Monday, February 9, 2009

i like mondays this monday.

it's only 12:07pm but already a good day. woke up, ran a couple errands and went to the beach with chris to take some cup pictures and do some reading for school.
it started to rain on us in a little since we were in waimanalo. when we got back to the truck i couldn't find my keys. it sucked. it seemed like forever and we searched everywhere. . .and then i found my bag...and only 5 minutes had passed.
chris said his horoscope was about deciding to go on a vacation. i think me and him kind of went on a mini-vacation...he was told at work to take a "2 hour lunch break"...which is whack, but it worked out because i happened to stop by his work right before i went to the beach.

my horoscope:
Sagittarius -
February 9, 2009
A lot of visitors may come to your home today, dear Sagittarius. Land might be discussed. At some point you'll be reminded of someone from the past, and experience a momentary wave of longing to see this person again. This won't last, however. You'll be too busy relating to the people now present. Expect to learn a lot and accomplish more throughout the course of the day. Go for the gold!

OH MY GOD! this is right on! at 3am last night(morning) i checked my facebook and got a message from an old lover (as in, i loved him). he said he saw a girl who looked like me and it made him miss me.
it made me miss him, too. it made me think: "what IF i saw him again?"
and now i know?


sometimes i really hate being short, but today chris gave me a perk of being small. when it start raining at the beach i threw my towel over huge tree roots to make as a tent.
i could fit. chris couldn't.

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