in hawaii i had been waiting for a time i could have nothing to do so much to the point i'd be bored.
i haven't been bored, per-say, just enjoying a relaxing vacation, the company of my family and got to have a white (whiteside) christmas.
the time here (in mn) was not by any means perfect, and it was the first time in a while i actually popped a blood vessel in my eye from ball-bagging (as my pops calls it) so much.
what made me sad the most was that when shit did hit the fan, i was upset that i've only seen my family once in a year and that we weren't all getting along the entire time.
a couple minutes later and a hug from my pops and it's all good.
even if i'm broke as hell, i'm going to come back and visit this summer.
my pops tried hooking me up with one of the guys building our garage...pointless i told him; although he wasn't a shabby lookin' small town hardworking dude.
other than that my trip was full of snowmobile riding, ice fishing, cousins, small kine drinkage and bracelet making.
only two days left and i'll be back to my home.
i feel it's my home because it's where i live- it's where i go home to, it's were i've established myself.
i think my family and i all learned that honesty with each other is the best policy- they'll support you and love you, no matter what.
i've been wearing the same clothes for three days- ew. time for change.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
time flies.
where did most of december go??
it started with my birthday...
and somehow it's now already the 19th.
writing hasn't been so much on my mind. what's to say anymore?
i guess theres some things i could say, but decide it's better just not to.
and i've put off doing anything school until school starts back up in january.
i leave in about 14 hours, fly strait into minneapolis and then take a rickidy little plane to a small northern town. hopefully i can just curl up in a ball and k.o. against the window like i always do. it supposed to be "snow showers" that day...but hopefully i'll make it on time, and i don't mind the turbulance.
(this could quite possibly be like the one perk of being short: riding in cramped airplanes. seriously though, i feel cramped, i can't imagine how everyone else feels. ick. ok, flying in airplanes and also being able to pretend i'm really young. like when i was 18 and my and my pops went riding on a sunday morning and out to brunch and told the lady, "one adult and one child,"(a child- 12 and under) and the lady believed it. seriousLy?)
made some "puppy chow" (some holiday treats my mom would always make). ...just didn't taste the same. maybe it's all in my head? then again, maybe not.
i'm pretty sure my mom will have some in minnesota when i get there.
getting away for a week will be good.
just family and relaxing.
and then i'll be ready to get back to life, say goodbye to 2009 and be openminded about 2010 has to offer (as much as possible).
"love me if you dare"- that's what the video said, click: let go.
it started with my birthday...
and somehow it's now already the 19th.
writing hasn't been so much on my mind. what's to say anymore?
i guess theres some things i could say, but decide it's better just not to.
and i've put off doing anything school until school starts back up in january.
i leave in about 14 hours, fly strait into minneapolis and then take a rickidy little plane to a small northern town. hopefully i can just curl up in a ball and k.o. against the window like i always do. it supposed to be "snow showers" that day...but hopefully i'll make it on time, and i don't mind the turbulance.
(this could quite possibly be like the one perk of being short: riding in cramped airplanes. seriously though, i feel cramped, i can't imagine how everyone else feels. ick. ok, flying in airplanes and also being able to pretend i'm really young. like when i was 18 and my and my pops went riding on a sunday morning and out to brunch and told the lady, "one adult and one child,"(a child- 12 and under) and the lady believed it. seriousLy?)
made some "puppy chow" (some holiday treats my mom would always make). ...just didn't taste the same. maybe it's all in my head? then again, maybe not.
i'm pretty sure my mom will have some in minnesota when i get there.
getting away for a week will be good.
just family and relaxing.
and then i'll be ready to get back to life, say goodbye to 2009 and be openminded about 2010 has to offer (as much as possible).
"love me if you dare"- that's what the video said, click: let go.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
shame already.
...blogwise- been slacking. and busy.
finishing up with school and pretty much procrastinating to the max.
haven't been working that much.
the house has been more full than usual, but the company is nice.
have a bruise on my thigh the size of my palm from friday night, and not going out again for a while.
five more days and i'm off to minnesota :)
finishing up with school and pretty much procrastinating to the max.
haven't been working that much.
the house has been more full than usual, but the company is nice.
have a bruise on my thigh the size of my palm from friday night, and not going out again for a while.
five more days and i'm off to minnesota :)
Monday, December 7, 2009
we went to big island.
where to even start with all the adventure endavered this weekend?
me and a few of my homegirls packed a few clothes (i did a very hasty (bad) job of packing) and took off for the weekend.
we all arrived on time: a miracle. (i'm usually the ealy one)
we got checked in and settled easily.
on the plane i was seated between p.p. and some old man. after getting situated, seated and belted, we began to get a bit antsy because for some reason it seemed like we had been sitting a while.
after about twenty minutes that captain annouced there was a problem with the plane.
the man sitting next to me turned and mentioned something about patience being key, chuckling along like a nice and friendly old man.
we waited.
then about ten minutes later they said that couldn't fix it and that we'd have to switch planes...
but for some reason it took forever to let us off the plane.
we waited.
finally everyone stood up and while waiting for the doors of the plane to open, and the old man had no patience at all! he was seriously like trying to push me out of the way...
but there was no where to go yet!
everyone was watching him thinking "wtf" and it got to the point where i had to be rude and say, "excuse me, can you stop pushing me? there is no where to go," in a stern way.
on the next plane we had the same seats, but luckly the row behind me had an open one, so i took it.
me and a few of my homegirls packed a few clothes (i did a very hasty (bad) job of packing) and took off for the weekend.
we all arrived on time: a miracle. (i'm usually the ealy one)
we got checked in and settled easily.
on the plane i was seated between p.p. and some old man. after getting situated, seated and belted, we began to get a bit antsy because for some reason it seemed like we had been sitting a while.
after about twenty minutes that captain annouced there was a problem with the plane.
the man sitting next to me turned and mentioned something about patience being key, chuckling along like a nice and friendly old man.
we waited.
then about ten minutes later they said that couldn't fix it and that we'd have to switch planes...
but for some reason it took forever to let us off the plane.
we waited.
finally everyone stood up and while waiting for the doors of the plane to open, and the old man had no patience at all! he was seriously like trying to push me out of the way...
but there was no where to go yet!
everyone was watching him thinking "wtf" and it got to the point where i had to be rude and say, "excuse me, can you stop pushing me? there is no where to go," in a stern way.
on the next plane we had the same seats, but luckly the row behind me had an open one, so i took it.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
me, myself, and i.
if i ever have a book about life, it would definitely be called "life in a nutshell".
i'm 24 now. 8,760 days i've been alive. i checked that math three times because for some reason i assumed there were more days than that, but i guess not.
as most people say, you don't miraculously automatically feel older, it's more just getting used to replying with "24" when people ask how old you are.
twenty four years ago my pops was digging out the car (since i was born in a blizzard on ellsworth afb, south dakota (in/near rapid city,s.d.)). my mom said i was born between 1 and 1:30 p.m. and that i was out in less than an hour upon her arrival of the hospital.
only some months of living in s.d. i move to arkansas were i lived throughout some of kindergarten.
partway through kindergarten, we moved to north dakota. i think my teacher's name was ms.divorack.
i always liked school and can remember most of my teachers.
second grade, ms.carver (her husband was a trucker)
third grade, ms.danielson (she was young and friends with my mom since my mom's a teacher, too)
fourth grade, ms.brookes (she got married partway through the year, but can remember her "new" name.
[moved to okinawa]
fifth grade, mr.shipley (he's my friend on facebook, we used to steal candy out of his desk)
sixth grade, mrs.germaine (she passed away of cancer a couple of years ago, her daughters went to my h.s.)
seventh grade, mr.kanikkaberg (lori's dad), mr.stevens (from *new hampshire, had accent, always let me run errands for him during class), ms.puzy (engrish, she was nice, her daughter was murdered not so long ago working in a third world country), math (can't remember her name right now, but she was obsessed with math damon and serioiusly would give you extra credit if you brought her in a picture of him from like a magazine or something, and she would post it on the bulliten board)
eighth grade, mr.benjamin (crazy science teacher who told me and my friend, "hey, no shooting up in class!" and he got stranded on an island kayaking and barely survived off of water dripping from inside a cave.), ms.pope (craigery's mom!), mr.pruitt(stuck in the 70's kine clothes with his curly chest hair sticking out and a jerry-curl perm(?), always yelled "sign my folder!" if you were in trouble, my sister had him, too.)
tenth grade, ms.rivers (crazy lady, my sister had her, too.), ms.trusedale (for my dumb-kid science class becasue i didn't want to take anything challenging since science/math is hard for me. she was a hobbit-troll like lady who had sooo much crap packed in her van it was disgusting and everyone made fun of it. we SERIOUSLY did an "expeirment" to see if a ball would be better on: grass, cement, or wood; wtf, right?)
a lot of teachers in the dods system are kind of crazy. they moved overseas, for some reason many of them don't get married, and they do a lot of traveling because they: 1. make good money 2. get good benefits 3. have the schedule to do so 4. live in the places to do so
maybe i shouldn't haven't dropped out of the college of education and went with my plan before to be a teacher and move overseas again.
who knows.
but i wouldn't be who i was today if life were any, no regrets.
so after graduating high school on okinawa, i decided to stay there and attend the university of maryland [extension-asian division] on the base. which...really isn't like a college campus at all, it's just like night classes with military people and their families. i don't mind it like that; just way different than attending somewhere like uh. and i was also working as a teacher aid at a primary school for fairly high functioning special ed children.
[maybe i would be happier now if i worked somewhere like a school again and out of the stuuuupid service industry--but it's just getting through school now so i don't have to work at a restaurant forever. then again, it's not like the restaurant is a bad job, it's actually a really good job [eXspeically considering the economy].]
life in okinawa was great, amazing and an experience i'm so grateful for.
we were only supposed to be stationed there for four years, but my dad ended up retiring there, scoring a shweeet civilian contractor job, my mom had a shweeet teaching job, and life was good.
i'm sad i'm gone and miss it soooo much, but it's a small island and there is much more to the world, and i can always go back again someday [hopefully soon--maybe it will inspire me to want to get at least a minor in japanese...or i was thinking of doing a summer study aboard there [but i'd probably be like a really bad student and just cruise all the time, haha]]
nothing will ever be like it was; i just have to accept that.
one big downfall of living far away: being far away. living in japan we saw our family like once a year.
we went from diving down to see my cousins every othe weekend to seeing them once a year!
i guess you could say that was a sacrafice.
when my grandma was diagnosed with pancreotic cancer we decided to move "home". home--we didn't really have one, but my parents got a house in minnesota where we went every other weekend practically while living in n.d. and we had family there.
very, very small town.
mom my actually suggested i move to hawaii, but i decided i would just go to minnesota...and although i could have gone anywhere, i felt like i didn't really have anywhere to go, and i do like being near my family.
from the fifth grade i was in okinawa, and had to start a new at nineteen in minneapolis.
i hated it. i hated everything.
i hated it so much i probably didn't give it enough of a chance...because there are really great things about minnesota; i just really like being warm, the ocean, the sun and being around people i feel like i can relate with more--(if that makes sense).
i suppose i could be happy anywhere, and i'm sure if i gave minnesota a chance again, i could live there, but at that time, i was just not happy.
i remember when my mom drove me up to my school orientation at the university of mn-twin cities in minneapolis. we went to where i would be living, the school, etc.
as we drove off, i just turned my face towards the windo and silently cried-scared and just not feeling excited about this new journey at all.
basically i went to class during the week. the campus(es) are huge and i think with grad students there were something like 100,000 students.
too big for me.
i didn't meet many people i would consider friends or even many people i'd want to spend my time with, but i did really like one of my roommates though, inge. we cooked spaghetti and sewed a lot of pajama pants and watched way too much of a paris hilton show where she roadtripped around with her best friend.
on the weekends i worked a japanese restuarant.
i saved my money and my mom said if i'm not happy i should go wherever i'll be happy and that if it doesn't work out i can always come "home", so even though for some reason i felt guilty, i decided i was going to move.
i decided between california (around san fran-even though i had never been there) or hawaii.
hawaii it was.
here i am.
i don't know where i'll be later on.
it could be here, it could be there.
my grandpa and i. i look like a fat boy.

