Monday, August 17, 2009

wish i was a mechanic on monday.

click: how's it gonna be.

Sagittarius - August 17, 2009

Today is a powerful day for you, dear Sagittarius. Your emotions may be stubborn, but realize the very thing you are resisting is the very thing you need the most. Consider making a major change in your life that will help bring about a healthier balance between you and the people you associate with. It may be time for a whole new outlook on how you deal with your relationships.

MSN Astrology.


must change oil today.


noticed the bug smelling more oil-burning that usual. lots of oil is leaking. not sure why. not going to drive it for now. aye, reliable car would be nice.
bus to work. el camino to home.

according to my old planner, here's what i was doing on this day two years ago:
it was a friday. "visit daniel" it says (in rehab). worked watersports during the day.
don't have any documentation on hand about what i was doing one year ago today...but i'm pretty sure i was either still in california or had just gotten back to hawaii from me and j.rak's "buisness trip".


while sitting at the bus stop before work a group of four "punker" looking white kids walked behind me. from behind one tapped me on the opposite shoulder as he kept walking by. i didn't fall for it though. it was kind of funny.
slept about fifty percent of the bus ride.
work went well.
pimpin' in the el camino on the cruise home.

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