Monday, August 10, 2009

so long, farewell...

i no longer have da truck; it was good while it lasted.

Sagittarius - August 10, 2009

You can expect to be highly voluble today, dear Sagittarius! No one will dare contradict you or insinuate that you've taken your ideas from others! You have the potential to get really angry. Rather than saying things you might later regret, write down your thoughts in a diary. And if you do feel the need to make a speech, do it in public.

MSN Astrology



stayed at work longer than i thought i would, but it was all good. li was bummed to stay because her boyfriend had cooked her some dinner which was waiting at home...but i on the other hand had nothing to get home to except olive, and i had already spent all day with i took my time eating my dinner of french fries in the party room and talking story with some cruise customers.
topic of converstaion: the ladder theory. sort of does really make sense...

coming home and seeing my second parking stall where the old ranger had been sitting for so long empty was a little sad. even though it's closer than the spot i park the bug, i cannot bring myself to park there; it's just not right. the bug has been in, and will stay in stall number sixteen.

1 comment:

  1. i made it my life mission to prove the ladder theory wrong...but I realized in the past few years that I have become the textbook example of it...
