...in my own head i change the words to the song to make it fit with my life.
off for the next two days. :)
olive just had a check-up and got a vaccine at the vet. she's very healthy and i found out she's an american shorthair. (well, at least part) it doesn't seem like the other ones i've seen in pictures have her spotted belly. i think she may be part bengal, too.
according to wikipedia they live fifteen to twenty years.
olive, you and i got a long way to go... :)
as much as i wanted to try and make her and outdoorish cat the vets don't really recommend it since it's not as safe for them. looks like she'll mostly be staying inside. maybe she can cruise the bug here or there with me sometimes...
since olive was found at pearl city high school we weren't quite sure her age. the doctor said she's between eight and ten weeks old and i had to pick her a birtday at the vet so april 15, tax day, is now olive's birthday.
so i came across a goofy cat astrology website for my little aries olive.
click: foo foos cat astrology.
here's some things it said:
-adventurous and pioneering
-enjoy climbing all over things and especially looking into others' windows
-in past lives, these cats were probably sailing on pirate ships, exploring uncharted waters, burying treasure (and let's not forget raping and pillaging). ...(??)
-get used to the constant trips to the pound that will result from their wandering.
-the bodily correspondence of this sign is the head because felines born under this sign can be head strong and independent
-the aries cat will spend far too much time preening in front of a mirror.
-an unusual hobby of the aries feline is motoring and auto mechanics.
-ruled by mars
-color is red
-is a fire and cardinal sign
-prefer nimble japanese sports cars ...yay, me too.
olive photo shoot.
Photos by: Sweet D

i've pretty much mastered the "first day of my life" song by bright eyes. faaaaak yaaaaah.
and i was teaching myself joe purdy's "miss me" on the uke today. sounds aiiiight.
my fingies are killing me now.
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