Wednesday, April 1, 2009

april fool's day.

proud to report that i had pretty accomplishing morning. woke up at 830 am (without an alarm)...went to turn the bug in for new tires, got a ride to breakfast at loco moco on the koko marina sercurity guard's golf kart from 76 (super nice old man). and then went to the library the get the correct play book: all my sons.

after that..came home, filled the truck with oil and water, put air in the tires and cautiously drove to town to grab kam's birthday day present. definitely coudln't afford to get pulled over since i have no registraion or insurance; and yes, the tail light is still out.

and it's only a few past noon. :)

to the the other d, not me: i have 3 / video #1: i suck at the indo board, i will stick to wheel chair tricks / video #2: ewwwwww.

here's to everything: three little birds.

sadly, i haven't planned any pranks. :(
i bet you scuba boy and has been looking over his shoulder all day worried i'm going to attack.

i did have a dream last night that i was pregnant. weird.


to continue my day:
laid in bed and watched: riding in cars with boys. made me glad my dream last night wasn't true.

had a very solitary day. after the movie i picked up the bug and then went to savers. i got a lot of cool beer cups, an apron (for kam) that looks like it's from mexico, and a dopppppe skirt. like, i haven't been this excited about an article of clothing a while. and i think i'm gonna send the coors light ones to my pops. he collects some beer mugs and he loves coor light...and i always make fun of him for like that mountain water. oh yah, also got some of those small decorative spoons for my mom (who'e birthday is also coming up)...she collects those, too, or used to at least.

after that, went to hawaii theatre to watch a show for acting. it was a comedy about the sexes (meaning, you should go with a significant other)...i'm 99% sure i was the only single person there, the only young person there and the only one not dressed up. how about that for sticking out like a sore thumb? i don't recalling laughing out loud more than once...i left during intermission. it wasn't great...i just wasn't into it.

drove home in silence brainstorming the story line/point/goal of the profile i am going to be writing; got a few ideas.

came home. here i am.

1 comment:

  1. awww, i love the bug...
    i'm glad you take as much care of it as i do my 4runnah:)
    we gotta cruise and smooze soon!
