Sunday, February 15, 2009


so i had this idea: changing the world one notbook at a time... like, my notebook helps me to get things out, remember things i feel and it's convienient for writing lists, directions, phone numbers, lap swim hours, songs to download, etc.

a notebook is much lighter than a laptop and more personable.

i began giving my friends notebooks. i would decorate them and or give them sort of prompts to writing and ways to use the notebook in an organized manner (although mine is never organized). and maybe write a nice line or two, include a picture of something i know they'll like, or maybe a picture of when we were young.

in theory, people will begin to "vent" through writing and so everyone will be happier, and in turn, the world will be a better place.
it's also fun to look back at things you wrote when you were younger.

honestly though, you have to somewhat filter out the things you wouldn't mind people reading about if they found or you lost your notebook vs things that you never want anyone to know.

still, "notebooks are the answer!" . (i made that slogan up myself)


"changing the world one notebook at a time"...
here's a message i got from a friend:
"you've inspired me with the whole notebook concept. i'm going to start my own soon."

1 comment:

  1. I love notepads. I buy 'em in bulk from Wal-Mart. Old tech for the win.