my mom's favorite picture of me. like 1.5/2 yrs old.

always crazy. first grade.

me and a cat that i think was named princess.

jobs i've had:
-craft store
-lifeguard/swim instructor
-engrish teacher
-teacher aid
-japanese restaurant(s)
-professional photographer
-writing for kaleo
i wouldn't mind working at a craft store again, but i think i'd be really poor.
i haven't done this in forever is now seems like the perfect time.
where is your mother?
probably at home in mn.
where is your father?
probably deer hunting in mn.
do you like to swim?
i love swimming.
do you need to return anyones phone call?
Where were you born?
where do you keep your birth certificate?
i think my mom has it.
how many days until your birthday?
what is the closest orange object to you?
an orange owl pot i found at savers.
have you sneezed in the past hour?
how many books are in your room?
what did you last eat?
chocolate cake!
name one of your goals for this year?
i'll just set goals next year.
what is the biggest trouble you have ever been in?
ha, not much. tickets -- police wise, detention for skipping once -- high school, drinking in eigth grade -- parents.
did you cry because michael jackson died?
look to your left. what's there?
what are you looking forward to?
big island, mn.
what comes to your mind when i say red?
what other language do you want to be fluent in?
do you crack your neck often?
do you usually hold your pee for a long time?
sometimes, it's bad.
name something you think is pointless?
many of the tasks i do throughout the day.
have you ever been in a fist fight?
with a boy; i got decked.
do you wish at 11:11?
i'm 24 now. 8,760 days i've been alive. i checked that math three times because for some reason i assumed there were more days than that, but i guess not.
as most people say, you don't miraculously automatically feel older, it's more just getting used to replying with "24" when people ask how old you are.
twenty four years ago my pops was digging out the car (since i was born in a blizzard on ellsworth afb, south dakota (in/near rapid city,s.d.)). my mom said i was born between 1 and 1:30 p.m. and that i was out in less than an hour upon her arrival of the hospital.
only some months of living in s.d. i move to arkansas were i lived throughout some of kindergarten.
partway through kindergarten, we moved to north dakota. i think my teacher's name was ms.divorack.
i always liked school and can remember most of my teachers.
second grade, ms.carver (her husband was a trucker)
third grade, ms.danielson (she was young and friends with my mom since my mom's a teacher, too)
fourth grade, ms.brookes (she got married partway through the year, but can remember her "new" name.
[moved to okinawa]
fifth grade, mr.shipley (he's my friend on facebook, we used to steal candy out of his desk)
sixth grade, mrs.germaine (she passed away of cancer a couple of years ago, her daughters went to my h.s.)
seventh grade, mr.kanikkaberg (lori's dad), mr.stevens (from *new hampshire, had accent, always let me run errands for him during class), ms.puzy (engrish, she was nice, her daughter was murdered not so long ago working in a third world country), math (can't remember her name right now, but she was obsessed with math damon and serioiusly would give you extra credit if you brought her in a picture of him from like a magazine or something, and she would post it on the bulliten board)
eighth grade, mr.benjamin (crazy science teacher who told me and my friend, "hey, no shooting up in class!" and he got stranded on an island kayaking and barely survived off of water dripping from inside a cave.), ms.pope (craigery's mom!), mr.pruitt(stuck in the 70's kine clothes with his curly chest hair sticking out and a jerry-curl perm(?), always yelled "sign my folder!" if you were in trouble, my sister had him, too.)
tenth grade, ms.rivers (crazy lady, my sister had her, too.), ms.trusedale (for my dumb-kid science class becasue i didn't want to take anything challenging since science/math is hard for me. she was a hobbit-troll like lady who had sooo much crap packed in her van it was disgusting and everyone made fun of it. we SERIOUSLY did an "expeirment" to see if a ball would be better on: grass, cement, or wood; wtf, right?)
a lot of teachers in the dods system are kind of crazy. they moved overseas, for some reason many of them don't get married, and they do a lot of traveling because they: 1. make good money 2. get good benefits 3. have the schedule to do so 4. live in the places to do so
maybe i shouldn't haven't dropped out of the college of education and went with my plan before to be a teacher and move overseas again.
who knows.
but i wouldn't be who i was today if life were any, no regrets.
so after graduating high school on okinawa, i decided to stay there and attend the university of maryland [extension-asian division] on the base. which...really isn't like a college campus at all, it's just like night classes with military people and their families. i don't mind it like that; just way different than attending somewhere like uh. and i was also working as a teacher aid at a primary school for fairly high functioning special ed children.
[maybe i would be happier now if i worked somewhere like a school again and out of the stuuuupid service industry--but it's just getting through school now so i don't have to work at a restaurant forever. then again, it's not like the restaurant is a bad job, it's actually a really good job [eXspeically considering the economy].]
life in okinawa was great, amazing and an experience i'm so grateful for.
we were only supposed to be stationed there for four years, but my dad ended up retiring there, scoring a shweeet civilian contractor job, my mom had a shweeet teaching job, and life was good.
i'm sad i'm gone and miss it soooo much, but it's a small island and there is much more to the world, and i can always go back again someday [hopefully soon--maybe it will inspire me to want to get at least a minor in japanese...or i was thinking of doing a summer study aboard there [but i'd probably be like a really bad student and just cruise all the time, haha]]
nothing will ever be like it was; i just have to accept that.
one big downfall of living far away: being far away. living in japan we saw our family like once a year.
we went from diving down to see my cousins every othe weekend to seeing them once a year!
i guess you could say that was a sacrafice.
when my grandma was diagnosed with pancreotic cancer we decided to move "home". home--we didn't really have one, but my parents got a house in minnesota where we went every other weekend practically while living in n.d. and we had family there.
very, very small town.
mom my actually suggested i move to hawaii, but i decided i would just go to minnesota...and although i could have gone anywhere, i felt like i didn't really have anywhere to go, and i do like being near my family.
from the fifth grade i was in okinawa, and had to start a new at nineteen in minneapolis.
i hated it. i hated everything.
i hated it so much i probably didn't give it enough of a chance...because there are really great things about minnesota; i just really like being warm, the ocean, the sun and being around people i feel like i can relate with more--(if that makes sense).
i suppose i could be happy anywhere, and i'm sure if i gave minnesota a chance again, i could live there, but at that time, i was just not happy.
i remember when my mom drove me up to my school orientation at the university of mn-twin cities in minneapolis. we went to where i would be living, the school, etc.
as we drove off, i just turned my face towards the windo and silently cried-scared and just not feeling excited about this new journey at all.
basically i went to class during the week. the campus(es) are huge and i think with grad students there were something like 100,000 students.
too big for me.
i didn't meet many people i would consider friends or even many people i'd want to spend my time with, but i did really like one of my roommates though, inge. we cooked spaghetti and sewed a lot of pajama pants and watched way too much of a paris hilton show where she roadtripped around with her best friend.
on the weekends i worked a japanese restuarant.
i saved my money and my mom said if i'm not happy i should go wherever i'll be happy and that if it doesn't work out i can always come "home", so even though for some reason i felt guilty, i decided i was going to move.
i decided between california (around san fran-even though i had never been there) or hawaii.
hawaii it was.
here i am.
i don't know where i'll be later on.
it could be here, it could be there.
my grandpa and i. i look like a fat boy.

my mom's favorite picture of me. like 1.5/2 yrs old.

always crazy. first grade.

me and a cat that i think was named princess.

