Tuesday, February 3, 2009


acting class got canceled...i was all ready to get my improv. done, but oh well, thursday, for sure this time!

Sagittarius - February 3, 2009

This is one of those days in which you might not be fully appreciated for the wonderful breeze of fresh air you bring to the group, dear Sagittarius. Revenge of the stale and old may be coming into the fold today. Don't give in to negative forces trying to hold you back from expressing yourself fully. Have confidence that you have everything it takes to be successful in whatever path you decide to undertake.

MSN Astrology

uh huh....

i'm still unable to remember my dreams...not the way i used to be able to anyway. i think i remember being in the sun...i had a tan in my dream.

i need some sun.

joey welded the clutch pedal on the bug, but i have to wait 24hrs for it to set. hopefully it will be all 'g' tommorrow!

1 comment:

  1. hey girlie!

    It's Quyen! just popping in to say hi! I'm a follower of your blog now. my blog is named after all my 3 pets. It's pretty boring since it's all craft-related stuff...nothing personal...yet. I'm enjoying your blog very much. Looking forward to coming back! talk to you later, or see ya at work. R u feeling better? did the food finally digest? heheh...that was a lot of food!
