it's gonna be a long one.
and it was. it could have been worse, it could have been better.
my feet hurt.
matches suck.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
yadnus.i'm kind of a big deal.
started j.raks and i p90x blog:
we'll see what happens with that.
woke up early to do homework, clean and nap in the hours before going to work.
well, cleaned mostly everything except all the piled up dishes. it stinks again so i don't want to go near it. i'll get to it...but probably not until tuesday. sick, i know. closed tonight. working double tomorrow and close.
island 98.5 is the only thing i've been listening to.
click: big deal.
we'll see what happens with that.
woke up early to do homework, clean and nap in the hours before going to work.
well, cleaned mostly everything except all the piled up dishes. it stinks again so i don't want to go near it. i'll get to it...but probably not until tuesday. sick, i know. closed tonight. working double tomorrow and close.
island 98.5 is the only thing i've been listening to.
click: big deal.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
g'day, mate!
the vh1 blog webside actually stated that "VH1[it] has postponed any future airings" of the show "megan wants a millionare". that is the model that was gruesomely hacked up. duh.
i woke up at 8:25 and relized i had five minutes to get to work. i was only a couple of minutes late.
f.p.r.n.s.b. and i had a nice cusomter who tipped us with gift certificates to kona brewing. cheeee.
had a couple of beers after work.
rode around in the back of a pick-up in the afternoon to sandy's until the sun went down.
it was quite an adventure.
twas a good day.
i'm watching oprah. dane cook is on.
he's on the show and now it's showing a clip of him previously talking about orprah and he's mocking her saying "everybody gets a humpback whale!!"
found it: dane cook making fun of oprah.
today's jumping fish was the closest one has ever been to me. maybe about three feet away. it's pretty big up close.
Sagittarius - August 29, 2009
There is a restrictive, sober tone to the day that may tend to wear you down, dear Sagittarius. The trick to working this energy to your advantage, however, is to adjust your game plan to fit the mood of the day. Take care of mundane chores and small obstacles. Make realistic plans, and follow through with your short-term goals. Water your plants. Do things that require discipline and grounding.
MSN Astrology
and doing things is what i did today.
woke up early and was (willingly) at school by 8:30 a.m. to take some pictures and talk to some people about a pond cleanup on campus today. it was actually not a bad time at all, and i was excited to finally have a place to wear the rain boots ann got me a million years ago.
was home before noon and spent the rest of the afternoon working on school stuff and relaxing befor work.
work wasn't bad. saw my crazy exboyfriends old friend there. he told me my ex was in jail...and perhaps for quite a while. sad that he chose to live his life this way, but you reap what you sew.
guess my bod wasn't feein' the bibimbap i ate before leaving work since it all just came up a couple of minutes ago. yum. i hope thats the end of it.
you know who i miss? puppy.
the vh1 blog webside actually stated that "VH1[it] has postponed any future airings" of the show "megan wants a millionare". that is the model that was gruesomely hacked up. duh.
i woke up at 8:25 and relized i had five minutes to get to work. i was only a couple of minutes late.
f.p.r.n.s.b. and i had a nice cusomter who tipped us with gift certificates to kona brewing. cheeee.
had a couple of beers after work.
rode around in the back of a pick-up in the afternoon to sandy's until the sun went down.
it was quite an adventure.
twas a good day.
i'm watching oprah. dane cook is on.
he's on the show and now it's showing a clip of him previously talking about orprah and he's mocking her saying "everybody gets a humpback whale!!"
found it: dane cook making fun of oprah.
today's jumping fish was the closest one has ever been to me. maybe about three feet away. it's pretty big up close.
Sagittarius - August 29, 2009
There is a restrictive, sober tone to the day that may tend to wear you down, dear Sagittarius. The trick to working this energy to your advantage, however, is to adjust your game plan to fit the mood of the day. Take care of mundane chores and small obstacles. Make realistic plans, and follow through with your short-term goals. Water your plants. Do things that require discipline and grounding.
MSN Astrology
and doing things is what i did today.
woke up early and was (willingly) at school by 8:30 a.m. to take some pictures and talk to some people about a pond cleanup on campus today. it was actually not a bad time at all, and i was excited to finally have a place to wear the rain boots ann got me a million years ago.
was home before noon and spent the rest of the afternoon working on school stuff and relaxing befor work.
work wasn't bad. saw my crazy exboyfriends old friend there. he told me my ex was in jail...and perhaps for quite a while. sad that he chose to live his life this way, but you reap what you sew.
guess my bod wasn't feein' the bibimbap i ate before leaving work since it all just came up a couple of minutes ago. yum. i hope thats the end of it.
you know who i miss? puppy.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
neeesh burned me the p90x videos.
j.rak bought it from her friend.
we are both suppose to start it this coming monday. an hour a day of hard, hard exercise. i'm feeling a bit intimidated and scuuured, but i know if i can just get into a routine it'll be easier. i'm in the process of getting the needed equiptment: (?) pull up bar, push-up plates, dumbells, yoga ball (?)...i don't actually have the booklets, so i'm just going with what others have told me until i get confirmation from j.rak who does indeed have the books.
i do have the time as long as i don't waste my time.
oh yah, we are going to be doing a dual-p90x-blog. tba.
j.rak bought it from her friend.
we are both suppose to start it this coming monday. an hour a day of hard, hard exercise. i'm feeling a bit intimidated and scuuured, but i know if i can just get into a routine it'll be easier. i'm in the process of getting the needed equiptment: (?) pull up bar, push-up plates, dumbells, yoga ball (?)...i don't actually have the booklets, so i'm just going with what others have told me until i get confirmation from j.rak who does indeed have the books.
i do have the time as long as i don't waste my time.
oh yah, we are going to be doing a dual-p90x-blog. tba.
thinking thoughts on thursday...
mostly school thoughts: story thoughts, homework thoughts, ect. it's only the second day of school and i'm pretty busy already.
plans for a second girl's dinner ("minus the excessive drinking" according to kam).
Sagittarius - August 27, 2009
At the moment, this is an auspicious time for you, dear Sagittarius. It bestows upon you the energy and enthusiasm you need to make the changes that are necessary in your life. There is a lot of work to be done, but you are up to the task! First steps would be to focus on your relationships. Your loved ones care not a whit about your professional successes; they want (and perhaps need) to spend more time with you. Do what you can to bring your life more into balance.
MSN Astrology
...there is a lot of work to be done, but mostly in school. i feel completely opposite of focusing on relationships at this time; it is nice cruising with the girls again though.
plans for a second girl's dinner ("minus the excessive drinking" according to kam).
Sagittarius - August 27, 2009
At the moment, this is an auspicious time for you, dear Sagittarius. It bestows upon you the energy and enthusiasm you need to make the changes that are necessary in your life. There is a lot of work to be done, but you are up to the task! First steps would be to focus on your relationships. Your loved ones care not a whit about your professional successes; they want (and perhaps need) to spend more time with you. Do what you can to bring your life more into balance.
MSN Astrology
...there is a lot of work to be done, but mostly in school. i feel completely opposite of focusing on relationships at this time; it is nice cruising with the girls again though.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
feeling fresh.
had a good first day of school yesterday. i am definitely not a fan of the parking issues at uh, but i eventually found a decently close spot and luckly i have a small car which makes for easier parking.
met up with b-sauce who knows the campus quite well and got some lunch. saw t.d.'s boyfriend who started an eunterpenuer club (which i'm thinking about joining btw. dork). i'm excited about the journalism class. and, well, math is math.
had a long time over-due girl's night out with beer, sake, skittle shots (which taste exactly like skittles) and vodka. small kine headache.
off today. the breeze is blowing through the house and i got no real plans but to start on the homework that i already have. it seems like a norah jonesy afternoon. i like it. things are fine besides that my ear is kind of hurting. nande ka wakaran...
found a wheelchair on the side of the road outside my place today. it kind of sucks for wheelchair tricks though because the wheels are small, and it's just a little awkward. hmm...
click: sea of love.