jobs i've had:
-craft store
-lifeguard/swim instructor
-engrish teacher
-teacher aid
-japanese restaurant(s)
-professional photographer
-writing for kaleo
i wouldn't mind working at a craft store again, but i think i'd be really poor.
i haven't done this in forever is now seems like the perfect time.
where is your mother?
probably at home in mn.
where is your father?
probably deer hunting in mn.
do you like to swim?
i love swimming.
do you need to return anyones phone call?
Where were you born?
where do you keep your birth certificate?
i think my mom has it.
how many days until your birthday?
what is the closest orange object to you?
an orange owl pot i found at savers.
have you sneezed in the past hour?
how many books are in your room?
what did you last eat?
chocolate cake!
name one of your goals for this year?
i'll just set goals next year.
what is the biggest trouble you have ever been in?
ha, not much. tickets -- police wise, detention for skipping once -- high school, drinking in eigth grade -- parents.
did you cry because michael jackson died?
look to your left. what's there?
what are you looking forward to?
big island, mn.
what comes to your mind when i say red?
what other language do you want to be fluent in?
do you crack your neck often?
do you usually hold your pee for a long time?
sometimes, it's bad.
name something you think is pointless?
many of the tasks i do throughout the day.
have you ever been in a fist fight?
with a boy; i got decked.
do you wish at 11:11?
i <3 postcards...(XI)
Monday, November 30, 2009
ma-ma monday.
i did the cleaning i do when i'd much rather procrastinate the homework than do it.
and procrastinating, that, i still am.
and procrastinating, that, i still am.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
starting to stress on sunday.
draft one of final story due tuesday and i've yet to do anything (no interviews, no research, no idea what i'm doing)...but since i'm the biggest procrastinator ever and feel like i work better under pressure, it's just the way it is.
and math. haven't been there for like...two weeks between the fact that it's only twice a week, skipping and the holiday.
buuuuuuuut, big island friday- woo woo.
work had its share of ups and downs.
hotties and snotties.
if i was going to make a music video to a song, this would definitey be the one.
i decided this like three years ago.
click: crooked teeth.
it was going to be like someone just driving around, reminising. (in a dope ass car, of course; one car would be hard to choose though), so it'd be like shots of dope scenery, car, driving, person, old thoughts, etc.)
quite possibly, (top choices right now): an el camino, an old datsun pickup, an old vw bug/bus, suzuki samurai...and, of course, the hachi-broku, maybe even a sweet station wagon. (ok, or those are just a list of some cars i <3/want, but still, good for "the video")
and math. haven't been there for like...two weeks between the fact that it's only twice a week, skipping and the holiday.
buuuuuuuut, big island friday- woo woo.
work had its share of ups and downs.
hotties and snotties.
if i was going to make a music video to a song, this would definitey be the one.
i decided this like three years ago.
click: crooked teeth.
it was going to be like someone just driving around, reminising. (in a dope ass car, of course; one car would be hard to choose though), so it'd be like shots of dope scenery, car, driving, person, old thoughts, etc.)
quite possibly, (top choices right now): an el camino, an old datsun pickup, an old vw bug/bus, suzuki samurai...and, of course, the hachi-broku, maybe even a sweet station wagon. (ok, or those are just a list of some cars i <3/want, but still, good for "the video")
after two days of mostly sleeping i woke up to get lost in savers, which is now re-arranged and more tidy.
then i went to diamond head at noon and sat on the wall and watched the surfers far below.
also hung out with rat-tail cutlass a couple of times, although now he's more just like rat-tail because the cutlass needs stickers, a new battery, a new tire and an oil change.
other than that, i haven't been thinking about school at all (although i should be) and will probably be stressing about it in the next day or so.
finally got to eat some pumpkin pie at work .
kind of slow.
poked my finger with a piece of glass (on accident, of course).
made some money.
drank an echigo after.
threw it up when got home [idk why].
then i went to diamond head at noon and sat on the wall and watched the surfers far below.
also hung out with rat-tail cutlass a couple of times, although now he's more just like rat-tail because the cutlass needs stickers, a new battery, a new tire and an oil change.
other than that, i haven't been thinking about school at all (although i should be) and will probably be stressing about it in the next day or so.
finally got to eat some pumpkin pie at work .
kind of slow.
poked my finger with a piece of glass (on accident, of course).
made some money.
drank an echigo after.
threw it up when got home [idk why].
Thursday, November 26, 2009
i <3 pumpkins.
pumpkin pie. mmmmm.
"it's not that you have bad luck, you're just a dumbass." ...just heard that on "that 70s show".
my thanksgiving, which technically started at 12 a.m. this morning has consisted of: part of a mickey's 40 oz, part of an asahi, the casserole me and d.a.b. had frozen from a while back, and some sanpincha, grahm crackers, more casserole and quesadillas.
i'm definitely not complaining, just enjoyed the relaxing day off.
spent most of it sleeping and the remainder of it wondering what i was doing (with life, current situations, etc), and realized that i'm not digging naga-chan.
as far as shallowe qualities go he was good on paper, but in general i was definitely beginning to see more cons than pros.
kissing him was not bad, but everything else that had to do with his mouth (what he had to say, the way he said it...) i could hardly stand.
i could tell olive really didn't like him and the way he tried to call the cat was by saying, "hey! come!" in a stern, do you really think a cat is going to respond happily to that?
i tried to teach him to say "olllliiiive" the way i do when i call her, but for some reason it was a difficult concept for him.
and he kind of reminds me of my crazy ex boyfriend whom i got a restraining order against.
and he sniffles a lot. he could had a cold, or be allergic to cats...or other things for all i know.
he seems too nice so much that it's fake.
and he smothers me and i don't even know him.
i learned from it.
cut off.
click: don't look back in anger.
since i didn't eat any pupmkin pie i'll just have to get it on my birthday. i like it instead of cake anyway.
"it's not that you have bad luck, you're just a dumbass." ...just heard that on "that 70s show".
my thanksgiving, which technically started at 12 a.m. this morning has consisted of: part of a mickey's 40 oz, part of an asahi, the casserole me and d.a.b. had frozen from a while back, and some sanpincha, grahm crackers, more casserole and quesadillas.
i'm definitely not complaining, just enjoyed the relaxing day off.
spent most of it sleeping and the remainder of it wondering what i was doing (with life, current situations, etc), and realized that i'm not digging naga-chan.
as far as shallowe qualities go he was good on paper, but in general i was definitely beginning to see more cons than pros.
kissing him was not bad, but everything else that had to do with his mouth (what he had to say, the way he said it...) i could hardly stand.
i could tell olive really didn't like him and the way he tried to call the cat was by saying, "hey! come!" in a stern, do you really think a cat is going to respond happily to that?
i tried to teach him to say "olllliiiive" the way i do when i call her, but for some reason it was a difficult concept for him.
and he kind of reminds me of my crazy ex boyfriend whom i got a restraining order against.
and he sniffles a lot. he could had a cold, or be allergic to cats...or other things for all i know.
he seems too nice so much that it's fake.
and he smothers me and i don't even know him.
i learned from it.
cut off.
click: don't look back in anger.
since i didn't eat any pupmkin pie i'll just have to get it on my birthday. i like it instead of cake anyway.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
am i wearing too much purple? what i asked d.a.b. while getting ready for an inpromtu "date" with some friend of a friend's friend whom i met at work(not darren-he's a goner).
random? yes. anything to lose? no (i have pepper spray)
it's whateva.
instead of going to math class today i decided to come home and scrub the oil stains off cement of my parking slot.
d.a.b. and i started cleaning up the lanai. a picnic table would be nice.
i want.
quite random of me to wear purple on the "date"; i rarely wear purple. the dude's favorite color? it just so happened to be purple. and not like small kine, like looooves purple. ...a little odd to me, (liking the color purple part) not that the dude is odd.
we saw "blind side", twas a good show, and grabbed some grub and bought kitty litter.
in comparison ddddarren there was definitely more chemistry and much more to talk about, but nothing i'm trying to jump into...
in taking a friend or two's advice, althogh it just happen to be, he's older than anyone else i've ever really "talked to" ladat (four years older than i).
p.p. knows him through work kine shit and isn't very fond of him...i don't know exactly why. but either way i'll probably find out for myself. sometimes the hardway is inevitable, and besides, that's life.
bottom line, it's whateva.
very, very weird coinsidences:
-met up at ward
-was wearing jeans, a tank and a sweater
-forgot to turn my lights on when leaving
-green is good
-knows p.p.
-it's automatic.
the dude...we'll just call him....naga-chan.
and he told me, "i like you a lot," in the accent llyod did in "dumb & dumber".
random? yes. anything to lose? no (i have pepper spray)
it's whateva.
instead of going to math class today i decided to come home and scrub the oil stains off cement of my parking slot.
d.a.b. and i started cleaning up the lanai. a picnic table would be nice.
i want.
quite random of me to wear purple on the "date"; i rarely wear purple. the dude's favorite color? it just so happened to be purple. and not like small kine, like looooves purple. ...a little odd to me, (liking the color purple part) not that the dude is odd.
we saw "blind side", twas a good show, and grabbed some grub and bought kitty litter.
in comparison ddddarren there was definitely more chemistry and much more to talk about, but nothing i'm trying to jump into...
in taking a friend or two's advice, althogh it just happen to be, he's older than anyone else i've ever really "talked to" ladat (four years older than i).
p.p. knows him through work kine shit and isn't very fond of him...i don't know exactly why. but either way i'll probably find out for myself. sometimes the hardway is inevitable, and besides, that's life.
bottom line, it's whateva.
very, very weird coinsidences:
-met up at ward
-was wearing jeans, a tank and a sweater
-forgot to turn my lights on when leaving
-green is good
-knows p.p.
-it's automatic.
the dude...we'll just call him....naga-chan.
and he told me, "i like you a lot," in the accent llyod did in "dumb & dumber".
Monday, November 23, 2009
i love you so much it hurts.
click: sunlight.
new mason jennings tune.
i had to listen to three new m.j. songs until i heard one i that i really liked. and it honestly made me sad for a minute because he is pretty much my favorite artist of all (at this time), and all of a sudden i wasn't automactically loving his new stuff? sometimes it does take me a minute to warm up, but sometime i'll never really love it. time will tell.
as for this song, however, i love it automatically.
new mason jennings tune.
i had to listen to three new m.j. songs until i heard one i that i really liked. and it honestly made me sad for a minute because he is pretty much my favorite artist of all (at this time), and all of a sudden i wasn't automactically loving his new stuff? sometimes it does take me a minute to warm up, but sometime i'll never really love it. time will tell.
as for this song, however, i love it automatically.
it's november 23rd already!?
...i'm sure everybody is thinking the same. time flies. ...even when you're not always having fun.
Sagittarius - Nov. 23, 2009
This is one of those days when you might not be fully appreciated for the wonderful breeze of fresh air you bring to the group, dear Sagittarius. Revenge of the stale and old may be coming into the fold today. Don't give in to negative forces trying to hold you back from expressing yourself fully. Have confidence that you have everything it takes to be successful in whatever path you decide to undertake.
MSN Astrology
...oh, ri ri?
click: montana.
this song makes me want to road trip...this chilly time of year...anywhere...or in montana (i've never been there).
it's just the kind of song i would probably be listening to on a road trip. this, that, and a lot of mason jennings.
i would just drive and drive and drive and look around and drive and sing and probably smoke a couple of cigarettes and take pictures and think about life.
and feel really free for a minute. or a week.
maybe tennessee? (no, been there, done that)
maybe arizona? (the weird white people at watersports were usually from arizona...)
click: i miss you.
blink 182...i was a big fan of them back in seventh grade days mostly, and a bit after as well.
as far as today goes, i ran a lot of errands and crossed some things of the 'ol to-do list, which is always a good thing.
so for about the past couple of years i hadn't really found a bathing suit that i LOVE, until today.
and i bought it, even though i probably shouldn't have...but i swear i saw a glow beaming from it and heard a singing choir of angels in the background when i spotted it.
maybe motivation to get my white-side out in the sun and get some color.
then when i stopped by my old day job i had an old paycheck i didn't know about...which pretty much covered the cost of the new swim suit. chee hee.
Sagittarius - Nov. 23, 2009
This is one of those days when you might not be fully appreciated for the wonderful breeze of fresh air you bring to the group, dear Sagittarius. Revenge of the stale and old may be coming into the fold today. Don't give in to negative forces trying to hold you back from expressing yourself fully. Have confidence that you have everything it takes to be successful in whatever path you decide to undertake.
MSN Astrology
...oh, ri ri?
click: montana.
this song makes me want to road trip...this chilly time of year...anywhere...or in montana (i've never been there).
it's just the kind of song i would probably be listening to on a road trip. this, that, and a lot of mason jennings.
i would just drive and drive and drive and look around and drive and sing and probably smoke a couple of cigarettes and take pictures and think about life.
and feel really free for a minute. or a week.
maybe tennessee? (no, been there, done that)
maybe arizona? (the weird white people at watersports were usually from arizona...)
click: i miss you.
blink 182...i was a big fan of them back in seventh grade days mostly, and a bit after as well.
as far as today goes, i ran a lot of errands and crossed some things of the 'ol to-do list, which is always a good thing.
so for about the past couple of years i hadn't really found a bathing suit that i LOVE, until today.
and i bought it, even though i probably shouldn't have...but i swear i saw a glow beaming from it and heard a singing choir of angels in the background when i spotted it.
maybe motivation to get my white-side out in the sun and get some color.
then when i stopped by my old day job i had an old paycheck i didn't know about...which pretty much covered the cost of the new swim suit. chee hee.
today was a day.
...just like any other, i suppose.
i woke up, i drank liquids, and ate food, and did things around the house and watched some t.v., and a home movie (although that is not a thing i do normally) and napped before work.
i worked and made some money and then a beer after work with some homegirls and came home.
olive's litter box is in my bathroom (so that's why sometimes it stinks), and at least twice today she came to use the litter box when i was using the toilet...
coincidence or cycle?
i woke up, i drank liquids, and ate food, and did things around the house and watched some t.v., and a home movie (although that is not a thing i do normally) and napped before work.
i worked and made some money and then a beer after work with some homegirls and came home.
olive's litter box is in my bathroom (so that's why sometimes it stinks), and at least twice today she came to use the litter box when i was using the toilet...
coincidence or cycle?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
it started with puffy eyes.
and it's ending(ed) with puffy eyes.
lesson learned for the day: chew food.
after a bit of a rough one last night i woke up and rid some of the bad in my belly and in my throw up: whole, long inoki mushrooms.
Sagittarius - Nov. 20, 2009
It's an excellent forecast for you, dear Sagittarius! Although no specific events leading to this will occur today, there is huge promise of freedom for the next few months. In your chief occupation and in your love life, a fundamental shift is about to occur. As the months unfold, you can expect to be more visionary, more creative, and perhaps more rebellious. This time, you'll be much more effective than in the past two or three years.
MSN Astrology
...let's hope so.
lesson learned for the day: chew food.
after a bit of a rough one last night i woke up and rid some of the bad in my belly and in my throw up: whole, long inoki mushrooms.
Sagittarius - Nov. 20, 2009
It's an excellent forecast for you, dear Sagittarius! Although no specific events leading to this will occur today, there is huge promise of freedom for the next few months. In your chief occupation and in your love life, a fundamental shift is about to occur. As the months unfold, you can expect to be more visionary, more creative, and perhaps more rebellious. This time, you'll be much more effective than in the past two or three years.
MSN Astrology
...let's hope so.
to the man that saved our lives.
...happy birthday and thank you, mr.keliiaa, even though we've never met. (j.rak's paps)
he always looks out for j.rak in her many times of need. on one particular occasion, the only time j.rak and i have ever been in a fight, was at a random boy's house in arcadia, whom we met from the cheesecake factory, when we were sent to "work" (and i only say "work" because it was mostly fun) in california a couple of summers ago.
bottom line- we both liked him.
we somehow let some loser dude we barely knew get between us.
as we left his house driving (drunk), arguing, lost, we somehow managed to find our way perfectly and safely. although we barely remember the return drive, except the fact that we were yelling at each other and then making up a couple minutes later, we also remember seeing random brushfire on the side of the road.
somehow we just knew mr.keliiaa helped us find our way back to our in irvine.
of course the next morning we were like: what were we thinking?!
what's best for me, that's, well, what's best for me.
j.rak helped me remind me of this on our 1 a.m. phone call.
things will definitely be better when she gets back. i'll have my "one friend" again. that one friend that you can call pretty much anytime, to do anything, as long as they're not working...and if they are working, you're probably working there, too, at the same time.
live and learn.
he always looks out for j.rak in her many times of need. on one particular occasion, the only time j.rak and i have ever been in a fight, was at a random boy's house in arcadia, whom we met from the cheesecake factory, when we were sent to "work" (and i only say "work" because it was mostly fun) in california a couple of summers ago.
bottom line- we both liked him.
we somehow let some loser dude we barely knew get between us.
as we left his house driving (drunk), arguing, lost, we somehow managed to find our way perfectly and safely. although we barely remember the return drive, except the fact that we were yelling at each other and then making up a couple minutes later, we also remember seeing random brushfire on the side of the road.
somehow we just knew mr.keliiaa helped us find our way back to our in irvine.
of course the next morning we were like: what were we thinking?!
what's best for me, that's, well, what's best for me.
j.rak helped me remind me of this on our 1 a.m. phone call.
things will definitely be better when she gets back. i'll have my "one friend" again. that one friend that you can call pretty much anytime, to do anything, as long as they're not working...and if they are working, you're probably working there, too, at the same time.
live and learn.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
things on thursday.
omg. i've been killin' this song.
love the song, think the video is kind of weird.
click: two coins.
Sagittarius - Nov. 19, 2009
Emotionally you should be feeling strong today, dear Sagittarius, although you may find that there is an idea running through your head that is asking you to slow down and take things once step at a time. The internal dialogue could drive you crazy if you are not careful. The most important thing for you to do at this time is to simply follow your heart. Do what you love to do, and associate yourself with the people you love and respect the most.
MSN Astrology. i've always said, follow your heart.
well, hell, just looked at my old planner to see what i was doing on november 19th in 2007. i had just arrived in tennesee to meet my (now, or course)ex, nfj, road trip to minnesota to surprise my parents for thanksgiving and give him a car which didn't really run (but he could fix), but i looooved, but that my parents wanted out of their driveway.
a car in which spacy and i had actually been discussing at work tonight, and i love them oh-so-much: the good 'ol ae86.
oh and p.s. did i forget to mention we were going to keep this car, "our car", forever? ha. and i really belived it.
i can't easily find any documentation of what i was doing last year at this time...i was writing everything in "the notebook" and not dating anything.
j.rak is moving back! cheeee heeeee. only one month away!
got a facial and my make-up did at my friend's beauty-kine school plcae. made my skin feel suuuupa nice and probably had on the most make-up i ever did in my entire life. i kind of liked it, although it's nothing i would take the to do (or know how to do) on a regular basis.
i got some powdered face suncreen. pretty sliiiick. and of course i need it if i want to prevent wrinkles and potential skin cancer because i'm really, really bad about putting on sunscreen.
although these days i'm pasty white.
love the song, think the video is kind of weird.
click: two coins.
Sagittarius - Nov. 19, 2009
Emotionally you should be feeling strong today, dear Sagittarius, although you may find that there is an idea running through your head that is asking you to slow down and take things once step at a time. The internal dialogue could drive you crazy if you are not careful. The most important thing for you to do at this time is to simply follow your heart. Do what you love to do, and associate yourself with the people you love and respect the most.
MSN Astrology. i've always said, follow your heart.
well, hell, just looked at my old planner to see what i was doing on november 19th in 2007. i had just arrived in tennesee to meet my (now, or course)ex, nfj, road trip to minnesota to surprise my parents for thanksgiving and give him a car which didn't really run (but he could fix), but i looooved, but that my parents wanted out of their driveway.
a car in which spacy and i had actually been discussing at work tonight, and i love them oh-so-much: the good 'ol ae86.
oh and p.s. did i forget to mention we were going to keep this car, "our car", forever? ha. and i really belived it.
i can't easily find any documentation of what i was doing last year at this time...i was writing everything in "the notebook" and not dating anything.
j.rak is moving back! cheeee heeeee. only one month away!
got a facial and my make-up did at my friend's beauty-kine school plcae. made my skin feel suuuupa nice and probably had on the most make-up i ever did in my entire life. i kind of liked it, although it's nothing i would take the to do (or know how to do) on a regular basis.
i got some powdered face suncreen. pretty sliiiick. and of course i need it if i want to prevent wrinkles and potential skin cancer because i'm really, really bad about putting on sunscreen.
although these days i'm pasty white.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
(red)ford day.
picked up two movies from the h.k. library. one i heard about on an episode of sex and the city [the way we were], and the second one for school [all my sons]. i didn't notice both were robert redford flicks- handsome.
not sure if i'll have time to watch them today, but it's only a dollar a week!
school newspaper article: dining out ettiquette.
i wrote this on a whim after closing three nights in a row. gee, i wonder why...
so i finally had the satisfaction of clearing "o.p.p." off of my to-do list. this of cours meaning "other people's property" was the name of my mission to steal back an old cheech and chong deck of big chris'; although i technically say it's mine because he "indian" gave it to me.
anyway, after about two years i finally stole it back last week.
and now b-sauce is holding my work shoes as a hostage until i front the board back. i have work at 530 p.m. tonight.
dearest board, it was good while it lasted...

