell asleep half sucking on it and she just let him sleep there, not covered up or anything, just her shirt pulled up to right past her nipple. sure, it's "natural", but weird in the middle of a restaurant!

gave up tomorrow's opening shift. not worth the time to go and i still have all that homework to do! and i'm off wednesday. jeez, and sunday (because of the aids walk though). i'm excited to play catch in the park.

click: we intertwined. (play the second song.)


when i got off work i procrastinated doing homework by cleaning. besides, i feel better doing homework in a clean environment anyway.
i was waiting for the other d, not me to bring over pizza. after about two hours of cleaning he finally showed. good thing i like cold pizza.


  1. lets get that to do list started...
    you did get a lot done.--.two hour old pizza is still meeeeaaan..with the coke on the side.haha.
    song - idk.--.was feelin damian rice.?.

  2. I agree with you about that lady breast feeding. I mean, it's natural and part of life...but gosh, it's still so tacky. I love how the Japanese mothers would use some kind of cloth to cover it up. I'd definitely use that if I had babies. hahah...IF!

  3. you know what's also "natural?" urination. but damned if wal-mart didn't kick me out for just that.