Sagittarius - August 26, 2009
You have strong psychic vision, dear Sagittarius. Some people might say that you are prophetic, but in reality your gift is a combination of creativity and intuition. You can use this to benefit others. And, in fact, have often done so. You are known as someone who dispenses good advice. But today, be sure to do so with some restraint. People are listening closely to what you have to say. If you advise someone to jump off a bridge, they just might do it!
MSN Astrology
click: skate vids.
met up with b-sauce who knows the campus quite well and got some lunch. saw t.d.'s boyfriend who started an eunterpenuer club (which i'm thinking about joining btw. dork). i'm excited about the journalism class. and, well, math is math.
had a long time over-due girl's night out with beer, sake, skittle shots (which taste exactly like skittles) and vodka. small kine headache.
off today. the breeze is blowing through the house and i got no real plans but to start on the homework that i already have. it seems like a norah jonesy afternoon. i like it. things are fine besides that my ear is kind of hurting. nande ka wakaran...
found a wheelchair on the side of the road outside my place today. it kind of sucks for wheelchair tricks though because the wheels are small, and it's just a little awkward. hmm...
click: sea of love.
Sagittarius - August 26, 2009
You have strong psychic vision, dear Sagittarius. Some people might say that you are prophetic, but in reality your gift is a combination of creativity and intuition. You can use this to benefit others. And, in fact, have often done so. You are known as someone who dispenses good advice. But today, be sure to do so with some restraint. People are listening closely to what you have to say. If you advise someone to jump off a bridge, they just might do it!
MSN Astrology
click: skate vids.
Monday, August 24, 2009
goodbye summer.
for some, school is in session starting today...but for me, i get to wait until tomorrow. excited? somewhat. nervous? yes. why? idk.
Sagittarius - August 24, 2009
Try to curb your tongue today, dear Sagittarius. There is no reason to lash out at others. You will find that the more sensitive the approach you take, the farther you will get in your pursuit of whatever it is you are aiming for. Today might find you feeling a bit moody, and it could be that your emotions are running away with you. Get in touch with your feelings instead of pushing them away. More than likely, there is something important that they are trying to tell you.
MSN Astrology
decided definitely about not getting another car right now. i can't afford both and i love the bug.
it is sad to see summer go...but i do love fall. wish i could see some fall leaves, but the memories of them will do. fall in minnesota is beautiful, but only for a short time, then you freeze your ass off.
Sagittarius - August 24, 2009
Try to curb your tongue today, dear Sagittarius. There is no reason to lash out at others. You will find that the more sensitive the approach you take, the farther you will get in your pursuit of whatever it is you are aiming for. Today might find you feeling a bit moody, and it could be that your emotions are running away with you. Get in touch with your feelings instead of pushing them away. More than likely, there is something important that they are trying to tell you.
MSN Astrology
decided definitely about not getting another car right now. i can't afford both and i love the bug.
it is sad to see summer go...but i do love fall. wish i could see some fall leaves, but the memories of them will do. fall in minnesota is beautiful, but only for a short time, then you freeze your ass off.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
sensable sunday.
Sagittarius - August 23, 2009
Your freedom is more important to you than anything else in your life. It is often very difficult for you to get involved, whether personally or professionally. Nevertheless, dear Sagittarius, today you may have to think about it. Could it be that your thirst for freedom is just an escape? You may feel it necessary to think about this question. Who knows? You may just decide to take the leap!
MSN Astrology
...professionally, i would say...with school. time to buckle down and jump (if that makes any kind of sense). personally, new roommates.
so i was just chatting with my mom a while on the phone...mostly concerning cars. yes, i am thinking about taking a more responsible approach and perhaps getting a more reliable care. something boring and plain-jane, blah. but not unless i can have both...
oh yah, my mom told me, "take your mace just in case." hahah. she's funny.
well i guess this is growing up.
ten feet version of: i'm yours.
work was aight.
Your freedom is more important to you than anything else in your life. It is often very difficult for you to get involved, whether personally or professionally. Nevertheless, dear Sagittarius, today you may have to think about it. Could it be that your thirst for freedom is just an escape? You may feel it necessary to think about this question. Who knows? You may just decide to take the leap!
MSN Astrology
...professionally, i would say...with school. time to buckle down and jump (if that makes any kind of sense). personally, new roommates.
so i was just chatting with my mom a while on the phone...mostly concerning cars. yes, i am thinking about taking a more responsible approach and perhaps getting a more reliable care. something boring and plain-jane, blah. but not unless i can have both...
oh yah, my mom told me, "take your mace just in case." hahah. she's funny.
well i guess this is growing up.
ten feet version of: i'm yours.
work was aight.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
simply, saturday.
so after snorkeling bob, haha, ate the same 'ol at salad creations and finished cleaning up that huge mess in the hallway and the elephant bathroom and relaxed at home.
my computer chair had been busted for a while but i just left it like that because it wasn't that bad. then i started using this old-school chair i found on the side of the road in kailua. the leg on it was semi-broken...but it is now un-sittable. olive loves climbing up it though so i set it up by the breezy window and now she has a spot where she can easily see outside. and now i'm using a stool.
Sagittarius - August 22, 2009
You have been working exceptionally hard lately, dear Sagittarius. Today would be a good day for you to recharge your batteries. It seems everyone wants a piece of you, and it could be that you have reached the point where you have nothing left to give. It's OK for you to say as much. If you can, take the phone off the hook and reserve the day for yourself. Take time to sleep in, to meditate, to go for a walk. You get the idea!
MSN Astrology
...i guess the day was pretty to myself. i mean, snorkeling around alone is sort of meditating. f.p.r.n.s.b. said that today was my day to be a tourist, so i was (until i had to go to work).
work=pretty shitty:
as soon as i got to work i had to use the eye medecine to flush out my eye... the kitchen manager was trying to make really spicy gyoza and had me test one out. it didn't taste to spicy, but a few minutes after grabbing the piece of gyoza with my thumb and pointer and eating it, i touched my eyeball. baddd idea. it burned soooo bad, messed up my make-up... of course it would happen to me.
then most of the tables i had sat there for frickin ever...and none of them were particularly nice this evening.
and i dropped a shoyu dish.
and i didn't really make that much money.
click: scar tissue.
my computer chair had been busted for a while but i just left it like that because it wasn't that bad. then i started using this old-school chair i found on the side of the road in kailua. the leg on it was semi-broken...but it is now un-sittable. olive loves climbing up it though so i set it up by the breezy window and now she has a spot where she can easily see outside. and now i'm using a stool.
Sagittarius - August 22, 2009
You have been working exceptionally hard lately, dear Sagittarius. Today would be a good day for you to recharge your batteries. It seems everyone wants a piece of you, and it could be that you have reached the point where you have nothing left to give. It's OK for you to say as much. If you can, take the phone off the hook and reserve the day for yourself. Take time to sleep in, to meditate, to go for a walk. You get the idea!
MSN Astrology
...i guess the day was pretty to myself. i mean, snorkeling around alone is sort of meditating. f.p.r.n.s.b. said that today was my day to be a tourist, so i was (until i had to go to work).
work=pretty shitty:
as soon as i got to work i had to use the eye medecine to flush out my eye... the kitchen manager was trying to make really spicy gyoza and had me test one out. it didn't taste to spicy, but a few minutes after grabbing the piece of gyoza with my thumb and pointer and eating it, i touched my eyeball. baddd idea. it burned soooo bad, messed up my make-up... of course it would happen to me.
then most of the tables i had sat there for frickin ever...and none of them were particularly nice this evening.
and i dropped a shoyu dish.
and i didn't really make that much money.
click: scar tissue.
a new s.b.
