i skipped asl because i needed to adjust the carbs on the vw...last night when i was driving home it was at the point where the rpm's were so low that i had to keep up the idle at stops. (but since i'm a master driver it wasn't that big of deal) so j came over and showed me how before i went to acting class.
before class i saw trav in the parking lot. the first thing he said to me was "d, i hope you're wearing green underware!" i had completely forgotten it was even st.patrick's day! we were walking to class and i was pointing at something and fell down two mini-stairs and twisted my ankel...the same one i twisted in new york! it's now all swollen, but daijobu.

i did my monologue today. i must admit, it went quite beautifully. everyone loved it even though i had actually forgotten some lines, but since it was a nervous scene, the pauses and such worked out in my favor. :)
so...looks like i'll have to wait until spring 2010 to try and get into a communications program and uh. so, if that works out and i finish in two years it will have taken me about 8 years to graudate with a bachelors! ahahahahaha... oh well, the experiences of living are what really matters anyway.
well, it's no wonder that i had been feeling pretty bitchy recently and ate chocolate for dinner last night...it is now that time of the month, again...which i'm sure everyone is glad to read.
so, the white-sided dolphin dude, he was out to sea for a few weeks and should be back in town soon..will he call?...
here's a jig for ya: flogging molly.
I started college in 2000. I am getting my BA this May. 8 years to get a BA is no big deal.