Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the date

The girl looked in the mirror one last time
She was quite happy with the meticulous artwork on her face
She dashed downstairs leaving a trail of lucious perfume
There by the door awaited the date
He stood tall and sported a plaid shirt with fitted blue jeans and brushed hair
Satisfied, the boy took her by the arm and let her into the chilly night
She grew warmer when he placed his coat upon her shoulders
Before they continued, he intertwined his warm gentle hands with hers
The girl wondered where they were headed as they passed the brightly lit stores and malls
Everytime she asked, he would gently place a finger across her pink lips and smile
He then proceeded to a nearby toy store
The girl was mesmerized by the endless array of toys while the boy began a low chatter with the store clerk
The old clerk raised his wispy, white eyebrows in acknowledgement and handed him a wrapped box
The boy offered his gratitude and led his date out the door
He then muttered a few words as he thrust the candy striped box towards her hands
The girl brushed a few locks of shiny, blonde hair out of her eyes before opening the mysterious gift
She found it to be her old teddy bear which had been repaired to almost mint condition
Tears began to flood her beautiful eyes as she embraced the young, and now, pleased you man
He thought of all the memories that must have been filling her very colorful mind
He then placed his arms around her as well
There was not a prettier sight that night
The glow that illuminated from the couples' hearts was so great that it was seen around the world

this is by my good friend, oska lawrence. it was in our kadea middle school newspaper and i found a clipping of it at my parents house the last time i was there.
i love it


  1. duuude WOoow! urs and os's r hella GOOd! i read it like 3 times each!holy shite! im blown away. oskas i can see the images in my head its like a picture. urs is so emotional it kinda tugs at the heart. sad and dreamy. very nice. ill smoke dis bowl in ur guy's honor~ 2thumbs up

  2. My language was so callous at that age! I should try to rewrite this poem with some softer words. Should I have a reading at Borders hahahaha.
