i hung out with this dude...sunday night randomly; he's an old co-worker, somewhat "friend," who i know. so sunday we're crusin' at his place: smokin', talkin', the usual. i could sense a somewhat attractiveness that he had towards me, and that i questionably, but not fully, felt for him to.
last night he came over to my place. we're pretty much doing the same at the night before, except it gets a little more intense, a little more intimate. eventually i'm laying on my bed and he's sitting up on the bed playing the guitar. he started playing and singing a song "for me". "i'll play a song for you" were his exact words, i believe. so he did.
but the weird thing was, after waiting for a moment like this pretty much like my entire life...i felt nothing. it was like, blah. it was not someone i would particularly want to be singing for me. either way, it was nice. but there was no feeling.
despite the no feelings, we someone manage to start kissing. his lips were harder than my last kisses that i could remember. it was weird.
next, he starts touching my hair. it's soft, i know, i hear it all the time. but he wasn't like touching it gently, he was like rubbing my head roughly, in circle! ...for some reason, it just wasn't my cup of tea.
i started to "pump the breaks" here and there. i'm sure he was feeling no connection either, but, he is a guy, why would he stop? what ever happened to a good old strait make-out session? is that too middle school? why can't people my age just make out anymore without it having to go any further? am i just a prude? ...and the ride came to a halt.
i decided to make some grilled cheese sandwiches. they were even double decker!
so we talked about me blogging. he's thinks it's weird, i'm pretty sure; just as he thinks most things about me are weird.
in the end, amongst awkwardness and discussion, we are just going to leave it at grilled cheese sandwiches.
the end.
this morning i went to class. i like having good, fun days at school. it would have been even better if i had not been so tired and didn't have this cold...
gee, i just thought, boy from last night is going to be catching a cold soon. ha! ...maybe i AM the devil?? (Chris, if you ever read this, you would agree)
i could go to the gym today, but i think i should let my body rest before work tonight, especially because of this cold. and besides, i climed koko head yesterday in 22.5 mins. that's pretty good for me, for now.
it's surprisingly cold today. 69 degrees! holy shit. it is cold! another good reason to stay home before work.
work: will the customer crush show up??
A picture from April 2008:


oh yeah, soon-to-be-having-cold-boy, he tried to get me to play guitar for HIM. good. thing. i. didn't.
i had just finished like 3/4 a pack of saltine crackers and lots of peanut butter and then decided to take a nap. after laying down for a few brief moments, joey called. i went to help him tow my cousins car to a side street. it was fun. and joey was "impressed" at my towing skills.
i just checked my horoscope for the day and it states:
Sagittarius - January 27, 2009
Over breakfast this morning, dear Sagittarius, you may feel a little tired and depressed. Domestic responsibilities and demands are sometimes an overload on your spirit. How about giving yourself a little vacation, a little free time just for yourself? It's vital to your morale. Perhaps you can use the time off to draw up a weekly schedule to make the workload less daunting.
funny. i did sort of have a vacation day. (well, in between work and school, anyway)


oh yeah, soon-to-be-having-cold-boy, he tried to get me to play guitar for HIM. good. thing. i. didn't.
i had just finished like 3/4 a pack of saltine crackers and lots of peanut butter and then decided to take a nap. after laying down for a few brief moments, joey called. i went to help him tow my cousins car to a side street. it was fun. and joey was "impressed" at my towing skills.
i just checked my horoscope for the day and it states:
Sagittarius - January 27, 2009
Over breakfast this morning, dear Sagittarius, you may feel a little tired and depressed. Domestic responsibilities and demands are sometimes an overload on your spirit. How about giving yourself a little vacation, a little free time just for yourself? It's vital to your morale. Perhaps you can use the time off to draw up a weekly schedule to make the workload less daunting.
funny. i did sort of have a vacation day. (well, in between work and school, anyway)
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