i can see much of myself in my father. besides having a butt-chin like him, i'm quite a talkative story-teller, as is he. his nickname is even "hollywood" because he knows everrrryone (and if he doesn't, he will start talking to you anyway). it is also "hollywood" because while we were living in japan japanese people always thought he was an "american movie star". haha.
he taught me all i know and love about the outdoords such as fishing and camping. he let me skip school just to go fishing with him sometimes. he got me my first bow and arrow in the second grade for my birthday. in fifth grade i spent every single saturday at the archery range with him and the boys.
he also showed me the joy in the many simple pleasures of life.
although we live so far away from each other now and aren't two to talk to each other on the phone very often, we are still very close. whenever i'm home he always makes it a point to take me out on the motorcycle, do some christmas shopping together, watch home movies, or have a beer with just me. and then my dad always gives me good advice on life. i'm so lucky.
we used to listen to hank williams jr. on road trips all the time, so here's one for my pap. click: family tradition.
pop's family, 1973. (he is top left corner.)

my parents, 1978

pop's senior picture, 1979

pops and i, 1988

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