Friday, April 3, 2009

here's what i was listening to on the way home: the general. (i loooove the lyrics) dispatch is a lot of fun to sing along with.

d: i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need yo numba if we're gonna hang out. sanks.

work went quite well: made money and wasn't bitchy . . . and i don't have to go back for two days!

this was actully me and my ex-ex-ex boyfriend's song: out loud. and isn't it ironic, don't ya think? (video is chotto hen, demo daijobu.) actually, it was during this song he was like "hey diane, let's be together. me and you, let's be together." oh high school days...i could go on and on about high school days...

like today, i saw this chick driving an ae86 and i was soooo j! like, sure the bug is dope, but i want, no, i need an 86, too! mines(two) were way nicer than her's anyway...

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