cutie video! (and it's filmed down the road from my house!)
click: shawty.
watched "the way we were" this afternoon before work. i guess it's sort of a classic chick flick...and of course in some ways i felt i could relate with katy; definitely when it comes to the being too easy part. (no, i'm not talking like slutty, but more so in the easily giving away love aspect, and maybe giving too much?) ...i guess if there is a thing as too much love.
not to ruin the ending or anything, but in the end-end, they do not end up together and i was a little disapointed because i usually like movies ending in happily ever after...but, i guess sometimes that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
so i got to work and realized (or so i thought) that i had forgotton my black work pants at home...and starting in fifteen minutes didn't really give me the time to run home. once i realized they weren't in my bag, i checked my car (in the dark parking structure and for some reason couldn't get the flashlight in my car to work), and yah, basically didn't find the pants.
i ended up having to wear ed's spandex tight-legging things. ahhhh.
it looked kiiiiiinda goofy. and tareeeeek laughed a lot.
at least my shirt was long enough to cover my b-b-booty. aye, what a night.
and then when i got into the bug to drive home, guess what i found under my feet...?
my black pants.
and for some reason flashlight worked.
not sure if i'll have time to watch them today, but it's only a dollar a week!
school newspaper article: dining out ettiquette.
i wrote this on a whim after closing three nights in a row. gee, i wonder why...
so i finally had the satisfaction of clearing "o.p.p." off of my to-do list. this of cours meaning "other people's property" was the name of my mission to steal back an old cheech and chong deck of big chris'; although i technically say it's mine because he "indian" gave it to me.
anyway, after about two years i finally stole it back last week.
and now b-sauce is holding my work shoes as a hostage until i front the board back. i have work at 530 p.m. tonight.
dearest board, it was good while it lasted...

cutie video! (and it's filmed down the road from my house!)
click: shawty.
watched "the way we were" this afternoon before work. i guess it's sort of a classic chick flick...and of course in some ways i felt i could relate with katy; definitely when it comes to the being too easy part. (no, i'm not talking like slutty, but more so in the easily giving away love aspect, and maybe giving too much?) ...i guess if there is a thing as too much love.
not to ruin the ending or anything, but in the end-end, they do not end up together and i was a little disapointed because i usually like movies ending in happily ever after...but, i guess sometimes that's just the way the cookie crumbles.
so i got to work and realized (or so i thought) that i had forgotton my black work pants at home...and starting in fifteen minutes didn't really give me the time to run home. once i realized they weren't in my bag, i checked my car (in the dark parking structure and for some reason couldn't get the flashlight in my car to work), and yah, basically didn't find the pants.
i ended up having to wear ed's spandex tight-legging things. ahhhh.
it looked kiiiiiinda goofy. and tareeeeek laughed a lot.
at least my shirt was long enough to cover my b-b-booty. aye, what a night.
and then when i got into the bug to drive home, guess what i found under my feet...?
my black pants.
and for some reason flashlight worked.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
my tuesday evening consisted of more christmas decor, a few beers, my roomie, paper crane making and some christmas carols.
since olive cannot handle the temptation of dangling christmas ornaments, we've decided to have our "main" christmas tree with just lights and paper cranes.
i also have a mini-tree that is decorated with shell ornaments my mom made from shells she found in okinawa.
and another tree in progress-the hand tree.
speaking of naughty olive, she's also been stealing caramels from a thanksgiving turkey dish.
went to savers yesterday because i needed, well, nothing...and left with a lot of somethings. best catches of the day: a rasta-colored, knitted baby blanket for future bebe(s), some baby chuck taylor shoe's for jamie's bebe, and a family circus (the comic) little boy's t-shirt (for me) that says: "yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future and today is a gift, that's why it's called present."
r.i.p. the sherlock.
since olive cannot handle the temptation of dangling christmas ornaments, we've decided to have our "main" christmas tree with just lights and paper cranes.
i also have a mini-tree that is decorated with shell ornaments my mom made from shells she found in okinawa.
and another tree in progress-the hand tree.
speaking of naughty olive, she's also been stealing caramels from a thanksgiving turkey dish.
went to savers yesterday because i needed, well, nothing...and left with a lot of somethings. best catches of the day: a rasta-colored, knitted baby blanket for future bebe(s), some baby chuck taylor shoe's for jamie's bebe, and a family circus (the comic) little boy's t-shirt (for me) that says: "yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future and today is a gift, that's why it's called present."
r.i.p. the sherlock.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
it's been a while.
and still not much to say.
i eat. i sleep. i watch t.v. and procrastinate.
and work. and drink.
an old friend is in town so spent yesterday crusing the long way to north shore.
click: it's been a while.
i eat. i sleep. i watch t.v. and procrastinate.
and work. and drink.
an old friend is in town so spent yesterday crusing the long way to north shore.
click: it's been a while.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
i just happen to catch the time at 11:11, and it is indeed 11-11, so...i guess this times wish was extra special. and i wished for what i always wish for.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
hitting the sack.
but before i do here's a daily recap:
picked up the house.
tweezed up my eyebrows.
went to work.
math with micah.
picked up the house.
tweezed up my eyebrows.
went to work.
math with micah.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
私とタリク クラフトのフエア に 行きました。沖縄のドナツ(アダギ)と水とジュースと二つクラフトの物を買いました。ぜんぶは五ドルだった。
(i just felt like writing it in japanese (or better yet, seeing if i still could))
me and tareeek went to the craft fair. i bought okinawan doughnuts (andagi), a water, a juice and two small craft things. everything was only $5.
i like a lot of stuff, but it was expensive.
other good things about today:
minus the crappy part of having to go to a work meeting at 9 a.m. when i had just left work around 2 a.m. only hours before, it wasn't such a bad morning.
on the nice sunday drive to pick up tone (whom wasn't there), tareeek spotted a mickey mouse phone on the side of the of course, score.
basically i got a phone that questionably works for my non-existant house phone line.
he said i wouldn't have to go to savers this week.
chee heee.
but i'm pretty sure i'll still go.


