Sunday, March 29, 2009

pimp mobile.

i must say, the bug has definitely been getting me some looks. yesterday when i was driving through town some dude started talking to me at a stoplight. he said, "oh, a '68, my first car was a '68..." blah, blah. he was pretty cute, i couldn't really tell how old he was, i'm pretty bad at guessing ages, but maybe...late 20's?
at the next stoplight he pulls his truck over right next to the bug and hands me his buisness card says, "call me." he works for a water company.

then just now while driving home, at a stoplight again, this time in palolo (kinda sketchy...). this dude was behind me and then pulled up to the side of me and was like "he what's up, where are you going? let's cruise." i was like, "i'm going home, naw, i'm good." of course it would have been much smarter to say something like, "i'm going to my boyfriend's house," or "'im going to my parent's house," or something. i just didn't really think about it. i suppose you could say i'm still pretty nieve and too trusting?
anyway, he was "let's go drink. let's hang out. i'm gonna follow you." and i was like "no, no" and motioning with my hand and my head "no". oh yah, i also forgot to mention he kept throwing up the shakka a lot, too...pretty much the entire time. the light turned green and i drove off. he did follow me for a bit, then drove on the side of me and i just ignored him and he cut off when i got onto the freeway. it was kinda scary.
not a bad looking guy, but creepy!

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