...snorkel bob, that is. that's what i did this morning. f.p.r.n.s.b. works there.
it's actually a very simply concept using the law of bubbles in water (if that were a real scientific law). basically you're head is in the bubble. has a nice, fairly clear and somewhat warped view, requires no swimming and normal breathing. the hardest part (which isn't really hard at all) is just popping your ears.
saw a turtle when we first arrived. snorkeled around the area and saw the statue of buddah about thirty feet under. there were a lot of fish around. we were feeding them bread; one of those really colorful ones nipped at my thumb, but it didn't hurt.
what is that fish trying to do to my oshiri?
it's actually a very simply concept using the law of bubbles in water (if that were a real scientific law). basically you're head is in the bubble. has a nice, fairly clear and somewhat warped view, requires no swimming and normal breathing. the hardest part (which isn't really hard at all) is just popping your ears.
saw a turtle when we first arrived. snorkeled around the area and saw the statue of buddah about thirty feet under. there were a lot of fish around. we were feeding them bread; one of those really colorful ones nipped at my thumb, but it didn't hurt.
what is that fish trying to do to my oshiri?
Friday, August 21, 2009
can't have the sweet without the sour.
click: even after all...
day went by quick out on the water today...j was back; good times.
in the evening my house was a sasage factory (which is pretty usual). i invited a couple of my girl-friends over, but no can come...
f.p.r.n.s.b. (foreign puerto rican new scuba boy) said don't worry about everything: karma will take care.
and i k.o.'d.
i can't believe school is starting t u e s d a y. wow.
thought about changing my name to "sour d" instead. (because i am right now)
day went by quick out on the water today...j was back; good times.
in the evening my house was a sasage factory (which is pretty usual). i invited a couple of my girl-friends over, but no can come...
f.p.r.n.s.b. (foreign puerto rican new scuba boy) said don't worry about everything: karma will take care.
and i k.o.'d.
i can't believe school is starting t u e s d a y. wow.
thought about changing my name to "sour d" instead. (because i am right now)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
love is a drug.
People may be somewhat selfish and self-centered today, but this doesn't mean that you need to be too, dear Sagittarius. Remind others of the importance of the collective, and that we all need to pitch in and do our part to be happy. You have the ability to offer a great deal of balance to the situation, and you should definitely put this to the test. Do what you can to make the scales tip back to center.
MSN Astrology
so this room make-over turned into a revamp of the whole house. fixed up one of the extra rooms decently. probably my favorit thing about it (besides the mexican blanket) is the drawer in the desk that has random gadjets and toys to play with.
found some cool things in the closet...a coin collection, some pictures that i used the frames of and some other goodies.
going to turn the downstairs bathroom into the "elephant bathroom". so far two large elephants pics and four random elephants for it. i need a small one to hang on the door.
so tareeek came over to cruise and do some more laundry. today i overheard him telling his friend on the phone he still does laundry over here even though his washing machine is now fixed. i don't mind though, like he said, he enjoys the coversation, as do i.
so some old fling of his called him up while he was over for what he thinks is a "booty call". after getting lost all over hawaii kai i finally dropped him off. for all that driving, i hope he does get some. i didn't really mind the driving though because i was driving the el camino, and i'm going to be giving it back soon :( . however, the bug does seem to be not leaking oil anymore :) .
ah, home at last; today was quite a jouney. i was big pimpin' on the last drive to work with the el camino. had to leave it there with it's righful owner...and take the bus home. so i left work about 10:30 p.m., walked to fairly sketch busstop about fifteen mintues away. at first sat down to a homeless lady i had seen around that area before. at that time she had been wiggin' out over nothing; but she seemed calm so i just sat down on the opposite end of the bench. she eventully left and a chinese man came. he was very friendly and we chatted a lot. somehow me and him know two of the same people (through restraunt work, but still, kind of nuts).
didn't get home until 12:15 a.m. wow, i couldn't not do that everyday.
had a lot of time to think about things on the bus.
although i know there's a million fish in the sea, it's always hard for me to actually believe it and just let shit go. of course i can never imagine the great person that is going to come along someday (just as i couldn't have of imagined o.d. walking through chris' front door and into my life)...but i know it will happen, and i will be happy and i will be fine. the letting go part is just never easy. but it is time (for real, this time).
besides, as my mom would always says: why would you want to be with anyone that doesn't want to be with you?
"he's just not that into you"...just as the dvd laying on your coffee tables reads.
i almost forgot to mention that i saw dog the bounty hunter drive by me today while i was getting gas.
MSN Astrology
so this room make-over turned into a revamp of the whole house. fixed up one of the extra rooms decently. probably my favorit thing about it (besides the mexican blanket) is the drawer in the desk that has random gadjets and toys to play with.
found some cool things in the closet...a coin collection, some pictures that i used the frames of and some other goodies.
going to turn the downstairs bathroom into the "elephant bathroom". so far two large elephants pics and four random elephants for it. i need a small one to hang on the door.
so tareeek came over to cruise and do some more laundry. today i overheard him telling his friend on the phone he still does laundry over here even though his washing machine is now fixed. i don't mind though, like he said, he enjoys the coversation, as do i.
so some old fling of his called him up while he was over for what he thinks is a "booty call". after getting lost all over hawaii kai i finally dropped him off. for all that driving, i hope he does get some. i didn't really mind the driving though because i was driving the el camino, and i'm going to be giving it back soon :( . however, the bug does seem to be not leaking oil anymore :) .
ah, home at last; today was quite a jouney. i was big pimpin' on the last drive to work with the el camino. had to leave it there with it's righful owner...and take the bus home. so i left work about 10:30 p.m., walked to fairly sketch busstop about fifteen mintues away. at first sat down to a homeless lady i had seen around that area before. at that time she had been wiggin' out over nothing; but she seemed calm so i just sat down on the opposite end of the bench. she eventully left and a chinese man came. he was very friendly and we chatted a lot. somehow me and him know two of the same people (through restraunt work, but still, kind of nuts).
didn't get home until 12:15 a.m. wow, i couldn't not do that everyday.
had a lot of time to think about things on the bus.
although i know there's a million fish in the sea, it's always hard for me to actually believe it and just let shit go. of course i can never imagine the great person that is going to come along someday (just as i couldn't have of imagined o.d. walking through chris' front door and into my life)...but i know it will happen, and i will be happy and i will be fine. the letting go part is just never easy. but it is time (for real, this time).
besides, as my mom would always says: why would you want to be with anyone that doesn't want to be with you?
"he's just not that into you"...just as the dvd laying on your coffee tables reads.
i almost forgot to mention that i saw dog the bounty hunter drive by me today while i was getting gas.
wash away wednesday.
so i got home this afternoon and watched some oprah. it was about cleaning i got really motivated to de-clutter my room, my life. i really didn't get rid of that much, i just really organized everything and put stuff in boxes that i never use. and more or less hid the clutter. six hours later my room is much more open and feels better.
fresh start.
(oh yah, even: cleaned up and zip-tied all the electrical chords around my compuuuuter. and took the curious georges off my bed. have the book shelf going. have NO stray cups; they're all put away. ...maturing...booo-ya.)
kinda seems like i'm not so close with the people i was so close with before. mostly just j.rak and she's so far.
click: are you happy now?
holy smokers for high school music: all you wanted.
oh yah. if my work has a new pupu called "sweet spuds" (the sweet potato fries), i named it. ;)
fresh start.