click: thank you.
this was my sunday morning jam on my sunday morning drive thanks to crater 96.5 fm.
it was a good one.
(i just felt like writing it in japanese (or better yet, seeing if i still could))
me and tareeek went to the craft fair. i bought okinawan doughnuts (andagi), a water, a juice and two small craft things. everything was only $5.
i like a lot of stuff, but it was expensive.
other good things about today:
minus the crappy part of having to go to a work meeting at 9 a.m. when i had just left work around 2 a.m. only hours before, it wasn't such a bad morning.
on the nice sunday drive to pick up tone (whom wasn't there), tareeek spotted a mickey mouse phone on the side of the of course, score.
basically i got a phone that questionably works for my non-existant house phone line.
he said i wouldn't have to go to savers this week.
chee heee.
but i'm pretty sure i'll still go.


click: thank you.
this was my sunday morning jam on my sunday morning drive thanks to crater 96.5 fm.
it was a good one.
kam did not kill me, but i could have quite possibly killed myself or someone else. drinking and driving = stupid, stupid, stupid. i don't want to learn the hard way....because it would be so hard.
and things are hard enough as it is.
Photo by: Sweet D (therefore, i am not in the picture.)

i woke up this morning dreading to look at the "outgoing calls" list on my phone, semi-remembering a specific drunk-dial.
i had punched in the numbers, (which i had ever so cleverly deleted out of my phone (but not my head), manually.
i could tell you the number now, i could of told it to you last week, and i'm sure i'll still probably know it in a few months if someone asked me.
thankfully, last night, however, i instead was drunkenly dialing some other fairly well known number in my head: my own house phone. (which i disconnected at least about a year ago, which explains why some operator message kept coming on).
basically, i was too drunk to dial the right numbers.
and i'm glad about that.
and i did roll through work last night pretty buss, and binky (a.k.a. bbc), said i was a "cute drunk". oh god. i didn't even want to know the stupid things i probably did or said...ha
we did definitely eat at like-like drive inn, and i'm thinking i got fried rice.
while out, i lost my house key and no one else was home when i got home, so i just slept in my car until about 8 a.m., until i was eventually able to (forcibly) let myself in.
the first entrance i tried didn't quite work and resulted in a scraped elbow and some cuts on my right calf.
second attemp= success.
luckly, (or so i thought), i had another spare house key.
but when i got home from work tonight i realized the key did not work, so, i again had to forcibly let myself in.
it was good i had a flashlight in my purse.
work went zipping by.
and things are hard enough as it is.
Photo by: Sweet D (therefore, i am not in the picture.)

i woke up this morning dreading to look at the "outgoing calls" list on my phone, semi-remembering a specific drunk-dial.
i had punched in the numbers, (which i had ever so cleverly deleted out of my phone (but not my head), manually.
i could tell you the number now, i could of told it to you last week, and i'm sure i'll still probably know it in a few months if someone asked me.
thankfully, last night, however, i instead was drunkenly dialing some other fairly well known number in my head: my own house phone. (which i disconnected at least about a year ago, which explains why some operator message kept coming on).
basically, i was too drunk to dial the right numbers.
and i'm glad about that.
and i did roll through work last night pretty buss, and binky (a.k.a. bbc), said i was a "cute drunk". oh god. i didn't even want to know the stupid things i probably did or said...ha
we did definitely eat at like-like drive inn, and i'm thinking i got fried rice.
while out, i lost my house key and no one else was home when i got home, so i just slept in my car until about 8 a.m., until i was eventually able to (forcibly) let myself in.
the first entrance i tried didn't quite work and resulted in a scraped elbow and some cuts on my right calf.
second attemp= success.
luckly, (or so i thought), i had another spare house key.
but when i got home from work tonight i realized the key did not work, so, i again had to forcibly let myself in.
it was good i had a flashlight in my purse.
work went zipping by.
Friday, November 6, 2009
first friday...
between grey's anatomony and the news, i've been quite a ball-bagger when it comes to sitting in front of the t.v.
things are just sad.
i also really, really, really want to go see "a christmas carold", which comes out tonight...but then again, no one i would really want to go with.
an old song randomly popped into my head. me and my sister used to have the "onesy" tape that we got from the poptart box.
i used to looove this song.
click: sending all my love.
the plan is to go out with kam tonight. she swears she won't kill me...
things are just sad.
i also really, really, really want to go see "a christmas carold", which comes out tonight...but then again, no one i would really want to go with.
an old song randomly popped into my head. me and my sister used to have the "onesy" tape that we got from the poptart box.
i used to looove this song.
click: sending all my love.
the plan is to go out with kam tonight. she swears she won't kill me...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
the ample sleep, or perhaps, more than ample sleep the past two days left me tossing and turning early this morn.
d.a.b. was up getting ready for work, so we decided to go get some starbucks and sit outside in the chilly air around 6:30 a.m.
i've been watching a lot of news lately. it's pretty sad, a lot of it.
what i wouldn't give to spend another day without having to go to work or school...
but no, i should go to school. i do like it, after all.
Sagittarius - Nov. 5, 2009
There will be intimacy in the air over the next few days. Loved ones suddenly want to spend more time with you, and you find yourself wanting to invite friends over every night of the week! By all means, do so. You will be recharged, and some of the wonderful discussions you'll have could really lead to something great! However, there may be a bit of tension in the air to temper all that closeness as not everyone will totally agree with your point of view on things.
MSN Astrology
...i would doubt it, but we shall see...
so emo.
click: ever so sweet.
d.a.b. was up getting ready for work, so we decided to go get some starbucks and sit outside in the chilly air around 6:30 a.m.
i've been watching a lot of news lately. it's pretty sad, a lot of it.
what i wouldn't give to spend another day without having to go to work or school...
but no, i should go to school. i do like it, after all.
Sagittarius - Nov. 5, 2009
There will be intimacy in the air over the next few days. Loved ones suddenly want to spend more time with you, and you find yourself wanting to invite friends over every night of the week! By all means, do so. You will be recharged, and some of the wonderful discussions you'll have could really lead to something great! However, there may be a bit of tension in the air to temper all that closeness as not everyone will totally agree with your point of view on things.
MSN Astrology
...i would doubt it, but we shall see...
so emo.
click: ever so sweet.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
over things for a minute.
or two.
all day i dreaded writing a paper, but did it.
and i dreaded having to go to work, but was planning on it...until about ten minutes before i had to leave, i got it covered.
pure laziness, or something like that.
i just didn't feel like it.
and not much to say.
i've found cleaning is theraputic as well as a necessity.
all day i dreaded writing a paper, but did it.
and i dreaded having to go to work, but was planning on it...until about ten minutes before i had to leave, i got it covered.
pure laziness, or something like that.
i just didn't feel like it.
and not much to say.
i've found cleaning is theraputic as well as a necessity.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
no need to go outside.
click: white daisy passing.
all the pouring rain has finally cooled off the air...enough so that today on my self-named "sick day" i threw on a pair of long-underware, a hoodie, and decided to email my teacher i would not be attending class today.
all the pouring rain has finally cooled off the air...enough so that today on my self-named "sick day" i threw on a pair of long-underware, a hoodie, and decided to email my teacher i would not be attending class today.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
the early november.
the thanksgiving decor has errupted. and as soon as that's over: christmas.
i just saw a commercial for "a christmas carol" movie coming out. the song in the background was my favorite christmas song: carol of the bells.
and a christams epiosode of scrubs was on. it was a nice thing to watch on a sunday afternoon; but i'd rather be watching it with *you.
i definitely need to take a day and catch up on movies.
click: make it up.
*and this "you" in which i'm referring to, it's no one person in general. i guess there's someone i could image it to be, or wish it was, or just don't know yet, but yah, just saying, it would be nice.
i just saw a commercial for "a christmas carol" movie coming out. the song in the background was my favorite christmas song: carol of the bells.
and a christams epiosode of scrubs was on. it was a nice thing to watch on a sunday afternoon; but i'd rather be watching it with *you.
i definitely need to take a day and catch up on movies.
click: make it up.
*and this "you" in which i'm referring to, it's no one person in general. i guess there's someone i could image it to be, or wish it was, or just don't know yet, but yah, just saying, it would be nice.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
you can always trust a fairy.
Friday, October 30, 2009
fru-fru friday.
speant the late morning meticulously looking through the clothes racks at savers. ending result: success. got the load of clothing. a vairety of dresses, shorts, shirts and of course crap for the house.
it was seriously thursday.
i was seriously thirsty.
i almost died in math. i was so antsy and hot and tired.
met up with p.p. for some shopping (for something other than used things) at the mall. i serioulsy hated everything in the first store and some things i thought were okay in another were like a million dollars.
so i got a plain shirt and a cute, plain dress.
i want to wear boots.
boots and dress.
and i decided i definitely need my fix of savers in the morning.
hopefully i'll be in a "clothes mood", because you kind of have to be.
gyukaku de tabemashita. oishikata desu.
i've been listening to quite a bit or tori amos. fall/winter months always remind me of tori amos, which i pften listened to through freshman year of h.s. and originally started listening to in middle school. ...back when i used to wear my doc martin boots, the same ones in my closet now.
those days are long behind.
it's weird to think that that pair of boots has been with me since middle school. peering around my room there's not many things (here) which have been with me for that long.
click: jackie's strength.
i almost died in math. i was so antsy and hot and tired.
met up with p.p. for some shopping (for something other than used things) at the mall. i serioulsy hated everything in the first store and some things i thought were okay in another were like a million dollars.
so i got a plain shirt and a cute, plain dress.
i want to wear boots.
boots and dress.
and i decided i definitely need my fix of savers in the morning.
hopefully i'll be in a "clothes mood", because you kind of have to be.
gyukaku de tabemashita. oishikata desu.
i've been listening to quite a bit or tori amos. fall/winter months always remind me of tori amos, which i pften listened to through freshman year of h.s. and originally started listening to in middle school. ...back when i used to wear my doc martin boots, the same ones in my closet now.
those days are long behind.
it's weird to think that that pair of boots has been with me since middle school. peering around my room there's not many things (here) which have been with me for that long.
click: jackie's strength.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
had a lot of dreams last night...and actually remembered them. i used to remember them all the time, especially in h.s., but now, not so often.
anyway, last night's dreams:
-riding on a crazy ride/rollercoaster thing. it was like up in the clouds and then dove strait down and all nuts.
-some kind of war was going on around "us" (whoever that was). and i was with a dude and his family during this "tragic" time crusing at their house. weird.
-i think another one was about work or serving or something.
that's all i can really explain about any of them.
another article: options plentiful for healthy lifestyle.
again, not my title. argh. oh well.
school for an interview and then work.
anyway, last night's dreams:
-riding on a crazy ride/rollercoaster thing. it was like up in the clouds and then dove strait down and all nuts.
-some kind of war was going on around "us" (whoever that was). and i was with a dude and his family during this "tragic" time crusing at their house. weird.
-i think another one was about work or serving or something.
that's all i can really explain about any of them.
another article: options plentiful for healthy lifestyle.
again, not my title. argh. oh well.
school for an interview and then work.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
the usual day.
went to school.
came home and watched charlie brown's halloween episode, the great pumpkin, ate dinner and realized my own pumpking only a few days old is already funny with mold. i guess it makes it more creepy.
charlie brown reminds me of my grandpa. i remember him liking it when i was a kid or something.
i love this picture of my grandparnts (fred and claralene). july 8, 1956

k.o.'d at like 9:45 p.m.
went to school.
came home and watched charlie brown's halloween episode, the great pumpkin, ate dinner and realized my own pumpking only a few days old is already funny with mold. i guess it makes it more creepy.
charlie brown reminds me of my grandpa. i remember him liking it when i was a kid or something.
i love this picture of my grandparnts (fred and claralene). july 8, 1956

k.o.'d at like 9:45 p.m.
Monday, October 26, 2009
click: breakup article.
i randomly wrote this about a month ago.
for j.rizzle.

