first off, this is very disgusting, but interesting information. i don't know why i'm looking it up, or how it got here, but here's some information about pimples.
i even hate that word. eww.
(click and scroll down)
What's all the gunk inside a pimple?you're welcome.
anyway, had a very good day at school. i was a little slow in asl class, but still had a good class. signing is fun. i wish i had more people to practice with.
i need a video acting class i was definitely not planning on doing the improv today. however, we started them so he and i decided to go first. mostly him, but i agreed, and i'm really glad we did it.
honestly, it was amazing.
i mean, i was not nervous at all and had a lot of fun doing it!
my partner was marvelous. we both just got into the scene like we had been dating for like 4 years.
so here's how it went. like i said, we had been dating for about 4 years, lived in a studio together. it was all set up with a kitchen, bed and couch. it started as i was cooking and he was trying to get into the place, but he had forgotten his key or something. i was very glad to see him and hugged him and i brought him food, (scrambeled eggs, because that's all we had, i apologized about it) and he asked what i was doing all day and i said "making crafts". hahahaha. and he was like "what kinds of crafts?"
"st.patrick's day ones".
he was acting a little strange, i thought, so i was like "why ar you acting weird?"
he denied it but eventually we sat down on the couch and when i snuggled near him he finally couldn't take it anymore and started to get all serious. "diane," (it was good he used my name, it made it seem more real. i wish i would have said his name, but for some reason i never did. for some reason this strange, but true, for some people, like some boyfriends or whatever, i'll say their name, like to call out to them. but for some reason, some, even ones i'm really close to, i don't. i wonder what that means...) ...(cont. from before that long as parenthasis) "i have to tell you something..." so he gets out he wants to break up and i:
1. act like he's kidding. i'm like, "shut up...yah, right...what do you really want to tell me?"
2. try to lure him into bed to "fix the problem". this part was pretty clever on my part. i took off my sweater (i had a tank-top underneath) and tried to pull him down on the bed. he denied.
3. took his keys like a crazy bitch so that he couldn't leave.
4. made up girl's who he works with saying "you like her?" like a crazy bitch.
5. i started freaking out saying "why? WHY?" like a crazy bitch. and played the whole "what's wrong with ME!? what did i do? why don't you like me? etc."
and then, there is a surprising interruption (which my partner and i had NO IDEA what it would be; the teacher made it up): the damn phone starts ringing. even though i TOLD him not to, he picked it up. he talked a bit and hung up. we continued fighting and it rang again. i threw the phone to the ground and broke it. we continued fighting. then, a knock at the door. it was my bf's buisness partner, they were trying to talk in secret and i was pissed. i was being a real bitch, and eventually started getting a little physical. he left. and then came back again. finally, the buiesness parnter blew up saying, "i can't take it anymore! just tell her! i'm gonna just tell her!" and he told me that the two were not only buiesness parters but lovers.
so, it went on from there.
it was good, like i said.
my partner is really cool. we are gonna hang out sometime; he lives near me.
seriously though, like i really felt myself putting myself back in a few situations of break-ups. i was even like "how am i going to tell this to my family? and yours...and what about my sister's wedding next month!" i mean, just anything that makes it seem real, and it really really really seemed real.
VIDEO CAMERA! someday, someday.
so, just a few minutes ago i was thinking it was actually later in the afternoon than it really was. then i realized that i had on the computer light (which i don't usually have on at this time of day) and so i turned it off and it completely changed my mind set back to the earlier time it should feel like and be.
ok, so, back to school. in newswriting we had 2 guest speakers. they are t.v. and/or newswriters. one's beat is in crimes. we saw some gory shit. just this morning 3 people died in a horrific car accident on the pali highway. they found what "appears to be" 2 males and 1 female. here is a quote i heard quoted from someone else, "it's hard to tell what age they are when they don't have face." wow.
the story is very sad. and then we saw video footage of the wreckage. you couldn't even tell what you were looking at is really a car with 3 people still in there, somehow.
it was good to hear the journalists' stories. i think it sounds like a really fun job. kind of crazy, at times, but i like crazy.
Sagittarius - February 26, 2009
You should find that the general mood of the day is favorable to your personality style, dear Sagittarius. Take this opportunity to present more of your thoughts and ideas to the world. Let your voice be heard. Use it with strength and vigor. You have partners and friends who are eager to hear what is on your mind. Engage in verbal sparring. You will find that you can learn a great deal about yourself and others.
MSN AstrologyWOW. VERBAL SPARRING. that is exactly what i did in acting class today. and yes, the mood of the day was very favorable and i did learn a great deal about myself today. i felt more comfortable with myself; i was not nervous; and i really enjoyed acting. (i always said i hated acting, even if you asked me about acting like year i would have told you i
hated it)
i'm gonna go ride my bike to the bank. it's been feeling unwanted, it may even have a spider web, and i gotta tell bsaucy about it at work tonight.
that was a quick ride to the shopping center. saw chris, he gave me some more music, yipee!
i also went to the bank. i like flirting with this one young boy that works there. haha.
last night i randomly called my ex boyfriend and said "riiighteeooouuuuusss!" because he always used to say that. it was really funny. since he didn't pick up i left it as the only word in the message. i just tried to call him to see if he got it, but his phone is still off. maybe he lost it and will never recieve the message, which is maybe a good thing.