got soooo many good things though...
spent fifteen bucks alone on one little statue-figurine thing...but it's from 1971!
i think i'm gonna give it to o.d. because i'm a corn-ball like dat

literally got like twenty new cups, too.
click: seriously.
so i saw the first dude i was ever "talking" to in hawaii during the savers trip. at first i just saw a dude, long hair, thought to myself, eh, good looking...
then i realized he looked sooo familiar...
and then i realized it was some dude named kalewa who i met in my music class my first semester at kcc. (he didn't have long hair then)
anyway, that whole thing didn't last long. he thought i was weird (imagine that!)...and i thought he was weird. but it wasn't two weirds that meshed.
we waved to each other, he saw me drive off in the bug. probably thinks i'm the shit. hahah. j/k, for real.
met o.d.'s familia yesterday. had a lot of fun at his sister's graduation party. i would say i held my own fairly least until the end of the night.
i was the "official photographer" which was fun since i like taking pictures anyway. it also forced me to interact with everyone and i think it got me some brownie points with the ma.
with pops on the other hand i just talked fishing, hunting and taxidermy. no problemo there.
like i said, i was doing pretty well for myself until the beers and couple shots of tequilia started cathing up with me. and then for some reason i kept throwing f-bombs non-stop! aye...i was the f-bomb queen of the night. i feel kind of bad about having such a bad mouth. eeek. hopefully they'll let it slide.
blame it on the al-al-al-al-al-alcohol.
click: blame it.
...did i seriously just post this song? ...sweet desus...been hanging out with o.d. a lot.
oh yah, and when we got home i acidentally fell off the driveway. it's kind of hard to explain, but it was like a 2-3ft. drop. not exactly sure if i fell into the bush or just on the ground, but o.d. said when he came around the corner i was gone and then he heard rustling around in the bushes.
again, blame in on the al-al-al-al-al-alcohol.
this morning when i was leaving i looked at where i had falled and saw to metal rods sticking up out of the ground.
basicially, one could have easily pierced my body and i could have died. thankfully i did not.
lost my slippers, too. well, according to o.d. i didn't loose them. i left them even though he told me to grab them before we left but i decided that i no needed them. i usually walk around barefoot anyway.
it just sucked when i went to savers because i had to wear my disgusting work shoes which looked ridiculous btw.
life is good; i'm happy. so nice to finally cruise the bug again.
speaking of bugs...guess who has/had a bug...o.d.'s ex. but of course she has a whack new one. i would never want a new one...i mean, i'd take one, but then i'd just sell it and get an old one or one of the other million other cars that i want.
anywho...some dude was like "i like your car! it's hot!" when i was driving home from savers. good bug, good bug.
some treasures from today:
a gaudy christmas tree topper. we used to have one like it when i was a kid. it was only $.99. i rike it a rot.

gloves. $4 i need to go visit my familia in mn this winter

this is ugly. i know. but i used to have one just like it in like second or third grade!

Sagittarius - June 7, 2009
Imagination and fantasy are a big part of your thinking today, dear Sagittarius, and you should not hesitate to embrace this frame of mind. There is a great deal of power that can be drawn from your sense of freedom to explore and dream. Your thinking is more of a higher consciousness at this time and you should take advantage of this lofty perspective by seeing things from a more neutral point of view.
MSN Astrology
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