(oh yah, even: cleaned up and zip-tied all the electrical chords around my compuuuuter. and took the curious georges off my bed. have the book shelf going. have NO stray cups; they're all put away. ...maturing...booo-ya.)
kinda seems like i'm not so close with the people i was so close with before. mostly just j.rak and she's so far.
click: are you happy now?
holy smokers for high school music: all you wanted.
oh yah. if my work has a new pupu called "sweet spuds" (the sweet potato fries), i named it. ;)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
temptation on tuesday.
hose was busted on the hopefully it should be all "g" now. gotta keep an eye on it the next couple of days.
no, i don't want to give the el camino back yet!
had a lazy laundry day with tareeek, although it wasn't that lazy. we got some things accomplished and ate a l o t. (including some delicioso mangos) O O
no, i don't want to give the el camino back yet!
had a lazy laundry day with tareeek, although it wasn't that lazy. we got some things accomplished and ate a l o t. (including some delicioso mangos) O O
today one of the dollar bills i got at work had the "currenty tracking study" stamp at
you simply fill out the information on the dollar bill and register as user. from this dollar bill i found that:
this bill has travelled 12 miles in 11 days, 4 hrs, 1 min at an average of 1.1 miles per day. it is now 12 miles from its starting location.
(basically it's first log was just on aug 6 in honolulu. kind of lame, this one)
spent that dollar today. not exactly sure where (somewhere in koko marina)...but i'll be able to find it as long as someone tracks it along it's journious life.
you simply fill out the information on the dollar bill and register as user. from this dollar bill i found that:
this bill has travelled 12 miles in 11 days, 4 hrs, 1 min at an average of 1.1 miles per day. it is now 12 miles from its starting location.
(basically it's first log was just on aug 6 in honolulu. kind of lame, this one)
spent that dollar today. not exactly sure where (somewhere in koko marina)...but i'll be able to find it as long as someone tracks it along it's journious life.
Monday, August 17, 2009
rants and raves
...on craigslist.
click: true incest story.
click: true story.
so random.
click: driving in hawaii.
click: gold and jewelry at ala moana.
click: true incest story.
click: true story.
so random.
click: driving in hawaii.
click: gold and jewelry at ala moana.
wish i was a mechanic on monday.
click: how's it gonna be.
Sagittarius - August 17, 2009
Today is a powerful day for you, dear Sagittarius. Your emotions may be stubborn, but realize the very thing you are resisting is the very thing you need the most. Consider making a major change in your life that will help bring about a healthier balance between you and the people you associate with. It may be time for a whole new outlook on how you deal with your relationships.
MSN Astrology.
must change oil today.
noticed the bug smelling more oil-burning that usual. lots of oil is leaking. not sure why. not going to drive it for now. aye, reliable car would be nice.
bus to work. el camino to home.
according to my old planner, here's what i was doing on this day two years ago:
it was a friday. "visit daniel" it says (in rehab). worked watersports during the day.
don't have any documentation on hand about what i was doing one year ago today...but i'm pretty sure i was either still in california or had just gotten back to hawaii from me and j.rak's "buisness trip".
while sitting at the bus stop before work a group of four "punker" looking white kids walked behind me. from behind one tapped me on the opposite shoulder as he kept walking by. i didn't fall for it though. it was kind of funny.
slept about fifty percent of the bus ride.
work went well.
pimpin' in the el camino on the cruise home.
Sagittarius - August 17, 2009
Today is a powerful day for you, dear Sagittarius. Your emotions may be stubborn, but realize the very thing you are resisting is the very thing you need the most. Consider making a major change in your life that will help bring about a healthier balance between you and the people you associate with. It may be time for a whole new outlook on how you deal with your relationships.
MSN Astrology.
must change oil today.
noticed the bug smelling more oil-burning that usual. lots of oil is leaking. not sure why. not going to drive it for now. aye, reliable car would be nice.
bus to work. el camino to home.
according to my old planner, here's what i was doing on this day two years ago:
it was a friday. "visit daniel" it says (in rehab). worked watersports during the day.
don't have any documentation on hand about what i was doing one year ago today...but i'm pretty sure i was either still in california or had just gotten back to hawaii from me and j.rak's "buisness trip".
while sitting at the bus stop before work a group of four "punker" looking white kids walked behind me. from behind one tapped me on the opposite shoulder as he kept walking by. i didn't fall for it though. it was kind of funny.
slept about fifty percent of the bus ride.
work went well.
pimpin' in the el camino on the cruise home.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
stop procrastinating. starting tomorrow.
i really need to change the oil in the bug...tomorrow. i mean, i didn't get a chance to go to the store to get necessary items anyways (even though i could go now) tomorrow.
closing with lehua at work tonight. definitely looking forward to that. we're going have matching hair. (two pony-tails underneath each other.) we're dorks ladat.
Sagittarius - August 16, 2009
You will find that you can relate very well to others today, dear Sagittarius, and your communication with them will prove to be quite valuable. You may find yourself in the position of arbitrator simply because you have the detached mind that people are looking for to resolve their disputes. Take an active role in the lives of those around you, and see how your own life is benefited by the generosity of your actions.
MSN Astrology
click: lazy eye.
i tried to sit down and write out my feelings...but i don't know what i'm feeling.
had a food tasting at work for breakfast (not that it was breakfast food), it was pretty delicioso though. and free food is always good.
it's gonna be comin' up on fall pretty soon. supposedly some friends and i are doing a peter pan theme...and i'm tink. make a dress? do i really want to be tinkerbell? idk.
time flies.
but really, if i can find an elf job during christmas break i would do it. it would just be funny. i could growl at little kids and scare them. (just kidding)
of course because i wasn't actually having such a bad feeling about work tonigt it turn out to be kind of whack. i was pretty "off"; even knocked over some lady's water! on her a little bit, maybe? ...forgot to order a thing or two. kitchen kind of sucked.
i guess it wasn't horrible though. still made pretty good money, had nice customers for the most part.
oh yah. when i was driving to work i saw a AAA tow truck towing a car from the maunalua bay area. i kept driving and a little bit more down the road i saw a truck pulling a boat. the boat's name was "triple a". weeeeeird.
closing with lehua at work tonight. definitely looking forward to that. we're going have matching hair. (two pony-tails underneath each other.) we're dorks ladat.
Sagittarius - August 16, 2009
You will find that you can relate very well to others today, dear Sagittarius, and your communication with them will prove to be quite valuable. You may find yourself in the position of arbitrator simply because you have the detached mind that people are looking for to resolve their disputes. Take an active role in the lives of those around you, and see how your own life is benefited by the generosity of your actions.
MSN Astrology
click: lazy eye.
i tried to sit down and write out my feelings...but i don't know what i'm feeling.
had a food tasting at work for breakfast (not that it was breakfast food), it was pretty delicioso though. and free food is always good.
it's gonna be comin' up on fall pretty soon. supposedly some friends and i are doing a peter pan theme...and i'm tink. make a dress? do i really want to be tinkerbell? idk.
time flies.
but really, if i can find an elf job during christmas break i would do it. it would just be funny. i could growl at little kids and scare them. (just kidding)
of course because i wasn't actually having such a bad feeling about work tonigt it turn out to be kind of whack. i was pretty "off"; even knocked over some lady's water! on her a little bit, maybe? ...forgot to order a thing or two. kitchen kind of sucked.
i guess it wasn't horrible though. still made pretty good money, had nice customers for the most part.
oh yah. when i was driving to work i saw a AAA tow truck towing a car from the maunalua bay area. i kept driving and a little bit more down the road i saw a truck pulling a boat. the boat's name was "triple a". weeeeeird.
s.b. update.
he cut his hair. i'm not digging it. it's sort of like a fro, but it either needs to be shorter or longer. but wow...probably the biggest news on the marina that i can think of.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
keep on keepin' on... what i was thinking to myself while treking down to maunawili falls this morning.
let me just start by saying: over-rated (at least in my opinion)...well, i chose like the shittiest day to go: on a saturday, two weeks before summer is was sooooo crowded. like, seriously, wtf kine. before we reached the end a fellow hiker told case and i, "it's more the journey than the destination." ...and he was right. i mean the waterfall was nice, but once again, just so damned crowded.
