Tuesday, February 24, 2009

defense decisions for women.

so i randomly picked out this book at the library yesterday: "fight like a girl...and win". i thought it looked interesting and useful.
the intro tells about the author who was a military brat that grew up in japan (like me :) ) and began karate while living there (not i). anyway, she wrote a book talking about things she's learned from her amry father, her karate sensei and just women's self defense in general.

...wow. as i am continuing to read, i have now found out that the author had spent part of her life in la and for some time and during the summer of 1985 (the year i was born) she was a television news journalist (i've been enjoying my journalism class a lot...).

according to the book, one first needs to begin by taking precautions around the house such as always closing windows, locking doors, etc. (both, my cousin and i, too) and...the front porch light could use fixing.
obviously, you must always be alert: at home, at work, during leisure time.
while out at bars and such, always be ready with a cell phone, knowledge of the exits, and plans for transportation.
be weary of car jackers. there are more that 38,000 per year.
"1 in 12 women will be stocked udring her lifetime."
according to the FBI, there is a forcible rape in the US every 5 minutes.

well, back to reading...

1 comment:

  1. Do what I do and carry a blade at all times; I have a 3" Buck switchblade always in one of my pockets.
