Photos by: Sweet D

Photo by: KA
"the notebook"

this is at pipeline. we were the only people with a cooler and we struggled to carry it down the beach. we didn't notice until after we sat down that we picked like the worst spot ever. it was like a huge dip in the sand, and we sat right in the middle. everyone could see us, and we could barely see over the sand. but we didn't wanna move because everyone would stare at us even more, and we would have to move that cooler again.
we just decided, fuck it. it was a good time.
i love that green blanket. it's an old army blanket i got at savers. my parents have one we always used outdoors, so i keep that one in my bug.
the wonder years shirt: arigatou ronnie.
the bracelet: kams made one first and then inspired me to make like 10. haha.
doube chin: i should probably get photoshop.
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