6.5 times was how many we counted crossing over the stream during the trail. case made it without his shoes getting wet by staying on the rocks, but i just said screw it and walked through the water. the hike was completely muddy the entire time...and there were some really funky smells along the a couple mosquito bites...but still, a nice path.
when heading back up i realized i had a random drip of blood on my leg. i look around myself and saw nothing bleeding. then on the palm of my hand i saw a diplet of blood exactly the same as the one of my leg. (i had be using my hands to help me get up the staired part). basically, i'm pretty sure someone else bled on something (a rock?), i touched it with my hand, and then toched my leg. weird and gross.

we got some ono steaks and the ono steaks truck in nalo afta afta. while waiting for our food a random dude walked up to us and asked us if we knew how to get to maunawili falls. this was so weird since we 1. had just hiked it minutes before 2. had never known how to get there before just today case still had the information in his phone so we hooked the dude up.
some customer asked me today, "is your voice always like that?" i was like, "like what, raspy?" and yes, that is what he was talking about. i guess i would say my voice was verrry sliiightly raspier than usual today, but not really anything anyone noticed (except a complete stranger). anyways, he said it reminded him of demi moore...uh huh...never head that one before.
made good money.
work went by fast for the most part.
saw a lot of people i knew. including bo, the boy i had just randomly talked about in the "hey, there delilah" post. he happened to be visiting and decided to cruise my/his old work and there he was.
have to be back to work in less than six hours for a stupid meeting. then come home, and then go back at night. fun.
let me just start by saying: over-rated (at least in my opinion)...well, i chose like the shittiest day to go: on a saturday, two weeks before summer is was sooooo crowded. like, seriously, wtf kine. before we reached the end a fellow hiker told case and i, "it's more the journey than the destination." ...and he was right. i mean the waterfall was nice, but once again, just so damned crowded.
6.5 times was how many we counted crossing over the stream during the trail. case made it without his shoes getting wet by staying on the rocks, but i just said screw it and walked through the water. the hike was completely muddy the entire time...and there were some really funky smells along the a couple mosquito bites...but still, a nice path.
when heading back up i realized i had a random drip of blood on my leg. i look around myself and saw nothing bleeding. then on the palm of my hand i saw a diplet of blood exactly the same as the one of my leg. (i had be using my hands to help me get up the staired part). basically, i'm pretty sure someone else bled on something (a rock?), i touched it with my hand, and then toched my leg. weird and gross.

we got some ono steaks and the ono steaks truck in nalo afta afta. while waiting for our food a random dude walked up to us and asked us if we knew how to get to maunawili falls. this was so weird since we 1. had just hiked it minutes before 2. had never known how to get there before just today case still had the information in his phone so we hooked the dude up.
some customer asked me today, "is your voice always like that?" i was like, "like what, raspy?" and yes, that is what he was talking about. i guess i would say my voice was verrry sliiightly raspier than usual today, but not really anything anyone noticed (except a complete stranger). anyways, he said it reminded him of demi moore...uh huh...never head that one before.
made good money.
work went by fast for the most part.
saw a lot of people i knew. including bo, the boy i had just randomly talked about in the "hey, there delilah" post. he happened to be visiting and decided to cruise my/his old work and there he was.
have to be back to work in less than six hours for a stupid meeting. then come home, and then go back at night. fun.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
it is what it is.
early beach sesh with trav. i caught a couple good waves body surfing..s o f u n. it was pretty small, i like it.
got some costco lunch with tareeek (which i always forget is there...i'm pretty sure it would be a good place to meet if you just cruise there nibbling on a hot dog in the afternoon, especially in the summer or on the weekend, bound to be milions of dudes coming from the beach. it's close, it's cheap; they will eat it. ...but that's if you want to meed dudes. no costco for me.)
got the bug back and on the road again. clutch feels pretty good. it's a bit shorter than before; i like it better.
scored a couple mangos when picking up my car :)
tareeek also made cookies, but they were like the premade dough kind and really didn't taste that great. haha
got some costco lunch with tareeek (which i always forget is there...i'm pretty sure it would be a good place to meet if you just cruise there nibbling on a hot dog in the afternoon, especially in the summer or on the weekend, bound to be milions of dudes coming from the beach. it's close, it's cheap; they will eat it. ...but that's if you want to meed dudes. no costco for me.)
got the bug back and on the road again. clutch feels pretty good. it's a bit shorter than before; i like it better.
scored a couple mangos when picking up my car :)
tareeek also made cookies, but they were like the premade dough kind and really didn't taste that great. haha
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
so i named this "moving-on on monday..."
...but it's actually wednesday. WTF.
what a day today was.
it started out pretty well. i felt quite refreshed considering i slept most of yesterday's evening and night and all the way through morning. i felt motivated to sell some shit so i put up an old computer moniter, a surf board and t.v. up for sale on craigslist. got some calls about the moniter so imma get hundred bucks tomorrow morning. woo woo.
i don't know if it was the weather catching up with me, or the fact that i got too much sleep but i started feeling pretty emo and said somethings i probably shouldn't have.
i took a nap and dreamed about the way i wished things were and somehow felt better when i awoke.
my i.d. had been getting pretty bad and always getting the checked a millions times whenever i went out so i got a new one. thought it was gonna be five bucks, but it was free.
i then headed into town to run some more errands and pick up a couple items...
then my clutch cable snapped. i heard it and the clutch pedal went strait to the floor. luckly it happend when i was shifting into third so i had already had the car movings so i was able to turn off the main road and pull up right into an open spot along the road.
b-white came to save the day and brought me a new clutch cable. unfortunately we couldn't get the new one threaded back through without all the proper materials...
but luckly (in some weird events of serendipity and coinsidence) the dude who grabbed my truck from me then came to save the day.
i'm a pretty good damned tower, i'd say.
we got the car to his place and he's gonna finish up the cable tomorrow.
wooooooo weeeeeeeee. what a day. i was at my car for four hours. and today was like the muggiest day everrrrrrrrr.
the emoness from earlier had then caught up with me when i got home. o.d. and i had finally said the things that we had to say. he's moved on and it's time i have, too. "distant friends"
so, moving on...but definitely not to anyone else. i pretty much hate everybody.
trav said he thinks my boobs are getting small. :[
i laaaaav this. click: love season.
while we're doing the local i'm leaving.
and at the end of the day, i'm still alive. :)
what a day today was.
it started out pretty well. i felt quite refreshed considering i slept most of yesterday's evening and night and all the way through morning. i felt motivated to sell some shit so i put up an old computer moniter, a surf board and t.v. up for sale on craigslist. got some calls about the moniter so imma get hundred bucks tomorrow morning. woo woo.
i don't know if it was the weather catching up with me, or the fact that i got too much sleep but i started feeling pretty emo and said somethings i probably shouldn't have.
i took a nap and dreamed about the way i wished things were and somehow felt better when i awoke.
my i.d. had been getting pretty bad and always getting the checked a millions times whenever i went out so i got a new one. thought it was gonna be five bucks, but it was free.
i then headed into town to run some more errands and pick up a couple items...
then my clutch cable snapped. i heard it and the clutch pedal went strait to the floor. luckly it happend when i was shifting into third so i had already had the car movings so i was able to turn off the main road and pull up right into an open spot along the road.
b-white came to save the day and brought me a new clutch cable. unfortunately we couldn't get the new one threaded back through without all the proper materials...
but luckly (in some weird events of serendipity and coinsidence) the dude who grabbed my truck from me then came to save the day.
i'm a pretty good damned tower, i'd say.
we got the car to his place and he's gonna finish up the cable tomorrow.
wooooooo weeeeeeeee. what a day. i was at my car for four hours. and today was like the muggiest day everrrrrrrrr.