singing jogger update:
yes, i've been hearing him...maybe about once a week.
yesterday we had the doors open in the middle of the day since there was a nice breeze blowing through the house and i happened to hear him running by when i was downstairs. i yelled for d.a.b., "it's the signing jogger!" and she ran out the front door with me, saw (and heard) him a bit down the sidewalk.
she thought i should talk to him.
it wasn't the day.
and what's to say?
work was dead. blah.
did get off semi-early though.
speaking of semis...ahh trucking.
i randomly wrote this about a month ago.
for j.rizzle.

singing jogger update:
yes, i've been hearing him...maybe about once a week.
yesterday we had the doors open in the middle of the day since there was a nice breeze blowing through the house and i happened to hear him running by when i was downstairs. i yelled for d.a.b., "it's the signing jogger!" and she ran out the front door with me, saw (and heard) him a bit down the sidewalk.
she thought i should talk to him.
it wasn't the day.
and what's to say?
work was dead. blah.
did get off semi-early though.
speaking of semis...ahh trucking.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
sun, skittles, and such on sunday.
Sagittarius - Oct. 25, 2009
Keep your eyes wide open today, dear Sagittarius, as you may meet the soul mate of your dreams! Or, you could stumble, literally, upon a stack of cash. It is likely to be a most unusual day, so keep your mind open to all possibilities and keep your wits about you. If an intriguing new business opportunity comes your way, don't accept it right away. Take down all the information and review it when life has settled down somewhat.
MSN Astrology
watched another baseball game. me and d.a.b. both had supporting orange toenails (and we didn't even plan it.) d.a.b. brought skittles instead of sunflower seeds.
did get a pretty hetfy stack of cash last night at work. mostly becasue i was oober busy with a huge section. twas good though.
Keep your eyes wide open today, dear Sagittarius, as you may meet the soul mate of your dreams! Or, you could stumble, literally, upon a stack of cash. It is likely to be a most unusual day, so keep your mind open to all possibilities and keep your wits about you. If an intriguing new business opportunity comes your way, don't accept it right away. Take down all the information and review it when life has settled down somewhat.
MSN Astrology
watched another baseball game. me and d.a.b. both had supporting orange toenails (and we didn't even plan it.) d.a.b. brought skittles instead of sunflower seeds.
did get a pretty hetfy stack of cash last night at work. mostly becasue i was oober busy with a huge section. twas good though.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
d.d.d. art.
Friday, October 23, 2009
some thing don't work out like they should.
...but some do.
click: ehu girl.
last night i thought about the couple of lava lamps i had as a kid and decided i need one again. so, i thought "craigslist"....sure enough someone about five minutes down the road posted a garage sale they were having this morning and indeed selling lava lamps.
so it's not even 10 a.m. on a saturday morning and i've already gotten two lava lamps from the garage sale ($5 each), and a pumpkin for carving.
and the same 'ol song til sounds: miss me. (different version)
got a ticket back to minnesota for christmas with mi familia! ureshii yo!
family and a breath of very cold air will be an amazing feeling.
something i'm definitely looking forward to!
working here in a couple of hours for about eight hours.
something i'm not looking forward to.
a random old family christmas photo...early 90s.

click: daily dose of aloha.
click: ehu girl.
last night i thought about the couple of lava lamps i had as a kid and decided i need one again. so, i thought "craigslist"....sure enough someone about five minutes down the road posted a garage sale they were having this morning and indeed selling lava lamps.
so it's not even 10 a.m. on a saturday morning and i've already gotten two lava lamps from the garage sale ($5 each), and a pumpkin for carving.
and the same 'ol song til sounds: miss me. (different version)
got a ticket back to minnesota for christmas with mi familia! ureshii yo!
family and a breath of very cold air will be an amazing feeling.
something i'm definitely looking forward to!
working here in a couple of hours for about eight hours.
something i'm not looking forward to.
a random old family christmas photo...early 90s.

click: daily dose of aloha.
friday. my day.
Your home could be a gloomy place today, dear Sagittarius. A member of the household is likely to be away, and this person's presence is apt to be very sorely missed. The only thing you can do under the circumstances is to make sure everyone keeps busy until the absent one returns. One way to distract the family is to get them to clean up the house in anticipation of a warm welcome!
MSN Astrology
...not expecting much of anyone...but i did spend majority of the day hardcore cleaning.
i had a headache most of the day and couldn't figure out why...
until i realized i hadn't had any caffine yet today.
i'm addicted.
i'll average a pot/a pitcher of tea a day.
click: end of the road.
MSN Astrology
...not expecting much of anyone...but i did spend majority of the day hardcore cleaning.
i had a headache most of the day and couldn't figure out why...
until i realized i hadn't had any caffine yet today.
i'm addicted.
i'll average a pot/a pitcher of tea a day.
click: end of the road.
i <3 postcards...(x)
what a day yesterday was.
got a free psychic reading at school.
according to her i'm an old soul who's had 1,327 lives and my last relationship didn't last because my old flame "didn't love himself", his emotional hurt, family stuff, and baggage...
"about 12 emotionally."
she also said he was standing in the checkout line across the kcc cafeteria from where i was sitting...
so, unless o.d. happened to crusing in the kcc cafeteria incognitoishly, i'm 99.9 percent sure this is all b.s.
but hey, anything is possible.
oh yah, and i recorded it. (i wasn't sneaky, i asked).
she said it might not work because of "a lot of electromagnentic energy" she has, so supposedly sometimes her voice doesn't show up.
verdict: it showed up.
as i was just listening back through it the batteries in my recorder i'll have to finish the rest of the things she said about me later.
so after lots of math studying i took my exam. i know i passed, but didn't know everything. it's whateva; i'm glad it's over until the next one.
made some baked apples.
so b-sauce is right,
i am pretty whack.
as far as darren goes,
i just don't feel like texting back.
my eye had been twitching for a couple of days, too.
i looked up online causes of eye twitching:
-stress [math exam]
-lack of sleep [busy]
-strain [lots of computer usage]
-too much caffine [an abundance of tea, sometimes coke]
got a free psychic reading at school.
according to her i'm an old soul who's had 1,327 lives and my last relationship didn't last because my old flame "didn't love himself", his emotional hurt, family stuff, and baggage...
"about 12 emotionally."
she also said he was standing in the checkout line across the kcc cafeteria from where i was sitting...
so, unless o.d. happened to crusing in the kcc cafeteria incognitoishly, i'm 99.9 percent sure this is all b.s.
but hey, anything is possible.
oh yah, and i recorded it. (i wasn't sneaky, i asked).
she said it might not work because of "a lot of electromagnentic energy" she has, so supposedly sometimes her voice doesn't show up.
verdict: it showed up.
as i was just listening back through it the batteries in my recorder i'll have to finish the rest of the things she said about me later.
so after lots of math studying i took my exam. i know i passed, but didn't know everything. it's whateva; i'm glad it's over until the next one.
made some baked apples.
so b-sauce is right,
i am pretty whack.
as far as darren goes,
i just don't feel like texting back.
my eye had been twitching for a couple of days, too.
i looked up online causes of eye twitching:
-stress [math exam]
-lack of sleep [busy]
-strain [lots of computer usage]
-too much caffine [an abundance of tea, sometimes coke]
Thursday, October 22, 2009
...(thank god it's almost friday)
today...did a little sleeping in and the beached it solo in good 'ol nalo.
had some ono steak plate from the ono steaks' truck.
Photo by: Sweet D

math and micah:
studied with a boy from my math class for an exam i'm having tomorrow (tenically later today).
he's nineteen.
enough said.
today...did a little sleeping in and the beached it solo in good 'ol nalo.
had some ono steak plate from the ono steaks' truck.
Photo by: Sweet D

math and micah:
studied with a boy from my math class for an exam i'm having tomorrow (tenically later today).
he's nineteen.
enough said.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
another article: jet program.
gave olive a bath. i don't think she's too happy.
i have a problem. with procrastination and math.
i think a good job for me right now would be a maid. like, you really don't have to talk to people much, just clean...
not at a hotel, but at like a rich person's house.
but of course i'm just going to keep my same job, as always.
Sagittarius - Oct. 19, 2009
Have love matters been causing you excessive strain for a while now, dear Sagittarius? If so, you can expect that to end now. Someone you love very deeply reciprocates your feelings and, if there are differences between you, is very anxious to resolve them and look toward the future. This relationship will probably succeed if you go in with eyes wide open. Don't have unrealistic expectations of your partner. Learn to love human flaws as much as perfections.
MSN Astrology
...ha. not for me, not today.
gave olive a bath. i don't think she's too happy.
i have a problem. with procrastination and math.
i think a good job for me right now would be a maid. like, you really don't have to talk to people much, just clean...
not at a hotel, but at like a rich person's house.
but of course i'm just going to keep my same job, as always.
Sagittarius - Oct. 19, 2009
Have love matters been causing you excessive strain for a while now, dear Sagittarius? If so, you can expect that to end now. Someone you love very deeply reciprocates your feelings and, if there are differences between you, is very anxious to resolve them and look toward the future. This relationship will probably succeed if you go in with eyes wide open. Don't have unrealistic expectations of your partner. Learn to love human flaws as much as perfections.
MSN Astrology
...ha. not for me, not today.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
sun, sunflower seeds, and such on sunday.
off to watch a game of baseball down the road of d.a.b.'s new man's team.
(and further put off my math)
good thing i had on the orange nail polish since the teams color was orange.
um...gonna put off math until tomorrow.
click: band of gold.
i had definitely forogt how nice to take pleasure in the simple things of life like laying in the sun and jumping in a pool on a hot day.
even understanding a math problem is nice (but not for today).
(and further put off my math)
good thing i had on the orange nail polish since the teams color was orange.
um...gonna put off math until tomorrow.
click: band of gold.
i had definitely forogt how nice to take pleasure in the simple things of life like laying in the sun and jumping in a pool on a hot day.
even understanding a math problem is nice (but not for today).
Saturday, October 17, 2009
last night was a fuzzy haze of writing. finally finished a school piece just now. while writing this health article i sat at home and drank coke and ate pudding. and isn't it ironic, don't ya think?
i'm gonna watch a movie and then take a nap before work tonight.
i'm not even going to think about math, even though i should. i'm just gonna put it off until tomorrow. and do a lot of extra credit.
for as much as i was dreading work it wasn't bad at all. pretty cruise night. most people dug my orange nail polish.
had some charelston chews with b-saucy afta work. charelston chews candy bars always remind me of road tripping as a kid and gas stations. i'd always get mountain dew and charelston chews and mini-chocolate donuts. ...not much has changed i suppose.
reminds me of my pops, too.
my parents are going to get me a ticket to be in minnesota for christmas. :)
i'll probably plan for about a week (or so). i'm not planning any long layovers or too many small stops anywhere...just want to see my family.
i'm gonna watch a movie and then take a nap before work tonight.
i'm not even going to think about math, even though i should. i'm just gonna put it off until tomorrow. and do a lot of extra credit.
for as much as i was dreading work it wasn't bad at all. pretty cruise night. most people dug my orange nail polish.
had some charelston chews with b-saucy afta work. charelston chews candy bars always remind me of road tripping as a kid and gas stations. i'd always get mountain dew and charelston chews and mini-chocolate donuts. ...not much has changed i suppose.
reminds me of my pops, too.
my parents are going to get me a ticket to be in minnesota for christmas. :)
i'll probably plan for about a week (or so). i'm not planning any long layovers or too many small stops anywhere...just want to see my family.
Friday, October 16, 2009
facts of friday.
woke up at about 6 a.m. this friday morning. had an appointment for an interview and then did a couple random interviews. this was the first time i just chose random people, so it was kind of funny like scanning the area and thinking "hm...who do i want to talk to..." .
somehow i'm always shopping for something so i went to the store and got some stuff...decided to make the load of sweets. more worms 'n dirt, orange jello which i plan into making into pumpkin and leaf jigglers, and also also bought stuff to make baked apples.
painted my nails orange.
took a nap.
woke up just before the sunset so decided to grab my camera and check it out since i'm rarely free during that time.
two kids playing alongside the ocean.

