Thursday, April 30, 2009

because i said so.

Sagittarius - April 30, 2009

There is a rather restrictive, sober tone to the day that may tend to wear you down, dear Sagittarius. The trick to working this energy to your advantage is to adjust your game plan to fit the mood of the day. Take care of mundane chores and small tasks you've been neglecting. Make realistic plans, and follow through with your goals. Water your plants. Do things that require discipline and grounding.

MSN Astrology

...totally agree; totally need to get grounded right now because i was flying around somewhere up near cloud nine aimlessly and without doing anything else in the meantime.

got my grade back for my final scene: B+. the one boy that had the most lines got an A-, the other boy got a B-, so i'm happy.

looking foward to this weekend of girlies :)
not planning to getting too hammered, but it will be good for me and o.d. to spend some time apart. i can say we've both come to the conclusions that things are moving too quickly, and a fresh heartache of his does not help the situation.

kam, pa-pa-pa-pleeease hurry up and move in!

my plan is that when school gets out (next week) i need to start back exercising. my only real commitment is work, so why not?
work, beach, actually make it to a taiko drumming practice or two, perhaps?
cook more, finish cups pictures, pay off credit card and see more friends are also on my "for summer" list. oh yah, need to get out on my board with ann and kam, too, otherwise, i may as well sell it.
and get a video camera.

i think if i just try to take care of myself (eating better, working out, etc.), things will fall into place.

song of the moment:
click: confidant. (click "play song" in the black box)

and some more:
click: train leaving gray.

are we similar? what do we have in common? do opposites attract? do i know you? do you know me? who i am? who are you?
i feel like david after the dentist: why is this happening?

i sure would like to know.
here's a blurp about opposites attracting (or not). <--- click

1 comment:

  1. I totally missed Jaci when she came in tonight. Please tell her hi for me and give her a big hug for me, too! :)