the emoness from earlier had then caught up with me when i got home. o.d. and i had finally said the things that we had to say. he's moved on and it's time i have, too. "distant friends"
so, moving on...but definitely not to anyone else. i pretty much hate everybody.
trav said he thinks my boobs are getting small. :[
i laaaaav this. click: love season.
while we're doing the local i'm leaving.
and at the end of the day, i'm still alive. :)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
trekking on tues.
hike up mariner's ridge with case today. was a fairly short, fairly easy one, but still quite a nice view. afta afta, got some salad creations (of course) and spent the afternoon laying, chatting, at the pool. my back got fried, except for the spot where my hair was laying on my back...that part is still white.
plain white t's...
so i used to be completely obsessed with the "hey there delilah" song when i first moved to hawaii...(this was before it got famous and super over-played). back when music was allowed in the kitchen at work we would play it over and over and i would always be singing it so half the time people would just call me "delilah" instead of "diane".
i just heard the song and it reminded me of a note that bo (i love this name btw), a boy working at that time, wrote to me.
it's to the tune of this song (of course) and it goes like this:
hey there delilah
what's in like in okinawa?
you're 3,000 miles away
but you smell just like a flowah
yes you do...
the rising sun can't shine as bright at you
i swear it's trueeee.
click: hey there delilah.
here's the story of the real delilah that the song was written for...sadly it's not even really a love story. i was sort of dissapointed since i'm all sappy ladat.
click: story time.
i just heard the song and it reminded me of a note that bo (i love this name btw), a boy working at that time, wrote to me.
it's to the tune of this song (of course) and it goes like this:
hey there delilah
what's in like in okinawa?
you're 3,000 miles away
but you smell just like a flowah
yes you do...
the rising sun can't shine as bright at you
i swear it's trueeee.
click: hey there delilah.
here's the story of the real delilah that the song was written for...sadly it's not even really a love story. i was sort of dissapointed since i'm all sappy ladat.
click: story time.
Monday, August 10, 2009
so long, farewell...
i no longer have da truck; it was good while it lasted.
Sagittarius - August 10, 2009
You can expect to be highly voluble today, dear Sagittarius! No one will dare contradict you or insinuate that you've taken your ideas from others! You have the potential to get really angry. Rather than saying things you might later regret, write down your thoughts in a diary. And if you do feel the need to make a speech, do it in public.
MSN Astrology
stayed at work longer than i thought i would, but it was all good. li was bummed to stay because her boyfriend had cooked her some dinner which was waiting at home...but i on the other hand had nothing to get home to except olive, and i had already spent all day with i took my time eating my dinner of french fries in the party room and talking story with some cruise customers.
topic of converstaion: the ladder theory. sort of does really make sense...
coming home and seeing my second parking stall where the old ranger had been sitting for so long empty was a little sad. even though it's closer than the spot i park the bug, i cannot bring myself to park there; it's just not right. the bug has been in, and will stay in stall number sixteen.
Sagittarius - August 10, 2009
You can expect to be highly voluble today, dear Sagittarius! No one will dare contradict you or insinuate that you've taken your ideas from others! You have the potential to get really angry. Rather than saying things you might later regret, write down your thoughts in a diary. And if you do feel the need to make a speech, do it in public.
MSN Astrology
stayed at work longer than i thought i would, but it was all good. li was bummed to stay because her boyfriend had cooked her some dinner which was waiting at home...but i on the other hand had nothing to get home to except olive, and i had already spent all day with i took my time eating my dinner of french fries in the party room and talking story with some cruise customers.
topic of converstaion: the ladder theory. sort of does really make sense...
coming home and seeing my second parking stall where the old ranger had been sitting for so long empty was a little sad. even though it's closer than the spot i park the bug, i cannot bring myself to park there; it's just not right. the bug has been in, and will stay in stall number sixteen.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sagittarius - August 9, 2009
The day ahead should be excellent, dear Sagittarius. For the past several days, you've been searching for a meaning in what befalls you in life. There have been changes in your chief occupation, new relationships, bursting ambitions... Today, you can let all of that soul searching go. Instead, you're likely to whip up a huge mixture of the whole experience and be grateful for the thrilling life you are leading right now!
MSN Astrology
... :)
click: we've got tonight. ...yes, i've been listening to bog seger. this would be a good drunken karaoke song...for somewhere like napa's at 3 a.m.
woke up and climbed koko head with angie-pants and after rode on the banana at my day job to cool down. it was funnnnnnn. also found fifty cents atop the mountain. basically i got paid to work out. cheee heeeee.
click: she woke me up with a bang bang.
The day ahead should be excellent, dear Sagittarius. For the past several days, you've been searching for a meaning in what befalls you in life. There have been changes in your chief occupation, new relationships, bursting ambitions... Today, you can let all of that soul searching go. Instead, you're likely to whip up a huge mixture of the whole experience and be grateful for the thrilling life you are leading right now!
MSN Astrology
... :)
click: we've got tonight. ...yes, i've been listening to bog seger. this would be a good drunken karaoke song...for somewhere like napa's at 3 a.m.
woke up and climbed koko head with angie-pants and after rode on the banana at my day job to cool down. it was funnnnnnn. also found fifty cents atop the mountain. basically i got paid to work out. cheee heeeee.
click: she woke me up with a bang bang.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
in the post about my little brother, rob, i said that he was turning fourteen. he is actually fifteen.
my bad. (it doesn't mean i don't love you)
my bad. (it doesn't mean i don't love you)
it's actually saturday. / あたまがいたい。
somehow fridays often slip away without me even getting a chance to hit 'new post' and say something. like today (i mean, "yesterday".)
(fri)day recap:
worked day job and was glad to see my main man dougie was back to driving. although it had only been a month he'd been gone, it seemed like f o r e v e r.
s.b.'s hair is getting long, other than that, nothing else i can tell has changed around the marina.
got the bug back. it feels nice to drive it again. :)
worked my night job. it was the first friday night i've worked in f o r e v e r. made decent money, got off decently early.
woodblock update. (tbc...)
almost forgot, got a huge bump on my forehead. right when i got to work (night job) and was changing in the bathroom, i whacked my head on the door handle. it seriously hurt, and then my boss poked it, and it hurt some more. later on in the night my coworkers told me it looked like it was getting bigger. right now it is about the size of a quarter. i wonder if it will turn blue/purple. i really hope not because i have to work for the next three days.
(...continued from above)
i'm going to go ahead and give myself a half a tally mark for the woodblock. saw cutlass after work, he asked me to hang out at his place. i declined. he asked for a kiss. i thought, why not? technically it's only a half because i was sitting inside my car and he was standing outside my window.
just like david after the dentist: "i didn't feel anything".
i was glad to get a couple songs i haven't heard from j.rizzle. ;)
click: be be your love.
click: falling for you.
my choice. this song is for you. (because it's by damien rice and you like damien rice, of course.)
click: rootless tree.
Sagittarius - August 8, 2009
You should find that the adventurous side of you has the support of your emotions, dear Sagittarius. These two parts of your spirit are working in harmony to help you stretch well beyond your limits. Push forward into new realms and ask questions when you don't understand something. This is the only way that you will learn, develop, and grow mentally and emotionally. Don't assume that learning stops as soon as you get out of school.
MSN Astrology
japanese phrase of the day:
my head hurts.
atama ga itai.
saved by the bell:
so i'm usually up in the week hours of the morning and sometimes saved by the bell is on. i've been watching the show since i was a kid, i even used to have saved by the bell trading cards. omg.
anyways, i could have sworn i'd seen them all...until the other night when i tuned in mid-episode and saw "the gang" in a band. i had never seen an episode where they were all in a band! of course zack was the star of the show...he eventually became famous and sold out...and then he woke up. it was all a dream.
while shopping at savers with o.d. this morning i scored some oober amazing t's in the little boys section; two of which that are going stait to top five t-collection: a baby gerber shirt and a green old-school adidas shirt. l o v e them. surprisingly i did not get one item that was a knick-knack, dish or anything of that nature; just t-shirts today.
theres a thrift store on's only open like two days a week. i wonder if i can get a job there...
click: dammit. well, i guess this is growing up.
work: was a little slow, but it was nice to take it easy and still make decent money. also got caked in the face by a coworker. it was pretty funny.