made some bacon wrapped mushrooms on the grill for one and plan on spending the rest of the night writing a story for the school paper.
of the people i would like to see- impossible. millions of miles away (j.rak) literally and then some, metaphorically. other than that, i'd just like to be alone for the night.
oh yah, i've been hearing a lot of the singing jogger recently and saw him today when leaving the house at 7 a.m. footage, footage...i need footage.
somehow i'm always shopping for something so i went to the store and got some stuff...decided to make the load of sweets. more worms 'n dirt, orange jello which i plan into making into pumpkin and leaf jigglers, and also also bought stuff to make baked apples.
painted my nails orange.
took a nap.
woke up just before the sunset so decided to grab my camera and check it out since i'm rarely free during that time.
two kids playing alongside the ocean.
made some bacon wrapped mushrooms on the grill for one and plan on spending the rest of the night writing a story for the school paper.
of the people i would like to see- impossible. millions of miles away (j.rak) literally and then some, metaphorically. other than that, i'd just like to be alone for the night.
oh yah, i've been hearing a lot of the singing jogger recently and saw him today when leaving the house at 7 a.m. footage, footage...i need footage.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
click: living in a tree.
hmm..what's to say about today?
didn't have class but went to school for an interview and a meeting. went to work, got off really early and spent what i made at savers. got some good stuff, as usual.
my mind is blank.
hmm..what's to say about today?
didn't have class but went to school for an interview and a meeting. went to work, got off really early and spent what i made at savers. got some good stuff, as usual.
my mind is blank.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
i hate math.
after driving around looking for the building f o r e v e r and then driving over some concrete that o.d.'s company had been laying when i had went to work with him (weird), i made my way to the honolulu consulate of japan. the atmosphere was very japanesey. a japanese show was playing on the television, everyone there was almost seemed as though i was back in japan for a moment.
found a penny from 1990 today in class.
i do hate math. because it's really confusing and my teacher won't explain it.
it was no wonder i was a bitchy chocolate fiend a couple of days ago since it is indeed that time of the month again.
with a samuel adams' october fest beer at hand, i was just watching a commercial about breast cancer and it made me start tearing up. and then it showed a lady with her best friend and it made me miss j.rak. and my family. and i thought about anything sad and just let it all out for the extent of alexi murdoch's song, orange sky. ...the video makes me want to do some traveling.
click: all my days.
found a penny from 1990 today in class.
i do hate math. because it's really confusing and my teacher won't explain it.
it was no wonder i was a bitchy chocolate fiend a couple of days ago since it is indeed that time of the month again.
with a samuel adams' october fest beer at hand, i was just watching a commercial about breast cancer and it made me start tearing up. and then it showed a lady with her best friend and it made me miss j.rak. and my family. and i thought about anything sad and just let it all out for the extent of alexi murdoch's song, orange sky. ...the video makes me want to do some traveling.
click: all my days.
Monday, October 12, 2009
article four.
click: find a friend over coffee.
(again, not the title i had and i still like mine better, but oh well.)
(again, not the title i had and i still like mine better, but oh well.)
Sunday, October 11, 2009
i like october.
and october always reminds me of around the time when i first moved here. i listened to a lot of matt costa then and saw matt costa in a small venue in china town.
click: astair.
click: fire and rain.
it's overcast and the wind is finally picking up, thankfully.
it was first time to ever try cooking gyoza. i just bought the frozen ones and tried steaming half and pan-frying the other half. the friend one actually caught on fire for a minute so i just lifted it up and blew it out; still good. turned, aight. i think i had the heat too high...and i don't know why it caught on fire.
the steamed ones i didn't really stirs around in the pan so the bottoms got stuck and they were kind of mushy, but tasted good.
a couple of lessons learned.
really, really, really, really, really had one of those nights at work when i want a new job. i hated it, but i made pretty good money. ...that is a predicament.
the moon was nice tonight.
click: astair.
click: fire and rain.
it's overcast and the wind is finally picking up, thankfully.
it was first time to ever try cooking gyoza. i just bought the frozen ones and tried steaming half and pan-frying the other half. the friend one actually caught on fire for a minute so i just lifted it up and blew it out; still good. turned, aight. i think i had the heat too high...and i don't know why it caught on fire.
the steamed ones i didn't really stirs around in the pan so the bottoms got stuck and they were kind of mushy, but tasted good.
a couple of lessons learned.
really, really, really, really, really had one of those nights at work when i want a new job. i hated it, but i made pretty good money. ...that is a predicament.
the moon was nice tonight.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
your egos is pregos.
my friend called me at 6:30 saturday morning and i picked up...well, because i wasn't quite asleep.
her: diane, i knew you would be awake.
me: i had just got up to use the restroom, but coudln't get back to sleep.
her: what are you doing next summer?
me: next summer? i don't know...probably be here.
her: good, you can help me babysit. i'm pregnant.
...and that's pretty much how the conversation went.
not too many people really close to me (i.e. best friends, sister, etc.) has even been prego...until now. just found out one of my good friends is havin a bebe; i'm excited. (except for the fact that we always discussed being pregnant together, as all girls do...but, she can always have more kids ;] )
and i cannot reveal who it is just yet because it's her news to tell, not mine.
omg. i can see how bad this is going to get already. everytime i go to a store now i'm gonna want to look at baby stuff for her and try to find like retro baby stuff at savers.
and baby crafts to make, too. shower! the planning starts now.
other than that...i decided to make eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast. (the previous blog probably had something to do with that)
and shared some with a friend.
i was thinking about going to an optional journalism lecture at school today at 9 a.m...but, well, it's 10:56 a.m. and here i am.
so i just felt like watching the wonder year's episode where kevin really doesn't understand math becasue i can relate... instead of popping in the dvd i tried looking it up on youtube, but the only thing that came up is a bunch of video of daica mckellar (winnie) and her book of "math doesn't suck" she wrote. she's a mathmatician.
click: drinking for 11.
her: diane, i knew you would be awake.
me: i had just got up to use the restroom, but coudln't get back to sleep.
her: what are you doing next summer?
me: next summer? i don't know...probably be here.
her: good, you can help me babysit. i'm pregnant.
...and that's pretty much how the conversation went.
not too many people really close to me (i.e. best friends, sister, etc.) has even been prego...until now. just found out one of my good friends is havin a bebe; i'm excited. (except for the fact that we always discussed being pregnant together, as all girls do...but, she can always have more kids ;] )
and i cannot reveal who it is just yet because it's her news to tell, not mine.
omg. i can see how bad this is going to get already. everytime i go to a store now i'm gonna want to look at baby stuff for her and try to find like retro baby stuff at savers.
and baby crafts to make, too. shower! the planning starts now.
other than that...i decided to make eggs, bacon and toast for breakfast. (the previous blog probably had something to do with that)
and shared some with a friend.
i was thinking about going to an optional journalism lecture at school today at 9 a.m...but, well, it's 10:56 a.m. and here i am.
so i just felt like watching the wonder year's episode where kevin really doesn't understand math becasue i can relate... instead of popping in the dvd i tried looking it up on youtube, but the only thing that came up is a bunch of video of daica mckellar (winnie) and her book of "math doesn't suck" she wrote. she's a mathmatician.
click: drinking for 11.
eggs, bacon, chips or cheese.
...which would you rather please?
we used to play this game when you would hold another persons hands/wrists and spin them around. and one would ask, "eggs, bacon, chips or cheese...which would you rather please?" ...which would be like the speed of the ride.
we used to play this game when you would hold another persons hands/wrists and spin them around. and one would ask, "eggs, bacon, chips or cheese...which would you rather please?" ...which would be like the speed of the ride.
Friday, October 9, 2009
fired-ish on friday.
click: motorcycle drive by.
Sagittarius - Oct. 9, 2009
It's a good day for you, dear Sagittarius, to put some of those creative ideas to work. Pull out your favorite craft supplies and have some fun exploring color and design. If you have children, consider including them in on the activities. It may amaze you to listen to the incredible ideas and innovative thoughts your own kids have that you never thought of. If you don't have an "idea box" where old bottles, egg cartons, odd buttons, ribbons, and scraps of colored paper can collect for times like this, start one today!
MSN Astrology
...crafts for friday night, perhaps?! ...i have been wanting to make a fall wreath.
so i went to my day job and saw that i was whited-off the schedule and not, right?
i mean, seriously, you could have told me before i came in.
so i sent my manager a nasty text and told him to stop putting me on the schedule since he pretty much did anyway.
he's a duche and i was pretty over it, so it works out, i guess.
after having a cigarette and walking back home i caught up on a million emails and putting all of my pictures i have saved to cd's on an external harddrive and made a wreath. (all while listening to "dd's faves" playlist. it's pretty old, but definitely has some classics.)
i used all kine extra fabric i had. it's pretty fally, so i like the colors.
i think my mom and sis and i made these when i was a kid.
here's the directions i used: no sew fabric wreath.
Photo by: Sweet D

