Sunday, February 15, 2009

library card.

so i finally went and got a library card a couple of days ago. when i first walked in the front doors and through the foyer it smelled like those nasty school lunches for preschoolers. do you know the smell i'm talking about?? maybe only i do because i worked at a school a few years ago. anyways, it kind of grossed me out. and then when i got inside it was nothing like i imagined it would be. i pictured it more like the base library on okinawa, but it was very openly spaced. there was one lady at the checkout so i waited to the side of her near the desk and the lady at the desk made me "go stand by the rope", which was like 7 ft back. i kind of felt like an idiot, is that normal library etiquette? like at the bank or at a clinic? oh well, idk.
i filled out the form, got a card and had a little "briefing". after getting the card i decided not to look around. next time, next time.

i was wondering what it would be like to work would not be my number one choice library to work at. although i am making this judgement based on pretty much completely nothing because the farthest i went in was to the front desk. who knows.

maybe i'll go check it out again in the next couple of days or so. using the library is a good way to save money. for instance, at his library you can rent dvd's for $1 and you get to keep them for a week. since i didn't look yet, i don't know what kinda of dvds there are, but i'm sure they have a lot of interesting things.

perks to being a librarian:
-it's a fairly peaceful job (how often do you think you get irrate customers? um...never?)
-reading to kids at story time would be fun
-making up themes and decorations for the library sounds fun. i enjoy making bulliten boards, posters, etc.
-i think it'd be easy to just walk around and look at random books
-will learn the dewy decial system, haha
-i would have my friends come to the library and i'd help them find cool books about whatever they like
-easy hours
-you have a lot of time to think about things

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