(fri)day recap:
worked day job and was glad to see my main man dougie was back to driving. although it had only been a month he'd been gone, it seemed like f o r e v e r.
s.b.'s hair is getting long, other than that, nothing else i can tell has changed around the marina.
got the bug back. it feels nice to drive it again. :)
worked my night job. it was the first friday night i've worked in f o r e v e r. made decent money, got off decently early.
woodblock update. (tbc...)
almost forgot, got a huge bump on my forehead. right when i got to work (night job) and was changing in the bathroom, i whacked my head on the door handle. it seriously hurt, and then my boss poked it, and it hurt some more. later on in the night my coworkers told me it looked like it was getting bigger. right now it is about the size of a quarter. i wonder if it will turn blue/purple. i really hope not because i have to work for the next three days.
(...continued from above)
i'm going to go ahead and give myself a half a tally mark for the woodblock. saw cutlass after work, he asked me to hang out at his place. i declined. he asked for a kiss. i thought, why not? technically it's only a half because i was sitting inside my car and he was standing outside my window.
just like david after the dentist: "i didn't feel anything".
i was glad to get a couple songs i haven't heard from j.rizzle. ;)
click: be be your love.
click: falling for you.
my choice. this song is for you. (because it's by damien rice and you like damien rice, of course.)
click: rootless tree.
Sagittarius - August 8, 2009
You should find that the adventurous side of you has the support of your emotions, dear Sagittarius. These two parts of your spirit are working in harmony to help you stretch well beyond your limits. Push forward into new realms and ask questions when you don't understand something. This is the only way that you will learn, develop, and grow mentally and emotionally. Don't assume that learning stops as soon as you get out of school.
MSN Astrology
japanese phrase of the day:
my head hurts.
atama ga itai.
saved by the bell:
so i'm usually up in the week hours of the morning and sometimes saved by the bell is on. i've been watching the show since i was a kid, i even used to have saved by the bell trading cards. omg.
anyways, i could have sworn i'd seen them all...until the other night when i tuned in mid-episode and saw "the gang" in a band. i had never seen an episode where they were all in a band! of course zack was the star of the show...he eventually became famous and sold out...and then he woke up. it was all a dream.
while shopping at savers with o.d. this morning i scored some oober amazing t's in the little boys section; two of which that are going stait to top five t-collection: a baby gerber shirt and a green old-school adidas shirt. l o v e them. surprisingly i did not get one item that was a knick-knack, dish or anything of that nature; just t-shirts today.
theres a thrift store on's only open like two days a week. i wonder if i can get a job there...
click: dammit. well, i guess this is growing up.
work: was a little slow, but it was nice to take it easy and still make decent money. also got caked in the face by a coworker. it was pretty funny.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
love trees.
今日。i like hike.
Sagittarius - August 6, 2009
Today is one of those days in which prosperity is much closer than you think, dear Sagittarius. You will find what you are seeking, but it is up to you to take the first step toward going after it. More than likely, you are looking for solid answers to your deep and probing questions. Don't let your inquisitive mind rest until you find the answers that ring true for you.
MSN Astrology
getting ready to hike hawaii loa ridge...woo woo.
felt like i got quite a good work out on today's hike. i was feeling pretty tired...boosing it up last night did not help, i'm sure. from this hike you can see pretty much all the way from waimanalo to waikiki. we made it up into the clouds, but it was still pretty clear for sight seeing. ate a couple berries (the last two on the mountain i believe), listened to the trees talk, and just enjoyed being out in nature.
don't really have any pictures of the view...but seriously pictures don't do the justice anyway, you have to just go.
b.rice thought i was quoting something earl said from "my name is earl" but i was actually just speaking my own thoughts. great, me and earl sound alike.
click: call me on your way back home.
so i just heard male singing outside my window... it seemed to last for a bit so thought it was probably somebody coming to seranade me (just kidding), but no, it was two boys walking, singing together. hahahahahaha.
Today is one of those days in which prosperity is much closer than you think, dear Sagittarius. You will find what you are seeking, but it is up to you to take the first step toward going after it. More than likely, you are looking for solid answers to your deep and probing questions. Don't let your inquisitive mind rest until you find the answers that ring true for you.
MSN Astrology
getting ready to hike hawaii loa ridge...woo woo.
felt like i got quite a good work out on today's hike. i was feeling pretty tired...boosing it up last night did not help, i'm sure. from this hike you can see pretty much all the way from waimanalo to waikiki. we made it up into the clouds, but it was still pretty clear for sight seeing. ate a couple berries (the last two on the mountain i believe), listened to the trees talk, and just enjoyed being out in nature.
don't really have any pictures of the view...but seriously pictures don't do the justice anyway, you have to just go.
b.rice thought i was quoting something earl said from "my name is earl" but i was actually just speaking my own thoughts. great, me and earl sound alike.
click: call me on your way back home.
so i just heard male singing outside my window... it seemed to last for a bit so thought it was probably somebody coming to seranade me (just kidding), but no, it was two boys walking, singing together. hahahahahaha.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
w e d
this kid is kind of annoying, but pretty funny as well. he's actually kind of famous now and you can even buy his shirts at hot topic.
click: fred.
good 'ol sis told me about this video.
red head kids crack me up. i'm takin' pointers from this kid...
click: kid dances to apple bottom jeans.
looks like i will be working for the school news paper this semester. i have to turn in a certain amount of articles, photographs, etc. nothing guarenteed to be published...but hoepfully at least something makes it.
os thinks i should do a dating column. i agree.
Sagittarius - August 5, 2009
You should find that you have an extra amount of creative energy at this time, dear Sagittarius, and you should do what you can to make this force work for you. There is a time and space for everything, and now is the time to work together with your higher self to channel some of the artist within you. Don't let your self-doubt keep you from using the creative force that is brewing inside you.
MSN Astrology
...hopefully some creative juice for writing articles. which i am supposed to start now. ideas, ideas, ideas...
click: fred.
good 'ol sis told me about this video.
red head kids crack me up. i'm takin' pointers from this kid...
click: kid dances to apple bottom jeans.
looks like i will be working for the school news paper this semester. i have to turn in a certain amount of articles, photographs, etc. nothing guarenteed to be published...but hoepfully at least something makes it.
os thinks i should do a dating column. i agree.
Sagittarius - August 5, 2009
You should find that you have an extra amount of creative energy at this time, dear Sagittarius, and you should do what you can to make this force work for you. There is a time and space for everything, and now is the time to work together with your higher self to channel some of the artist within you. Don't let your self-doubt keep you from using the creative force that is brewing inside you.
MSN Astrology
...hopefully some creative juice for writing articles. which i am supposed to start now. ideas, ideas, ideas...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
treterous trails on tuesday.
hiked up kuliouou today with neesh. it was amazing. from the top of the hike you can see all the way from diamond head to kaneohe side: beautiful.
being active feels good. i'm keeping my fingers crossed to stay on a decent work-out streak.
in comparison to the stairway to heaven this hike was more cruise in the sense that you were not fearing for your life...but at the same time it was harder becaus you were not able to use your arms to help you climb, as well as the uneven, rocky terrain. still both were great in their own ways.
it was funny that i was wearing a camoflauge shirt in the woods.

being active feels good. i'm keeping my fingers crossed to stay on a decent work-out streak.
in comparison to the stairway to heaven this hike was more cruise in the sense that you were not fearing for your life...but at the same time it was harder becaus you were not able to use your arms to help you climb, as well as the uneven, rocky terrain. still both were great in their own ways.
it was funny that i was wearing a camoflauge shirt in the woods.