i also listened to about an hour-long podcast about stochasticity- which basically is randomness.
"coinsidences" you cannot explain is just an example of stochasticity.
[which pretty much goes against the way i've always looked at things. i also look at coinsidences as "signs" or just a way of showing that fate, if there is such a thing, is going in it's right direction, or something...]
but basically, this thoery (or whatever it is), says everything is random.
although the craziest, rarest of things might happen, there's always that very, very, very slim chance it will happen, and it has to be someone.
according to the podcast:
1985-1986, the same lady wins lottery two years in a row. -crazy, right?! (i so thought at first.) 1 in 17.3 trillion chance of it happening. but it does happen, and more often that you would think. there were many cases in the past were the same person has won the lottery two years in a row, one guy even won two lotteries in the same day!
ok, pretend you are a blade of grass amongst all the blades of grass on the golf course. when the golf ball gets hit, it eventually lands somewhere on the grass and of course those blades whom the ball does land is probably like "oh my god! why me out of all these blades of grass?!" ...but, again, it has to be someone.
ex3) (this is one pretty crazy)
laura buxton was a 10 year old in europe with a red balloon. on the balloon she wrote her name, address and “please return” on it. it could have went up and popped or got stuck in a tree, but no, it traveled south…passed millions of people…140 miles away…and lands in a different girls yard on opposite ends of the country.
a man found it almost throwing it away until he saw the message on the balloon. he did indeed return it to a "laura buxton", but a different laura buxton. this laura buxton lived in this town across the country and was also 10 years old. the second laura contacted the first laura and the two became friends. what they found most odd was that when they met they looked similar and both were wearing pink jumpers and jeans. both had a three year old black lab, grey bunnies and both brought their guinea to pigs with them… and had similar birthmarks.
this is just too crazy too believe, right?
fate? a miracle? or all just chance?
...according to those on the pocast, this is just another case of stochasticity.
i don't know.
we met up at the bar,
darren and i.
i made it a point,
we both would drive.
it wasn't bad,
small kine fun,
but in the back of my head,
another image still hung.
sometimes i'd draw a blank
when that familiar song came on:
what am i doing in this place?
what's the conversation?
there weren't any butterflies
when we touched our lips,
more like a numb, mediocre
kind of kiss.
just as everthing else,
it is what it is.
...we will just have to see where life takes me from here.
iddnk. (i definitely do not know.)
Sagittarius - Oct. 9, 2009
It's a good day for you, dear Sagittarius, to put some of those creative ideas to work. Pull out your favorite craft supplies and have some fun exploring color and design. If you have children, consider including them in on the activities. It may amaze you to listen to the incredible ideas and innovative thoughts your own kids have that you never thought of. If you don't have an "idea box" where old bottles, egg cartons, odd buttons, ribbons, and scraps of colored paper can collect for times like this, start one today!
MSN Astrology
...crafts for friday night, perhaps?! ...i have been wanting to make a fall wreath.
so i went to my day job and saw that i was whited-off the schedule and not, right?
i mean, seriously, you could have told me before i came in.
so i sent my manager a nasty text and told him to stop putting me on the schedule since he pretty much did anyway.
he's a duche and i was pretty over it, so it works out, i guess.
after having a cigarette and walking back home i caught up on a million emails and putting all of my pictures i have saved to cd's on an external harddrive and made a wreath. (all while listening to "dd's faves" playlist. it's pretty old, but definitely has some classics.)
i used all kine extra fabric i had. it's pretty fally, so i like the colors.
i think my mom and sis and i made these when i was a kid.
here's the directions i used: no sew fabric wreath.
Photo by: Sweet D

i also listened to about an hour-long podcast about stochasticity- which basically is randomness.
"coinsidences" you cannot explain is just an example of stochasticity.
[which pretty much goes against the way i've always looked at things. i also look at coinsidences as "signs" or just a way of showing that fate, if there is such a thing, is going in it's right direction, or something...]
but basically, this thoery (or whatever it is), says everything is random.
although the craziest, rarest of things might happen, there's always that very, very, very slim chance it will happen, and it has to be someone.
according to the podcast:
1985-1986, the same lady wins lottery two years in a row. -crazy, right?! (i so thought at first.) 1 in 17.3 trillion chance of it happening. but it does happen, and more often that you would think. there were many cases in the past were the same person has won the lottery two years in a row, one guy even won two lotteries in the same day!
ok, pretend you are a blade of grass amongst all the blades of grass on the golf course. when the golf ball gets hit, it eventually lands somewhere on the grass and of course those blades whom the ball does land is probably like "oh my god! why me out of all these blades of grass?!" ...but, again, it has to be someone.
ex3) (this is one pretty crazy)
laura buxton was a 10 year old in europe with a red balloon. on the balloon she wrote her name, address and “please return” on it. it could have went up and popped or got stuck in a tree, but no, it traveled south…passed millions of people…140 miles away…and lands in a different girls yard on opposite ends of the country.
a man found it almost throwing it away until he saw the message on the balloon. he did indeed return it to a "laura buxton", but a different laura buxton. this laura buxton lived in this town across the country and was also 10 years old. the second laura contacted the first laura and the two became friends. what they found most odd was that when they met they looked similar and both were wearing pink jumpers and jeans. both had a three year old black lab, grey bunnies and both brought their guinea to pigs with them… and had similar birthmarks.
this is just too crazy too believe, right?
fate? a miracle? or all just chance?
...according to those on the pocast, this is just another case of stochasticity.
i don't know.
we met up at the bar,
darren and i.
i made it a point,
we both would drive.
it wasn't bad,
small kine fun,
but in the back of my head,
another image still hung.
sometimes i'd draw a blank
when that familiar song came on:
what am i doing in this place?
what's the conversation?
there weren't any butterflies
when we touched our lips,
more like a numb, mediocre
kind of kiss.
just as everthing else,
it is what it is.
...we will just have to see where life takes me from here.
iddnk. (i definitely do not know.)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
shiranai yo.
i randomly decided to swim some laps yesterday. felt good.
and beach in nalo, always a good time.
could it be i don't have anything eles to say?
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
today i'm wearing the weird japanese t-shirt. (to be posted afta afta)
it was quite a decision to wear this "outfit" i've thrown together today. i mean, i like it, but i do think it's a little strange...and if i think it's strange, then most people will most definitely think it's strange.
but oh well.
i thought about how kaimi always says you can where whatever you want as long as you like it and it feels good.
and i'm wearing it.
here's what it says:
Your smile makes me happy
Casual wear for people who love dogs
a dog will always be your best friend
refresh one's body and mind
your innocent smile encourages me try
to again. the warm sunlight
I have to smile myself. because i love you.

....the funniest part is i just got to school and saw alexa (alex) randomly in the computer lab and he looked me up and down with a puzzled and somewhat disgusted face..
and beach in nalo, always a good time.
could it be i don't have anything eles to say?
>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
today i'm wearing the weird japanese t-shirt. (to be posted afta afta)
it was quite a decision to wear this "outfit" i've thrown together today. i mean, i like it, but i do think it's a little strange...and if i think it's strange, then most people will most definitely think it's strange.
but oh well.
i thought about how kaimi always says you can where whatever you want as long as you like it and it feels good.
and i'm wearing it.
here's what it says:
Your smile makes me happy
Casual wear for people who love dogs
a dog will always be your best friend
refresh one's body and mind
your innocent smile encourages me try
to again. the warm sunlight
I have to smile myself. because i love you.
....the funniest part is i just got to school and saw alexa (alex) randomly in the computer lab and he looked me up and down with a puzzled and somewhat disgusted face..
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
click: go your own way.
Sagittarius - October 6, 2009
Don't be surprised if you don't spend too much time at home today. All signs are that you're more likely to be out and about, shopping, visiting, maybe attending a special dinner or concert. There are a number of family activities that you won't want to miss, dear Sagittarius, so don't let the people in your life get too caught up in watching sports on TV!
MSN Astrology
homework. school.
somehow got a 36/50 on the last math exam. wayyy better than i thought considering i guessed on pretty much everything.
i feel like my stomach is getting in the way. ewww.
and yet, what do i do about it?
i feel bad for my poor baby olive. she has to wear the neck cone for a couple of weeks and she is sore from her surgery. she's been just falling alseep in my lap and she hasn't done that since she was a small kitten.
her and i were sitting in the wheel chair so i just wheeled around if i had to move not to disturb olly.
Sagittarius - October 6, 2009
Don't be surprised if you don't spend too much time at home today. All signs are that you're more likely to be out and about, shopping, visiting, maybe attending a special dinner or concert. There are a number of family activities that you won't want to miss, dear Sagittarius, so don't let the people in your life get too caught up in watching sports on TV!
MSN Astrology
homework. school.
somehow got a 36/50 on the last math exam. wayyy better than i thought considering i guessed on pretty much everything.
i feel like my stomach is getting in the way. ewww.
and yet, what do i do about it?
i feel bad for my poor baby olive. she has to wear the neck cone for a couple of weeks and she is sore from her surgery. she's been just falling alseep in my lap and she hasn't done that since she was a small kitten.
her and i were sitting in the wheel chair so i just wheeled around if i had to move not to disturb olly.
Monday, October 5, 2009
yah mon-day
Sagittarius - October 5, 2009
A group with which you are associated could bring information to your attention that puts you in a very positive frame of mind and almost has you skipping all the way home. You should enjoy socializing today, dear Sagittarius, as you are even more gregarious than usual and both old and new friends could seek out your company. A victory of some kind has come your way, which contributes to your great mood. Enjoy your day.
MSN Astrology
finally got a new (used, of course) computer chair. seven bucks at goodwill, and it's red.
click: evolution of dance. i wanna learn this.
1/100 children have autism. scary. (just heard it on the news)
b/c of better diagnosis and more being born with.
A group with which you are associated could bring information to your attention that puts you in a very positive frame of mind and almost has you skipping all the way home. You should enjoy socializing today, dear Sagittarius, as you are even more gregarious than usual and both old and new friends could seek out your company. A victory of some kind has come your way, which contributes to your great mood. Enjoy your day.
MSN Astrology
finally got a new (used, of course) computer chair. seven bucks at goodwill, and it's red.
click: evolution of dance. i wanna learn this.
1/100 children have autism. scary. (just heard it on the news)
b/c of better diagnosis and more being born with.
article tree.
click: okinawans mirror native hawaiians.
(this isn't what i named it...and i like my title better, but oh well.)
(this isn't what i named it...and i like my title better, but oh well.)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
my pops and i used to say this when i was little.
wow...i never new there was a whole list of ten-codes!
click: 10-codes.
i <3 fall decor and my new camera.
(i'm guessing a lot more pics coming soon.)
took a stroll to the shopping center down the road to run a couple errands and cruise with the w.s. crew for a minute.
i put on my headphones and it was back to the old mason jennings playlist and it felt great.
getting back to "me".
i bought a shirt at savers,
it came with quite a shock:
the tag inside read darren.
off all the t's in the world...this is the one i got?!
i've also been listening to the load of jack johnson.
hmmm...jack johnson, is good.
work was fairly slow.
towards the end of the night i was near the front and saw a lady with her hands over her face with her down.
she was crying.
i asked her if she was okay and she said no; someone had just hit on her and head and stole her purse just on the corner in front of the restaurant. she was sobbing and had a couple other scrapes.
i called the police and other comforted her until the cops came.
witnessed a seemingly rare occurance on the drive home: lightning.
seriously though, it barely ever seen lighting or hear thunder in hi.
my pops and i used to say this when i was little.
wow...i never new there was a whole list of ten-codes!
click: 10-codes.
i <3 fall decor and my new camera.
(i'm guessing a lot more pics coming soon.)
took a stroll to the shopping center down the road to run a couple errands and cruise with the w.s. crew for a minute.
i put on my headphones and it was back to the old mason jennings playlist and it felt great.
getting back to "me".
i bought a shirt at savers,
it came with quite a shock:
the tag inside read darren.
off all the t's in the world...this is the one i got?!
i've also been listening to the load of jack johnson.
hmmm...jack johnson, is good.
work was fairly slow.
towards the end of the night i was near the front and saw a lady with her hands over her face with her down.
she was crying.
i asked her if she was okay and she said no; someone had just hit on her and head and stole her purse just on the corner in front of the restaurant. she was sobbing and had a couple other scrapes.
i called the police and other comforted her until the cops came.
witnessed a seemingly rare occurance on the drive home: lightning.
seriously though, it barely ever seen lighting or hear thunder in hi.
now that i can see you...
...i don't think you're worth a second glance. (-dash con)
day recap:
casey,pool,bacon wrapped mushrooms and steak on the grill around noon.
cold stone.
the bug is indeed running wonderfully btw.
along with the bracelet comes the friendship. it's now cut off.
click: rapid hope loss.
day recap:
casey,pool,bacon wrapped mushrooms and steak on the grill around noon.
cold stone.
the bug is indeed running wonderfully btw.
along with the bracelet comes the friendship. it's now cut off.
click: rapid hope loss.
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