Thursday, January 1, 2009

it was the first day of the year. i didn't get much accomplished. definitly not how i sought to spend my first day of the year, but it was a beautiful day so i can't ask for much more. i finished cleaning up a few more things here and there, but never actually made it to the grocery store.

and i figured out why i can't sign up for my classes online, so i'll have to go down to the school monday to try and get it all straitened out, but a couple of my classes are already full. so maybe so much for the school plan happening. it's hard to call, yet. also, i have to see if my financial aid is ligit or not.

the diet definitely has not started yet.

when i made it an effort to definitely act more girl simply by having a good posture a friend said "ew, stop d, you're freaking me out". i guess me being girly is werid.

i tried working on the book today but i was just not really feelin' it. the time of day was all off. i now know i need to go mid-day or before for just the right light.

in a matter of 7 hours or so, i will be back at my "fun job" since before leaving for a vacation about a month ago. i will be seeing "Scuba Boy", we'll just say "S.B." for short. he is definitely not the type i would regularly be attracted to; he's much too "Ambercrombie look" for my usual liking. anyways, he has a nice bod and seems really friendly and he's definitely one of the highlights of my everyday normal fridays. one thing that bothers me a little about him is that he's 29. i'm 23. that's not that huge of a difference, it's just not what i'm used to i suppose. i have no idea if he would even be's just a crush. and me and joey stay occupied all day trying to plot out how i am going to actually talk to him that day. it's sort of disgusting, but something i look forward to.

i have yet to take a picture of myself for the start of this year. maybe tomorrow.

according to here is what this month has to hold:

Sagittarius - January 2009New Year's Day and the day after may be frustrating because you'll be restless and bored but stuck in the house for some reason. You'll be more active on January 3 and in a better frame of mind. Expect to be busy and pulled in many directions on January 7 and 8. You may not a get a lot done because of interruptions. Don't plan too many activities outside the home during the Full Moon on January 10. January 11 and 12 will be lighthearted and entertaining, but expect to get serious the next day when you get saddled with extra responsibilities. Be careful and methodical with projects on January 13 and 14. Get together with your friends for an evening of conversation and relaxation on January 16 and 17. Your attitude will be optimistic and hopeful with the Moon in your sign from January 20 to 22. Ideas will be plentiful and will help you solve problems. A loved one may throw you a few curve balls that you won't see coming on January 22. Make plans for the future on January 23, especially if you forgot to make resolutions earlier. A serious issue with your partner or a friend on January 24 will disrupt your plans. After the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius on January 26, you'll be inspired to make some changes and look into new opportunities over the next six months. You'll be irritable and act erratically on January 29 because someone will disappoint you.
we'll see how it all pans out...

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