holy shit.
longest time EVER for not blogging.
woo woo:
Sagittarius - April 9, 2009
Things seem to be going quite well for you in many respects, dear Sagittarius. Your thinking is clear, your emotions are under control, and the puzzle pieces are fitting into place. This is your time to take advantage of these pockets of good fortune and turn them into huge treasure chests. One little spark is all it takes to light a forest fire. You have the power within you to make anything happen. Especially now!
MSN Astrology
been hanging out with another d, not me. so far, i dig. :)
skipped all classes on tuesday (but luckyly, again, journalism happened to be cancelled, too, so it worked out) ...skipped asl again today just to get some more
shut eye. putting together my group's final scene for acting class is going fairly well. i don't have a very big role, which is more than fine with me! as for journalism, my teacher is super chill and just says to try and get our stuff in before the end of the semester.
basically,i have a lot of shit to do.
i need to figure out BY MONDAY what classes i will be taking in the fall...
so far, here's what i came up with:
ASL 102 (sign lang II)
COM 201 (intro to comm)
JOUR 285 (news & mag prod- editing & writing...with my same teacher)
...the only thing is, i'm going to have to go to school on fridays...ahh!
here's some musika: thought of you.
...click #3
j.r.a.k. i miss you!
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ha la la...skipping classes? tsk, tsk, shaking my head. hm...i wonder why...lolz. :)