let me just start by saying: i'm offically over c.c. (customer crush). so he came in with the same chick...obvisouly the g.f. it's cool, i'm over it.
my friend called me to hang out with him and white-sided dolphin. white-sided went to a bbq, passed out then never made it, so i just hung out with my friend and a few other friends. he was only on land for two days and he's gone again. he texted me saying sorry he flaked and we will hang out in another three weeks. i said whatevers clever.
did meet someone interesting a couple days back. gave him my blog. probably not the slickest move, huh?
anyways. i speant a lot of the day cleaning; it felt good and accomplishing. sometimes i know i clean a lot though because i'm trying to do anything else possible than to do homework. seriously, i'd rather clean the bathroom. and i insist that i can't do homework in a messy room.
now since my room, the kitchen, the living room and the extra room is clean, i had better finish my homework sometime this weekend.
oh yah, and i put off going to the gym. (of course)
okay okay, so i have to give credit to mon for this one. click: jd perry's toothbrush blog
i just remembered i had some fried rice left over from lunch. grabbed it, a fork and a bottle of vinegar and pounded it in the time it took me to turn off/re-start my lo lo computer.
i wanna see this movie: sunshine cleaning.
i also kinda wanna see this freaky sounding movie. probably ronnie would like it:
it's an early 4 a.m...i just heard the sprinklers come on. t.g.i.f.
Photos By: Sweet D

click: west coast.
whaaat.made the post.haha.--.we were there two nights.your pretty good on the chair.but.i think i got it...so.whats next.?.