Monday, August 3, 2009
talk about auto-tech.
back in high school me and the cecenator used to listen to the all-american rejects a lot in my car, usually when we sat in my car all period during auto-tech.
we would even do that clap/knee-slapping dance from greece along with this song (it seriously somehow matches perfectly).
anyway, this is the song.
click: why worry.
so anyway, as music always does to one, it got me thinking about the old days and auto-tech. basically we didn't do shit in that class. and we got "a"'s. pretty much we cleaned my car everyday, once we changed my front bumper, we drove around during class after we told our teacher we needed to pick up car stuff from the gas station, and i think once we drove to the middle school to jump a teacher's car that had a dead battery. oh yah, one time we also got caught tanning outside behind my car during class. haha.
we also had another friend of ours in the our class, and she actually did shit. she was always in the junked car area taking off this or that, or working on her and her boyfriends car, or offering to help people. and she got a "b". that's messed up, desho?
well, auto-tech was definitely one of my favorite classes of high school.
and i miss the cecenator and my hachi-broku.and as for j.bell, i miss her too. she lives here, but we haven't seen each other in f o r e v e r.
this is the three of us dressed up in crazy dresses taking purikura (japanese sticker pictures). i don't remember exactly what happened but somehow we all started tripping on each other's dresses and falling down. the picture took was taken mid trio-tumble.
(me, j.bell, cecenator)
we would even do that clap/knee-slapping dance from greece along with this song (it seriously somehow matches perfectly).
anyway, this is the song.
click: why worry.
so anyway, as music always does to one, it got me thinking about the old days and auto-tech. basically we didn't do shit in that class. and we got "a"'s. pretty much we cleaned my car everyday, once we changed my front bumper, we drove around during class after we told our teacher we needed to pick up car stuff from the gas station, and i think once we drove to the middle school to jump a teacher's car that had a dead battery. oh yah, one time we also got caught tanning outside behind my car during class. haha.
we also had another friend of ours in the our class, and she actually did shit. she was always in the junked car area taking off this or that, or working on her and her boyfriends car, or offering to help people. and she got a "b". that's messed up, desho?
well, auto-tech was definitely one of my favorite classes of high school.
and i miss the cecenator and my hachi-broku.and as for j.bell, i miss her too. she lives here, but we haven't seen each other in f o r e v e r.
this is the three of us dressed up in crazy dresses taking purikura (japanese sticker pictures). i don't remember exactly what happened but somehow we all started tripping on each other's dresses and falling down. the picture took was taken mid trio-tumble.
(me, j.bell, cecenator)

it's freakin' monday.
i have no idea why i named this post that. but it did make me ctms (chuckle to myself).
Sagittarius - August 3, 2009
This is going to be a good moment to go look elsewhere, dear Sagittarius. You should do just as the artist does when he has worked on a painting for too long. That is, take a step back. You need to see some people, travel, go to the theater, and, in general, clear your head. This is never easy for you. But don't hesitate. You will realize afterward that it was the best thing for you to do.
MSN Astrology
obviously me and this song have a connection. i think this is the third time posting it, but it's always a different version, and this one is dope!
so click: you will love this song. (because you will love this song)
finally hung out with my girls after work today. geezus, i missed them. :)
work wasn't bad neither, except for the fact that i got to work early...and then realized i forgot my work pants at home. luckly, spacy let me borrow hers, but they were a little big and looked pretty gangsta, 'twas funny.
i saw and heard the singing jogger the other day when i was driving. young, local guy, decent looking and singing...that's pretty much it.
Sagittarius - August 3, 2009
This is going to be a good moment to go look elsewhere, dear Sagittarius. You should do just as the artist does when he has worked on a painting for too long. That is, take a step back. You need to see some people, travel, go to the theater, and, in general, clear your head. This is never easy for you. But don't hesitate. You will realize afterward that it was the best thing for you to do.
MSN Astrology
obviously me and this song have a connection. i think this is the third time posting it, but it's always a different version, and this one is dope!
so click: you will love this song. (because you will love this song)
finally hung out with my girls after work today. geezus, i missed them. :)
work wasn't bad neither, except for the fact that i got to work early...and then realized i forgot my work pants at home. luckly, spacy let me borrow hers, but they were a little big and looked pretty gangsta, 'twas funny.
i saw and heard the singing jogger the other day when i was driving. young, local guy, decent looking and singing...that's pretty much it.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
日曜日 8月2日2009年
Sagittarius - August 2, 2009
You are apt to be spurred into action by strong forces today, dear Sagittarius, that don't want you to take a break by any means. Keep in mind that the more you resist, the more you will be pushed and pulled by outside sources. If you find yourself in a bind, take a deep breath and calm yourself. Act from a point of neutrality instead of a point of anger or defensiveness.
MSN Astrology
work: again, not bad. actually, i may even go as far to say it was good. good money, not any whack customers, eh, what can i say?
haven't been sleeping much the past few days... instead i've just always been doing something. (which is a good thing, i feel.) for instance, today i didn't get in my usual nap between the beach, a million people rolling through and work, however, i felt in a better mood today than i usually do when i do get a nap in.
i've also been hanging out with a lot of random people. i mean, i know them, but they're just not people i usually cruise with. it's nice to get to know different people, see knew places and do new things.
today i went to the beach in town (kapiolani park). seriously, i never go there. it makes no sense for me to go there: it's far, crowded and full of tourists. but today, since my friend want to go to that specific beach, we went.
of course i'm still going to prefer pretty much any other beaches than of those over in waikiki, but it was an experience; i'm glad i went.
i do miss my honey girls though...haven't seen them in too long.
You are apt to be spurred into action by strong forces today, dear Sagittarius, that don't want you to take a break by any means. Keep in mind that the more you resist, the more you will be pushed and pulled by outside sources. If you find yourself in a bind, take a deep breath and calm yourself. Act from a point of neutrality instead of a point of anger or defensiveness.
MSN Astrology
work: again, not bad. actually, i may even go as far to say it was good. good money, not any whack customers, eh, what can i say?
haven't been sleeping much the past few days... instead i've just always been doing something. (which is a good thing, i feel.) for instance, today i didn't get in my usual nap between the beach, a million people rolling through and work, however, i felt in a better mood today than i usually do when i do get a nap in.
i've also been hanging out with a lot of random people. i mean, i know them, but they're just not people i usually cruise with. it's nice to get to know different people, see knew places and do new things.
today i went to the beach in town (kapiolani park). seriously, i never go there. it makes no sense for me to go there: it's far, crowded and full of tourists. but today, since my friend want to go to that specific beach, we went.
of course i'm still going to prefer pretty much any other beaches than of those over in waikiki, but it was an experience; i'm glad i went.
i do miss my honey girls though...haven't seen them in too long.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
aug 1.
ah, another month has come and gone. seriously, where did it go?
today's savers trip:
found a sambrero. :)
learned that you are allowed to bring dogs to savers as long as they stay in the cart. ...i forgot to ask about cats though :( olive does have a small
i turned in the bug to get the carbs cleaned up and my dear p.p. is letting me use her car while she's outy of townie. it is so nice driving in a comfortable, reliable, a.c.'d, turn-on-and-go car... if only i could have both.
p.s. dear truck: please feel free to drive yourself off a cliff. domo.
today's savers trip:
found a sambrero. :)
learned that you are allowed to bring dogs to savers as long as they stay in the cart. ...i forgot to ask about cats though :( olive does have a small
i turned in the bug to get the carbs cleaned up and my dear p.p. is letting me use her car while she's outy of townie. it is so nice driving in a comfortable, reliable, a.c.'d, turn-on-and-go car... if only i could have both.
p.s. dear truck: please feel free to drive yourself off a cliff. domo.
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